"Star Trek: Discovery" Rubicon (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Touchy feely Scifi
rovex3223 February 2022
Seriously, did they all get brain damage in the time jump? The amount of emotion and 'feelings' on display is insane, its amazing the crew can even function.

The basic sci-fi elements of the show are mostly fine, if rather too heavily interlaced with fan service, but the social commentary is too much.
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I'm not sure I can make it to the end...
orlandodpc19 February 2022
Three things: the irony of Suru claiming 'in critical times like these we don't have time to deal with our feelings'.

Burnham - not a captain. You put her alongside Picard and, oh dear.

Lastly, "Let's fly"? Say what? Are we captaining a starship, or selling package holidays...
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Pick up the pace please!
sparklefish21 March 2022
This episode, like the past few, is very boring. I enjoyed Episode 5 a lot and rated it 8 stars! Since then, the season has stagnated. After a few minutes of listening to the bland, uninteresting dialogue, I start scrolling through Pinterest or Instagram just to have something to occupy my mind while waiting for the tv show to get entertaining again. Usually as soon as Hugh or Paul come on screen, I give them my full attention. They are the stars in my opinion.

Michael I could not care less about, and while I like Book, the romance between the two of them doesn't have chemistry.

The plot just isn't engaging anymore but I keep hoping it will pick up!
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They Just Keep Stretching the Plot On and On and...
sumtim3s00n17 February 2022
This is getting utterly boring. Instead of something actually happening, they just keep putting in further filler cliffhangers, then nothing really happens except Michael/everyone whispering feelings and smiling as always, and then they repeat again. Horrible and dull writing.

One of the worst if not the worst season of any ST show ever. And thats saying something.
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Good episode
Geekfreak1317 February 2022
I really like this episode. No whine kids, ok sarcasm.

The Booker relationship with the captain, need to stop.

I cannot wait for the whine rogue guy to die.

What I like is the chase, the fight, the other characters.
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Far better than "All In"
rrtiverton18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode did a good job of advancing the plot along for the final two episodes of this season. A fair amount of adventure, and good to see Na'han return! The action was good, the plot was plausible. And I give this season a good thumbs up - in the last season we were abysmally mired in the end of the wretched "The Buuurrrn" and OBNOXIOUS "Emerald Chain" nonsense, along with really, really unbelievable CGI related to the infrastructure of the Discovery. This season remain compelling and quite interesting! Well done! I feel like I am watching real Trek again.

There were a couple of nits that annoyed me - early in the episode, we see the bridge crew squabbling about who's side they would be on in the battle, and the squabbling continued onto the set piece in the shuttle trying to board Book's ship. This really felt out of place; much like Uhura talking about her feelings towards the Klingon's in "Undiscovered Country" - just totally inappropriate and really out of character. This is the bridge crew of Discovery who set aside their lives to follow Burnham 900 years into the future and to BE STARFLEET. Why would they be squabbling about whose side they are on between Tarka and directive FROM STARFLEET. Made zero sense other than to make some plot drama that may come to light in the last two episodes.

I was really hoping to see Grudge make another appearance with Burnham on the shuttle when she was talking with Book between ships. Hopefully, the Queen will make another appearance in these last two episodes.
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My favorite episode of the season so far...
treatchristian18 February 2022
This episode was definitely much better. Definitely seemed much more adventurous. The interpersonal relationships weren't overbearing and the overall plot was quite interesting. Looking forward to next week.
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At this stage I'm rooting for the DMA to wipe this series out
gareth-7544218 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Millions of dollars to spend on a groundbreaking Star Trek TV series and this is the best they can do, uninteresting characters, non existant story's, pointless sub plots, drivel dialogue.

With the intellectual level of these scripts one would assume they are written while sat pinching off a fat one.

There is clearly an agenda at work and it's certainly not to entertain the fandome with a continuation of the Star Trek franchise.

Paramount, CBS, Viacom, whoever is responsible for this travesty, hang your heads in shame and boldly go where no one ever wants you to return from.

