Dead Asleep (2021) Poster


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Solid forensic analysis but not very balanced
Zoecb4 February 2022
If you're interested in parasomnias and automatonism defences then this has some good explanations. However, this documentary was made without the blessing of the victim's family and the lack of detail about the victim is rather glaring and feels inappropriate. The commentary about Randy's upbringing with women and the pressures of masculinity are spot-on and extremely important in the context of male violence and femicide so please ignore the butthurt comments from the ignorant present on this IMDB page.
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Worth a Watch
mdidesidero6 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers

Pretty clear what took place here. She was leaving to go live with a boyfriend in another state for Christ sakes. The night before he's naked in her closet. He obv felt abandoned both women he was living with were about to leave to be with other men, he had a crap job, a drinking problem, his father did a murder suicide. He obviously snapped. Sad sad story.
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Not Terrible but Not Great
hkhdswdjz2 March 2022
Super confused why the interviewed a psychiatrist who had never spoken to the killer. She was able to give her thoughts serval times during the documentary. Not sure they needed to include her at all. She brought absolutely itching to the documentary. The story was somewhat interesting.
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Classless and also not very good
shaneschwegler30 January 2022
This crime doc was really hard to watch since it comes off as pretty much a vanity project to make the murderer seem less guilty. Also they didn't get any rights from the victim's family.
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Click-bait and Disrespectful to the family of the vicim
michaelbbowe22 December 2021
Direct quote from Rolling Stone ('Murder Victim's Sister Goes After New Hulu True-Crime Doc on TikTok'): "You think you can hurt me? Hulu just released a documentary on how my little sister was brutally murdered without our families' consent so now we get to relive the worst day of our lives" - Victim's sister.
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A lazy documentary and very disrespectful to the family of the victim.
katie_crothers10 July 2022
Whether you believe the accused's sleepwalking argument (which I think is ridiculous - he's just a coldblooded murderer) or not, the documentary isn't informative, is sensationalist and very insensitive to the victim's grieving family who is still trying to appeal/go through this case. Their pain is not your entertainment. Place yourself in the shoes of the family for just one moment..
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I Watched This All The Way Through
Mehki_Girl31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this has plenty of talking heads and the family wasn't consulted.

But if it is your opinion that his defense was bullcrap (and it was), I found this quite satisfying. It only served to condemn him. Watch it before giving a rating or a review. I almost turned it off, too.

He had already confessed to murdering her. The defense has to come up with something and so they did with this tired defense.

Here's why you should watch it -

Thank goodness for the neighbor's security camera and the neighbor who heard screams when Brooke was being murdered. The crime scene, the murderer's own words, the text messages, the timeline that could be put together quite accurately - the prosecution had the before text messages (he told her to come over, so premeditated), we have the victim arriving on camera timestamped, we have the time of her screams that were heard, we have the time he left on camera, we have his incriminating statements, we have the crime scene, we have her defensive wounds, and the wounds on his body that required stitches, as he just kept stabbing and stabbing, starting in the bedroom into the living-room, we have blood splatter and other forensics that told the entire story of the victim's murder.

We also have his crap defense and we have a sleep expert saying there's no way you fall into a deep sleep and then go sleepwalking in the literal 0-5 minutes from when he said himself he was awake, talked to her, and even hugged her, fell asleep, got up and killed her, starting in the bedroom! What? She just stood there for the possible 5 minutes while he went to sleep? Oh come on! How did the defense think this would work?!

He hugged her and in all his loser rage, his life out of control, his additions, his lies to his family, his crappy job (meat slaughtering house), his spending up all his inheritance money, his past life (alcoholic dad's murder-suicide)... And he snapped, grabbed the knife by his bed, and killed her for the oldest reason on the books - if I can't have you, no one will.

Hearing the GUILTY of FIRST DEGREE MURDER VERDICT and the judge sentencing him to LIFE WITHOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE was so satisfying. It was worth the watch.

Yes, it's hard to get through the trailer and the first moments of bs, but trust me, your frustrations will be satisfied at the end.

But as her broken father said - There are no winners.

PS I think the only thing the jury got wrong was to dismiss a sexual angle. He was friend-zoned by the victim and her sister (who oddly enough testified for the defense), overweight, not particularly attractive, and there was his very attractive female friend, who had zero interest in him and was leaving him and his crap life to go with her bf. He was also naked in her closet just the day before. What was he planning for? That she'd want to sleep with him for a last goodbye or was he going to rape her the day before?

