"Columbo" An Exercise in Fatality (TV Episode 1974) Poster

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Aka Columbo goes to the gym
Leofwine_draca26 July 2016
AN EXERCISE IN FATALITY is a fine episode in the early run of Columbo. It's strength lies in the quality of the writing, in particularly the fully-realised characters. Robert Conrad is the guest villain, a fitness and fanatic and ruthless businessman, and he makes a supremely tough foe for our protagonist to butt heads with: physically imposing, urbane, charismatic, and supremely self-confident.

The opening part of the story is very well handled with a good depiction of the business workings of a gym circa 1974. The murder is sudden, sweaty, and unexpected, and the way in which it's made to look like an accident is very clever. The subsequent investigation is well paced and always entertaining, with a particular emphasis on 'fish out of water' humour as Columbo gets involved in the fitness scene and even goes for a couple of jogs. The lengthy interlude in which he tries to get information from an uptight secretary is a real highlight. In addition, both Philip Bruns and Gretchen Corbett are very good in their minor roles. There's nothing to dislike about AN EXERCISE IN FATALITY - apart from perhaps the murderer himself!
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#1 Columbo
louiss26 January 1999
My #1 all time favorite Columbo episode . Conrad is perfect as creep crook murderer who sells health gyms and then soaks owners for supplies with over inflated prices. One of the few episodes where Columbo actually despises his suspect and lets him know it in a rare scene where Columbo angrily chews him out. Also rare for a conclusion that doesn't require Columbo to set up a trap to trip up his suspect.
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Energetically done, if slightly overlong Columbo story
The Welsh Raging Bull11 September 2005
Robert Conrad gives a coldly effective performance as Milo Janus, an owner of a chain of health spas who is conning the franchisees by getting them to purchase over-priced items from companies he actually owns. When one franchisee latches onto Janus's scheme and threatens to expose him, Janus murders him...

The script gets a little immersed in various secondary characters around the half-way mark and the episode could easily have been condensed. Nevertheless, the murder/made-to-look-like an accident scenario is excellent, the increasingly bitter relationship between Columbo and Janus (the hospital scene where Columbo chastises Janus is unique) is well-portrayed and there is some really good conversational waffle from Columbo.

The ending has provoked much debate for years; for me the actual reasoning is fine, but the script-writer stretches credibility in the way it is triggered in Columbo's mind.
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Brain meets Brawn
bwaynef21 May 2003
Excellent "Columbo" finds the perceptive detective matching wits with health guru Robert Conrad who bumped off a business partner and made it look like murder. The contrast between the self-effacing but brilliant detective and the vain, arrogant icon of physical fitness is highlighted throughout. Conrad never dares Falk to knock a battery off his shoulder, but his sense of superiority makes him less sympathetic than most of Columbo's adversaries, and it's very satisfying when the usually mild-mannered detective displays a rare flash of temper during a conversation with his prey. One of the best episodes in the series.
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My favorite Columbo episode.
Reality-Bites23 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is my favorite Columbo episode. This really ought to be on DVD, I would love to add it to my permanent movie library.

To some extent it's hard to believe that this film dates from 1974 - wow, over 30 years ago already! - since the picture quality is still quite sharp and vivid, and watching it today, you almost get the sense that time has not passed since its filming. But then of course it's quite apparent that this must have happened in some previous generation: just get a load of Milo Janus's (Robert Conrad) widely flared pants, the phone tape-recording and teleprinter equipment that today would nearly qualify for antique status, not to mention some of the huge Detroit-built cars Also, as another reviewer pointed out, the then "state of the art" gym equipment in Milo Janus's gyms was vastly different from the rather exotic and high tech stuff you'll find nowadays in modern fitness centers.

But I love this episode so much, for several reasons. Firstly, I myself had discovered the wonderful world of weightlifting right about the time period this movie was shot (early 70's) and I really enjoyed the walk down memory lane, seeing the gym with the free-weights and stuff. I also liked the weightlifting "accident" which the perp concocted to cover the murder.

