The Gospel According to Matthew (1993) Poster

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A very real and human Jesus
siri-324 April 2002
I don't know how often I have watch this movie over the last few years. Bruce Marchiano's portrait of Jesus was inspired. His Jesus is wonderfully human, you can literally feel his love, anguish, pain, etc. He heals people and then is not above sharing their joy by rolling in the dust with them, hugging and kissing. Non-Christians who watch this movie might not understand, but he certainly helped to strengthen my faith. The crucifixion scene is very powerful and real and left a lasting impression on me as to what crucifixion was like, the pain, humiliation, filth etc. The cast was well chosen and complimented the movie; after all the people it depicts where mostly simple people, fishermen, farmers etc. and I don't believe that more well-known actors could have brought the characters to life the same way, especially Simon Peter.
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An excellent depiction of a joyful Christ.
Grog-927 February 2002
I didn't like this movie at first. The production quality is that of a "B" movie and I let that get in the way of my objectivity. I was also not used to seeing Jesus portrayed as...well...human! This Jesus laughs and hugs and enjoys his friends. We are usually treated to a Jesus that is somewhat detached or "royal" in his bearing (think Jeffrey Hunter in "King of Kings"). This is not the case in this film. Once I got used to it (and IMHO this is a more accurate representation of Jesus) I really liked it!

I couldn't believe that this movie follows scripture line for line. The scripture verses are actually displayed (in the lower left corner as I recall) as they are being portrayed. I expected that approach would make the film disjointed or uninteresting. But it really works well.

This has become my favorite "religious movie", and I watch it with my family every Easter season.
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Under-rated film
raphael_lim7 March 2004
I've seen many of the movies made about the life of Jesus from the "Greatest Story Ever Told" to "Jesus Christ Superstar". I would have to say that Bruce Marchiano's portrayal makes Jesus as being very humane and compassionate about the suffering of the community. The Jesus he plays steers away from the stoic Shakespearean-type portrayals by Max Van Sydow and Robert Powell, making the character very accessible and someone you care about. In addition to Bruce Marchiano's pretty watchable performance, it was good to hear the late Richard Kiley's narrative of the Gospel, his rich unique voice (we'll miss it) enhancing the treatment of the story. Overall, I liked this film which is underrated and less-watched in comparison to the other more famous depictions of Jesus' life.

Having watched this film recently has encouraged me to want to watch Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" when it comes to Singapore next month. It would be interesting to make comparisons between the two films. I speculate that the films probably would complement each other, providing different perspectives to Jesus' character and life.
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It's a miracle if you do this book justice...
critic_w9 June 2003
Let's face it; if you have ever read a book before you saw the movie, the movie always paled in comparison. Some say that's because the movie could never do justice to what our own minds have pictured. The movie is destined, to some degree, to disappoint our vision of what things looked like as we read the authors words, and none of the actors will look or say things just as we envisioned it. Well if that's true, what would be the hardest book to film in the history of mankind? You guessed it, the Holy Bible; the best selling, and most widely read book of all time. And making matters more difficult is the fact that even those who haven't read the book will be comparing your portrayals to any of a half dozen that have come before.

