Old 37 (2015) Poster


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Gives Indie Horror a Bad Name
TheRedDeath3017 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Clue #1 that you are, most likely, headed down regrettable waters comes in the opening credits when we see the director credited as Alan Smithee. For those unaware, this is a long-standing entertainment pseudonym used when a director is so embarrassed of the final product that they wish for their name to be erased. By the end of the 80 minute run time of this movie you will understand, with no uncertainty, just exactly why the director would have done this.

I always feel the need to preface a review with some background on myself. I love horror. I've seen more horror movies than you have heard of and that includes plenty of indie work, so I'm not biased against horror with a low budget and that has nothing to do with my negative opinions of this movie.

We have, essentially, two concurrent story lines running here. On one hand are our "villains", two brothers played by the dream casting of Bill Moseley and Kane Hodder. Their father was a former military medic who couldn't remove himself from the war. He used an ambulance to intercept emergency callers and inflict torture upon them, all while bringing his impressionable boys with him. Through a never ending series of flashbacks, we see that this torture extended to their home life, as well, where the father abused both the boys and their mother, all leading up to their inevitable taking over of the family ambulance business.

Of course, any slasher needs a final girl and this one features the most boring, unimaginative one that you will see. Her best friend has abandoned her to hang with the beautiful people, but a tragic accident leads to her death. Of course, even though this girl has completely abandoned our heroine, she must give the eulogy anyways to some bizarre mixture of funeral/ school assembly. Somehow, this all leads to an obsession with getting breast implants, stealing the neighborhood mean girl's boyfriend and an all too predictable plot line where she loses the "real her" in her quest to become one of the cool kids. Naturally, these two stories line meet up in the end.

There are so many problems with this that I just don't even know where to begin. There isn't a single good actor in this entire production and, sadly, that includes Moseley and Hodder (two guys that I have met and like personally, which makes me more sad to say it). Moseley basically plays out a character that's just a slight shade away from his most famous roles, Choptop and Otis Firefly. You can hear both of those roles emerging in his lines as he plays the exact same sort of psycho. Hodder is given really nothing to do except skulk around and look menacing. The teenagers are bland and not far above high school play level talent. The only other person you've heard of in this one is Miley Cyrus' talentless older sister, who is killed in the first ten minutes.

It doesn't help that the writing is pathetic, either. The dialog, especially, is so bad that the viewer will find themselves laughing at the movie at times. It's one thing to see actors in a low budget production, who may not be top level talent, but they are doing their best with quality script. Here, the writing is even worse than the acting. I found myself wondering, at times, if they even had a script, or just made some things up to say as they went along.

The movie spends FAR too much time on the teenage drama, which is just boring and insipid. It's just so cliché and overly done as a plot line that there is no interest for the viewer at all. It spends an inordinate amount of time obsessing about a breast implant surgery for our heroine, then the day finally comes and she's totally blasé about it. Naturally, after getting her hair done and new breasts, she suddenly forgets all about her school work, changes her world-view overnight and becomes another cliché character.

She is interwoven into the villains story line through several all too convenient plot threads that lead to everything combining in the end. It's not enough to have her best friend killed on the road that these psychos patrol with their torture wagon, but we get flashbacks to reveal that her circle of friends may have had something to do with the death of the villains' beloved mother and they just happen to have seen it happen, remembered the faces and have been waiting for this revenge. As if that all wasn't a convenient enough plot device, our heroine's mother becomes friends with Moseley's psycho after his mother is killed. This mother apparently dates every man in town, who come into the two girls' lives every time it's convenient for the plot, including Moseley taking mom out on a date in our finale, even though he shows up at the home looking like a beat up, psychotic, homeless man that no woman in her right mind would leave the house with, let alone a single mother.

The one saving grace of all of this is some nice gory flourishes in the killings and torture, which will satisfy a gorehound. I appreciate the use of practical effects and real blood, rather than slick CGI. There are a few scenes that really grabbed my attention with the red stuff splattering around. These few scenes, though, are just not enough to redeem this movie in any way.

