Undercover Underage (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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doobiecad-899-82080630 March 2022
Updating to say that Season 2 is so much better. I'm really happy to see some of these creeps being arrested and so glad the police are shown taking them down.

This is interesting, compelling and disturbing. I'm fascinated to see how they gather their evidence but even after giving it to law enforcement, the episodes end with few of these creeps getting in trouble. One tells the "15yo" that he's arriving to meet her in a black car but instead shows up in an unmarked white van. Really? The intentions of some of them are clear. Others seem darker. I don't know how anyone can turn a blind eye to this. Every parent should watch.
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Connecticut should be ashamed.
garymathis-6832827 June 2023
For those who were frustrated by the complete lack of a legal system in Connecticut, there is hope. Season 1 was a long series of very good work by SOSA followed by a complete indifference by law enforcement within the State of Connecticut.

Every episode ended with the same sad update. The case is "Pending" and "No charges have been filed"

Season 2 is a complete turnaround for the better. The show has moved to Oklahoma and SOSA has a real partnership with local authorities.

The Sheriffs Department in Canadian County, unlike anyone in Connecticut, actually wants to put pediphiles in prison and does so in each and every episode.

So, for everyone frustrated with season 1, there is hope in season 2 and some very bad people are taken off the streets and away from our children.
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Interesting and disturbing
scottww-0065613 August 2022
I like the show and love that it brings to light that these type of operations exist. It takes a certain type of person to see what they see and what have to deal with. The people with their bad reviews and criticisms of Roo obviously have no concept of age; sure it's a bit of a stretch to believe that she could pull off being a 15 year old, but with the right lighting (obviously not a black light like one idiot suggested), makeup and mannerisms...it can be done to fool these type of criminals. I would have put her in her late 20s, before she was all made up. The fact is that they actually help put away actual sexual predators and that's all that matters.
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Amazing People Working On A Great Cause
Cochise33334 June 2023
Thanks you for all the work you're doing to not only take these predators off the street, but shine a light on how these depraved men work. So many are teachers which is devastating. You're providing information on tactics used by these men which in turn could quite possibly save a life. In some instances we catch a glimpse of the sacrifices you make with your family and although it's hard it is my firm belief that when they are older and realize what you are doing they will not only understand, but view you for what you (all) really are, a HERO. The work you're doing is so important. Best wishes moving forward and my ultimate thanks from a fellow mother.
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ivygurl1876 November 2021
What Sosa is doing is so important. Parents should watch this and see how dangerous the internet can be for kids.

Predators are everywhere preying on young children, if you think it couldn't happen to your child, think again.
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Every Parent Should Watch! Eye Opening!
info-451502 May 2023
I am a sexual abuse prevention educator and author. And mom of three adult children ages 18, 23, and 26.

I know how real the online risks are for kids because I work with parents on preventing this type of thing.

This show is eye-opening! And should serve as a wake up call to how serious, present, and dangerous this online child sexual abuse, exploitation, and sex trafficking is.

Watch the show! Take notes! And make a plan to protect your family by reducing your risks and communicating with your tweens and teens. A great deal of sexual abuse and mistakes online can be prevented with communication and education.

Our poor kids! We have to help them.

This show helps explain the scope of the problem.

I am thankful that there is a show that shows parents how disturbing and sick some people are!

Thank you to the SOSA together foundation and to everyone who made this show a reality. This is an incredible teaching tool.

Catching predators and putting them away for a long time is a great goal! But so is empowering families to prevent and protect kids.
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An interesting take on the To Catch a Predator formula
drewgarcia6183 November 2021
This is an interesting show, I can't say it's enjoyable. Because it's really sickening, like really really sickening. But, it's also a show that I think is worth a watch if you're into this type of show.

The team in "Undercover Underage" does a lot of the same work as Chris Hansen did. Posing as children over messaging apps, setting up meets to catch the scum who do this, and getting law enforcement involved. The difference is Roo Powell, the Chris Hansen of this show. She is the one who poses as a child in many situations, doing facetimes and snapchatting with pedophiles. She has a team that helps by digitally touching up pictures for social media, doing makeup for the conversations, and recording the actual evidence that helps catch criminals. Pretty bog-standard "To Catch a Predator" stuff, except it's more involved. You see the emotional toll this takes on the team, especially Roo.