"it's garbage Jim and it stinks it stinks bad" The creator can be heard turning uncomfortably in his grave at the endless usurping of his dream.
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Solid entry
jkimgant17 February 2022
I have been disappointed by this season (and last) but I think it's finally gaining momentum.

The Michael/Booker conflict that has played out over the last three episodes really came to a head in a dramatic way. And the action was quite exciting. This episode was FOCUSED. I agree with a lot of the haters and complainers that Disco is too fond of characters talking about their feelings. STORY should inform character, not characters "explaining" how they are feeling constantly. But this episode had very little of that. It was a tense, action thriller with high stakes.

I just hope like hell they stick the landing. The Burn was a fantastic mystery with a super lame conclusion. The DMA is a generic, uninspired mystery that seems no different than any "anomaly of the week", only spread out over an entire season. But if they bring it home I'm a satisfying way, it will have justified much of the season.

I'm rooting for you, Disco. PLEASE pull it off!!
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This could have been the most memorable episode ever
mariekevanderleij8 April 2024
Excellent episode for the first 95%!

Unfortunately the writers chickened out with feeble claptrap at the end. Destroying Book and his chum for endangering the lives of the whole galaxy would have been a painful, but realistic choice, leaving a lasting impression.

The adagio: "The needs of the many out way the needs of the few" has been blown out of an airlock. Instead, captain 'Whisperer' Burnham allows her feelings for Book to preside over the safety of the entire galaxy. What a pushover of a captain and bad example for emancipation!

Where is the reprimande, the court martial for failing to stop Book, the heat from the top brass? Such a waste of actor potential, costumes, make up and visual effects.

And why does Burnham always whisper? Doesn't the woman have a normal voice? It's gotten on my nerves.
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How much more boring can this show get
confidential-6789718 February 2022
Slow talky talky, thoughts and feeling and more thoughts and feeling. Micheal whispering and making her feelings known. Beyond terrible, nothing happen apart from whispering thoughts and feelings.
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Enjoyed this one a lot
HungryEyesMediaInc14 March 2022
I found the gamesmanship between Book and Michael excellent. I liked the twists and even the crew taking sides. Not boring at all. I would have given an 8, but the low scores motivated me a bit higher. Anyway, we'll done!
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Star Trek: Pointless
pjdickinson-2782217 February 2022
This show is going nowhere very slowly. Things happen but it's all inconsequential and the writers (?) had 45 minutes to fill. The whispering is spreading but on the plus side the shade of orange in the DMA was nice.

There's really not a great deal more to say about this pointless and mind-numbingly stupid episode in this awful show. CBS should consider editing all the best bits of this season into a movie. A 15 minute movie.
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Very Un-Discoish...and thats a good thing
bnevs1819 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly surprised to see such a low rating on this...people complain about how MarySue Burnham is (very true) yet when she fails as in this episode, its "pointless". What did happen is that Booker's plan gained nothing, and perhaps made things worse. If you're mad that so many episodes were put into a storyline that (at this point) seems to have gone nowhere, thats legitimate.

Ill make this argument again: Having the default sort by "Prolific Viewer" is a horrible idea. It promotes those with the least amount to say to say nothing and say it often. Of course, not all of the most prolific are this way, but promoting someone based on volume alone is a horrible idea.

One such person complained about how 'talky talky' this episode was, but its less so than most Disco episodes...have a problem with the plot being dragged out? Thats reasonable. Complaining about something wrong with the episode that was worse in most of the series to date is inane...either you learn to expect it or you hate the show so dont watch it.
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Boredom is the real threat here, not the DMA!
goggolya17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole episode is a boring snoozefest about a kids' argument over who's right.

The last two episodes in a nutshell:
  • Book: "I'm going to blow up the DMA."
  • Michael: "No you're not."
  • Book: "Yes I am."
  • Michael: "I won't let you."
  • Book: "So you're going to stop me?"
  • Michael: "No, but I'm still right."

"Book is close to Saru." NOPE! They talked like once. How are they close???

Giving advice to others in this series in a nutshell: Saru: "Gardening doesn't relax me." Calls up T'Rina for help.