He killed her in a loser's rage!
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Don't Watch
tabithabiasi25 June 2022
Disrespectful to the victim and her family. The did not get the family's consent and some of the information is inaccurate. Completely unfair and cruel. Please do not watch it we should not be glorifying killers.
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Disrespectful to the victim
bryanaz82-151-96444414 June 2022
The family of the victim did not approve of this "documentary". Hulu went ahead and made it anyway, this is disgraceful. This was premeditated murder plain and simple. To put the family through this now, as they are still going through the killer's appeals process, is an egregious violation.
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nicolle316715 June 2022
Wish I slept through this terrible attempt to gain support for a nonsense defense. He murdered her. I don't care if he was sleeping or dancing or showering...he killed a beautiful girl and deserves life in prison.
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Please don't watch this
samanthagillihan8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This fabricated narrative of a documentary was made without consent of the victim's family. They worked hard to try to stop Hulu from releasing this because it has blended trial information with the killer's side of what happened. Which is not at all based in reality. The documentary opens to interpretation that facts presented at trial aren't what they seem. Which is just a fairy tale concocted by a violent man trying to downplay his responsibly in callously ending a life. His trial clearly showed his weak defense of murdering while sleepwalking was completely made up.

This was a premeditated murder committed by a violent and dangerous man. This documentary re-traumatizes the family and is disrespectful to the memory of Brooke. She deserves better than this and so does her family. Skye Borgman should be ashamed of herself. It's hardly a documentary and more of a fame grab for a murderer still trying to sell his flimsy lies.
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Engaging and a Story Worth Telling
aezipf5 April 2023
This is a troubling story of a murder case was much more interesting than I anticipated. The production value was immense, the range of interviewees was impressive, and the ability to encapsulate a story was well earned.

Obviously being a real story with real people, it has hit some controversy among viewers, but I don't think that deserves to drive this perspective so deep into the ground that it cannot be viewed. The court has made their decision on the events, so any other beliefs the viewers may have should be considered their own opinions, not the general.

This film showed the case from both "sides" of the story, which I feel leads to a well rounded scope of the trial. Hearing from the murderer himself was very interesting and hearing first-person accounts of his actions both in the present and what was recorded at the time made for amazing viewing.

Worth a watch, regardless of what you may think going in.
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mf28121 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers

I must admit, I'm a fan of true crime stories, but not to the point of obsessing over them like the many internet sleuths nowadays.

This was a run of the mill one unfortunately and there is also refusal from Brooke Preston's family which makes it kinda one sided.

Skipping this one isn't a bad idea unless you haven't got anything else to watch.

+++ SPOILERS +++

This documentary had nothing remotely interesting on the defendants part as it is so obvious he done it. I know there has been cases of people being acquitted in sleepwalking cases, but you simply can't wake up, have a normal conversation with someone whom you've asked through a message to come to your house, then, once woken up, remember the reason why that person is there (the defendant points out a t-shirt belonging to her boyfriend that is in a drawer), give the poor girl a HUG then fall into sleepwalking within 2 minutes and not remember stabbing her 25 times! Unreal!

Randy knew what he was up to. The day beforehand scaring the girl when she finds him in her bedroom cupboard NAKED!!

Simply a case of "if I can't have her, no one can".
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Truly a bizarre take. Feels like the entire point was to exonerate the murderer
mstone-3379619 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We know he committed the murders. It's not a question. The only question was whether or not it was premeditated and/or if it was under the circumstances of sleepwalking. That being said, very little time is spent on the science of sleepwalking. It's just a repetitive cycle of the same beats and same dialogue over and over again. There's little to no focus on the victim. It's about the killer, from the killer, by the killer. And the most irritating part of it all? They continue to splice in an interview they did with a random psychologist that had never met with anyone involving the case. They were purely speculating and postulating from afar. It was so condescending and unnecessarily elitist. She spoke as if she had a deep insight but she sounds exactly like YouTube comments do. Just with more flowery language.

Don't watch. Honestly YouTube videos on this case are better.
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He was NOT asleep
sfxclaire3 June 2022
Absolutely disgraceful - how dare the makers not tell BROOKE's STORY.... he MURDERED her whilst he WAS AWAKE and possibly should have been charged with premeditated murder too.. he should be locked away for the rest of his life!
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Should be taken down
gracie-1877228 June 2022
Got absolutely no consent from the victims family and paints the murder out to be less guilt. Deserves nothing but to be taken down. I didn't even watch it because I refuse to give it any boost but I've seen the posts by the victims family and they deserve better. Hulu needs to take this down.
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Great True Crime Documentary
michellekfoley23 August 2022
Ignore the bad reviews. If you love true crime & documentary-style shows, you'll love this. I had never heard of this case before, which is rare, because I'm a true crime fanatic.

