The Bulldog Breed (1960) Poster

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Dark tints around the edges of the usual Wisdom comedy fare.
hitchcockthelegend20 October 2010
The Bulldog Breed is a Norman Wisdom vehicle that's directed by Robert Asher & co-written by Wisdom with Henry Blyth & Jack Davies. Plot sees Wisdom as Norman Puckle, a hapless grocer's assistant who is hopelessly in love with Marlene (Penny Morell). When she spurns his offer of marriage he attempts to commit suicide, but he proves to be inept at that as well. Finally settling on jumping off of "Lover's Leap" as a sure fire way to die, he is saved at the last minute by a Naval Officer who seduces him with talk of life as a sailor, where the girls are plenty and life is totally great. Buying into it Norman enrols, but he quickly finds that it's a tough life, that he is hopeless as a sailor and that the commander wants to fly him off into outer space!.

The Bulldog Breed comes at a time when Wisdom was most prolific on the big screen, in a 17 year period from 1953 to 1969 Wisdom was the lead star in 15 movies. While during this time he was lending support to a number of ensemble and TV pictures too. It's inevitable that during a busy period such as this that the quality of entertainment will vary, this effort falls some where in the middle on the list of Wisdom's best movies. The formula remains the same as Wisdom plays plays a bumbling but lovable dope who creates carnage where ever he goes. The comedy set pieces are many, with a "man overboard" sequence of events the particular highlight. While it also serves as an interesting snap shot of the times. Where The Bulldog Breed differs from many of Wisdom's most fondly thought of film's is with its darker tones of suicide and sexual suggestion (the latter beautifully brought to life by the sultry Liz Fraser). It's an odd mix of a film, and one that has proved to divide Wisdom purists. Newcomers to his work are most likely better off choosing something else as a starting point to his movie output. 6/10

Footnote: The film marks early appearances of Michael Caine and Oliver Reed who share a scene together with Wisdom. While fans of British soap Coronation Street will find value in seeing actors Johnny Briggs and William Roache also appearing in the piece.
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Enormous fun, marvellous set-pieces, great humanity.
acamera9 August 1999
Norman Wisdom is- in all of his films- very human. The puppy-dog eagerness, willingness to do anything set before him, ability to make a mistake and then go on to make it worse- are, of course, the very stuff of the comic character that he sets up for us to laugh at. But his genius lies in the ability to make us identify with him, to 'live the life' with him, even as we guffaw.

In the Bulldog Breed there are stock characters aplenty, and the players act their roles accordingly, but Wisdom- like a wicked imp- seems to dodge and dart round the convention & hierarchy that still- in 1960- characterized much of the English way of doing things. He is like the benign counterpart of a poltergeist: causing disruption, certainly, but not as an alien or supernatural incursion, rather a human intervention into a stiff and inhuman environment. The sequence in which he gets a whole ship's crew into the water is an excellent example of this.

One thing that often goes unremarked in Wisdom's films is the sexual presence there. There is almost always some lubricious lovely in the line-up and, in this case, Wisdom (after some other amorous adventures) ends up on the beach with a girl in a grass skirt, being told to 'carry on'. By contemporary standards what is there is so laughably little that it seems distinctly odd to regard it as 'sex interest' but, in historical context, it is definitely that, and as much a part of the humour as 'dirty postcards' were a part of the English seaside holiday of the time.

Bear in mind, by the way, that in the years running up to the first moon-landing, this film is also a comment on Britain's presence in space!
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Competent Norman Wisdom Vehicle
boblipton22 May 2020
Despite the advice of the scientists who built it, Admiral Ian Hunter insists that any idiot can run the controls for the first manned spaceship, so long as he has passed basic training for the Royal Naval. Unfortunately, the idiot chosen is Norman Wisdom.