Well, considering such extreme challenges, somehow director Reghardt van den Bergh, producer Dan Johnson and adapter Johann Potgieter have served up a miraculous production. It simply is a movie that rises above others on this near and dear topic. From the actors they selected to the locations, the resulting movie is simple and unadorned, and in this critic's opinion, the most easily received rendition ever produced. Devout and skeptic alike can enjoy this portrayal of a loving and greatly empathetic Christ. Bruce Marchiano, who plays Jesus, plays Him full of love and compassion. He's down to earth (no pun) and personally involved in the well being of everyone He meets. The viewer can feel His caring. It's simply the best portrayal to date. The supporting talent is also excellent in this production, which is so realistic it seems to be quiet. Now, as we all know, there is trauma in this story, and when appropriate, it does get uncomfortable to watch. but not gratuitously. They simply got it right. I realize that in the millions, or billions of other readers of this story, there's room for differing opinions, but upon second or third viewing, I think many would lean in this reviewer's direction. and I score this film a perfect 10.
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About the best one around just now
Romayne-130 April 2005
Forget the Passion - THIS is the film to view if you really want to know more about who Jesus is, and His life here for 33 years on this planet. Unlike any other version I've watched, the producers, directors, most of the main actors and supporting staff of this film were ALL Christians themselves, who prayed regularly over every single scene AND again unlike any other edition, they held EXACTLY to what scripture said as the ultimate script - absolutely nothing was added in - some occasions required a voice over where to reenact the scene may have proved somewhat inappropriate (e.g. the Angels at the Tomb), but other than that, this is absolutely categorically the best one in my view. Sad that it's often neglected or overshadowed by more 'secular' versions. Bruce Marchiano who played Jesus in this one continues on to have an awesome ministry following his portrayal of a 'different' Jesus to the stereotype.
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Powerful, anointed masterpiece imbued with the fire of God
Russ Davis26 May 2005
As with most of those here commenting on this, I am blown away with the power and grace Bruce Marchiano brings to this masterpiece. The depth of power of his heart and eyes is so overwhelming as to be almost too great to bear; I think my heart will burst under the load save that He carries me with my light yoke (6:34 & 11:30). That it is utterly unknown but to Christians is of course the same story as with Jesus Himself, He Whom the pagans would co-opt to their own agendas and uses, a tactic that only backfires in the end as they prove from their folly that they know nothing of Him.

One point I must make against those who use the profound depth of this as a platform from which to condemn Mel Gibson's equally (though differently) anointed masterpiece, The Passion of the Christ, with priceless Jim Caviezel (though I'll always regret dear Mel didn't play the title role himself which would have been beyond awesome): they're quite wrongheaded on the score, for the testimony of Bruce and his company and Jim and his company are one in describing the divine (and therefore the counterattacking demonic) manifestations so present in the making of these jewels in our Lord's crown. What great grace the Lord has brought us in these precious brothers so to condescend to grace our lives with such inspiration according to His Perfect Word.
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Best Ever
Birm9 June 2003
By far the best biblical movie I have ever seen. The strict adherence of the script word for word with the Bible was unique and wonderful. Bruce Marchiano's portrayal of Jesus was amazing and truly brought out the magnificence of the Lord.
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angel-28025 January 2003
I just re-watched this not too long ago, and was reminded again of the beauty of this film. The film opens with narrative by the late Richard Kiley, who plays the role of the elderly Matthew the Apostle. Compelling performances by Mr. Kiley and Bruce Marciano, among others, make this a film you can watch over and over. Also, the area they were filming in (Morrocco, I believe) is absolutely stunning.
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Simply The Best...
poorboy67112 April 2017
I have seen almost every film concerning Jesus and His ministry to date. And I must say that this is by far the most moving depiction of Jesus I've ever seen. Jesus wasn't some stone faced, emotionless, robot...he was a man. He felt sorrow, he grew tired, he laughed, and he cried. He had every emotion that we have had. And if you've read the Gospels you already know this. The fact that this is a word for word account of the Gospel According to Matthew (NIV) makes it even better.

It is not some overblown Hollywood if you're looking for great special effects then you'll be disappointed. I recently re-watched Jesus of Nazareth, and it made me appreciate this movie even more. And I have no idea how that movie can be so highly rated give just how inaccurate it truly is.

And to me this is a great Bible study tool for anyone who is just starting to read the's the Gospel of Matthew come to life in the form of a movie. So, you can read along in your Bible as you watch.