It's a shame to waste two talents like Moseley and Hodder in a movie as bad as this, but I just cannot recommend this to anyone.
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When Hodder and Moseley are on screen, not bad.
Kolobos5117 October 2015
First, I'd like to say that I'm grading this movie on a curve. It's not that great, and parts are downright amateurish (whoever was in charge of continuity should be smacked in the back of the head), but it's not all that bad and, for what it is, micro budget splatter horror, it's kind of entertaining.

I was really looking forward to this movie because of horror legends Bill Moseley (Otis Driftwood, Chop-Top) and Kane Hodder (Jason Voorhees, Victor Crowley), in the lead, because it had actual merchandise so I thought it might not be totally disposable, and because the idea is actually kind of cool. Two serial killers ride around in an ambulance preying on the injured, posing as paramedics. Not bad, huh?

Well, that's not really what it's about. It's about two sadistic rednecks, one a motor mouth sleaze ball (Moseley), the other a towering mute in a mask (Hodder), stalking a group of obnoxious rich kids that ran over their mother while drag racing. They vow revenge, and damn well get it in rather gory fashion.

The cast isn't embarrassingly bad, but not great either. There's too much teen melodrama and the first half really drags because of it. The second half, when Moseley and Hodder become more prevalent, is better.

The gore effects aren't bad, Moseley and Hodder are good playing exactly the kind of roles they usually play, Miley Cyrus's sister has a tiny part, there's too much music crammed into the movie from unknown indie bands, one girl briefly shows her butt, and continuity is terrible. Day and night seem like one big blur sometimes.

That's about all I have on this one. Check it out, or don't. Your call.
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I'm gonna turn you inside out...
paul_haakonsen22 June 2017
For some reason then "Old 37" had managed to elude me until 2017, which is a bit odd as it has both Kane Hodder and Bill Mosely on the cast list, two huge iconic horror names, and two actors that I do like in movies.

So when I got the chance to sit down and watch "Old 37", I needed no convincing and I didn't even have to read the synopsis for the movie. All that was needed was the horror label and the fact that both Hodder and Mosely were starring in this movie.

The pacing of the movie was somewhat of a mixed result. I especially liked how the movie did lay the groundwork for the setting from the very beginning. But the movie did follow the generic formula of how to make a horror movie, which was so clearly apparent, for better or worse. And it does slow down quite a lot during the first half of the movie in order to establish characters and background. That made it somewhat tedious, but then it gradually started to pick up pace again as Jon Roy (played by Kane Hodder) and Darryl (played by Bill Mosely) made a return to perform their ghastly endeavor.

The cast in "Old 37" was good, especially because most of the faces appearing on the screen were new to me. And personally I do enjoy watching new performers on the screen, as they are not already associated with other roles in other movies. And having two horror icons in one movie needs no explanation.

As for the characters in the movie, well I will say that the character gallery was quite diverse. Some characters more likable than others, naturally. However, the overall impression is that the characters could just as easily had been in any other horror movie, so there was a feeling of generic character build to some of them.

There wasn't an abundance of special effects, much less CGI effects. But I will say that the practical effects that were in the movie were quite nice, especially the special effects make-up on Brooke, when she was found, that looked quite good. It was interesting to have Jon Roy cover his lower part of the face with a mask throughout the movie, but when his face was revealed it was somewhat of an anti-climatic reveal, because his face wasn't that scary or deformed.

"Old 37" was actually quite nicely filmed and edited, which made for a very enjoyable viewing pleasure. And that also made for a very good flow to the movie.

The music score for the movie was actually quite good, and the music was quite fitting for the particular atmosphere that permeated the movie.

I must admit that I had expected more mayhem and mutilation that what director Alan Smithee managed to deliver here with the help of writers Joe Landes and Paul Travers. And the ups and downs in the pacing of the movie was also somewhat of a setback for the overall enjoyment of the movie. "Old 37" wasn't an impressive or outstanding horror movie in any way, and not even the two iconic horror figures Hodder and Mosely could salvage this one.
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At least the technical crew did their job as professionals should.
philarmitage213 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin without spoiling too much?

There is a prologue, then the opening titles (which feature a great score and an interesting credit:Directed by Alan Smithee), and it's all downhill from there.

It becomes quickly apparent that things won't be very promising with almost immediate bad dialogue given to badly-written characters who do stupid things in unrealistic, only-in-movies cliché'd manners. The actors didn't really stand a chance with this script.

