I'm studying to be a Butler.....
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Bob Tree goes through the Yellow Pages alphabetically to pick jobs, applies, and messes them up every time.

In the B's, he arrives at Butler and takes a crash-course with the somewhat odd Mr. Butler.

Bob gets hired, but really more as babysitter-cum-housekeeper for Jacques, his fuzzy lover Anne Jamieson and, most of all, her spoiled-rotten kids Bates and Tess, who are terrible handfuls, but his unorthodox methods might at least take them by surprise......

Remember when Tom Green was everywhere for five minutes? Road Trip, Charlies Angels, being married to Drew Barrymore had him all over the place, then he blatantly pulled the biggest prank he could do, getting a major Hollywood Studio to green light and fund Freddy Got Fingered. But I really hope that his idea was to make one of the most inane films ever to grace the cinema. It had funny parts, but it made absolutely no sense, and after Stealing Harvard, he vanished.

I never know that this film existed until I found it on Prime, and although it's one of the most average films ever to be made, it has some charm to it, like a Shein Mrs Doubtfire, sans make up.

So we have your textbook rich family setting. The kids soon warm to BOb, the boyfriend is a little threatened by him, and just as the mother begins to fall for him, he loses his job, and any chance of reconciliation.

But we all know how it will end up, after all, it follows the traditional three story Arc that comedies have been following since the eighties.

Green puts a little bit of his trademark Schlick into the film, but he looks desperate in this. He knows his ship has sailed.

It's not a bad film by any means, we've just seen it all before.....
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