Secondly, this particular episode had much more of an aura of realism about it than other Columbo episodes. There was nothing really far-fetched about the crime - neither the motive for it, nor the execution of it, nor Janus's attempts to create a plausible cover-up. I don't know, maybe it was the way Robert Conrad conducted himself so coolly, so Teflon-coated cocky, much like in his battery commercials which some of you may remember from back then ("I dare you to knock it off my shoulder"). But it all seemed so very real.

I've seen this episode several times, and I am always struck at the palpable chemistry between Columbo and Janus: they really truly seem to loathe each other, and the scene in the hospital where Columbo very publicly confronts Janus and accuses him of the crime always seems chillingly believable. You can't help but wonder if the real actors here (Falk and Conrad) actually despised each other off the set?

The final resolution of the case (something to do with the way shoelaces are tied) was a bit extreme, but taken against the greater context in which 'whodunnits' nearly always require at least some sort of clever if not sensationalistic ending, it definitely fit the bill.

Oh, and one other thing: I always love the part where Columbo digs the evidence (in this case, several pairs of old shoes) out of his paper lunch bag. In the process he pulls out a cellophane-wrapped hunk of lord-knows-what, to which he comments, almost as if to himself, "That's just my lunch, that don't mean nothing." Bon appetit, Columbo!
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Good episode, weak ending...
hubertalain27 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
All in all an entertaining Columbo episode, but the ending is seriously flawed. Columbo proves that someone else than the victim had tied his shoe laces and dressed him up in his gym clothes, and goes on to accuse Janus of being that someone else, supposedly by his own admission because he had made a signed statement earlier that the victim was in his gym clothes.

But early in the episode, when he first meets Columbo and learns of the death of the victim, he specifically says to him that Stafford, the victim, had talked to him on the night of his death from the gym, and told him that he had changed into his gym clothes and was about to work out.

So, Janus could argue in court that the victim had told him on the phone that he had changed into his gym clothes, and nobody could disprove that since nobody else heard the conversation, and the victim is dead and cannot dispute that fact.

So, even though Janus had good reasons to kill the victim, and that Columbo has figured out exactly how he did it, it's all only circumstantial evidence against him, and nothing more. Janus is right when he says that the only thing Columbo has proved is that someone else was at the gym with the victim when he was killed, but it could have been anybody.
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A Must-See for Fans.
rmax30482322 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the one in which Robert Conrad, as the owner of Milo Janus's Fitness Clubs, strangles a franchisee who has discovered fraud or extortion or embezzlement or exhibitionism or something. It is also the one in which Gretchen Corbett wears a bikini.

The plot is nothing out of the ordinary for Columbo at the top of his game. He unravels Conrad's scheme little by little. But this episode is distinguished by some very good acting on the part of supporting players and it is, arguably, the funniest episode in the series.

In his first two meetings with the murderer, Columbo is required to take vitamin pills for breakfast, drink carrot juice, accompany the egregiously fit Conrad on his morning workout, and cope with a shoe full of sand on Conrad's impeccably clean patio. And he discusses his wife's attempt to lose weight. "She was NEVER thin. I tried to explain. I kind of like 'em with a little (gestures) -- well, that's somethin' else." The comic scene that stands out most in my mind is Columbo's trying to determine the current address of a suspect, Lewis Lacey, through the computer company that once employed him. The computer at the company's office begins to rattle off every datum about Lacey known to man or beast. Columbo tries politely to interrupt -- "What was he a president or somethin'? I mean, all dat stuff --" But the woman behind the desk (beautiful, lissome, professionally competent, and uncredited) only answers him with polite reassurances or ignores him completely. The scene goes on and on. It cracks me up every time. And AFTER this, Columbo tries to call Lacey at his home phone and begins to explain things before he realizes that he's speaking to an answering machine instead of a human being, evidently his first encounter with one of the things. He then explains very slowly, as if the machine might otherwise misinterpret him. "I can be reached at the main department.....The number there is ..... You can look dat up." Collin Wilcox, as the wife of the victim, is superb in a complex role that must combine several mutually contradictory emotions and still express them in a believable manner. She was Mayella Ewell, the fake rape victim in "To Kill A Mockingbird." She resembles Maura Tierney.