This movie is a blessing just waiting for anyone wanting to grow closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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I would definitely recommend this video to anyone wishing to enrich his or her spiritual life
kaduusa11 April 2015
I would definitely recommend this video to anyone wishing to enrich his or her spiritual life. to me my family and all that i have given or shown this video to comment that this is the perfect picture of the Jesus of the Bible they ever saw. It is beautifully filmed and it is great for group study, it Really brings scripture alive and is helpful to understand it better, The Jesus of this video is the best picture of Jesus you can ever get, he is full of life, unconditional love, happiness, compassion, sympathy, and mercy and the same time firm, strong and with authority. not a cold, distant one like i have seen in other videos. This Jesus goes about hugging and loving people, it is so real that it Makes one have a feeling of being there with Jesus. Bruce Marchiano's portrayal of Jesus was so deep, so amazing, I wish I could thank him personally. after watching it changed my perception of God and it deepened my relationship with God as well. I love this video so much that i purchased many of this DVD, to give it away to family and friends. if you are looking for more then reenactments that only gives you some of the scriptures. Then the Visual Bible is for you. This entire four hour video is word-for-word from the NIV. You can even follow along with the verses because they are placed at the bottom of the screen. this is my favorite video to study the bible, no comparison. To be even better I have been praying to see this picture of Jesus word by word with 21 century type sound and special effects, so people can do bible study or to play on TV as a mini series. I wish i could rate it higher than 5 stars. I also recommend the visual bible act of the apostles and the gospel of john
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Still Powerful
cheriedack14 April 2020
I watched this movie years ago, but it still hits my heart because of Bruce Marchiano's portrayal of Jesus which is great. Some of the production value is dated, but it's still well worth watching especially after reading Bruce's book about his experience of making the movie. ("In The Footsteps of Jesus")
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The best Visual Bible you could use as an evangelical teaching tool
verboetim2 May 2002
If ever there was a visual account of Jesus that should be used as an evangelical teaching tool, (second to the Bible) by any Christian believer - THIS IS IT! I would recommend and use it quite easily over Mel Gibson's The Passion. Thankfully, not too much time is given to Him suffering before and at Calvary. The Passion, I think, overdoes it and tells the viewing public that a good man died a too harsh a death.

This DVD/Video uses the N.I.V. Bible line for line, and is enacted out as though you were there in the presence of the Saviour Himself. It also shows Him to have emotion. Suddenly, the Gospels come alive! This visual account easily over-rides any account of Jesus Hollywood has ever tried to create.
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worst depiction ever
srmonge5 April 2004
Lord, have mercy.

I can appreciate the energy and time and sense of devotion that was invested in this movie. Having said that, this borders on blaspheming the divinity of Christ. It is true that Christ was fully human, but he was also fully divine. This movie loses all sense of his divinity. Perhaps even more troubling, its sense of his humanity has much more to do with a feel good Californian in the later 20th century (refer to Dogma's "Buddy Jesus") than it has anything to do with a first century Middle-Easterner.

I mean, did the director of this "film" consult any actual scholars when creating this debacle?! Clearly, they allowed their conception of what "love" and "compassion" mean to make Jesus in their own image. From Jesus screaming in hysteria at the Pharisees to sobbing like a baby over Jerusalem; from his "game-plan" style prophesying to his oh-so-unauthoritative "not-so" Great Commission; from his disciples looking like they are bored out of their minds to his "come on guys follow me" gestures---this movie renders ridiculous the incarnate Logos.

Someone once said that Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from Outer Space" was a hymn to all those who tried to create something memorable and failed miserably every step of the way. While not taking anything away from the infamy of Ed, all those involved in the production of this movie do likewise.

This movie is symptomatic of some very serious problems in the way American Christianity views the Christ. Understandably, people latch on to the fact that the Gospel writers refer to him as Jesus more often than with any other title. However, the disciples throughout the Gospels, as well as the writers of Acts and all of the epistles almost universally use such titles as Lord, Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, and Master. John falls down before him in revelation as a dead man. No one could possibly do the same before Bruce Marchiano's portrayal.
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The greatest Jesus movie I have ever seen.
texaszilaci20 June 2004
Yes, Christ was probably somebody like this movie shows.

