A Town Full of Ghosts (2022) Poster

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A Town Full of....Something
mistermansfield15 September 2022
This is another of those films that wouldn't have been missed had it not been made. The acting was decent, but really...aren't we all over found footage films? I know I am. In about 2019. Besides, this movie offers nothing new to the genre. The ending is a bit of a mess, and the viewer is left to create this part. It seemed to me that the writer just wanted to finish the story.

Oh and the found footage within the found footage was just a bit too convenient, and too produced, to be credible. This coupled with the rushed ending makes me wonder the reasoning behind it since the film is only just over an hour long.

It's not a bad film. It's just not original and comes off as a bit of fluff when compared to what's already out there.
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bluelena-9219814 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So far enjoying it, but just saw a major plothole. No electricity or water to the ghost town, yet when he finds the super 8 films and projector, VOILA!!!! They work. Sheesh, even a dope like me could have told this couple that this fake clapboard wild west town was not going to be a sound investment! Interesting that the main character is an alcoholic who mysteriously finds drinks laid out for him (shades of the Shining), but he's really so annoying that we don't mind if he gets his comeuppance.

Still, not a bad effort as far as found footage goes, the characters are solid and we go a little into the background of each.

The fact that the little ghost town is 3 hours from anywhere gives it an edge.
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It was OK
skeller-5850514 May 2024
I enjoyed it. It's not winning any awards, but it pretty good. I give it an A for the creepy location. C'mon, it's a ghost town. I love films about abandoned places / towns. A couple sells everything to but a ghost town in hops of making it a money generating travel destination. (The woman isn't too keen on the idea) Of course in a ghost town you will have ghosts. There are some creepy scenes. I have definitely seen much much much worse.

I know that the internet has made professional movie critics out of anyone able to use the Internet, but I guess I don't fit in with them. It's like everyone turned into Gordon Ramsey the film critic.
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A Town Full of Cliches
terrymike-7774018 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"The Shining" meets "Gunsmoke". Instead of being set in a sprawling, remotely located haunted hotel, the story is set in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere. Mark, one of the main characters, is almost a direct rip-off of Jack Torrance, complete with mental instability and a problem with alcohol. In "The Shining", Jack Torrance had Lloyd the bartender. In this movie, Mike has Billy the caretaker. There's even the ax as a murder weapon, and a chase through a maze.

Like Jack Torrance, Mike's mental instability and potential alcoholism is heavily foreshadowed. There is virtually nothing new to see here, folks. The Overlook Hotel collected victims and ghosts in "The Shining", and the ghost town, Blackwood Falls in this movie does the same thing. This movie is far more predictable than it is scary.
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A Town Full of Ghosts
BandSAboutMovies18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mark (Andrew C. Fisher) has always dreamed of buying Blackwood Falls, an old west ghosttown and fixing it up to make it a tourist destination. It's definitely a fixer upper with no running water or electricity, but that's no problem, right? Well, his investor (Mike Dell) leaves town in a hurry and his wife Jenna (Mandy Lee Rubio) feels about Blackwood Falls like Lisa Douglas does Green Acres.

I'd say all is well and good, but when a videographer becomes to shoot a promotional video, his girlfriend Lisa (Lauren Lox) goes from demanding that they leave to disappearing without a single trace.

