Operation Delta Force (TV Movie 1997) Poster

(1997 TV Movie)

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Standard action packed film with usual feats carried out by Delta Force
ma-cortes12 November 2005
The film deals with a South African terrorist group commanded by Nash (Joe Lara) who have robbed vials of a deadly virus called Ebola and threatening to release on the population . Delta Force is assigned by Security Chief (Hal Holbrook) for the mission to track down them . The leader (Jeff Fahey) and other members (Frank Zagarino , Rob Stewart , Natasha Sutherland) are flown into Mozambique to stop'em . They must battle to vanquish in this overly violent actioner .

The picture is exciting and tense at time lackluster thriller . This standard noisy action movie is less than memorable . However ; fights , gunplay , shootouts and explosions are well done in this routine actioner . The flick is plenty of macho man , frenetic action , chases , struggles and firepower . Delta Force original story is in ¨Delta Force I¨ based on hijacking TWA plane with Chuck Norris , Lee Marvin , George Kennedy , Robert Foster and directed by Menahem Golan . It posteriorly continues ¨Delta Force II operation stranglehold¨ with Chuck Norris , Richard Jaeckel, John P. Ryan , Billy Drago and directed by his brother Aaron Norris . Furthermore , ¨Delta Force III , the killing game¨ with the sons Hollywood's bigger stars : Eric Douglas , Nick Cassavetes , Mike Norris and directed by the same director this film , Sam Firstemberg . Rating : mediocre but entertaining .
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It doesn't engage the audience and there's nothing different.
tarbosh220008 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When some evil terrorist baddies led by Johan Nash (Lara) break into a South African research facility and steal vials of both an ebola-like virus and the "anti-serum", there's only one thing to do. Call the Delta Force, of course. Soon, Captain Lang (Fahey), McKinney (Zagarino), Junger (Sutherland), and Maj. Tipton (Hudson) are unleashed to take down Nash and his underlings. Admiral Henshaw (Holbrook) is at the command center to keep an eye on the situation. Although the typical Washington empty suits are bickering about what to do, the Delta Force continues on with their mission - until a development occurs that threatens the whole thing. Will OPERATION DELTA FORCE succeed, or will Johan Nash's evil ponytail rule us all? Dare you find out...?

We don't know how or why, but Nu Image continually - almost stubbornly - keeps churning out these run-of-the-mill actioners. It all feels like we've been here countless times before (maybe because we've seen that same train footage in so many other Nu Image movies) but nothing stands out during Operation Delta Force. It's the same-old same-old.

While there is plenty of gun-shooting and good-quality explosions, and it's shot well, somehow a certain spark is missing. A certain je ne sais quoi, if you will. A grounded helicopter blows up, and Joe Lara gets to show off his Afrikaans accent, but somehow that's not enough.

It does feature some fan favorites, such as Jeff Fahey, Ernie Hudson, Frank Zagarino, and the perpetually-elderly Hal Holbrook. Hudson tries valiantly to inject some sort of energy and presence, but it's tough going. Holbrook is trapped in a Joe-Estevez-in-Money-To-Burn situation where he just looks at screens the whole time. He does tout the new technology of "VidLink", which evidently was like the 1997 version of Skype.

One of the more noteworthy subplots involved Zagarino's character, who, apparently, is a misogynist and doesn't approve of Junger being there because she's a woman. It didn't really go anywhere, but it should have, perhaps in a fight between the two. Interestingly, One of Natasha Sutherland's only other credits was in the Joe Lara TV series Tarzan: The Epic Adventures.

At almost-random intervals, it looks like some older stock footage of planes and such is trotted out. It doesn't even come close to matching the newly-shot stuff for the movie at hand. It seems like at any moment, a graphic is going to come on screen that says: "America's Navy: Join Today!" It didn't exactly liven things up, but it shows we were paying attention.

There are many, many similar films out there that are just like Operation Delta Force. Unfortunately, this is just another one. It's not badly made, but it doesn't engage the audience and there's nothing different, special, unique, or weird about it. It's just sort of there.