Give it a watch if you like this kinda stuff. Recognize it's not for everyone.
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It's entertaining
morgoth-916896 November 2021
I don't watch reality tv, because usually it just becomes background noise. This show probably isn't entertaining but the work they're doing is great and it's very entertaining. I never write reviews, but I really hope they keep making this show.
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A Worthy Successor to TCAP
b_nextdoor14 January 2022
I love this documentary and the primary investigator - Roo. She is a Del Harvey (re: TCAP) for the 2020's. Two refinements that I think would make this show more binge worthy: Tone down the annoying and overly dramatic music and change up the voice filter used on the perps (either get rid of the filtering or at least stop making them all sound like Beelzebub lol.
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important topic drowned in bad sound editing
ricewithaspoon7 November 2021
I am interested and wanted to watch more than 2 episodes but the editing and sound department went over the top with trying to make it extra exciting..and loud. They/it drowned my engagement.

I just don't get it. Why the dramatization? Why the attempt to add more 'emotion'? Isn't the content enough disturbing as it is?
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zbwyws5 November 2021
This show is Worth Watching. Without giving details PLEASE WATCH! Might Save A Child! I wish this show was around when my daughter was growing up. But it's here for my grandkids. PLEASE WATCH!!!
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Entertaining and informative but is missing something
delarosadrea21 June 2023
It is better than To Catch a Predator in some ways while being worse in other ways... The show is entertaining and very informative, particularly on the different types of predators found online and their trademark moves and motives. We also learn exactly what the decoys can/cannot say, do, send, etc., and what exactly constitutes as a crime for the predator. My problem with To Catch a Predator was that it seemed like they tried hard to bait, coerce, and then publicly humiliate the predators. They don't do that on Undercover. They set up. They wait. And then they repeatedly remind the predator of their age and limitations to give the predator a chance to turn back (they never do).

Some of the issues are mainly in Season 1, they do better in season 2.

S1, we have the 40-year-old creator, Roo Powell posing as a 15-year old girl in 10 different roles. It focused too heavily on her hair, her makeup, photos, and then it would zoom in on her emotional breakdown after every single encounter with every single predator.

It felt a little exploitative and unauthentic. Especially once I read that Roo is a writer who evidently found fame when her article about predators went viral.

At that point I felt the show was definitely more about the creators own desires.

The music is horrible. It's extremely loud and suspenseful on some of the dullest moments. They blur and cover the names and photos of the predators which makes me wonder if they are real or actors.

S2 does better. Roo takes the backseat and comes off firm and professional. They hire young actresses who can easily pass for young girls to catch the predators.

They toned down the damn music. But it's still missing something, I'm just not sure what it is. Still recommend.
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milestonelandscapers4 December 2021
While their intentions might be for a great purpose, the show/operations need tremendous improvement. The crew is overly dramatic, and the decoy is too old, always nervous. As another user mentioned, it is odd that she wants to play the different personas as if she's reliving her teenage years. If she wants to take on the role of the decoy, she needs to work on compartmentalizing her emotions. Those working in the SA/trafficking field need to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the worse before taking on the task. The worst part is they don't even expose the predators, especially those that don't get charged. Failure to tell them puts other minors at risk of falling into the same trap!
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10/10 The people complaining don't know the law
tiffanygrace8722 June 2022
This show is AMAZING. It is like a modern day To Catch a Predator.

The negative reviews I find callus and just out of touch. This woman puts herself in disgusting situations so that these predators get brought to justice. I find it frustrating that so many get brought to law enforcement and they still need more abuse until they are arrested.

People saying "they need to be shown" know nothing about law enforcement. They can't show them or a law suit will follow REAL quick.

And the one review I read that said that Roo is too emotional. Omg Wtf is wrong with that reviewer?