This documentary is well put together, with interviews from the perpetrator, his family, police and friends. I would have enjoyed hearing more of Brooke's side, but we get to draw out own conclusions. Definitely check this one out!
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Utter trash on ever level graded 0/10
zack_gideon15 August 2022
What a low blow cheap shot movie that throws mud in the victims face. These film makers are glamorizing a sick human who savagely murdered a young woman with a hunting knife. Shame on the director, with this one sided, agenda driven puff piece. This is what is WRONG with true crime these days.

There's no point of view from the VICTIM. Once the lame psychologist starts saying how fascinating the case was you knew where this lame movie was going. TRASH 0/10.
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What The Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
helenahandbasket-9373420 December 2021
He's guilty of murder and by way of cognitive behavior- you can sleepwalk all you like but there's absolutely no scientific evidence from peer reviewed sources that gives an ounce of credibility to this nonsensical claim.

HOWEVER, what in the SamHell is it with the coastal elites in Hollywood that feel ever so edgy in trotting out insanely stupid arguments like TOXIC MASCULINITY? Do they think if they include enough buzzwords and check enough boxes that, somehow the elites will love them more? Perhaps that may be the case but the tides are turning and America is growing weary of these attempts to gaslight anyone white, male and not of a desired group that doesn't fit with the narrative of the day.

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Tacky and incomplete telling of a unusual crime
cojodojo29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watch a lot of interview documentaries, and unfortunately, this one disappoints, mainly because of how little information the viewer is given throughout.

At all turns in the story, major gaps in context seem to be purposeful on the part of the filmmaker, but they don't advance any dramatic purpose. You only learn, for example, that the perpetrator (in addition to binge drinking) was also struggling with drug addiction about halfway through the runtime. There is no elaboration on what kinds of drugs, post arrest toxicology, or any other hard contextual facts. Perhaps in trying for a reasonable runtime, the editor butchered many of the structural details of the case that were no doubt somewhere in the source interviews.

In terms of justice served, it may be that the prosecutors over charged and the jury opted to role play as forensic academics in conceding a verdict. The question only obliquely raised by the film is an important one: what interest does severe punishment serve if culpability is as foggy as motive for a horrific act? No sentence will bring back the victim.

The subject matter itself is frustrating of course, since intent for this kind of killing is ultimately unknowable. But this film's garish stylistic choices, like ridiculous video effects and sound design, frustrate further.
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Dont watch it
janacaithamelova24 October 2022
I feel absolutely disgusted that someone think this is okay. Family of the victim did not approved of this and hulu makes something which will remind them forever. To all the people who though it is okay - imagine your loved one gets brutally murder and you get movie about it which can be streamed everywhere and you will get remind all the time of your pain. Murderer being alive, giving out interviews and your 21 year old sister/daughter was robbed from having future. If there is atleast little bit of empathy in Hulu CEO they should delete this ASAP.

Please don't watch it, don't make them money!
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Worth a watch
kirstenlshergold29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well writen and well made documentry, I dont understand what people mean by saying it is bias, It shows both sides of the story, And non of you seem to have watched it, It isnt lazy at all and is respectful to the victim,

I feel that yes it could have been better I would have loved to see more of the victems family but other than that it is an insainly good watch,

I took 1 star off my final review because there are things that left me more confused than not, He is inocent tho he clearly didnt understand what he did and psyc papers show that you are able to make uncontious decitions when you are uncontious.
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Friendzone kills
kouts-4838613 March 2022
5 stars just because it is real story.or else 1 star The whole killing ,while sleeping, family now telling that he was sleepwalking blah blah blah No need to have so many doctors talking for sleepwalking with that fake videos.. Nth more,nth less, watch it just.
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maggieh-4177831 March 2024
Number one reason this documentary is terrible. They weren't in contact with the victims family at all. Number two the sleepwalking defense is objectively stupid there's no possible way that could happen in the fact they treat us so viable is stupid. Number three. This documentary is so obviously in his favor trying to paint him innocent and he couldn't have done this. He did it 100% and this is all his fault. The documentary disgusted me how they could choose the side of a murderer. I don't know. Also, being in contact with the victims family and getting their perspective is something obviously very important.
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