Review of Siberia

Siberia (2018)
27 April 2024
Now I know why I missed out on this Keanu Reeves picture, it was quite a misfire of a movie!

The bad: it isnt a terrible movie, but it is quite slow. Now slow doesnt have to mean boring and it aint boring for sure, but it aint exactly exciting or thrilling either.

We get to see Keanu Reeves try to sell diamonds to some shady folks in Russia. And will he be able to make a diamond deal and come out alive? This story sounds exciting, BUT it is the opposite of an action movie. It is SLOW slow.

More bad: the romance with a Russsian lady isnt convincing, nor is it in any way romantic or dramatic. It's just a rather unbelievable fling, which could have easily been cut out of the movie entirely.

Not any good? The suspense is quite good. The acting by Keanu Reeves is quite good as well. And all the other actors are okay. But this movie was cheaply made (mediocre direction, mediocre photography, mediocre soundscore). This movie simply misses that extra umph that would make it thrilling...
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