You could drive a Prime Mover through the plot holes, but that's always the case. A strenuous effort to suspend disbelief is just part of the price you pay for watching what is one of Columbo's best episodes.
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I don't get the ending?
julien-neel2 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The episode is great all the way. Plenty of other comments will describe it better than I.

My trouble is how Columbo eventually "proves" that Milo Janus was in the gym with the victim, simply because the gym was locked, nobody was supposed to be there and that Milo Janus is the only one to "know" that the soon-to-be victim was wearing gym clothes.

Had they not spoken over the phone, and had the victim not told Milo Janus that he would be working out? So why is it such a surprise that Milo Janus would know about how he was dressed? Isn't it obvious that when a man works out, he has to wear his gym clothes?

Please help me on that! Thanks!

PS : I was also puzzled why Columbo doesn't simply check the phone records to prove the victim had never called Milo Janus the night of the murder. Too bad the script focuses on tiny details and misses the obvious one!
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Fun look at 70s health scene Warning: Spoilers
Very watchable episode for Robert Conrad's legendary intensity and for the time-warp look at the health club scene in the 1970's with a nod to Jack LaLanne's influence. A shirtless Conrad or bikini-clad Gretchen Corbett as his secretary is a great incentive to watch as well, depending on your preference.

I'm surprised at how many previous posters seem to misunderstand Columbo's deduction of the clues in this one and to feel parts were unnecessary. The clues might be a bit incredible -- they always are to some degree or another -- but the conclusion that they point to is legitimate circumstantial evidence to conclude Conrad is guilty.

Robert Conrad (RC) heads a fitness center chain, and kills one of his franchise owners who is about to expose RC's unethical business practices. After hours, Conrad goes to that man's gym, chases after him which causes the man's dress shoes to scuff the floor, strangles him, dresses the dead man in gym clothes, and stages a fake death scene showing the man died by a barbell crushing his neck while working out alone. Conrad tapes all his calls, so he then rushes to a party at his house where - conveniently since he has 2 phone lines there -- calls his own house from a back room.

RC's secretary answers the phone and hears a tape playing the dead man's voice ask for RC. RC emerges from the back room to take the phone from the secretary and pretends to talk to the dead man. He then notes aloud to everyone at the party that the dead man is in gym clothes and about to work out. (THIS is the part which bothers people since it is unnecessary rope to hang himself with, but RC wants to make an impression on people about the slob really getting into working out so they will remember the details to be better alibi witnesses.)

Anyway, Columbo notices and is bothered by things per usual that by themselves are not conclusive but paint a picture: --- RC has burns on his hand --- the scuff marks on floor --- the dead man's dress shoes were found still tied as if they were pulled off his feet --- RC's phone lights not working --- RC's alibi weakening when the car dealer he claimed was closed was open --- and the dead man's wife's confrontation with RC over information a private detective/accountant had found, exposing a motive.

Based on those, Colombo zeroes in on RC, gets a warrant to show how parts of the tapes were used to create the illusion to the secretary, and proves the dead man did not tie the gym shoes he was found wearing since their loops don't match his loops he made on his dress shoes, thus proving a murder took place. So now RC is boxed in.

A) RC can say someone else cut the tapes to fool the secretary, but then why did RC keep up the conversation beyond that if he wasn't the murderer?

B) RC can say another man murdered the franchise owner and tied his shoes, but then how can RC explain the fact that the owner supposedly told RC that he was already dressed for the gym when calling.