Nothing works. Not the antagonists' motivations (revealed in numerous flashbacks) or their M.O., the unfortunate ''character development'' which takes up so much screen time and only succeeds in being incredibly unbelievable, (once again) cliché, uninteresting and unoriginal. Not the storyline, which throws in ''revelations'' that are completely unnecessary and illogical and doesn't bother trying to do anything remotely original. I could go on. NOTHING works.

This is one of the worst films I've seen recently. It may sound harsh but I was marvelling at how much I disliked everything with every passing minute.

This is lazy filmmaking. No attempt to try to do something original, or to create good, interesting characters. If there was, then something happened and it prompted the director to take his name off the credits.

I can't blame him.
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Don't Worry I'm A... Krackoon.
Krackoon24 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What's a good way for a director like Alan Smithee to get people to watch his horror film?

Releasing it right before Halloween is one way - and casting Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley as serial killing brothers, is another. I've never met Kane Hodder, but I'm willing to bet he's probably the nicest guy on the planet, because for some reason directors want to work with him. This is a guy who is best known for walking around with a hockey mask, with absolutely no dialogue. The reason for that is quite simple - he's the most wooden actor I've ever seen. He has no screen presence/charisma, no sense of timing when it comes to line delivery. He just snarls and bullies his way through every single role, without a care in the world. He does a pretty mean chicken dance, though.

'Old 37' is dull slasher film about two serial killers (Hodder/Moseley) posing as paramedics (Uh, I think it's about a boob job, too.) If you think this is a pure horror film, you're wrong. It's more teen drama than horror. It takes entirely way too long to get to the killings/torture. The character development is something you'd see from 'I Still, Still, Still Know What You Did Last Summer.' There's absolutely no reason to add any type of character development to this film, because the characters are dull, bland rip-offs of previous 'teen' slashers. You will be pleased to know, or at least you should be, that Brandi Cyrus doesn't manage to last 20 minutes into the film. If you're like me, you probably feared she'd somehow land the main role as the helpless victim. You won't be pleased to know, that if she hadn't been killed off, she would have ended up being the best actor/actress in the film - and that's not meant as a compliment.

Random Ramblings of a Madman: 'Old 37' is mind numbingly awful, filled with bland characters, awful acting, and the worst drivers ever put on film.
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I feel bad for Moseley.
ephephess27 October 2015
I had such expectations for this one. It promised me Bill Moseley as a villain, it promised me the-always-relevant twist (paramedics gone wrong) and thus both a psychological and visceral, brutal horror.

I expect many of you have the same expectations, but heed my warning - this is NOTHING compared to what it could've been.

This movie is an insult in regards to casting/acting, script/story, scenery/footage and editing/effects/gore. And no, you will not even laugh at how campy it is. You will feel insulted, and probably turn it off quite early.

I feel bad for Moseley. Poor, old man having to interact with such amateurs. You should get another agent.

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A mess
Leofwine_draca10 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
AMBULANCE 37 is another lacklustre indie horror flick, this time geared firmly in the 'torture porn' genre. The story follows a couple of psycho brothers - played by cult favourites Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley - as they travel around in an old ambulance, answering emergency calls and murdering any victims they find. There's endless, bad padding between the horror scenes, which rely on ridiculous CGI gore for effect. Hodder's stock psycho is fun, but the rest is a mess.
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With Mosley and Hodder in this I expected better,,, at least a 5,,,
reddiemurf816 April 2020
I'm not hard to please. I enjoy dumb horror. This,,, just terrible. Hodder and Mosley obviously just needed the paychecks.

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Alan Smithee? Seriously?
xlrdk816 January 2020
Taking an "Alan Smithee" seems petty. I can't imagine what "other" direction the director had in mind for this film. I mean, what other course could this film possibly have taken? This is boilerplate horror.

I couldn't finish this movie, which for a horror film - there's just no excuse for that. Even bad horror films hold one's attention, if only via anticipation. With this plot and this cast, they had a golden opportunity to make something genuinely cool and interesting.
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Insulting Scam Horror
venusboys331 January 2016
It's all bait n' switch with some movie companies. You can hire a couple of 'name' stars and a competent film crew and churn out some garbage that desperate fans will show up for... and walk away cheated. But hey, you got some cash out of them and word won't spread fast enough to keep you from making back your investment plus a bit to see the next bit of cinematic snake oil.