People are humans. This is an abusive job if I ever saw one. Imagine getting talked to like that and watching disgusting predators get off all day as your job because you know it is for the greater good. You know that you taking this means that future girls don't have to be traumatized by this. She is a damn hero and if y'all don't see that you're blind.

She is selfless and is handing these abusers off to law enforcement with a bow on top.

My guess is that she is no longer going under cover due to the years of mental anguish she had to endure and that is why this is now on national TV and showing what she does.

There will always be more predators who try and get with young girls. That is the sick part.

Everyone should watch this show to really see how it is for young girls on the internet nowadays.
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Thank you SOSA!
tommyojr18 November 2021
I love all true crime shows, but this one kept me glued to my seat. It exposes how many predators are out there, the sickness behind their perversion and the lengths they'll go to just to feed their sick desires. Most of all, how easy it is for them to make contact with youth and how vulnerable children really are. I seriously question the intentions of people giving it a low rating. But perhaps that's another benefit of SOSA sharing their work with the world - creating awareness!
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Important Work
michellelmerineau2 May 2023
This organization is doing the work. We can talk about the importance of this all day long but without the dedication, passion, and work of this organization that raises awareness we won't get very far. This is a gut wrenching problem and Roo and her team not only do the work but they do it well, they support one another, they are committed to the cause and as heavy as it is and hard as it is to see; justice will be served in due time and process. This show will shed light on the problem, educate on the tactics these predators use and the organization offers resources and support links. This is a must watch, especially for advocates and parents.
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Real issues but is a bit overly dramatized.
TristanSilya3 September 2023
The severity of predators is 100% a real concern. This isn't about that but about the show in it's entirety. Overall it's still very much a show and many of the editing and shots are done to be as dramatic, shocking, and as enticing as possible.

It's almost like a glorification of it in some sense but wrapped around a very creepy and serious issue. It's 'based on true events' of some sorts. Many times through the show I get the sense that it's all fake and scripted. I don't know if it's the bad acting or obviously rehearsed scenes they had to redo a few times.

Overall it's somewhat informative as it made me more aware of the issue at hand and why it's very important to protect our children from the dangers of the world. I do believe the 'SOSA' group is doing more good than harm so it's an overall net positive.
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Eye opening for parents and non parents
pierceproductions16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For video reviews please visit PierceProductions on Youtube SOSA stands for Safe from Online Sex Abuse and what this team is doing is so eye opening and important. I'm not a parent but it makes me honestly not want to be a parent out of fear of my child being controlled and groomed by predators at the click of a finger. All parents should watch this show and it truly shows how dangerous the internet can be for kids.

The best way I can describe this show and its intensity and disgust is that I would say this is a modern version of to catch a predator.

Over the years since to catch a predator aired technology has advanced and this team tackles those advances and even uses it in their favor with de aging technology for photos and the use of facetime to gain trust of predators to get information on their identity.

While earlier I did say that the main star of this show Roo is 38, you honestly as a view would never know unless they told you how old she was. She harnesses the likeness and spirit of a teenager when she is in conversation with these predators to catch them off guard.

I loved how they embraced the technology that some would fear to use, with apps like tik tok and the usage of facetime one would thing that's how they would get caught but with a team ready to transform a bedroom to a new set or having wigs ready to go they are able to fully take advantage of these platforms that predators would fall for.

While at times it is hard to watch either in the sense of reading or listening to the sickening things these grown men send and say to a person who they truly believe is 15 or under or when at the end of the episode a message comes on the screen saying if charges have yet to be charged or not even with the evidenced gathered and submitted by these hard-working members of SOSA.

This is a show that while at times you may want to hide your face in your pillow in disbelief its beneficial to see just how dangerous the internet is for a vulnerable teen.

The show does a great job of juggling each episode with different areas of the web that a child can be cornered in weather its men asking for inappropriate pictures, meet ups, or even trafficking.
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It is like To Catch A Predator but not nearly as good
sharraheisey28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this series and was excited because the description reminded me of To Catch A Predator, and while I watched all the episodes that have aired so far, I am very disappointed in it. I often found myself rolling my eyes and feeling annoyed by how fake the show seemed.