Now, of course this deduction is not foolproof. A good defense attorney can still raise reasonable doubt. Perhaps the dead man tied his own gym shoes when they were off his feet and liked to slip them on and off. Or perhaps when he was murdered in his gym clothes by someone other than RC after calling RC, his gym shoes fell off during the struggle so the other murderer put them back on him. And we don't see RC confess in this one at the end like we normally do from other Columbo killers, fwiw.

MY TAKE -- as many have mentioned, the HUGE PLOT HOLE is that for some reason Columbo hasn't yet checked the dead man's phone records to prove that he called RC (which he didn't, of course). So my fan-fiction post script to this episode is that Columbo has used all this circumstantial evidence to put the final nail in the case by getting the phone records to prove RC was lying all along.
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Gretchen Corbett! Oh my!
kchiefs113 January 2021
This is one of my favorite Columbo's for a couple of reasons.

1. Robert Conrad was always my idol. So handsome & built. I wanted to be him as a teenager. He tears this episode up! Great villain who plays off Falk well.

2. Gretchen Corbett in a bikini! I saw this as a 15 year old. Just imagine a 15 year old virgin witnessing Gretchen in a bikini for the first time. If I had a vcr in the mid 70's...I would have wore it out watching her answer the door. OMG, what a beautiful body, great tan & a her rear view is amazing. Even now I play that in slow motion so I can be hypnotized by that gorgeous derrière. Yummy!

Highly recommended for all young men!
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Amusing Columbo TV Thriller
ShootingShark8 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The owner of a license for a string of health clubs murders a businessman who has been looking at the accounts in too much detail, and stages it to look like an accident with a barbell. Columbo however, is unconvinced.

A neat little Columbo, scripted by Peter S. Fischer from a great story by Larry Cohen, which manages to be both a clever murder plot and an impishly satirical swipe at West Coast lifestyles of the time - health and diet fads, phone-taping, electronic records. Conrad is good as the sleazy fitness guru forcing his clients to buy overpriced equipment and Corbett is terrific as the sympathetic lush of a widow. As usual though, Falk is just sensational, both as a hard-edged, peerless investigator and a hapless old-fashioned Joe. Don't miss the sequence with the state-of-the-art teleprinter.
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Great episode, but the end was unnecessarily complex
mattnadler1 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As others have noted, great chemistry between the leads. It also has taking the case somewhat personally, with his expression of anger. More often in other episodes, he's politely persistent, but doesn't express anger.

However the shoelace trick at the end was complicated and not conclusive, legally speaking.

What would have sealed it for Janus, and pretty obvious, would have been the phone records.

I suppose the writers also felt that was too obvious and wouldn't showcase Columbo's brilliant instincts and deduction, but it would have been more cut and dried in court.
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The Health Club
AaronCapenBanner24 February 2016
Robert Conrad stars as a successful owner of a chain of health clubs named Milo Janus, who is having trouble when one of the franchisees feels he is being cleverly cheated, so openly tells Janus that he will gather evidence and go to the proper authorities. This boasting was a mistake, as Milo murders the man and makes it look like a gym accident, using his beautiful secretary/girlfriend(played by Gretchen Corbett) as an unknowing alibi, but of course this doesn't fool Lt. Columbo(Peter Falk) who will physically struggle to keep up with the ultra-fit killer, though his mind is still as sharp as ever... Fine episode with Conrad most effective, contrast between the two men most amusing, even if the evidence here seems circumstantial.
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If you are getting cheated, don't confront the cheat....just go to the cops!
planktonrules6 September 2019
Eugene Stafford has bought one of Milo Janus' health club franchises. However, in going over the bills, he realizes that Janus (Robert Conrad) was taking advantage of him...cheating him out of all the promised profits. But, instead of going to the police or District Attorney's office, Stafford confronts Janus. And, we know from detective shows like "Columbo" that Stafford will soon assume room temperature! And, that's exactly what happens and which brings Columbo into the case. And, as usual, the brilliant rumpled detective is able to spot tiny details and inconsistencies which convince him Stafford's death was NOT the accident it was staged to be.