It's another vehicle for Mr. Wisdom, in the sort of role that George Formby might have played in his day, minus the singing. Most of the routines are standard for a service comedy, although there are one or two that are better than usual: an early series, where he tries to commit suicide, and one where he paints a ship's hull. The women, who are just present for eye candy, include Liz Fraser and Ann Scott. If you look carefully, you can see uncredited Michael Caine and Oliver Reed in a fight.
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Interesting, but not one of his best.
Davo1233 May 2000
'The Bulldog Breed' is one of my favourite Norman Wisdom films, but not one of his best.It is interesting because of the space flight angle, and the film certainly captures the mood of the era.

In many respects this is a sad film; Puckle is portrayed as a rather tragic character, who never really finds his niche.The whole films carries a slight air of depression about it, which is not helped by the melancholy music score.

There are several funny scenes, notably the 'man overboard' scene, the diving lesson, and the mountain climbing episode. In all of these though, the comedy is diluted by the overall gloom of the film.

A hidden gem in the film are the brief, uncredited, appearances of Michael Caine and Oliver Reed in the cinema foyer scene.
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Fitfully amusing
Leofwine_draca5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another fitfully amusing Norman Wisdom vehicle. You know what you're getting with these and he's never been my favourite comedian, although he has his moments. Here, he plays his usual gurning, goofy self, accidentally joining the Navy and getting up to the usual slapstick hijinks along the way. Some inventive animated special effects take place alongside a huge ensemble cast of straight-faced straight-men British character actors.
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The Unsinkable Norman Puckle
richardchatten15 August 2023
Our Norman's appeal was that of the 'little man', - which is why his films were considered sufficiently politically correct to be screened in Albania, where he remains a household name to this day - while the recruitment methods employed by the Royal Navy are definitely shown to be highly questionable.

The proof the pudding however is in the eating, and the little weasel shows a nasty inclination to throw his weight around whenever he gets the chance and often pdemonstrates that the ability to hurt goes straight his head and just what he is capable of when permitted a modicum of power over others; although his stunt work is up to his usual high standard.

They say women love a man in uniform, which is the only plausible explanation that in one memorable scene the gorgeous Liz Fraser gives him the time of the day.
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THE BULLDOG BREED (Robert Asher, 1960) **1/2
Bunuel197625 August 2006
Entertaining but disjointed star farce in which Norman joins the Navy after being jilted by the girl of his dreams; in fact, the plot takes in all of the following and more: a scuffle outside a cinema (one of the bullies who beat up Wisdom is none other than Oliver Reed!), several hilarious attempts at suicide (by far the best scenes in the film), the star doing conjuring tricks, some rather silly shipboard shenanigans (as when Norman throws the entire crew overboard), an amusing court-martial sequence (featuring John Le Mesurier as the Prosecutor), a lengthy mountain-climbing episode and even a climax which sends the star into outer space! The film's trick effects utilize some crudely effective animation, and a reliable supporting cast highlights Ian Hunter (as the ship's Admiral), David Lodge (usually the brunt of Wisdom's antics), Edward Chapman (as the inventor of the rocket) and Liz Fraser (from the delightful Peter Sellers vehicles I'M ALL RIGHT, JACK! [1959] and TWO WAY STRETCH [1960]).
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Runs out of steam quickly
malcolmgsw5 June 2017
I think that I first saw this on its original Odeon release.My excuse being that I was young and impressionable at the time.I normally cannot stand Norman Wisdom films,but I did laugh a few times at this.The problem with this film is that it is very episodic and that it has been through the hands of a number of writers.Often they seem to work on the basis that if a gag is funny once why not repeat it six times.The man overboard sequence being a particularly unfunny example of this.Norman Wisdom is one of those actors whom you either like or dislike.I tend to be in the later camp so the end of this film could not come quickly enough for me.
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You don't want to have a leak, do you?
AndreiPavlov5 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, kind of, because it's freaking funny. Why? It's about the first man in space. "The Russians?" Even worse. The laughable disaster of "Pitkin" kind.