Director and writer Isaac Rodriguez also made Last Radio Call which made good use of found footage. He based this movie on a story he saw online about an influencer who sold everything and moved to a ghost town. I actually enjoyed his former film way more than this one. It takes a long time for anything to happen and while the last fifteen minutes are filled with scares - Jenna tries to escape the town and becomes lost in a wooden maze while being pursued like they're at the Overlook - it's work to get there.
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The Shining meets Blair Witch Project and has an ugly baby
chaplaindad12 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Town Full of Ghosts" is anything but that. Its full of something but nothing that is scary, intriguing, or worth wasting time watching. The film is set inexplicably in a part pretend, part real ghost town far out in the boonies, 3 hours away from civilization, and with no cellular service, water, power or infrastructure. Enter a young couple, hocked to the hilt, buying up the place to create the next version of Knotts Berry Farm...except, it has none of the above, which anyone will instantly recognize as laughable. The town has only one ghost, a pissed off madam from a bordello that was burned to the ground by townspeople, leaving her as the sole survivor. After hacking the 250 townspeople to death with an axe (how she was able to sneak up on the townspeople without someone hearing the slaughter, catching her in the act, grabbing a gun, and dispatching her to Hades defies the imagination), we are led to believe that Texas authorities then burned the remainder of the town down, to hide the shame of the crime. The new owner of the property knows nothing of this history, save a cryptic newspaper article, despite a theater building in the town holding maps and films explaining the entire history. Who buys a place without inspecting the grounds, or having it appraised, doing a walkthrough, asking for full dusclosure statements, etc, etc? Add to this implausible plot, awful acting, horrible dialogue, and awful photography, you get the perfect set-up for a yawn-worthy waste of time.
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Just needlessly awful
crustysaltmerchant3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So the film had a decent premise, a couple buy a ghost town and it all goes wrong. I was expecting plenty of paranormal scares and creepy atmosphere, what I got was a total mess and zero scares.

First of all, how can such lazy writing get funded? They characters constantly moan there's no running water or electricity but yet have no issues staying spotlessly clean and powering their phones, cameras, drones and even a super 8 projector. The whole town was supposedly murdered in the 1800's and the state of Texas hushed it all up and wiped the town from the maps and yet, the town still had electrical wiring running along beams and skirting boards, modern day light switches on every wall and even light up EXIT signs above the doorways, not to mention the plastic seating in the saloon. It was almost as if a child had wrote it and paid no attention whatsoever to the location.

Then there's such illogical plot points as the investor who was "all in" despite never having seen the place before, took one look and said I'm out but not before divulging that two teens were murdered there three weeks before. The lead character Mark decided to do some research AFTER he bought the place and watched the super 8 footage. With terrible writing like that the film stood no chance. However the bizarre directional/editorial choices made a bad film even worse. A musical soundtrack on a found footage film? How does that work? Are we supposed to be watching a live stream with a soundtrack or has someone gone back through the footage, edited it together and stuck some music over the top of it? Either way it makes zero sense. The exposition contained in the super 8 film is supposed to drive the story along but is a confused mess and only further clouds what's gone on before. The film tries desperately to be like the shining, the maze, the axe, the husband going crazy but it's got more in common with maximum overdrive. Tosh of the lowest order.

The acting was decent but overall such a bad film.
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A Shining/Blair Witch hybrid Disaster
This movie is yet another "Found Footage" farce which centers around a fake ghost town which is obviously a kiddie theme park that is explained away with nonsense about it being a "real" town that was developed into a theme park, talk about the need for suspension of disbelief!!!

It was long, boring and had very little storyline or action. It rips off the storyline of "The Shining" but presented in a "Blair Witch" format. The acting is surprisingly good, but the writing is a pitiful excuse for a script -THERE IS NO STORYLINE AT ALL!!! The characters were believable enough with the single exception of the caretaker "Billy" who seems to be a catch all stereotype of a Tex-Mex and Indian characters. Its huge difference with the Blair Witch movies is that the last 30 seconds of Blair Witch actually gave us a shock, whereas this film is a dud and goes out with a disappointing whimper. It was a waste of film and a waste of your time!
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A solid and enjoyable found-footage effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder23 June 2022
After buying an abandoned ghost town, a couple documenting the experience for their fans on social media of their turning it into a potential tourist attraction, but the longer they stay there the more they come under the belief that something's there in the town protecting a deadly secret.