So is this a good episode? In some ways yes. But Columbo NEVER proves his case...and there is no way the man would ever be found guilty of murder based on the inconsistencies Columbo finds. In other words, Janus COULD have killed the man but so could someone else...and, interestingly, the man simply could have died the way it was staged. As a result, it's a very weak episode...one that is enjoyable to watch but one in which Columbo simply didn't prove there was murder. See it...and see what I mean.

"An Exercise in Fatality" is interesting because generally movie and TV stars play folks younger than themselves. However, here Conrad plays a man much older than his chronological age. It did make sense, as his character was supposed to be an exercise guru--much like Jack LaLanne or Richard Simmons.
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Does Columbo's clue prove guilt or innocence?
caladon27 March 2006
*****This contains Spoilers*****

Overall, I really enjoy watching this episode. Both Falk and Conrad play well off one another. But this comment concerns the shoe evidence that trips up (no pun intended) the murderer's alibi. Columbo explains in detail how someone else had tied the victim's shoe laces on his gym shoes. He explains how when right handed people tie their shoes the big loop of the lace ends up over the same toe every time. However, the victim's gym shoe laces show the big loop over the opposite toe; which conflicts with the way his work shoes were tied. Proving that someone killed the victim and then dressed him in his gym clothes and tied the gym shoes from the opposite direction; and by the killer's sworn statement he said the victim told him he had already changed his clothes. This leads Columbo to the conclusion that the killer couldn't have known the victim was in his gym clothes unless he was the one that changed the clothes. Now, as logic goes, that's not a bad supposition. However, in one of the earlier scenes the victim is seen writing with his left hand; which by Columbo's reasoning would conclude that the victim tied his own gym shoes. Seems like all the killer would've had to do was to tell Columbo that bit of news.
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Conrad, Falk, and Gretchen Corbett in a Biknin! Make this one of the best Columbo's
RogerMooreTheBestBond27 June 2020
The actor or actress playing the killer is one of the most important parts to any Columbo. Robert Conrad excels here and is one of my favorite killers. Conrad and Flak play off each other very well. I have read in a Columbo book how much fun Conrad had playing this part and acting with Falk was a joy. I must add that Gretchen Corbett, one of the prettiest actresses in the 70's wears a tiny white bikini with cherries on it! It is a highlight of the show. Even Columbo is thrown off guard when she answers the door in a bikini. As another noted, she is so easy going during the scene which makes her even more fetching. She has one of the best bodies I have ever seen in a bikini.
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One of the best Columbo movies
jotd13 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I always thought there was a major loophole in that one: Columbo notices that the telephone light does not work at Milo Janus house (the murdered removed it to make believe that the recorded call came from the outside whereas it came from the internal line of Janus desk), and it should have given him the idea that he was playing the recording from inside the house.

A quick check at the telephone company (he often does that in many other episodes) would have proved that the call was a fake one, no need to check for the way the laces are tied (one user noticed that the victim is left handed, if that's right there's a goof here anyway)

Anyway, very enjoyable, to be watched again and again. One of the rare episodes where Columbo does not try to trap the suspect, and a very "life-like" murder. No guns, elaborate poisons, heat blankets ...
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Conrad Strong but Script A Little Weaker Than other Colombos
DKosty12328 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The main reason I go for a decent rating here is that Falk, Robert Conrad & Pat Harrington head up a pretty strong cast. Milo Janus (Conrad) is feathering a nest with money to skip the US & retire overseas. He is doing this with a string of health clubs which he is using to milk unsuspecting franchise owners out of massive profits.

One of the franchise owners gets wise & is going to blow the whistle until Janus (this was the name of Conrads Twin in a Dr Loveless episode on Wild Wild West during season 1) chokes him, crushing his wind pipe & then clumsily tries to make it look like an accident. Columbo is not amused.