It seems like the sort of thing that Cinemax or one of the other pay channels would have shown in the 90's just to fill a bit of airtime, perhaps in the afternoon. Director Firstenberg has done some awesome movies in the past, but let's face it: this is no Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo.
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Brilliant bad film!
CQKRIS25 June 2001
When you have seen so many bad films then you begin to acquire a taste for them. It's films like 'Operation Delta Force' that give bad films their good name. Just sit back and relax and forget about all your worries and delve into fantasy land as Jeff Fahey and that black guy out of Ghostbusters run around pretending to be USA army specialists. Trouble is the makers of this film didn't intend for it to be a fantasy tale, its supposed to be a serious tale of guerilla warfare. Well, this just makes it all the more amusing. You'll not believe how silly some of the scenes are. Bad films like this serve a purpose because when you see a good film then you will really appreciate it.
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........why god....why?
lightie2126 January 2004
This is just one of those things that should NOT have ever even happened, I mean, I hate this film with absolute passion, after watching it I actually contemplated suicide, why this terror has been unleashed upon innocent people is beyond me, they should use this film in wars as a new and improved torture technique...I would honestly with all my heart rather listen to 6 hours of Christian rock music.

Coupled by the fact I've seen seals who are better actors, I find the explosion of opening a can of pop more exiting, they had might as well have just run around for 2 hours firing cap guns, wearing action man suits, it's honestly that bad.


Action Scenes - Sickening Plot Line - Depressingly Poor Actors - Just.... terrible, the terror it inflicted cannot be put into any words i have... stay well back from this "film"

In a whole: WORST! MOVIE! EVER!
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Don't waste your time.
Scorpion Man9 October 2000
Don't get me wrong on this one Jeff Fahey isn't a bad Actor in fact the cast is mainly made up of good actors who presumably were all having a bad day. What really makes this film as bad as it is is the really cheap special effects. The planes and tanks on maneuvers were actually news footage taken from the Gulf War! Also before every single explosion in the whole film a mine-cart can be seen for a split second. This is because the Film Company spent that much money on actors that it had only enough money for one explosion so with that money they shot the all important exploding mine-cart scene and showed it over and over again. To add to this humiliating display if you watch carefully you never see a handgun fired. This is because the hand guns are really just hand gun shaped hunks of metal carefully shaped to look like hand guns and instead of showing them being fired the camera angle simply shows the person falling over when you hear the bang!
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Operation failed...
fmarkland323 August 2006
Ernie Hudson, Jeff Fahey,Frank Zagarino and Joe Lara star in this derivative actioner which finds a delta force team who goes after a terrorist group who captured a deadly virus who they plan to launch on their enemies. Despite having a seasoned cast of Action vets, Operation Delta Force is one big loser. For instance the usually lively Jeff Fahey is very wooden as the good action star, while Lorenzo Lamas wannabe Joe Lara overacts and doesn't convince for one second. Worst of all is Ernie Hudson who has been in everything and basically he gives a performance of little interest. Ironically enough the most life comes from Zagarino. Operation Delta Force is a terrible movie that makes the middling Delta Force movies with Chuck Norris seem like The Dirty Dozen. Skip it.

* out of 4-(Bad)
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Beyond bad...
michael_troup18 January 2007
As if the script was not bad enough, watch for the following(finding these mistakes is the ONLY REASON TO WATCH THIS MOVIE); constant cocking of automatic weapons as each character enters each scene; team members swinging their loaded weapons across their buddies bodies; team members firing weapons apparently through each others heads with no effect; guns firing without muzzle flash, gas discharge or recoil; the female lead firing first right handed, then left handed(which you can't do with that weapon without getting hot brass ejected into your face), then right handed again, all the while holding the gun incorrectly; no shells being ejected from automatic weapons in scene after scene; a gun battle at point blank range in a rail car with NO casualties, no ricochets and no damage to woodwork or any other material whatsoever(!); the reusing of stock footage on at least three separate occasions; actors climbing out of the water DRY; scenes so badly blocked out that the female lead is looking over the head of the actor she is apparently staring in the eye; I could go ON AND ON...oh, and the Delta team in the African bush calling for a medivac that turns up within 60 seconds WITH the additional transportation that they requested at the END of their transmission. This would do Ed Wood proud- I was only waiting for Jeff Fahey to knock over a polystyrene headstone to make the movie complete.
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Is this a joke?
7echnoid17 June 2003
This is one of the most predictable and poorly manufactured action-movies ever made. It doesn't go all the way down on the rating only because it is so bad that it turns into a comedy. Btw, check out the sound-effects here! The bullets sound like they're hitting metal when they actually hit nothing but dirt, wood or rock. Strange...
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Oh Boy
shrubber200117 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, to say this film is depressingly bad is like saying accidentally swallowing a bomb full of anthrax is a tad regrettable. It begins how it means to end: with a group of the most clichéd characters ever being ever so macho and stereotypical. We have the no-nonsense leader, the man whose wife has just given birth, the slightly younger one with the cocky comebacks... we also get a love interest for no real reason other than these films always have love interests. Oh, and she's a girl (obviously: Homosexuality is not permitted in Delta Force one suspects) which leads to some tension in the group because she ain't no man. There are also the pointless explosions which occur so many times it hurts, the rival soldier with a history (he killed the Leader's brother, but that's okay: I'm sure they'll be talking by the end) and some truly dire dialogue, which is why this film at least gets a nod in the right direction. After all, not many films have the immortal line: "She's the best man for the job, even though she is not a man."
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Just For Men and Brandon, Too
saint_brett1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
'Great Soldiers?' Great Scott, I thought it was called 'Operation Delta Force?' Sounds like a Chuck Norris movie.