Really, I thought the basic idea could have worked... and the actors were decent... and with modern technology and film schools churning out tech-competent students desperate to pay off their loans it's hard to make a bad looking movie... but geeez! Who wrote this crap?!!! It's dumb and dumbest right from the start. Does Moseley even read the scripts for the movies before he signs up?

Truly a waste of time, talent and energy.
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allisonjr25 July 2015
Just caught an early screening of Old 37 at the "Scares that Care" weekend. I don't know what this Phil Armitage guy has shoved up his balloon knot, but I don't think his mommy let him get any boob time. The movie was great. Lots of blood. Lots of violence and a great story. Everything you could ask for in a slasher. It was great to see Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley together mutilating people. Great horror flick. This movie was tons of fun. Highly recommended for any true horror fans. Get this movie to kick off your Halloween movie season. You won't be disappointed, I wasn't and neither was the packed room Pre-screening. Kept my attention the whole time, the writing was refreshing and the killings were visceral. Everyone gave a standing ovation at the conclusion. Old 37 is the best independent horror film I've seen this year.
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Night Call meets The Gambler
searchanddestroy-11 December 2020
I mean THE GAMBLER from Lithuania and released in France in 2015; a movie about ambulance men betting in accidents and deceased people. Nasty topic, as NIGHT CALL on was too. If you know those two films, this very one I comment now will sound familiar to you, but treated in a total different manner, of course. This one is totally lousy, but fun; disgusting but enjoyable, expendable but interesting. I think it could have been made in a far better way for the same topic and story. It seems to hesitate between thriller, romance, horror...it looks like a kaleidoscope of several genres and directing methods which would have been put together. But when you know that Allan Smithee is an aka of several directors... Some kind of TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, anyone could have made the link, but Tobe - and not Tobor - the Great was more gifted in camera work and overall directing than those producers job. Good ending though.
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Like two different movies jam together.
usminc-810-4663171 November 2020
Says the movie is about two serial killers who pretend to be ambulance drivers, but really focuses more on some teens in a "I Know What You Did Last Summer" rip off.
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A Waste of Horror Talent
jcholderfield26 October 2019
They had two incredible horror legends with Bill Moseley and Kane Hodder, yet failed to utilize them in any meaningful way. Rather, the movie focuses on an annoying and shallow girl who has a way too long breast implant scene. (No joke unfortunately). More effort should've been put into the brothers' plot and backstory. Alas, we have a painful teen drama with a 'protagonist' you'll want dead from the word go.
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Old 37
a_baron29 November 2019
Or "Ambulance 37". What do we have here? Another modern day tale of unbridled sadism, but one coupled with revenge. Young dudes who keep their brains inside their trousers; young floozies who are more than willing to play ball with them, reckless games bordering on suicidal stupidity played with fast cars. If you haven't seen this film, you've certainly seen one like it, perhaps the slightly later "Bodies" that also includes an ambulance.

The most merciful thing about "Old 37" is that it is reasonably short, but don't watch it if you like horror with a meaningful plot and characters with even a little depth.
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I've Saw Better
thesar-29 May 2020
It might be scarier if anyone knew what an Old 37 was.

Think of the most convoluted, confusing and frankly, boring plot of the worst of the Saw series and you'll have yourself your own Old 37 including all the same Saw-gore and bad acting you can tolerate. Mercifully, it's not the same plot, but all of the outer edges are the same despite having such a dull blade to begin with.

I guess the main plot is SUPPOSED to be about two evil Tucker & Dales who use an ambulance to prey on innocent victim victims...of car crashes, but is turned into some not-so-teen drama straight outta I Know What You Did Last Summer. Actually, make that: it's more like the parody of that movie from within Scary Movie.

In truth, there are about 28 flashbacks making up a good half of the runtime from both the killers driving the Old 37 (the ambulance's name, I believe, who knows?) and "teen's" POV and those made my mind wander so much, I have no real idea what this mess is about.

