Babies (TV Series 2020– ) Poster

(2020– )

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Cute babies
mls418212 December 2022
The babies are smarter than the researchers. Seriously. They really don't tell you much more than an interested and observant parent would tell you.

I watched to see the little tykes exploring, being brilliant and very cute. That really is the only value in this series.

Adorabless is a ten. Informativeness is about a two.

How to get up to the required word count? I've said all I can on the subject.

I thought it was a bit irresponsible to put babies into and MRI machine just out of curiosity. Isn't that potentially harmful? I wouldn't agree to let them do that to my child when otherwise healthy.
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I just love looking at the babies
nicci197214 August 2020
But the science of this documentary was meh. I think the first few episodes provided food for thought but then after that; I felt like they were "testing" traits that we already know the answer to OR the answer really has no bearing on how you raise your child. But hey lots of cute babies doing there baby things. That was enough for me.
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No subtitles when Israelis are speaking
iacoblianna5 March 2021
Great series. Only thing is they didn't show subtitles for the scientist and test subjects based in Israel though they did for all the other languages featured throughout the film .
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Excellent Series
bethinlacey24 February 2020
This is an excellent series that looks at several aspects of infant development: bonding, growth, movement, eating and language. It introduces us to 4 babies and then shows us the research that was done to measure these areas of development. A common research question is the extent to which infants are born with the capacity for development in these areas and how parents can enhance development. It also speaks to the prenatal care that can promote development. Meeting the families keeps the studies and research conclusions from being dry. The videos and measurements sharpened the viewers' attention to what was happening and showed us how very subtle are the signs of development. Hearing the scientists' observations and conclusions while also seeing the personal lives of the babies made for the most meaningful understanding of the content.
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Information for viewers that WANT it
janelle-3893928 October 2020
This is such a wonderful series. I wish that this information was available to me when I was raising my own children. As a grandmother this series is invaluable because I now have an entirely new understanding with my grandchildren, and I can pass this knowledge on to my own children. If your looking for something exciting this probably isn't the show for you...unless you're interested in brain development. If you're looking for real information that will help you understand and engage more with with babies and toddlers definitely give this show a watch. If you absorb the information and use it to your benefit you will find that this series is enlightening beyond anything they teach you in "parenting classes". One amazing thing I learned from this series was with my 3 month old grandson. He wouldn't stop crying when there didn't seem to be anything wrong and thanks to this series I understood that he was just bored of his surroundings and wanted to see something different. No more fussy, inconsolable baby!!! Food, shelter, love...and input. Thanks Netflix for this wonderful and thoughtfully put together series!
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Fantastic, important documentary
GoalDigs1 March 2020
I thought this was fascinating! I have a 3 year old toddler girl and while most things are not new to me such as how nutrition and the care and attention given to a baby affects their development and lives, there was so much more scientific exploration that I was not aware of, for example how households with primarily dogs can deter diseases, especially asthma in babies and in their lives afterwards due to scientific research regarding microbes/just how much what food is ingested can affect memory and so on. So much important information. I'm on episode "Crawling" and I am absolutely fascinated and am in awe!
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Loved it
koenhageraats6 April 2021
I loved this documentary!! It is lovely to see all the scenes in which babies explore the world and it is.educational aswell.
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Cute babies - Bad science reporting
elliest_59 March 2020
Each of the episodes of this documentary series has two parallel sides: one follows a handful of babies from birth through important developmental stages during their first year of life and the other presents 2-3 examples of experimental work in the area that is being discussed (attachment/bonding, food, crawling, sleep, language, walking).

The first side (babies and new parents) is a glimpse into the life-changing first months of having a new baby. The parents are honest about the excitement, struggles, and worries of those crucial months. The babies are cute. It's fine, but no more than what you get from browsing home videos on youtube.