Movie starts out with some Universal Soldiers dropping into a high-rise complex and pea shooting their way around with some paintballs and no blood shed in a running drill exercise only.

One scene depicts them shooting the enemy and you can clearly see the public in the background rubbernecking and being ushered away by security.

I don't really feel like watching this tonight as I'm not in a 'Rambo' mood and this is definitely a gung-ho movie with lots of senseless war action.

Is this a PM movie?

The baddy in this, who sports a ponytail and reminds me of a 90's boyband singer, can't be taken seriously. He's too much of a pretty boy. (Can't remember the name of the song! But it went like this, "If you're feeling all right, say right, if you're feeling real good say good...I got it, I got it, I got it going on." There were 3 of them in the band?)

Movie's similar to 'The Rock.' Instead of nuclear warhead chips it's some cough syrup medicine vials that can eliminate Hay fever and cold shivers.

You can see that 'The Lawnmower Man' used some Just For Men in his role for this movie. He's got my uncles hair. (It's a midlife crisis thing.)

Is that Patsy Kensit from 'Lethal Weapon 2?' She's got that squeaky South Australian accent and looks like a boy. In fact, she looks like Brandon from 'Boys Don't Cry.' Tension brews between The Lawnmower Man and the guy from 'The Crow.' There's distrust between them but it's resolved by movies end. (It's an alpha male thing because of Patsy Kensit and her squeaky-clean ways and pheromones.)

A silly train scene ensues with a lot of back & forth pea shooter gunfire action, which I'm not buying. I mean, all these explosions and buildings blowing up, seriously? Does anyone buy that anymore? It's so yesterday. It's a wonder they didn't film that car stunt scene where they drive up a ramp and turn it on its side on two wheels before crashing.

And I swear in these types of movies that when the baddies get shot that they just recycle them to have a second stab at dying in another scene. They're like that Nintendo game 'Kung-Fu' and just keep coming after being killed.

How smart are these special forces movie grunts? They didn't secure the train then before the baddies escaped down a mine shaft and here's this bozo now using a rocket launcher down there. That's clever.

Have you noticed these people haven't eaten, went to the toilet, or slept once in this movie?

I love how either a boat, or a car, is conveniently waiting for all parties involved when escaping. They're just there and magically appear fully fueled, keys in the ignition. Brilliant.

That Just For Men hair coloring, really highlights a different shade of brown and comes across as auburn red while out in the sun.

Have you noticed anything? Their guns have unlimited bullets and never require reloading. It's like a video game where you enter a cheat code for invincibility mode.

The Lawnmower Man has the same eyes as that lady Meg Foster from 'Blind Fury.'

The Universal Navy Soldiers become infected with Ebola and have to go after the pretty boy with the ponytail, who possesses the cough syrup antidote. It's easily obtained and everyone rejoices that a mixture of happy juice, containing electrolytes and alcohol, cures a handful of peasant farmers at the end.

Mission accomplished.
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Good Movie
marsnook200710 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have the DVD and Video of this movie and watched it more than once.

I thought is was suspenseful in parts and that the actors played good parts.

I especially liked the actor Rob Stewart even if he wasn't the main lead(he should have been).

It showed what could happen with a chemical in the wrong hands and what the government would do to contain it.

Ernie Hudson was great as the character to help stop the terrorist from spreading danger to others.

Rob Stewart was also great in playing the Doctor, the only problem is usually the doctor doesn't get involved in the fighting.
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Yet another suprisingly good B-Movie from NU IMAGE!
liammurphy112 January 2004
The acting may not be up to much, but if it's action you want then this has it in bucketloads, the plot concerns a group of South African right-Wingers who steal a very deadly toxin and it's antidote and hold the world to ransom.. or something like that, so the Delta Force get called in to save the day, Pretty good if you've got 90 minutes to waste or there's nothing else on the T.V - Give it a go it might not be as bad as you may think

Followed to date By 4 SEQUELS!