This is not one of the most clever episodes as Janus leaves extremely obvious clues to what he did. There is a major flaw- when the murder occurs the victim & Janus go screeching onto a freshly waxed gym floor. For some reason, even though both men are on the floor wearing shoes, only the victims brown scuffs are there to Colombo to puzzle about. It is strange the murderer didn't leave any as he has shoes on too.

What really isn't too bright is Janus trying to choke a victim with a pot of hot coffee in his hand. Colombo catches those burns real quick. Still, Falk going through the motions here is better because of Conrad playing his role well.
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A great detective
mjarvis028 August 2007
I think the thing that makes Columbo such a compelling series is that as the audience you see the murder. Then what makes Columbo so fascinating is that while you see the murder you do not see the mistakes that the murderer makes so you can actually be surprised as the murderer is when mistake after mistake is unravelled by Columbo. In this episode what was extra compelling was that the murderer really tried to take Columbo on. He was not trying to solve the case with him, he was indulging Columbo instead he was making it very clear that Columbo was an irritant. Then finally when confronted he still tried to front it out (The can you prove it scenario) until at the very last Columbo provided that proof. I liked this episode a lot and I only wish I had it on DVD so I could replay the moment the murderer got his. Excellent stuff.
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The proof is not much of a proof...
paul_tremblay21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent episode. It is typical in the sense that the "proof" is probably not evidence leading to a conviction, like many other Columbo episodes, however (sadly) this episode goes a step further: Columbo tells Milo (Robert Conrad) that the final proof of Milo's guilt lies in the "fact" that he knew the victim (Gene) was dressed in his gym suit. How did he, Columbo claims, as the last witness to have seen the victim alive swore that Gene was in his office attires. So how can Milo say he knew Gene had changed to gym suit? Well, the problem here is that the murderer had claimed, from the get go, that this what Gene told him on the phone. He didn't "know" Gene was in his gym suit, Gene told him, is all. No jury or judge would convict upon this "evidence." At the end, truly enough, there were a string of circumstantial evidences which could lead to a conviction, but if everything is dependent on that "gym suit" thing, not enough.
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A real crime in France was inspired by this episode!
portailscifi28 March 2019
Sorry, but it's not a "real" review. The title said it all! It happened in 1995, I've just heard of this on a French radio station recently. The crime (the French one) was about to go unpunished, until an anonymous call to the police indicated that it was murder, not accident! The police had arrived just in time to stop the cremation, so it seems! It was committed by a woman and her lover, disguising the husband's murder as an accident with a weight lifting bar. One of the investigators was a huge fan of Columbo, and it was she who had made the connection (but only after the telephone call!). I found it astounding!
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Jack LaLanne does the deed
bkoganbing28 October 2012
Robert Conrad guest stars in this Columbo episode where he plays a murderous Jack La Lanne like physical fitness instructor who franchises various physical fitness gyms and has a few other money making schemes involving said franchises. When one of his franchise partners Philip Bruns starts looking into things and accusing him of theft, Conrad feels he has to take action. Bruns has an accounting and corporate background and he could make an accusation stick, especially if the accusation was true.

After killing Bruns and making it look like his windpipe was crushed by a barbell that fell on him, Conrad sets up quite the elaborate alibi which of course Peter Falk painstakingly blows apart.

There's always a contrast between the rumpled Columbo and any of the people he nails for a homicide. But I don't think the contrast was more evident with health guru Conrad who was and is a remarkably fit individual in real life and Falk as Columbo who tries some of those exercises and looks bad at it. That's something you have to start early in life and keep at it. Too late for me and definitely too late for Lt. Columbo.

