The Goal (2005) Poster


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nice idea, poorly realized
toddbradley20 September 2006
This film has a great premise, but suffers from a rambling story. It's a drama about a young man who loses the ability to walk, but through willpower and the support of his family learns the sport of wheelchair rugby. It's the kind of story that appeals to everyone, but sadly the film falls short.

The script is unfocused and cries out for a more critical edit. There are characters with no purpose, a bizarrely unfocused third act, and unrealistic dialogue.

The acting varies from mediocre to good, with a great effort by the lead and outstanding performances by a couple of the supporting actors. But the director didn't seem able to demonstrate the cast's true potential in the final product.

The audio was a bit amateurish at times, and the music was laughably overwrought. The film has something of the feel of an "after school special" TV show, and is probably best suited for a young audience. But in my opinion, it doesn't stand up to other "grown up" dramas on the indie festival circuit.

All that said, I give Darla Rae bonus points and a big congratulations for her first feature film!
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Unwatchable schlock.
alphaomegaremodel15 December 2008
I watched this for the singular purpose of watching a movie made in Colorado. What a mistake I made. If you youtube the trailer you will see every single highlight of the film, and the trailer is terrible. Every single cliché, every single bit of lifetime channel original movie brain damage you can imagine can be found in this movie. I often wonder if being a Christian means you can't judge aesthetics, because every single bit of religious programming I've ever seen is sub-par in every way. Bad acting, bad writing, bad choices left and right. Unintential hilarity at every turn. 'Oh yeah, well you're not the one in the chair!' nearly had me falling off the couch with laughter. I paid nothing to see this movie and still feel as though I've been robbed. I assume every single positive comment made about this movie was made by people who worked on the movie and their parents in an attempt to sell more DVDs at whatever fleamarket they set up a booth at. Avoid at all costs.
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2 thumbs up
MicCleo-128 September 2006
I liked the movie, really puts a story and faces to some of the guys who play this game. I am proud of Ryan Parker who plays of Steve George for his performance in this movie. Thank you to Darla Rae, the director she directed an excellent movie. The real athletes put a lot of guts in this sport and I wish them continued success. I wish the actors and the athletes tremendous luck on their continued film festival road from Denver. I know its heading to Milan and it will do great. I would have to say two thumbs up. I hope everyone to where the movie is heading goes and see's it and it does well. Excellent film photography and enjoyed meeting some of the actors and athletes after the movie ended. Thanks for filming in Denver.
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Enjoyable and uplifting
gmaleatgmale6 July 2008
as someone who became a C5/C6 quadriplegic just a little under one year ago, I appreciated this movie's theme (it is only under adverse circumstances, that one's true character shows). The portrayal of the struggle, both mental and physical, to overcome paralysis due to spinal injury (especially at higher, cervical levels) is pretty close to dead on as far as my own struggle is concerned. The actors do a good job at showing how a person with a cervical level spinal cord injury realistically would move. I do wish they could have done a better job of explaining the injuries. Often, people think that paralysis means lack of feeling, when in reality it really only means that the person has limited mobility and, or dexterity Along with mild two severe levels of nerve pain.

one thing that was interesting to me about this film was their choice to include the theme of depending on God for strength and courage to deal with the struggle of a spinal injury. Although there were obvious things, such as the pastor and his wife along with the church they work at, the movie really didn't delve very far into the topic of faith. This is not to criticize the filmmaker, only to say that I thought it was interesting that they included such a deep issue, and yet (by my perception) did not decide to go very far into it. This is just my opinion obviously, but I thought it would have been interesting to hear more of how the family and friends of the young men were depending on their faith to get through the challenges they were faced With.