My Rating:- 7/10
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Highly unrealistic, brainless action
bujin24 May 2001
Bear in mind that I haven't seen this film since it first came out on Channel 5 about a year ago.

This film has one of the most stupid scenes I've ever seen in a film of its type. The bit where they are dropped off by helicopter to the bottom of that railway bridge, and then climb up the bridge supports to the top. WHY????? WHY NOT JUST GET THE HELI TO DROP YOU OFF AT THE TOP???

Anyway, apart from that little annoyance, which actually adds a little humour to the film (from our point of view), this film is utterly cr*p. Simple as that.

It's plain to see that the writers/directors didn't do any homework on spec ops. Our highly trained heroes stand out in the open, shoot from the hip at targets 200 metres away and get them every time, while the enemy couldn't hit the Titanic from 2m away. This is brainless, team-based Rambo action.

I personally wouldn't waste my time even rating this film, except that now I'm here, I might as well. Can the rating system take negative numbers???
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A good action/adventure movie at a time when softer films flourished
skylance-217 March 1999
While the title leads one to believe that this is another sequel in the Delta Force movies started with Norris/Marvin, it is far from the truth. This film has strong performances from the Delta Force members, and extra depth is added with Ernie Hudson and Natasha Sutherland. Operation Delta Force not only has fast-paced action, but also touches on human interaction. Biological warfare, aparteid, ethnocentrism, and bureaucratic standards are shown throughout the movie. Unlike a total shoot-em-up film, depth of character is added, concern for others shown. Despite the nature of its release and popularity, I thought this to be a much better movie than many released at its time.
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"His sabre rattling has been making a lot of noise"
hwg1957-102-26570422 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In Mozambique a group of terrorists seize a virus from a research facility which Major Tipton was going to collect. Now Tipton and a Delta Force have to retrieve the virus back and set off in hot pursuit of the malefactors. Not as bad as some have suggested. There is a constant flow of lively action. There is Ernie Hudson, Jeff Fahey, Hal Holbrook and the delightful Natasha Sutherland. There are action B movie stalwarts like Joe Lara, Frank Zagarino and Todd Jensen. There are two beautiful steam trains puffing mightily. And the soldier whose wife had just had a baby survives the film. A pleasing end to an entertaining movie.
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Ok action movie ruined by a leaden score
dboud6 June 1999
I think this would have been a decent low budget actioner had it not been for the dull, funeral dirgelike score. Hardly a moment in the film goes by without the same tune droning leadenly in the background. The film had the elements of a good story and some lively action but I was totally distracted by the constant droning in the background. A good score comes in to add mood and tension where needed and should be silent when the film's action or dialog is needs no enhancement. Evidently the producers thought it needed enhancement constantly but the horrible music merely ruined the mood and action for me.
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The title was a good one because it was all about the Delta Force.
Laura B-327 August 1999
I thought the movie was excellent. I rented it and had it for 5 days and watched it 4 times. The cast was great and I am especially fond of Joe Lara. It's time to rent it again. If you like action, you'll really enjoy this movie
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Good Standard Action Flick!
LilacQueen2 April 2001
I liked this movie. It moves quickly with enough action to keep you on your toes. It actually has a plot. While the plot is a standard one it is interesting and handled fairly well. There is a twist in the ending and not the one I was expecting. Jeff Fahey turns in his usual solid performance.

If you want an action thriller to take your mind off your troubles this is it. I think it is a cut above your standard B movie. It's been done better but mostly worse. Get out the popcorn and enjoy this one.
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Not Bad not good
goldfinger2a-220 March 2003
Why why why do people decry films like this, ok it`s not a good film, but it`s a lot better than some films made in the 90's, Jeff Fahey is good as the leader of the Delta Force, Joe Lara is ok as the 'baddie' and it`s nice to see Hal Holbrook doing his stuff.

If you want some escapisum this is ok and it`s no worse then any of the TV series 'The A Team'...give it a try, the story line is not to bad either...come on it is a 'B' grade movie but live and let live...

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The movie that launched the "Operation Delta Force" series.
ctmcclain-677295 September 2021
I believe its been awhile since I've since the original "Operation Delta Force". I believe the director of the movie was so personally disappointed with "Delta Force 3" that "Operation Delta Force" is what "Delta Force 3" SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

It's just as fun and entertaining as the four sequels that came after.

And a personal thanks to Imdb tv for making this movie (and the rest of the series) available on their site. Since the orignal was never released on DVD in the united states.

As a fan of this series I hope the entire "Operation Delta Force" movie series gets some kind of a dvd\blu-ray (possibly re-mastering) in the future ASAP. I LOVE THESE MOVIES!!