While the SOSA claims they are doing this to help, it seems like their end game is to only help themselves by making a documentary. First of all, the main decoy who has like 100+ personas is 38 years old pretending to be 15!! If they are truly trying to help, then why disclose what they do on a national TV show, that guess what, predators probably watch. By watching this documentary I have learned a lot, like how the decoy will use black lights to hide her true age during a live video. She will also never send nude pictures, so now a predictor will definitely stay away from that if they have watched the show. She will say she's meeting you and then stand you up by saying her mom tracked her Uber. She wears wigs that look soooo fake!! The list goes on and on, but basically it reveals too much information.

Why is the decoy 38 with hundred of aliases? Why not have an 18 year old be a decoy, why does it have to be one 38 year old woman? The other women she worked with looked younger than her even. This all makes me think the person playing is he decoy in this series does this just to feel like a teenager again or to become a reality TV star. I don't know what her goal is, but it most certainly doesn't seem like it's helping anything especially when 99% of the predators aren't arrested.

3 stars because it did help me waste time when I was bored.
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Terrifying but Educational
olyspamoly2 May 2023
As a parent, this show has completely educated me on the dangers online - there are people actively looking to abuse children online and the awareness that SOSA and Roo bring is so needed. This show can be so difficult to watch but it's also the reality of what is out there and that we need to protect kids. I love how SOSA really thinks through the details from the decoys, to the decoy's history and actively hunts down these ACMs. It's beautiful to see Roo as a not only the founder and lead of SOSA but as a mom - her heart behind this organization and tv show is compelling. Grateful for the education this show provides - hope more parents watch.
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tombrady-5230427 February 2022
Thought this would be like to catch a predator but super fake looking. First episode seemed like paid actors are the predators. Terrible show, the "teenager" looks 40 years old.
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Must watch!
becca-318682 May 2023
This show has a crazy dichotomy of being both entertaining and educational. It raises awareness for the issue of online sex abuse. Roo leads a team of adults in impersonating underage persons in order to show just how easy and common it is for adults to prey on children in the online space.

I enjoyed the visuals and the voiceover as it guides us through what the team does and how they work with law enforcement. Great cast and crew, engaging characters and very interesting storyline.

I just watched the first episode of the second season and it had already exceeded my expectations. Will be excited to see where it goes from here.
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I think it's a great watch
Shawnanicole2111 May 2023
I think some of these reviews might be written by ACM's. I'll agree that the first season was kind of slow but it introduced them and what they do. It seems that their show has helped get law enforcement more involved because this season so far has had more of an impact watching these creeps actually get what they deserve..while last season is was a little anti climatic if I can remember correctly. This season I feel like they have stepped things up a notch and made it more interesting. I mean the whole thing is just sad and disgusting and reminds me of life in 1999 in aol chat rooms. There were creeps back then, there are creeps now and there will always be creeps. I really hope those complaining are actually doing something themselves. I dont care if they are making a show while doing this work. Even if they get one creep off the streets they have done a good job. I enjoy watching them take down sicko's. Thank you SOSA!
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Must Watch!
bri_velazquez9 March 2022
I quickly binged Undercover Underage, and everyone should watch this show. The work SOSA is doing is incredible, and I am amazed by all the work that goes into creating the decoys. This show is very entertaining but also highlights how scary the internet can be. I hope this show spreads awareness of the issue and reminds the public that we need to protect children online.
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Absolutely incredible what these amazing people are doing
natalienicolebennett25 June 2023
What an incredible blessing to have such amazing individuals doing the things that they are doing, while going through so much to get there!!! It honestly makes me feel so proud of these people that they are doing this & protecting kids & that Angels on earth truly do exist! All of these people, every single one of them is truly that, angels & true inspirations! I admire y'all & what y'all do so very much!!! This is a MUST WATCH!!!!

Thank y'all for all that you do, all that you are & the amount of time you invest into each & every single case!! All of YOU are making a huge difference daily!!!!
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