The movie was very enjoyable and I gave it a 7/10 simply because some of the storytelling was confusing as far as the intertwining of the two young mens' lives, and each of their struggles with spinal cord injuries/parallelization. Although there are some typical low- budget movie clichés, including bad lighting, over acting, strange non sequitur dialogue or comments, uncomfortable camera angles, etc. I really thought those minor things did not matter, as the movie was over all incredibly uplifting, and not at all something that would make me feel uncomfortable to watch with my parents.

if you are dealing with a spinal cord injury, whether you your self are injured or someone around you has any injury, I highly recommend that you see this movie. It could really inspire you and perhaps change your perspective.
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Remarkable what can be done if you have the guts and passion
Louie_Feher-Peiker28 September 2006
In a time when it's all about the money, it is good to know that passion and stick-to-it can get you so far. Darla Rae has brought an incredible array of local talent and resources to bear to create a genuine, emotional and inspirational movie to life. It is something many people may not get, but those who are ready to realize their own lives, their own mortality and their own blessings will embrace and cherish. I hope more people will get to see how important every person's life is and see that this movie is truly about how each and every one of us has something we are struggling with. The movie takes an approach not often seen - that of the people who really struggle with an accident, not just the injured person, but all those that it affects. And finally, that even after such a tragedy, that their can be a new, albeit, a different life. Thank you Darla for your enduring perspiration to bring this to the world!
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Loved watching The Goal
maheitm12 March 2007
I loved watching The Goal! It was truly inspirational, and the cast/crew did an excellent job. The trials of two athletes who have to redirect all of their competitive passion to quad rugby was amazing, and very moving. The camera shots of the rugby games really captured the spirit and heart that these guys play with.

It was interesting to finally see a movie shot in Denver! Colorado has many beautiful locations, and with a city line that rivals Chicago, New York and LA - it was great to see it on screen.

I highly recommend this movie! What a nice surprise to be able to watch with the whole family and not have to worry that something unsuitable is going to be shown or talked about.

Darla Rae did an outstanding job writing, directing and producing The Goal. I can't wait to see what she's going to show us next!
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Very well made
EricIyoob29 January 2011
Truly one of a kind very inspirational. the story of The Goal is well made. my favorite part is when the camera is on the dolly entering through the aisle of the church. camera work and shots seem to be fluent and well planned out. the actors also did a very good job. I also like the locations as well. camera cuts are perfect and match to each new scene change. the hospital scene is also another favorite. the music fits every scene perfectly. Darla Rae has brought you an inspirational film that the whole family can watch. I found it to be truthful and realistic in the approach of telling what families go through when tragedy strikes. Darla has shown us miracles can happen. Congrats to the cast and crew, you all did an excellent job.
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An inspirational first movie !
kevinwilkes00026 September 2006
This movie is a real inspiration. It's about the fears we all have when life doesn't go as expected. The acting is mostly good and the characters are believable. Considering The Goal was made for $50,000 the production values are very good including a helicopter and professional looking stunt.

The story is about 2 young men, both athletes, who suffer spinal cord injuries and are quadriplegics. Both men get back into their lives and sports by playing wheelchair rugby. The family of the main guy is very religious but this never feels like a movie about religion and it doesn't preach to the audience. It's more about how people/families respond to such severe accidents. The family was religious before the accident and they never lose their faith during the recovery process.

I took my sons (9 and 11) to see this movie. They didn't squirm or get bored. It held their attention for the whole time and afterward they insisted I buy the DVD. Now that's a great movie!
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This movie got me off my butt and made me live again!
maurmcd8 July 2008
I was injured in a motorcycle accident where it was not my fault,and I lost my desire to live and my wife brought it home and left it for me to watch. It not only helped my family have a true understanding of what I was going through it helped me to see that I had choices.

This movie was a great inspiration to me and my family and I know it will inspire you whether you are in a chair or just facing a major setback in your life.

I enjoyed the camping and rugby scenes and the relationship between the guys,and when the crazy nurse takes him out of his room and his family was waiting for him. The nurse was really funny and she reminded me of some of the crazy nurses that I had in the hospital.