Loving people, loving life, very accessible, feeling sorry

for the people when when criticizing them. Word by word,

the Gospel of Matthew. I would be very pleased to see the

other Gospels from these film makers and actors. I hope, they will make them. It is also a great idea that the name of the actor who is playing Jesus is not shown anywhere. Even International Movie Database does not show that. I had to search the internet to find the actor's name out.
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Brilliant storytelling by an amazing actor who allowed his life to be filled with God
elaine-17218 December 2006
Thank you Bruce for allowing God such unhindered access to your life during the filming of this. I don't think you will ever fully know the impact for The Kingdom that your willingness to be used by Him has had on this generation. It is an amazing piece of work. The joy that is evident in your smile told me more about Jesus Christ than anything else I have ever read or seen. Thank you for being the first Jesus to smile, to laugh and to weep with such abandon. Everybody needs to see this! Even if you are not a Christian this movie is the best adaption of the gospel according to Matthew that has ever been made. What is so brilliant is that there has been no interference from any scriptwriter. It was taken straight from the Bible - word for word and that's what counts!
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Good Perspective on Jesus
timkennedy444812 October 2014
The bible gives us every thing we need to find salvation in Jesus Christ. It was how ever not written to give us every detail of His life and so we are left to guess and speculate on the secondary unimportant things. This movie gives a beautiful interpretation of how Jesus might have interacted with his disciples. Even when he is rebuking his disciples he is doing it with a laugh, loving smile and a hug. Like it says in the Gospel of Matthew 11:28 "A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he has brought justice through to victory." It is a beautiful and interesting interpretation of how Jesus might have been. Definitely watch this movie!
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A Word for Word Masterpiece.
cinephile-276909 July 2018
I was 3 hours and 41 minutes(or 221 minutes) into this 4 hour and 25 minute movie, and I could already call it one of the best full Jesus biographies I have ever seen.

As you can probably guess, it's the Gospel of Matthew, but it's also word for word, and when a verse is read, the number is written in the corner. For example, when Jesus says "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you", 5:44 is written in the corner.

It gets annoying at first, but I got used to it eventually. Plus, with prior knowledge that the Gospel is 28 chapters long, it helped know how close I was to the end.

So why is this one of my favorite biblical Jesus movies? Mainly because of how close it is to the Bible, and it's spiritually uplifting. Also, when Jesus says: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" (Matthew 7:3) he holds a plank next to his eye, which adds humor to the Sermon scene.

I also remember thinking Jesus talking for 3 chapters would be boring, but Matthew recites some sections, since he is writing them, and telling the story to some kids.

The Visual Bible: Matthew is simply one the best Jesus movies ever made, and those who want biblical accuracy in a Jesus movie should consider this a must watch!

"The Visual Bible" also has an adaptation of Acts, which is something I want to check out. I'm sure that is as great, or nearly as great as this movie!
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The very best movie about Jesus- and I have seen them all!
EighthSense25 March 2006
I just finished watching The Visual Bible's "Matthew", and it will be a while until I feel "normal" again. For almost 4 hours I was back in time, among his followers, totally transported by this movie, as close to the real thing as I could never imagine was possible. I can't describe properly how very real it felt.

This movie, although very rich and lush visually, contains none of the marks of a Hollywood "production". For the first time, we get to hear all of Jesus' words and parables in everyday English, as Matthew wrote them in detail, which are delivered by Bruce Marchiano in the most lively, realistic way imaginable. His "Jesus" is as close to the real one as we can get-full of life, loving, affectionate, smiling, dynamic, persuasive, so human and so full of love, so approachable and realistic. His skin and that of the disciples is tanned from their days of walking and teaching in the sun, and if there is any make up, I can't even tell.

I have collected all the movies made about Jesus, including Pasolini's-none vibrates throughout as strongly with Jesus's realistic presence and words as this movie. I have really no words to describe it adequately.

I just feel like I'd like to thank all the people involved in this work, for they have created something wonderful for the world. Matthew's portrayal in his old age is absolutely masterful and enchanting. In a hugely artistic, entertaining way, Bruce Marchiano's unbelievable performance as Jesus makes every thought and word of Jesus in that Gospel readily understood-thank you for this incredible work! I saw at Marchiano's website that he is making "The Gospel According to John" -again word for word-entirely by his own ministry when they manage to get 250000 people to donate $100 each-how I wait for it!
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Outstanding Movie!!! The Only Real problem was the ... special effects
MARKSSFURNACE8 February 2005
This is the Best Biblical Movie Ever made to Date!!! It was extremely accurate in script & context. The portrayal by Luke (Richard Kiley) was superb! Bruce Marchiano was Spectacular in his role as Jesus! The scenes where Jesus interacts with children are heart warming. The scene with the gentile woman asking to heal her daughter is heart rendering. No one has ever played Jesus so well before!!! I loved how Jesus portrays love to all even while he is rebuking them for their wrong attitudes and self-righteousness. While there was violence, it was not excessive nor gratuitous. The casting for Peter was unique but acceptable. The only real problem I saw was the special effects in a couple of scenes. However, the outstanding performances made up for my disappointment.
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Decent film on christ!
jdbenj4 January 2019
Although the film suffers a bit from the production quality it was a great take on what Jesus might have been like. Sometimes I though Jesus at some scenes should have been a bit more serious, but overall Bruce Marchiano's Jesus had substance. And it is a great tool for evangelism!
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The best gospel of Jesus ever made.
jamesfrazier-4345717 September 2022
This is a near word-for-word enactment of the book of Matthew. An amazing, accurate, non-hollywood based film... it even has a verse counter!