Again I'm writing a few words about a Norman Wisdom movie. And again I've got nothing bad to say. A great comedy from the good old black-and-white era. Finally in my DVD collection. I especially like the way this movie jumps from one subject to another (while some other reviewers are tend to consider it a drawback). Delivery service - suicide topic - Royal Navy - space travelling. And Mr Norman Wisdom delivers. He delivers his top-notch performance from the beginning of this picture till the very end adding ridiculous "Aye aye, sir" to his character's incompetent actions. And I was thoroughly surprised by the ladies' actions. The scene where some hot chick lures Norman into love-making is dynamite. How daring for 1960.

Congratulations, Mr Norman Wisdom. You've made me laugh again. And not just once or twice during the movie but continuously. The fabulous highlights of the film for me are: Norman's collision with the local band, the three ways of "doing oneself in", the famous "man overboard" scene (I especially like the gun play here), the three ways of Norman's "trials" (gymnastics, diving-costume, mountains), the ridiculous "Attention!" boxing scene and a bit further - a reprise of it, and space travel with Norman pushing every button to get any result. The movie has also a very neat bunch of puns (look up the reference of this comment – it is a brilliant example).

And don't tell me the movie's rating is lower than 7 out of 10. It must rub shoulders with Mr Charlie Chaplin's films on the top list. That's what I think.

10 out of 10 (yes, I know it is too subjective, so what?). Thanks for attention.
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The Bulldog Breed
coltras3521 January 2023
Crossed in love, grocer Norman Puckle joins the Navy. Aboard the Dorchester, the admiral calls for an ordinary, simple-hearted sailor to man an interplanetary rocket and Norman is put into training with chaotic results.

A vivid portrayal of Naval life in the "60's .... according to Norman Wisdom, which spells mayhem. There's some fine slapstick set pieces here such as the rope end of the anchor crashing into a boat, dragging Norman with it, the diving sequence where his suit inflates, the rocket scene, and the best bit, the mountain sequence, which is well-staged. An overall solid Norman Wisdom vehicle with an adequate amount of humour and pathos.
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Able Seaman Wisdom
michaelarmer21 May 2020
Norman takes on the Navy and its archaic judging system, there are a few laughs but nothing tremendous, Norman is still fun and accident prone, but not as funny as in other films.

Look out for a droll John Le Mesurier and Frank Williams, both who found fame in Dads Army later, Liz Fraser who was in the Dad's Army film, David Lodge, Cyril Chamberlain, Michael Caine and Oliver Reed, there were also a few bit-role players who did a good few Carry On's.

Not the best, but worth watching if not for the actors, but just to see Norman in another film.
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Norman Wisdom
corrdepot16 February 2007
I think the talent of Norman Wisdom has it's own unique quality.

There is only one Norman Wisdom and that is what some believe is a disadvantage because he seems to play the same character in all his films, to others this is good and of great entertainment.

Have been watching his films since I was a child up to present day, they never fail to make me laugh, no matter how many times I see them.

There seems to be a split amongst some about the talents & films of Norman Wisdom, they either hate him or love him. Personally I love him.

Our Norman is in his 90s now. I wish him continued long life and long may be reign.


Chiang Mai, Thailand
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No navy is that desperately in need of sailors that they would take him!
planktonrules11 September 2023
Norman Wisdom was a household name in the UK and he had a very long and successful career. However, here in the States very few have ever heard of him or have a taste for his comedy. I watched this film purely to see Michael Caine in a VERY small uncredited part...mostly because I've seen nearly all his films and might as well see them all!

After trying to impress Marlene and completely botching it, Norman decides to kill himself. Unfortunately, before jumping off a cliff, a sailor stops him and convinces him to join the navy instead of suicide. Without any sort of basic training, Norman is now assigned to a ship where he instantly makes a total nuisance of himself. At the same time, the Admiral (Ian Hunter) says that the navy's new rocket can be controlled by anyone and they pick Norman to undergo a training program for the rocketry program. Can he manage to do SOMETHING right or will this, too, be a total failure?

In many ways, this film is in the tradition of Lou Costello in "Buck Privates" and Jerry Lewis in "At War With the Army". In other words, a total idiot in the service manages, eventually, to get it right. However, Norman might just be even less intelligent.