But, hey, when is it NOT great to have horror screen legends: Bill Moseley and Kane Hodder in front of the camera and very nice gore graphics? Also, no-spoilers, but I LOVED the very end. To be honest, it didn't fit the scene before, but it still was a pretty good final shot. (And the scene before, I totally got the reference, Mr. Hodder. I sure did.)

But, no amount of a Masked Hodder, a Bored Bill, gore and a great finale will save this all-over-the-place horror film. I didn't even get to the weird mother/daughter relationship.

At least, I think they were mother and daughter. They really looked like a handful of years apart in age. I'm so confused.


Final thoughts: Maybe this is just past my generation. I am an Old 46-year-old, myself.
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Terrible Movie!
amgee-8955122 February 2019
Only good thing about this film was Kane Hodder. I really feel for Kane & bill for being in this awful film. 1/10
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balaamdebbie23 February 2022
Very disappointing and boring. I have seen cheaper made films that have been so much better. Gory yes but just trying to copy bits and pieces from A list Horror movies. Waste of time.
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Old 37
Scarecrow-8824 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up with a fruitcake paramedic father with a taste for blood (he never got over it after the war!), two adult men (horror icons, Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley) were truly effed up by his upbringing, although their mom tried as she might to show them some semblance of family love and affection. Well, the two operate a car salvage yard and on their spare time hunt down wrecking motorists when they dial 911 from in short distance. How do they hunt? By pretending to be paramedics, even owning an ambulance, surprising unsuspecting victims by bringing the ultraviolence, that's how.

The movie alternates between flashbacks detailing the ghoulish memories of Hodder and Moseley and Caitlin Harris' gradual transition from cool, individualistic "misfit" (she's not part of the whole popular crowd) to silicone-boobed, blond-colored, desperate-for-attention Heather. There's also high school's It crowd Caitlin is not fond of yet inexplicably decides to eventually mimic…because of a boy, of course! Caitlin and her mom have conversations about the men in their lives, and the eventual boob job gets plenty of rub. Daftly, Caitlin's friend is murdered because of a car stunt involving legs split on two cars while driving at high speeds (the blond diva of the teens feels overshadowed and causes her beau to lose his attention while driving!) and fades into the script's ether…it is included strictly to make the kids who decide to keep it all a secret all the more unfavorable.

I could care less about the miscreants that made up the teens, but there is a good bit of attention towards them in the first part of the movie. It is only later that finally the film emphasizes Moseley and Hodder's horrific childhoods (Moseley is definitely warped by the experience, ridiculing Hodder endlessly, even responsible for his facial disfiguring resulting in the wearing of a mouth mask) and gets to them killing folks. Moseley has been pretty much typecast as the backwoods psycho, but he continues to somehow summon the gravitas to make the characters he plays watchable. He's a charismatic presence, no doubt about that. I have to guess he's bored with this by now, though. "Dead Air" (2009) proved he could play a character that is right the opposite to his usual nutjobs, but he's so incredibly busy (just look at his schedule, it is astounding) the money offered beats unemployment, I guess. Hodder will always be employed as long as he brings the menace like he does here. Still, they are actually underused despite their heavy billing in the cast. As far as their extracurricular activities: the violence is mostly out of frame. A saw to the throat squirts blood, but a majority of knife-stabbing and saw dicing is implied not explicitly elaborated…a no-no for those who typically watch this kind of movie. Like horror movies of today, aesthetically, it is all desaturated with brown and grey prevalent…it is all sepia-centric. This has the Alan Smithee title for the director in the credits so it is clear that Christian Winters wasn't fond of the finished product…I think his decision has merit as it is a tale of two movies both fighting for supremacy.
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Nothing New Here
timothygartin21 June 2019
I did not like this movie. It was dull and poorly acted. The characters were shallow and made terrible, stupid decisions that no one would make. Even the character transformation in the finale doesn't make any sense and just comes off as a plot device. The writers had a good idea about having killer paramedics, but this is not the movie that exploited that idea.

Pass on this one.
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Well written, filmed beautifully, edited with precision!
beccamaewilson30 July 2015
Let me tell you - I was lucky enough to be one of the few people who got to watch OLD 37 at a screening in early 2014, and this movie is still as fresh in my mind as if I saw it yesterday. The blood, the gore, the screams - it's all so well crafted that you leave the theater thinking what you saw was not a movie, but was something real right in front of you. The movie was not only well- written, but was filmed beautifully and edited with precision. I would highly recommend watching this if you are a horror fan. This film does not disappoint.