Talk about the king of Direct-to-video popcorn action movie series of happy comfort food movies!
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"Could we at least have a moment of silence?"
hwgrayson3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Delta Force go in pursuit of two biological vials, one health giving and one deadly, that have been stolen by an Afrikaans terrorist group. Not the greatest of films but I was engrossed from beginning to end. Partly due to the many action scenes, set on a train, then a gold mine, then a village, then a river and finally a harbour. Cue lots of noisy shooting and explosions. Also liked the cast including the great Ernie Hudson as the soldier turned scientist Tipton, stalwart Hal Holbrook as the Admiral, Joe Lara as the pony-tailed terrorist leader Nash and comely Natasha Sutherland as Lt. Junger who is given a good final moment. Jeff Fahey as Captain Skip Lang is the first of five actors playing that role since this movie had four sequels and is no better or worse than the others.

It does have two beautiful steam locomotives which apparently come from another film. Well I couldn't see the join.
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For Fun See A No-Brainer!!
Jonny Frost22 March 2002
When I first saw this on video I thought what a pile of poo but why the hell did I enjoy it??

The thing is when a film is called "Operation Delta Force" you don't go into it thinking that you are going to see the finest display of realistic military action film making. You go for a fun 90 minutes where you can leave the world outside your living room.

Obviously when the film came out there was a shortage of bad guys so who better than the local population of where the film was shot - Bad South Africans! At least this explains the accents of supporting cast, unlike other worthier fare that lensed in SA (eg: Bravo Two Zero)

In fact I loved hearing Africaans in a film as it really lends itself to villains. I never was a fan of Jeff Fahey and at least he doesn't detract from this film but I never wondered why Joe Lara didn't get a chance to do at least one good film. Okay apart from the rubbish Seagal ponytail he has a good look and I guess... Oh who cares man this film is fun - why am I analysing a film that is formed around a B-Movie Special Forces formula (see my review of Operation Delta Force IV: Deep Fault)

I love this film for all it's B-list cast and terrible continuity - for it's absurd action scenes (anyone that doesn't realise that a film where a group of men run at a concrete machine-gun emplacement and don't die but actually destroy it, isn't to be taken seriously is lacking a fun gland).

See it when you've had a hard day doing something important - my dad and I did and we loved it - A Proper B-Movie!!!.
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Old but Gold
susiemcdonald15 November 2020
Many happy memories come back to me as I settle down to watch this movie, filled with fun thrilling action and a cheesey south Afician accent or two. But let's forgive that and just sit back and let's start the fun.

A must watch for Delta Force fans. But a warning. No Chuck Norris in these particular films. Praise be. Popcorn. A drink. I'm so ready to watch number 2.
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Really Enjoyable Action-Packed B-movie With Two Great "Character Actor's" leading it.
lukem-5276017 March 2022
Operation Delta Force is a really enjoyable little action movie with two great "Character actors" up front leading it all.

This is why i love B-movies & direct-to-video flicks because these give Character Actor's/Supporting actors a chance at being the lead even if the film is a low-budget production. Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2, Congo, Shark Attack, The Crow, The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, The Substitute & many, many more) is a damn good actor that usually gets a Supporting role but is a favourite of mine since his part as Winston Zeddemore from the Ghostbusters films & Congo. Here Ernie gets to be an action hero as an army Major & scientist who is out to stop an army of racist South African terrorists who has stolen a deadly virus. We also get Jeff Fahey as the leader, Captain Lang, of a commando delta force who has a bad history with Ernie Hudson's Major Tipton but both have to work together to track down & stop the terrorists. Jeff Fahey is another damn good actor that has Starred in countless B-movies from the 80's, 90's & 2000's, he has a huge filmography.

"Delta Force" is filmed well with a nice colourful look & a heroic music score & nice background scenery to keep it interesting & so much shootouts & explosions & bad guys getting shot, it's pure 90's action B-movie fun. I have Nostalgia for this type of film & genre & these types of flicks filled the shelves of Blockbuster video back in the day & i loved it. There's No bullshi# here, it's a product of it's time & that's a 90's action film made on a Low-budget & made for action fans. For it's genre (Action) & for it's small limited budget, Operation Delta Force is abit of a Gem from the good 'Ol video days.

This is simply a fun Action flick with a simple terrorist/virus plot & has two fan favourite actors leading the action. A fine easy viewing & a nice sense of comfort in these old school action films that used every bit of their limited budget & gave you a fun time on screen. Awww the simplicity of these flicks & the better times of the 1990's.
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