But an out of condition body doesn't equal an out of condition brain and Columbo is as sharp as ever in nailing Conrad.
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"Exercise in Fatality" from the 1974 season is excellent entry
chuck-reilly24 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Conrad plays against type as Milo Janus, a slick and devious owner of health club franchises, who decides he has to eliminate his partner after the fellow catches him embezzling profits and stashing them in an off-shore account. After an elaborately designed scheme to make the poor guy look like he killed himself with a dumbbell on his neck, Janus thinks he's home free. But Lt. Columbo (Peter Falk) soon enters the picture and immediately figures out that Milo is a lying sack of rotten potatoes and most likely the murderer. As in all the episodes of this series, it's never apparent how Columbo is able to pinpoint the main suspect in a matter of minutes. Call it the ultimate in "dramatic license." To aid Columbo in his investigation is Janus' good-looking but completely confused secretary (a young Gretchen Corbett) and Janus' partner's widow, a distraught Collin Wilcox. She never liked Janus to begin with and the feeling is mutual. To make it unanimous, Columbo can't stand Janus either and believes that his "clean living" lifestyle is merely a facade for his evil ways. In that regard, the Lieutenant is one-hundred percent correct.

This episode was directed by TV veteran Bernard Kowalski and he does a very competent job with the cast. Conrad shows some range as the "bad guy" and he's up to the task of making the audience hate his guts. Gretchen Corbett never looked better than in this episode and she went on to have a nice career in both films and television ("The Rockford Files"). Collin Wilcox recently passed away. She's probably best remembered for her pivotal role in "To Kill a Mockingbird." Good old Peter Falk is still around and still active (we hope).
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Three notes for this episode
CoastalCruiser12 July 2012
Well, so many previous reviews make the case that this is yet another great Columbo episode. Once again a great co-star, this time Robert Conrad from The Wild Wild West, where he played a good guy, turns in an excellent performance as a villain.

It is perhaps ironic that Conrad, who was in his mid-40's at the time, played a 50 something health fitness guru in amazing shape who chided Columbo for his smoking habits, when in fact Conrad was himself a smoker whose health later in life did not at all bear a resemblance to the character he played in this episode. I remember seeing him in an interview in perhaps the 90s.... his voice was shot and he looked quite frail. You just never know what life has in store, and what (bad) habits you can and can't get away with.

The second note for this episode is that it exemplifies the great musical score that seemed to be tuned on a per-episode basis. For example, there is an epiphany for Columbo when he notices a mother tying her little boys shoes in the hospital. It is the singular moment when the detective ties it all together (no pun), and if you notice, the score reflects that moment with a few chiming sounds... like when a light bulb goes on over your head. Brilliant musical direction that is so rare in a TV series.

Finally notice must be paid to the fetching Gretchen Corbett who plays the sexy secretary. Fans of The Rockford Files are quite familiar with this beautiful actress who acts as good as good as she looks. There is an extended scene with Gretchen in a very small bikini. She really looks great, and quite comfortable showing off acres of skin. Was she really at ease in front of the lights and camera and all those people, or is it just her great acting ability at work? Gretchen, please tell us. After all, you're still around. :>
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An Exercise in Fatality
Prismark103 June 2019
Milo Janus (Robert Conrad) is a fitness and health lifestyle guru who has created a lucrative franchise of health clubs.

Gene Stafford is one of the franchise owners who is unhappy with Janus business affairs. Stafford things that Janus is crooked forcing the clubs to buy from suppliers that Janus has a financial interest in and he is failing to declare all his income.

Janus responds by murdering and him and making it look like an accident.

Conrad as Janus certainly looks in fine shape always working out and eating healthily in this mystery. Columbo struggles to keep up with him. It adds a comedic element to the story. Pretty soon Janus is tired of Columbo pestering him.

What was less unwelcome was the padding in this story with all the messing about with computer printouts from an assistant in Tri-Con. Whoever came up with the denouement about the shoe laces, should be strung up.

There were some good ingredients for an effective mystery including an attempt by Janus on another person's life. However the final product was more semi skimmed than full fat.
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