There's a lot to like with this one for the most part. The initial setup on display for this one, focusing on the couple going through the town and documenting what's going on manages to offer a rather impressively chilling starting point. The fact that it's genuinely chilling with how the place looks abandoned and deserted with their walk-through of the town makes it appear as though they're by themselves in the area with the rather twisted designs and layout of the area as well as the first signs that something's going on. The constant hints that something's not right, from the sleepwalking claim to hearing odd noises in the middle of the night and finally getting suspicious of the constantly-growing wasp hive that draws their attention. That manages to pay off quite nicely in the second half where the film shines rather nicely. By finally managing to unleash the real explanation for the town's deserted nature with the full reveal of the backstory in the past regarding how the stories spread regarding the figure haunting the area, this one picks up the energy rather nicely in getting to the frantic chases and attacks that take place in the town. As it introduces a fine possession angle to enhance the chasing and action rather nicely, this aspect becomes a lot of fun and steers the film along into a frenetic finish that's enough to lift this one up quite nicely. This one does have a few drawbacks that hold it back. Among the biggest drawbacks featured here is the rather obvious detriment of the film's unnecessary use of the unsupportive spouse cliche that's present here. This is a highly uninvolved setup that is brought to the forefront here for absolutely no reason at all other than to provide a bit of spice into the situation regarding how they're going to get through the predicament due to the just-as-cliche setup of the funding getting pulled at the last minute. That combines together into a rather aggravating cliche that is only there to provide a storyline to take up time in the middle of the film. The only other issue to be had here is the rather stagnant pace that transpires in the first half where it takes a while to get going. The series of walk-throughs that take place, the hints that something's going on and the random encounters here don't add much in terms of exploring what's going on as that reveal comes about completely at random at the start of the third act since the film is so short. By not having that much of a clue as to what's going on as you're more focused on other areas than enhancing the dread, it makes the final half feel far more frantic and speeds through the scares rather than enjoying a natural progression which is a bit of a shame. In addition to the as-expected troubles trying to keep the found-footage aspect realistic in the situation, these here hold this one back.

Rated Unrated/R: Violence and Language.
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a town full of bad acting
shaunephillips281 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of the movie is pretty good, but that's about it. Most of the actors can't act their way out of a paper bag. Especially the actor playing Mark. If that wasn't bad enough, there's enough potholes in this movie that it's more hole than anything else.

For instance, the town supposedly doesn't have power, yet there is multiple towers with blinking red lights in the ghost town. Not to mention multiple shots showing hydro poles. In one shot the pole is maybe 50 feet away from them, yet there's no power. I almost forgot there's supposed to be no running water, except one of the first scenes is Mark showing the sink and toilet im the "outhouse". Don't get me started on the old film reel some how having audio.

Besides the plot holes, it's nothing more than a cheesy movie with a decent premise squandered by the poor writing, poor acting and poor everything else.
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A fun watch
lildebbiemeeks21 July 2022
Quite the unique independent horror movie. We didn't watch a trailer just went for it and were happy we did. I think trailers often ruin movie experiences. This is about a gorgeous couple who buy a literal ghost town in the hopes to turn it into some kind of attraction. I don't know where this was filmed but I want to go there and get stoned. Obviously some horror ensues. Nothing ground breaking but definitely not a bad movie. I enjoyed from start to finish. All the actors are A+ and very watchable. I would recommend.
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Decent Found Footage
ashaleehatfieldbenson14 August 2022
I thought it was a pretty decent FF movie.

The whole town setting was great and had a good crewp vibe to it. I wish they would have had a few more jump scare@ but all in all definitely worth a watch.
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A town full of nothing...
paul_haakonsen2 October 2023
Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the 2022 horror movie titled "A Town Full of Ghosts" prior to sitting down to watch it. And had I been familiar with it and known it was a 'found footage' movie, I wouldn't have given the movie the time of day. I absolutely loathe that subgenre of movies, as they are usually nothing more than amateurish attempts to make movies with a handheld camera.