This is definitely a family film which you don't have to worry about being embarrassed in mixed company. Great job!Thanks to the cast and crew for making this film. It really helped us.
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Sad, happy, and triumphant
almightyparrot12 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that sums up the human spirit and all that it can accomplish. If you are ever feeling like you just can't make it, and things are SO insurmountable, watching this movie is the perfect therapy to get you to pull yourself out of the funk and into reaching your goal. The acting is supreme, and the story is tightly woven, you can almost feel yourself being in the shoes/chairs of the characters. Darla Rae is an awesome director, and I look forward to seeing more of her work in the future, if this is a sampling of what she can do, then I cannot wait for the next installment. Look out Lucas, Spielberg, and Gibson, Darla Rae is coming with a vengeance, and taking fans with her. If anyone feels like they walked away from seeing this film without obtaining anything, then they are lost.
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Inspiring ,and Encouraging!
brad-michael36928 January 2010
It's obvious that this film was made with little or no resources.But I found it to be truthful and realistic in the approach of telling what families go through when tragedy strikes.It doesn't matter whether your tragedy is a spinal cord injury or just a great loss of a life from the one you once knew.This story will Inspire and Encourage you.If it doesn't then you have no heart or compassion. It's a shame that this movie hasn't been out there in the way Facing the Giants has,because it's as every bit as good,if not better.Yes they touch on Christian belief,and they didn't have some big point where the main character was converted to Christianity,but his family was a family of faith before a tragic accident,and they stayed true to their faith.They told their story and belief in a way without beating you over the head with the Bible or Christianeese. This movie should be broadcast on lifetime,or cable somewhere.It has the ability to Inspire and Encourage many people.These athletes featured in this story are amazing.As an athlete I'm sure some athletes may find this sappy,but it's life is not always about being the tough guy.I say great job to the Cast and Crew,and I hope they continue to do more films like The Goal.
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Uplifting tale of overcoming hardship and pain.
dsanz-316 February 2009
This movie showcases what is possible and what you can overcome regardless of the obstacles. It would be cliché to say the old saying "when life gives you lemons..." but this film takes that concept and shows that there is ALWAYS something you can do.

The only way to be defeated in life is to give up, and "The Goal" shows regardless of the challenges in your life, you can always succeed if you can get your heart and mind driving together towards your goal.

This film also shows that just because you have a plan in life, does not mean that your future is written. There are always changes, and this film follows two young men who's paths were interrupted and they were faced with making a choice.
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Excellent, educational, thought provoking and inspirational film!!
pamelagaudreau26 January 2010
This film is a must see for everyone! Family friendly and bold. I'm amazed of what was accomplished with such a small budget compared to most other films. I can't imagine making any film with a $50,000 budget! It was "reality" based cinematography blended with artful snapshots that provoke the entire spectrum of human emotion.

Most of us will be fortunate enough to never have to experience first hand what it's like to loose full use of our bodies and limbs; we take so much for granted! The film has relevance for everyone, regardless as we all suffer loss in some way or have watched someone we know suffer with similar struggles. All of us can relate to craving the immediate gratification of the "adrenaline rush" that drives and motivates us. But just one cruel twist of fate could put any one of us in a similar situation.

Darla Rae drives home this harsh reality of life as a quadriplegic at every stage without fear of "offending" the viewer with stark scenes that drive home the reality that while the physical condition may be offensive (on so many levels), the spiritual condition can overcome any obstacle, turning the "curse" into "blessing". How small simple acts of kindness can change lives.