The second side should be the exciting one: cool scientific experiments! However, there are several major drawbacks: many of these experiments are still in progress, so we don't really get any concrete answers, while others are ambiguously concluded. The documentary completely neglects to give us any overview at all of the state of the art in each of the reported scientific fields. Are the experiments we are being shown at the cutting edge? Are they small pieces of larger puzzles? Have they been replicated / are their results supported by other studies or are they controversial?

To give just a few examples: In the segment on attachment, there's an experiment about the effects of caregiver responsiveness on the baby's brain structure. It shows that when the caregivers are less responsive i.e. do not immediately respond to/comfort the baby, the baby's hippocampus grows *bigger*. What does this mean? Surely a more developed hippocampus is a good thing? Is it not? Isn't this contrary to the study's expectations? None of these questions are addressed, except a vague conclusion "so when you are a responsive parent your kids feel safe to explore more" - huh?

In the segment about growth, there is a pretty counter-intuitive claim that babies do not grow gradually, but in sudden daily spurts (so they stop growing for several days and then one day they're suddenly 1.5cm bigger). This claim is based on a pretty primitive methodology (the researcher shows how hard it is to "stretch" and measure the length of a baby) applied a few decades ago, which doesn't seem to take any other factors into account. We are left with "when this study came out it got on the front page of several newspapers but it got a huge amount of backlash from the scientific community". And then? Has it been replicated? Confirmed or debunked in the decades that followed? We get no answer.

In the segment about sleep, the researcher investigates brain activity when twitches occur in sleeping babies. The twitches are linked to short spikes in brain activity. Somehow, from that, they conclude that the brain is running little checks in order to learn more about the body (a bit like a short diagnostic - "legs:check, fingers:check"). They present it as a developmental stage without explaining why adults (humans and animals) still twitch in their sleep, surely it's not part of development if it occurs in all ages? We get no answer.

So, like I said, bad science reporting.

Also, for some weird reason we get to learn random personal details about the researchers (I guess the brief was: "how did you get to become a researcher in your field") which includes seeing them dance, swim, walk their dog, go shopping etc. It's not (mostly) in bad taste, but it feels odd and irrelevant.

With such a fascinating topic, Netflix could have done much much better.
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Great watching if you are expecting
angela_vero15 April 2021
Really good documentary.. Yes some of the science is in theory stage but a lot is proven. Great to brush up on some things you may have known and a chance to learn and Utilise things you didn't. Fab if u r expecting or have an infant in your life.
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Shockingly bad
R_Ca_bar7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was super interested in learning all about human development but this docuseries is a waste of time. Despite having snippets from scientists talking about their work, it is very unscientific. Perhaps it is the editing, or the bad scientists involved, but none of the conclusions make any sense. At the end, it stated that children who had more attentive parents who helped their kids more had smaller hippocampi (an area critical to learning), and those children who had less attentive parents had bigger hippocampi. The conclusion drawn was that we should give more attention to children because children are not spending time managing their stress, and this frees up the rest of the brain to explore. ?????
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Fascinating and groundbreaking
lil_lady_lizzy20 August 2021
If you're interested in the cognitive development of the human race, specifically infants, then this is for you! To understand what we know and learn as we grow, the skills we develop or lose as we age, even from little as 6 months old is simply fascinating.
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Slow and boring.
Crematory1 April 2020

Have you ever seen a documentary? If so, you probably know that most of them are extended beyond proportion and the whole information in a documentary could be presented in one minute.

"Babies" are no different. Basically every episode can be summed up in a one line sentence. For example "spend time with your children, it is good for them."