T'Rina: "When I'm stressed out, everyday chores help me to relax. Try gardening." Saru: "Wonderful idea! I'll get right on it." Me: CaptainPicardFacepalm. JPG

Tarka monologues about game theory and how he considered every step of his plan for the last five years.

Also Tarka: "I didn't think that the power source for the wormhole would be at the other side." Man, you suck as a scientist! Of course the power source is going to be on the other side! Where else would it be than the side where it was opened from? It's only logical!!!

32nd century tech is rubbish: Discovery's shields are made out of paper. Sensors getting blinded by a space flashbang. Sensors not picking up traps on Booker's ship. Cloaked ships are visible to the naked eye.

Nilsson had one job this episode, to stop Booker's ship from firing the weapon. She failed. But she still was smiling in the end like she didn't doom the whole galaxy to death by failing to prevent a war with an advanced species.

But this whole series is about people failing to do their jobs and still smile in the end for no reason...

Discovery's crew is the worst in the history of Starfleet. They should all be assigned to some off world penal colony cleaning bacta tanks and let a competent crew take over the ship.

It would be the best for the whole galaxy, and the viewers too.
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Too many commanders!
TheEmptyNoggin18 February 2022
How can there be so many commanders? Virtually the entire bridge crew are commanders! And since they're all the same rank, who do they even command? It's all very odd, like everyone getting a trophy no matter whether they won or not. If everyone is a commander, nobody is a commander!

On the other hand, it was a really good episode, so I'm willing to let all of this rank nonsense slide. Enjoy!
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joncase-4846320 February 2022
Welcome back to Star Trek: Wokefest!

I see we're back to the 'let's discuss our feelings' bull. I actually want the lead characters to get killed off. Never in the history of Trek have there been such a bunch of unlikeable characters. Tribbles have more strength of character than this bunch. Cue Burnham to stare up at someone and whisper earnestly! AARGHHH. NOOOOOO!

We had Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Scott, Picard, Data, Riker, Geordie, Sisko, Dax, Worf, O'Brien, Janeway, Seven of Nine, Paris, the EMH Doctor, Archer, Trip, T'Pol, Phlox. We had Khan, Lore and the utter joy of Q. We had Klingons, Romulans, Jem'Hadar, Cardassians, Borg, Kazon, Xindi and Andorians. And I'm only touching the surface there! A glorious tapestry of wonderful characters and races. And now we have this bunch of inept muppets. Sorry, that does a disservice to The Muppets - inept amoeba. I'd be very interested to hear what Michael and Denise Okuda think of it.

And..........did I honestly hear a Vulcan say that feelings are always important??? REALLY??? And that she would be 'pleased' to do something??? Do these writers really not have a clue about what Star Trek IS? About Vulcans? Of the lore of the Star Trek universe?

Rant over - like this programme should be. If the human race ever ends up like the people in this travesty of a programme we will become extinct in a generation. And will deserve to.
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Can't believe how bitter some of you are
PatrickGSR9419 February 2022
This here is classic Trek at its best. Great episode, thoroughly enjoyed it. If you can't see that then you don't know Star Trek. Honestly I wish all the negative Nancy's would just stop watching and commenting and dragging the ratings down.
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Hallmark do it better
simonasmith310718 February 2022
Billions of lives are at imminent risk from the potential actions of one small ship. Luckily you have a ready arsenal that could decimate a planet, your crew are exemplary and trained to be best of the best. You possess the technology and backing of the mighty federation and computing power unmatched in the galaxy. So your obvious plan to stop the, very small craft, surely is to utilise the resources above ? No, just send Booker's girlfriend to stop him and use the stronger powers of hope, love, mutual back-slapping and optimsism. AAARRRRRGGGHHHH.

Anyone else want to metaphorically forearm smash whimpery, purring, insipid Micky in the face ??
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douglasjordane19 February 2022

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Convoluted and slow. Kindergaten psych..
ragnarhannes18 February 2022
Amazingly bad again. This constant realy tedious pilow talk is not Star Trek. Scriptwriters are thorougly stuck in kindergarfen psychology in conflict resolution. Dont get get the target market for this.
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whatever, my franchise loyalty constantly tested
berkovich-7659219 February 2022
I quit this show some time back, then relented and caught back up. Not sure why other than franchise loyalty although the franchise has been in other hands from the originals who even knew Gene Roddenberry/Rick Berman and those involved up to and including Enterprise.