The important question is, is it funny? Well, occasionally yes...but mostly no. A few scenes go on way too long and aren't funny (such as the man overboard sequence) and a few do work better (such as when Norman becomes a deep sea diver). In other words, it's a real mixed bag. Die-hard fans will no doubt like it, whereas for others it might be a bit of a hard sell to get them to like it...if at all.

Overall, a film that is watchable and nothing more....a true time-passer. Perhaps it would have been better had I grown up watching and enjoying his Wisdom's films.
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The old formula – will amuse fans
bob the moo12 October 2002
Grocer delivery boy Norman Puckle is frustrated in his attempts to et a local girl and tries to kill himself. However he is saved at the last minute and told that to join the navy is to get all the girls he'll ever want. However Norman is not a sea-faring man by trade and struggles with the disciplined lifestyle required. Things are made worse when The Admiral selects him for an experimental rocket as proof that any sailor could operate it given the proper training. He hadn't planned on Norman.

Wisdom is very much an acquired taste. I'm not an Albanian but I do still enjoy most of his films. Here the plot sees him as, wait for it, a lowly worker who makes good, gets the girl and shows up the toffs at the same time! So not a mile (or a yard) away from the usual fare then. But that's fine, the usual stuff is actually OK. Here his usual routines are mostly OK but some are just average. If you usually get a laugh from it then this will just about suffice.

Wisdom is good and has a strong support cast. However the problem is that it feels too heavily on his shoulders and the rest aren't used well enough to share the load. When you've got actors like Hunter, Chapman, Jones, Alexander and the ever great Le Mesurier then you need to use them. Most have the odd good line or two but I wanted more from all of them.

The comedy is basic and times and you know where it's heading from minute number 1! I'm a fan and found this to be amusing but not Wisdom's best by any means. If this is your first meeting with Wisdom then you may be disappointed, fans will enjoy it.
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A comedy ironically saved by action scenes.
mark.waltz21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's ironic that in this British comedy, funny man Norman Wisdom scores in sequences that would have become classic had they been in a silent movie. He's your typical clumsy oaf that should never be in a position where other folks lives may be in danger, and yet is chosen for a dangerous mission that puts him underwater, in mountain gear and finally into outer space. The best scenes are straight out of something that Charlie Chaplin may have done, such as a touching moment where he makes a young lady laugh at his antics in a restaurant with a dinner napkin. Unfortunately, she's taken which creates a bit of pathos.

Wisdom's antics as a young seaman fall flat, mistaking a man overboard cry as an order to push people on the ship into the water. He ends up in a scuba suit filled with air that results in an unfunny bit of obvious animation as he flies around the top of the water like a deflating balloon. The best sequence involves him mountain climbing as a part of his training with visual gags that Harold Lloyd wished he could have come up with. He's nose to nose with another seaman while trying to sleep, and the floating tent on the ice has a memorable sight gag as well.

But then it's back to the unfunny verbal banter before the hapless Wisdom ends up in a rocket and then in the tropics. This was a huge waste of time for 1930's leading man Ian Hunter who has nothing memorable to do as the commander. The comedy in this film seems dated by early 60's standards, far too forced most of the time, yet getting genuine laughs foe moments that the writers probably didn't realize was where the comic gold was. Wisdom isn't a bad comic here. He just doesn't get the material that shows him off as his best like he would when he scored on Broadway in "Walking Happy", a musical version of "Hobson's Choice".
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Norman at his Best
Welly-227 July 1999
As time passes, the warmth and innocence of Norman Wisdom films becomes a rarer and rarer treat. This is one of his best and includes all of the trade-mark ingredients. The scene where Norman throws the whole crew of a Navy frigate overboard is priceless and the reaction of the supporting cast to Norman throughout the film is as worth watching as the man himself. If you like the predictable, honest and gentle humour of the black and white Ealing era then this is one of the best.
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Predictable And Episodic
Theo Robertson28 August 2005
I didn't think much of THE BULLDOG BREED simply because I don't think much of Norman Wisdom . When you've seen one of his comedies you've basically seen them all . The jokes are corny and predictable and usually revolve around coincidence and misunderstanding . Suppose to were to throw an anchor off a pier what's the chances of a speed boat passing at the same time ? If you threw an anchor of a pier a thousand times I doubt if you'd hit one single boat passing , same as if you threw rubbish overboard from a ship whats the chances that your commanding officer would be berthed alongside ? Yeah I know you're not supposed to think about it but the comedy stretches credibility and shows itself to be unsophisticated

