The Perfect Roommate (TV Movie 2011) Poster

(2011 TV Movie)

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Daddy's Home
sol121811 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Both complicated as well as ridicules murder for profit flick with the perpetrators as clueless and outrageous as the murder plot they concocted. There's so many sub-plots and characters in the film that you get lost almost as soon as it begins. That's with Marty Remington,Peter Dillion,getting arrested for the murder of a hooker he was seen with the night before. We never realize what exactly Marty has to do in the movie until it's more then half over which by then we've long, in his two or so minutes in the beginning of the film, forgotten all about him!

In the film the scheming and treacherous Carrie Remington, Boti Bliss, gets friendly with pretty but a bit stuck up Ashley Donnfield, Ashley Leggat, in first becoming her roommate and then getting to know Ashley's pop big time Philadelphia real estate magnet Richard Dunnfield, William R. Moses. Together with her parter in crime the just out on bail Anne Prieto, Cinthia Burke, Carrie plans to take the what seems like totally clueless, in what he's being set up for, Richard for a ride in getting their hands, by Carrie marrying and then dumping him, on his billions. In order to take care of a few loose ends Anne in giving her a ride in her cab to the airport knocks off Richard's ex Paula Wickless, Teresa Donovan, who got wind of her and Carrie's plan for her former husband Richard.

As for Ashley she soon realizes what her friend and roommate Carrie Remington is really up to but is helpless to stop it in Carrie keeping her away from daddy,Richard Donnfield, by first getting him drunk and then disconnecting his both cell and hotel phone at the place, the bridal suite, the two are staying in far off Cape May New Jersey.

The only thing that can save this turkey the ending is so dull and unexciting that you for a moment feel that the villain in the movie Carrie Remington or actress Boti Bliss realized just how idiotic her role was that she just gave up in order not to embarrass herself any more then she already did. As for Anne Prieto she seems to have just walked off the set since after murdering poor Paula Wickless and dumping her body on the side of highway,where it was later found by a homeless man, we never saw or heard of her again. Where also enlightened in just what Marty Remington has to do here in the movie! Which is getting himself arrested and sent up the river for a murder that both his wife at the time Carrie and Anne Prieto committed and framed him for.

the most fascinating and interesting thing in the film was actor William R.Moses as the clueless and and somewhat brain damaged Richard Donnfield. I started to wonder if Moses' acting was affected by his role as private investigator Ken Malansky in the Perry Mason made for TV movie series that he was in. Being known back then as the human punching bag in all the punishment the took could it have damaged his brain so severely that it caused him to be the lame and feathered brained Richard Donnfield that he ended up being here in the made for TV movie " The Prefect Roommate"!
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The Wanted Roommate
wes-connors14 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Eleven months after her ex-husband is thrown in jail for murder, 35-year-old Boti Bliss (as Carrie Remington) gets a job as a waitress. She works with naive young college student Ashley Leggat (as Ashley "Ash" Dunnfield). Ms. Bliss makes up a story which gets her invited to be Ms. Leggat's roommate. Bliss is really interested in seducing Leggat's 50-year-old father William R. Moses (as Richard Dunnfield), a super-rich widower. He doesn't like Leggat's bartender boyfriend Jon McLaren (as Matt Wilson). Bliss uses stolen information, homicidal Cinthia Burke (as Anne), and her cleavage to get close to Moses. Leggat begins to suspect her roommate is a liar. Sometimes it's better to live alone...

**** The Perfect Roommate (7/21/11) Curtis Crawford ~ Boti Bliss, Ashley Leggat, William R. Moses, Jon McLaren
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nogodnomasters19 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens with a rich man being arrested for murder to his surprise. His wife is Carrie (Boti Bliss).

We then advance 11 months. At first I thought this was simply another "Single White Female" rip off. The difference is that the roommate is not a psycho, but a criminal who has a partner Anna Prieto (Cinthia Burke). She becomes the roommate of Ashley Dunnfield (Ashley Leggat), daughter of the man who was arrested. 10 minutes into the movie you should have a plot outline. If not they explain it midway through the picture.

Carrie, the roommate cuts out pictures of Richard Dunnfield, tapes them into a subject notebook, and also keeps notes in it, as if she is setting herself up. This is done while ominous "made for TV" music is playing. Carrie does everything she can to endear herself to Ashley...and her single dad.