Just be warned, you will not want to dial 911 after watching...I can honestly say that I get shivers every time I hear an ambulance's sirens.
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Really problematic and only somewhat enjoyable
kannibalcorpsegrinder16 March 2016
After a string of disappearances around town, a group of friends find that the events are committed by a pair of psychotic brothers posing as paramedics intercepting emergency calls to kidnap and torture victims and forcing them to stop their rampage.

This here was decent enough and had some good parts. What really works nicely here is the fact that there's some rather fun times to be had here from the way this one goes about delivering the torturing and tormenting that the two guys dole out, providing a great amount of bloodshed. The opening attacks on the different travelers, from the father's assault on the girl to their present- day ambush on the other couple and finally appearing to the high- school kids manages to really get quite enjoyable with the different dismembering and torturing done on the victims while getting this one set-up quite nicely Several other rather fun stalking scenes are found throughout here, from the stalking of the couple in the car out in the woods or the rather creepy attack on the lone victim in the impound lot, though the fun really comes from the finale where there's plenty of highly enjoyable stalking and chasing done throughout here, from the confrontation in the woods where they get abducted into the ambulance and the great stalking through the darkened impound lot, the brawling with the family in the shack and finally the big finish which gets some nice action and gore involved as well. These here are the film's best parts. Still, beyond these issues there's quite a few problems to be found here. There's not a whole lot that's of any real interest here for the majority of the film, really dragging the pace out in the first half. The storyline about the teens getting ready for the party aware of the different accidents afflicting their classmates and the utterly banal social hierarchy involving everyone there which manages to include the cliché story about their secret back-story and the mean girl structure that involves everyone out trying to outwit each other in order to better themselves, and none of this is all that clever, original or enjoyable in the slightest. It just makes the film quite bland and boring while also highlighting the other flaw in that the brothers don't really have a whole lot to do here. By forcing all that into the film, they tend to take a backseat and show up for a few brief scenes which are quite enjoyable somewhat but don't really generate the kind of interest they really should seeing these hulking behemoths on-screen which is somewhat frustrating. Their back-story isn't all that enjoyable anyway and really tends to come off as so cliché and expected it's all going to be guessed without much difficulty and really brings down it's effectiveness. Likewise, the other small flaw here is the finale which features the turn for no reason here other than giving the heroine a chance to escape out of the situation as it makes no sense why that would occur or the motive behind it. Otherwise, this one wasn't that bad.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and strong themes of child abuse.
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Should have been better.
NickGagnon9425 March 2022
I figure a film with Kane Hodder and Bill Mosely as killer paramedics should be better. Its still watchable though. A quarter of the film plays like a Lifetime teen drama.
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nogodnomasters4 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is another junkyard slasher film with a slight paramedic twist. Amy (Caitlin Harris) is the only decent person in her circle of friends, so we don't expect anyone other than her to survive. Amy is insecure and wants a boob job as all her friends are hotter, especially Brooke (Olivia Alexander). In addition to showing us her life, the film flashes back to the lives of the slasher brothers who lacked slasher charisma.

The film adds nothing new to the genre.

Guide: F-bomb, sex, sexy butt nudity (Olivia Alexander)
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If Kane Hodder's Son Approves, I approve!
skylersamuelrose30 July 2015
I had the pleasure of an early screening at HorrorHound in Ohio where Kane Hodder introduced the film. He said that his 18 year old son did an interview for a documentary recently and said OLD 37 was his favorite movie his Dad (Kane) ever made. That is some high praise before a screening.

Kane also went on to praise the team he worked with and talked about his time working with Bill Moseley.

What an honor!

Then we got to watch it and it delivered, a lot. I got there early and had a chair and the room fit about 500 people and it was full. People were sitting on the floor to watch this movie. Everyone cheered at the end but I wont spoil anything.

This film was awesome. Really great kills but mostly a great story. Not something you see in horror everyday. It was also shot really pretty. A step above your average horror. I was able to bring my teenage daughter with me and she really liked it as well. We bought t-shirts and Kane signed them!

We cannot wait to get the DVD. Already pre ordered!
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