Even with such limited resources, she simultaneously composes subtle and tasteful cinematography that shows the beauty within the tragedy, the strength of spirit we all possess to overcome any obstacle; the victory of faith over adversity. The Goal skillfully illustrates value of love and support in our lives and the human connection's affect on the human condition. Brava Darla Rae...BRAVISIMO!!
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Great family film.Inspiring!
rersland275131 August 2013
I watched this film last night with my family.All ages were in the room.At first I was reluctant because I thought it would show too many medical or body fluid type of issues. The filmmaker lets you know what is going on without being too in your face.As a nurse I appreciated the accuracy in which the medical conditions were addressed. My family really enjoyed the competitiveness of the actual game of wheelchair rugby. Kids of all ages who like tough sports will like this. Parents will like the message and support of the family unit in this film.The actors did a great job. The main actor playing Steve did a great job portraying a disabled athlete. You can definitely tell the difference as to who is really someone who lives their life in a wheelchair. Hats off to the entire cast and filmmakers for showing the importance of family and friends. Great Christian message although not really preachy. Even if you are not a family of believers you will enjoy the encouraging and important inspiring true story. Favorite line in the film "Life is different, but its definitely not over" We also enjoyed the camping and falling into the mud scene which is so typical of boys no matter what age.Make sure you have plenty of tissue. The Goal is a great family friendly version of Murderball. Obviously Murderball was not really for the Christian family. Although it was a good documentary.It was pretty raw and edgy. All in all The Goal is a very nice gem. So many times we get family films that end up being horrible stories. The Goal is quite refreshing.
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Must see and buy
faster500116 August 2007
WOW i felt so many different feeling on this movie, it made me laugh, cry, get mad. it had so many things going on. i loved this movie and i think everyone should see to really see what life is about. I never thought i would feel so strong about a movie. i cant tell you how it ends. but it is worth seeing time and time again. i love the people they put in this movie.GREAT men and women. they put there heart and souls in this movie, you can tell that this movie is from the heart. I love they way they did this movie and made you really see what people can be and what they go through. i think it is great that they show how much power people have when they are down, so much that with believing in something can bring you up to where everyone should be, to feel like you are real and loved.
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Very Inspiring and heartfelt message
curtisjanetta41430 August 2008
I recently purchased this film online.I was very impressed with this film and am amazed that this did not get released into theaters nationally.It's a real shame.It's on the line of Facing the Giants except i think the acting was much better. I really enjoyed the Christian message of Hope,but they didn't beat you over the head with the Bible. I hope to see more from this director and company in the future. It's an Olympic story and more need to see it.It was a great film to watch with the entire family.It shows those with disabilities in a very tasteful manner.Not only is it inspirational ,it is educational, and you don't ever feel embarrassed by language or scenes. I and my family really were inspired and enjoyed it. We laughed and we cried.
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See The Goal.........excellent for families
laurie_wittges10 May 2006
The Goal is an excellent movie for family viewing, and has a good solid message. The Goal is inspiring for all people. It gives good insight into the lives of Quads and the some of the challenges they face daily learning to first accept their situation and to make the most of their lives.

The Goal makes you feel hopeful for the future.

This is an Inspiring movie for disabled people - especially those with spinal injuries. The characters show great courage in accepting their challenges and rising above their situations and limitations to find peace and joy in a new life.

I recommend this movie highly to everyone.
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Inspirational Project
galegrove28 October 2006
So many of us involved with this inspirational film were constantly in awe of how things came together for this independent endeavor. Doors opened, donations were offered, talent came forward, and whole communities came together to help make "The Goal". There seemed to be a benevolent spirit hovering over this project. My own participation in the role of "mother" (Evelyn George) helped me through the dread diagnosis of breast cancer. Seeing the courage and positive attitude of the quadriplegics in real life, lent me that same courage and attitude. Now I am a year and half cancer survivor. Come see this movie and you too will become inspired to a better life.
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Best Family Film wrought with Inspiration
tam_burks26 September 2006
The Goal is a feel good movie.You come out cheering.Situations that seemed impossible were accomplished.Having heard Darla Rae's story behind the making of The Goal I can understand her ability to tell the story of The Goal.Because she too accomplished the impossible.It's wonderful to view a movie without horrible language,and constant sex. Here's a movie that all family members can enjoy together.I recommend it to everyone. If you miss it,you've missed a gem.To watch it touch lives first hand was amazing.People cried,and laughed,and cheered.I watched several young athletes who enjoyed the movie and asked some very interesting questions during a Q&A with Darla Rae and some of the actors.I felt that the music was spiritually uplifting,and genuinely touched my heart.I hope the director continues to make more family films. This film was shot on mini DVD tape in 2005.
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