There is another problem this movie and that is that it doesn't have a cohesive plot . Think about it , by an unlikely series of events Norman joins the navy but then the location switches to a climbing expedition then later on the story revolves around a journey in to outer space . It's as if the writers had several under developed ideas for a story then not knowing what to do with them tried to piece them together which gives the movie a very episodic feel

Despite these criticisms THE BULLDOG BREED remains one of Wisdom's most watchable movies simply because it features so many well known faces from television such as a couple of long running cast members from CORONATION STREET not to mention a couple of uncredited appearances from future film stars Oliver Reed and Michael Caine
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A joy to watch.
Sleepin_Dragon2 April 2020
There isn't a single one of Norman's films that I don't enjoy, and although The Bulldog Breed isn't a favourite, it's still a thoroughly enjoyable watch. The story sees Puckle, a Grocer spurned in love, and encouraged to join The Navy, along the way he's picked out for a special task.

There are some genuinely hilarious lines, and as always a mass of physical humour, Wisdom wonderful as you'd expect. Some decent special effects considering the time it was made in, the mountain climbing scene looked great, and was perhaps the funniest segment.

A great mix of funny and sad, look out for a dashing young Oliver Reed, who alongside Michael Caine plays a thug. Plenty of familiar faces.

Terrific family fun, 8/10.
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The Bulldog Breed.....
Hassard199419 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In the bulldog breed, Norman is tricked into the navy, after many attempts at committing suicide (which were quite funny!) but as soon as he joins, the navy isn't all gorgeous girls as he was tricked into thinking..... .....instead it's a hard life where Norman gets into all sorts of trouble, getting is fellow Naval men three weeks leave for his hilarious mistakes but they get the three weeks deducted off later on.... ....he has been chosen to be the first man to enter space, but, has to go through some rigorous training, which he fails miserably! Which means that someone else had to be chosen for the expedition.... ...but Norman finds his way onto the Space Craft after chasing a dog and a rabbit onto the rocket (the dog and rabbit escape unharmed) but Norman is left to man a space craft and successfully makes it back to earth, crashing near an island which has a very beautiful girl on it, Norman had to stay on the island for a fews hours, i'm sure he didn't mind!

So overall i'd give this film a 6/10 because it didn't have as many laugh out loud moments as any other Norman Wisdom film i've watched, but still very good
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Humorous B&W movie rewards a bit of late night channel surfing
club443 December 2002
Being a night baker by profession, I couldn't sleep on one of my nights off. Switching on the television I found myself intrigued by this '60's black and white film. This is a fun comedy based around a hapless lad "Puckle" who longs to find a place in the world around him and a lady to love. Unfortunately for Puckle, he has somewhat of a reverse Midas-touch and everything he sets his mind(?) to, comes undone. At times you can sympathize, at others you can only laugh. In my opinion this movie is a fun way to spend 90 odd minutes.
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Mutiny of Moviewatchers
tedg3 December 2006
I swore I would never watch another Norman Wisdom movie. They are all much the same and any are a waste of time — unless your standards for amusement are dangerously low.

In this one, he is tricked into joining the Navy, apparently only because the filmmakers had a deal with a real ship and its crew. Wisdom is again his standard character: part clueless disaster, part earnest innocent. Again you see his errors creating broad slapstick. He pushes men overboard, for instance. Ho hum.

The odd thing was how many such movies he made. There must have been a market for such a thing in the UK. There's no redeeming value here.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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