I do not write reviews often but I just wanted to come here and save you some time. If you have really nothing to do or for example you are making a dinner, house cleaning, you can run it as a background. I have given up after 3 episodes.
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It's gets really boring really quick
niriath1 March 2020
These experts talk so slowly and with so much pause between their scentences, and every 2 or 3 lines they stop to show some shots of people just walking around or going in and out of buildings. Very little of it is actually informative. As a mom to be I thought this might be really interesting and helpful, but each shocking new discovery they make is neither shocking nor new, and takes almost an hour to reveal. 75% of this documentary is just filler.
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This is not a documentary
mvmilica11 July 2020
It is more like boring reality show. Checked 2 episodes, but it was waist of time. Even part with scientific experiments is 80% of irrelevant comments.
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Slow/dull rubbish
jrutter-4683428 February 2020
It's just not interesting. No new information. Very dull. loads of cringey slow scenes. Supposedly shocking facts they uncover are just plainly obvious. Bit of a waste of my time really. Definitely not helpful for those considering having kids.
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A whole lot of nothing
ankurmk867 June 2020
The episodes don't have any point...just stating the obvious.
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Cute babies...little substance
myotherpetisdog18 March 2020
Science for the sake of science. No practical application. Some things are common sense. Many "researches" are irritating. MRIying babie's brains for the sake of so called science should not be allowed. Young parents today assume it is safe, along with cell phones near babies, but it is NOT! I could not continue watching. May be millennials parents find the series interesting.
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Gwyneth Would Like It
caramia200223 February 2020
I am not a mother, never wanted to be, and never will be, but I thought this might be interesting. I love science docs and I do have baby animals. They do study animals in this as part of their baby studies, which is one of the most interesting parts, esp the look into why sleeping pets and babies twitch.

But this is more a feel-good series than science doc. There are scientists and studies, but the results are mostly what we have known for millennia (and every single result is "Something we have never seen before.", literally, word for word). Sure, it's good to verify common knowledge, but there is just little that is amazing here, yet the series keeps you on the hook that there will be useful answers.

It is SLOW. Each episode could be 15min, without losing anything, but there is a lot of extra footage of babies, parents, scientists, and their activities, plus pretty, arty outdoor shots and music. Takes forever to get around to the point and results of the studies.

NF usually does better docs than movies, so I had high hopes for this, but in tone, it's firmly in Gwyneth Paltrow land. Not that it's pseudo-science, it's not, but that the people are clueless millennials who probably bought live in those $2mil gentrified condos, or that's the image trying to be conveyed here, even of most of the scientists. Happy people and babies doing happy things, always happy in their alternative, slick magazine universe lest we get a dose of real life. I don't mind babies flirting with the camera, but *everyone*?

Huge kudos to NF for having scientists of color and women as experts! Wish they would have spent more time with the diverse couples.
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"Science" presented as baby talk
the_headspace14 June 2020
As others have mentioned, not particularly good science. They might not want to go into the specifics of the research, but even I can see flaws in how it is conducted. Correlation vs. causation? Double-blind testing?I can't see the reputations of the researchers being helped by this.

It's also frustratingly Western oriented. The only non-Western country visited so far is Singapore, but it's all about a Western researcher working there. What about different cultures? Cambodia? Japan?

I have a professional interest in this, from a machine learning perspective, and while I wasn't expecting hard science, this is disappointing.
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Concur with all the other bad reviews
Bangkuang12 June 2021
I wish this was good but it's just not. I agree with the negative points made by other reviewers here.
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Over use of of shaky camera
nhetherington-082633 March 2020
It may have content which could have been interesting but the over use of shaky camera ruins most scenes. It produces a sickening effect and its used even during child birth scenes which make no sense at all.

Very poor camera work and very poor directing.
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Babies more I want to kill my self
gmbcdn4 January 2023
I mean what the &$#% were they thinking with this pathetic excuse for a documentary. The immense hype during the build up to this documentary had me in awe every single day hoping that babies would arrive sooner. I was distraught with the results as there was a lack of moves like jagger playing through the series. My biggest gripe with this show is that there was no post credit scene teasing the rumoured teenagers however was met with nothing. Going into this experience I expected to see a real child birth alas I was socked in the face with disappointment .This was way too overhyped and didn't meet my expectations.
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