The storyline in "A Town Full of Ghosts", as written by writer and director Isaac Rodriguez, was actually not all that bad. But the movie suffered terribly from being a 'found footage' movie, and that totally drained away my will and interest to really delve into this movie. Suffice it to say that I didn't stick around to the end of this ordeal.

The whole concept of 'found footage', social media video-makers, content makers, influencers, or whatever these type of losers call themselves, just doesn't appeal to me. And thus, "A Town Full of Ghosts" was a bitter pill to swallow.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, but then again, I can't claim that I was particularly impressed or bedazzled by what I witnessed on the screen, as I just can't take the 'found footage' genre seriously.

Visually, then you're not in for anything grand here.

If you enjoy horror movies, do yourself a favor and skip on this one. It just simply isn't worth the effort. If you, however, enjoy the travesty that is 'found footage' films, then you might enjoy this 2022 movie from writer and director Isaac Rodriguez.

My rating of "A Town Full of Ghosts" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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Ending felt very rushed
twesterm-1043330 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was really digging this movie up until the last 15 or so minutes.

I liked the setup-- couple buys an abandoned town in order to turn it into a tourist destination, but things begin to happen as investors pull their support.

That works great and works well as a found footage movie setup. The problem comes in at the last 15 minutes when things start to go down. It pretty much goes from creepy piano to axe murderer. The movie is only about an hour long, it felt like they cut about 30 minutes out of the movie.

If they had only lengthened this movie by about 30 minutes to perhaps explain why the maze, why the wasps, show characters transformation, talk about the brothel, etc this would have been a pretty good movie. Instead it goes from happy couple buys a town to everyone dies in a maze with weird time hops.

On the found footage front, this movie does a bad job. Initially, it sells the FF reason by saying they're making a youtube show. In the end, you have the husband running around with a GoPro he never had and it makes zero sense why he's still holding the camera. A good found footage movie makes you believe why the person is still holding the camera, this is the opposite of that.

Skip this movie.
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It fell very far short of its potential, but ended well
RomeoVonFrankenstein23 November 2023
The movie started out incredibly strong with a very interesting idea. I would love to be able to afford to purchase a ghost town three hours from the nearest neighbor. Especially if it is actually haunted! That would be a dream come true for myself and my wife. Unfortunately, the movie did not remain on the great path it had started out on. After the strong intro the film slowed to a crawl for 40 minutes or so, when some small speckles of events- however, still nothing to really keep the interest. It is not until a couple of minutes before the ending that the movie ultimately becomes eventful. The finally was fun, hence the 3 star rating, though it could have and should have been much better. It is such a shame the potential was wasted.
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Better Than Expected
icocleric4 October 2023
I think the short run time of this film means it doesn't over stay it's welcome, or have pacing issues. Found footage isn't always great, because too much shaky cam gives me headaches. This is better than most found footage as a whole.

I liked the fact it's done from the perspective of someone trying to do up a ghost town, and post it on social media. He brings in a cousin who is better at camera work. Which I think is a great excuse to have nicer looking footage.

The acting is great, and I like the fact it slowly gets creepy before hell breaks loose. It had a great atmosphere, and I think the location helps with that a lot. The location is stunning.

I didn't like the weird stripe effects at the end, like why??
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Better than expected
tikitim-4709224 June 2023
I actually seldom watch footage found movies as they give me a headache with shaky camera work. I also have low expectations for these type of indie films. However I will say that this exceeded my expectations. I was pleased that it was not even an hour and a half long and it kept my interest the entire time. The acting was halfway decent and the photography was pretty good as well. The setting was kind of creepy as another reviewer has said. I thought the maze scenes were effective. It was almost giving me some The Shining vibes. I wouldn't say it was particularly scary, but more a slow buildup to a pretty good ending. My rating is for a comparable film of this genre so keep that in mind. I don't compare these type of movies to Academy award-winning films. So the ratings to movies for me are according to genre and budget. All in all I think this was above average for a found footage type of movie. I was pleasantly surprised.
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