I'll repeat what I said from the very first episode. A major flaw in this series is the episodes are too damn long! Last week, commercials included, was 70-plus minutes, this week down to a relatively manageable 52. Classic trek, all series, was 44 minutes or so in an hour-long with commercials TV window. That fact meant tighter storytelling, less filler. Discovery has WAY too much filler.

And, as someone in a season 4 thread somewhere else accurately pointed out, WTF is it where a ship from 900 years ago, with a crew from 900 years ago, is now the prime ship of a society advanced 900 years from them??? It just makes no sense. Sure, they could learn, will learn, etc. But within 2-3 episodes of the 900 years in the future (was that season 3, can't keep track) suddenly the Discovery crew is the all-knowing, go-to crew?? Relative to their 900-years 'older' brethren they'd be in kindergarten at best given advances in technology etc.

I was really looking forward when Discovery got thrown 900 years into the future, for the ship to truly start 'discovering' new things...the possibilities were endless, create something entirely new yet still Trek. Yet. The people running the show chose to do whatever it is they are doing.
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Another snooze fest.
jamisonjohn17 February 2022
Useless dialogue from people that are all emotionally unable to handle their job description. 98% of Discovery's crew should be court martialed and replaced with better officers, not little babies.
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Extreamly boring and pointless episode !
martinsmarkss17 February 2022
Extreamly boring and pointless episode ! Nothing happened, nothing mattered match, atleast first two Star Trek Discovery seasons had some nice action - even if it was mindless but still it was intresting. Now it's just a Bold and The beautifull in the space !
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Filler season
stjhagens18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I notice that there are people who are giving this show a deliberate 10 in order to cancel out the so-called gender political reviews. I would like to stress that I'm purely focusing on plot and character work. As a free time writer I know a thing or two about it.

Firstly the pace of this season is so incredibly slow to the point that almost nothing happens in several episodes to move the main plot forward. Look at Enterprise season 3, it was twice as long as this season of Discovery but told an overarching plot with an additional story for each episode. It gave us some very good and memorable episodes while still moving the story forward each episode. In this season however, almost nothing happens. We have a main plot and it is stretched so thin that episodes feel empty and devoid of any real story. Star Trek of old would have spiced this episode up by introducing a ship in distress at the core of the DMA. Now that would have complicated things and made this episode much more interesting!

The last 3/4 episodes feel like filler episodes as it focuses on the main plot while hardly advancing it. The sole attention of the story is the ongoing conflict between Michael and Book and that is not even very interesting. The plot is repeating itself over and over again, while we all know that it's not going to come to an explosive conclusion. For 3 episodes in a row we have seen them arguing, arguing, being nice for poker, arguing and arguing. The conclusion was predictable and the whole thing was devoid of any tension or stakes. They tried to emulate the Wrath of Khan but there were no stakes entirely.

Bridge crew is so underdeveloped that they're only there when the plot calls for it. I would suggest red shirting them once in a while to spice things up as no one is ever in any real danger. The character of Book has been over compensated these last episodes to the point we arrived in a vicious, annoying circle.

The story line with Adira and Grey took a lot of time and has now been discarded entirely. What was the use of that plot line? Adira, with her Trill symbiont, had so much story potential but nothing has been done with that.

Lastly, the Michael character. She is flawless, smarter and more inventive than any of her crew and so good at everything, that the show hardly even needs other characters as she is the one doing and solving everything. Her actions never have any real negative conclusions and that makes her unlikeable. Greene's acting style comprises of whispering, big teary eyes, crying, tilting heads and smirking. This episode the whispering was borderline annoying. I liked her very much in TWD but she is not quite fit for this role. She doesn't have the same charisma and aura as Kate Mulgrew and Avery Brooks.

Please add some more story weight to the coming episodes and remove all the plot armour. Maybe then this season can redeem itself.
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