The love of Christ's teachings and sacrifice is all to often shown as dry, condemning and harsh. A Greek model yelling at people with little charisma. Jesus would likely have been approachable, loving and empathetic leader for so many to seek and follow. This film portrays a believable scenario like no other!

The accuracy of this film combined with the talent of Richard Kiley's narration and the absolutely incredible, relatable portrayal of Jesus by Bruce Marchiano makes this THE definitive depiction (in my opinion).
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re. Worst depiction ever
gsemerick28 June 2007
I completely agreed with the last comment that this was the worst movie depiction of Jesus ever. Unlike others, I did not appreciate Jesus smiling throughout the movie,,and was unable to take him seriously. I don't consider myself an expert in acting, but the actor playing Jesus was one of the worst. Its amazing to me too how many commented how closely it followed the Gospel of Matthew,,,,,yet it left out quite a bit and actually mixed up, for one reason or another the sequence of events. I have just seen the Gospel of John,,,,,,and would highly recommend it as following the whole Gospel account and being much better acted. Also the older Jesus film released by Campus Crusade in 1979 and based on Luke was much better too.
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agent_js0330 July 2003
This is the BEST Jesus movie I have ever seen. Everything said by Jesus and the narrator in this movie are exact words that come directly from the Bible. This also greatly portrays the actual character of Jesus Christ I highly recommend this movie.
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Beautiful Portrayal of Jesus
dancercollins23 January 2022
I absolutely LOVE the portrayal of Jesus by this actor! He did an amazing job of making Jesus a happy, caring, wonderful person, and kept from portraying Jesus as judgmental and cynical.

One star off for being such a whitewashed cast, which admittedly isn't enough to make that point, but I couldn't make myself take any more off, lol!
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A Word For Word Masterpiece.
filmbuff-0570624 January 2024
*My 200th review on my page!*

The Visual Bible: Matthew gained my attention when I was about 7 or 8. It was for sale at the now closed Family Christian Store, and my Dad bought it. We had an intention of seeing it, but the 4 hour and 25 minute run-time kept us from doing so. He passed away when I was 9, and at no time did I ever see it.

I ended up finding a copy of it in high school at my local Salvation Army (I no longer had that old one) and it became one of my favorite Biblical movies.

The Visual Bible: Matthew is just that- a visual of the words of Matthew. The dialogue- narration and spoken, comes strictly from The NIV translation. My 1st of 2 nit-picks with the movie is that as such, some verses are removed- namely 17:21, 18:11, and 23:14, and the Bible tells us to never take away from God's word, and I find that contradictory for a movie being "word for word."

That aside, this is one of the best Biblical movies ever made. Bruce Marchiano is a more historically accurate looking Jesus, and one of the best actors to play him at that.

He also has some personality, something people criticize from actors like Max Von Sydow, who played Christ in The Greatest Story Ever Told. For example, when Jesus speaks Matthew 7:3-5, he says:

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

As he does this, he jokingly places a plank next to his eye, making him and his disciples laugh. This leads to my other nit-pick, in which he speaks to a crowd in The Sermon on the Mount scene, while it's narrated in Matthew 4:25-5:1 that Jesus ignored the crowd to speak to only the disciples.

My nit-picks aside, The Visual Bible: Matthew is one of the best Biblical movies ever made- and it proves that Scripture itself is all that's needed to make a powerful movie based on The Bible. While Pasolini's The Gospel According To St. Matthew is my favorite movie about Jesus (and movie period), this ranks up there with it as one of the best Jesus films ever produced. It is a word-for-word masterpiece.

Note: Because Matthew is writing the words, we cut to him saying the words of his text to some kids at times.
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