Ashley loves Matt (Jon McLaren) who dad thinks isn't good enough for her. This causes friction. Meanwhile dad is hanging out with his Ex-gf (Teresa Donovan). Part way through the movie a conversation between Carrie and Anna reveals their plan and most of the remaining plot.

The soundtrack was "made of TV" quality as was the acting. Canada has done better. This is a lower tier, slow developing thriller for people who don't like to think too hard.

No F-bombs or nudity.
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Awful and unintentionally campy, but I could not stop watching
Poolie22 July 2011
The Perfect Roommate is a typical cheap and cheesy "made for Canadian Pay TV movie" like the several new movies each month that pollute The Movie Network" and exist for the sole reason than to help the network fulfill the mandatory, but unfortunately mostly pathetic, Canadian content required so they can keep their broadcast license.

What separates this movie from other similar awful "Made for Canadian Pay TV" crap fests is that level of atrociousness in this one reaches such a new low (or height?) that I could not stop watching it, the same way you can't take your eyes off a car crash. The most ridiculous and unintentionally hilarious parts all relate to Boti Bliss in the main role. Firstly, the character is suppose to be this irresistible vixen, aka the "most beautiful woman I have ever seen" says naive billionaire and all around female connoisseur William R Moses. While Mrs. Bliss is not entirely repulsive, per say, she is way too freaky looking (bug-eyed, weird head and hair, bad plastic surgery everywhere and shockingly wide derrière which she tries to wide with bad teenage girl type loose clothes)to play that role.

And then there is her acting. It is priceless in the worst, but most hilarious, way. Her robotic bad acting is classic and will make the day of any lover of "so bad its good" type movies and acting. She alone was the reason I was glued to the screen the whole time and its gets worse (or better?) as the movie progresses.

I gave it 2 instead of 1, for the reasonable (with that awful script) acting job done by the veteran of this type of movies that is Mr. Moses and by the quite decent young actress who plays his daughter. Those 2 actors should get nominated for Genies if only for demonstrating the ability to keep a straight face while delivering their lines in their scenes opposite the mess that is Boti Bliss in this movie.
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Good neo-noir
mgconlan-121 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Lighten up, fellow reviewers! I just watched "The Perfect Roommate" and I loved it. All right, Boti Bliss has a name that sounds more like a Buddhist blessing than a human being, she's not exactly drop-dead gorgeous and Barbara Stanwyck was playing this sort of role much better before Ms. Bliss's mother was born, but her half-gamine, half-gnome appearance is just right for the role and she's actually doing a quite capable Psycho 101. Christine Conradt's script is her usual engaging melodrama complete with some pretty big plot holes (like — and here's why I marked the "spoiler" button — at the end when, instead of phoning her boyfriend, her boyfriend's ex-cop brother or the police, Ashley tries to reach her dad at the New Jersey hotel where he's shacking up with the villainess and it never seems to occur to her that she might be intercepting the calls) but still tense and action-packed, and some of the supporting characters, notably Carrie's confederate Anne (a nice hard-boiled performance by Cinthia Burke) and Matt's brother Ethan (I'd like to know who this guy is, since IMDb erroneously credits the performance to a woman, Christie Watson — unless we're supposed to believe that's some uncommonly good FTM drag), add strength and power to the piece. I've come to love Conradt's work precisely because it's so over-the-top (though at least she resists the temptation of some other Lifetime writers and doesn't have what looks like half the U.S. Armed Forces come to the rescue of the heroine at the end) and I had a lot of fun with this good neo-noir TV movie.
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Another Lame Canadian Made for TV Movie (titled 'Dark Secrets' in the UK)
Kittycat6320 July 2016
My god, what to say about this movie? It's one of those made for TV movies you come across one afternoon when you're a bit bored and channel surfing and decide to watch to see if it's any good, then when you realise how cheesy and lame the 'storyline' (if you can call it that) is, and how terrible some of the acting is (BOTI BLISS please step forward!!) you can't stop watching it because it's so bad it's entertaining for that reason alone!

I won't go into details about what this movie's about (read some of the other reviews for that!) but it really is very lame and, as other reviewers have commented, Boti Bliss is one of the main reasons it's so bad. With her dark 'pixie' haircut she looked like an Audrey Hepburn wannabe, but failed miserably. She isn't 'femme fatale' or sexy enough to have played that role - she looked more like a bug eyed middle- class suburban housewife with a husband who has an incredibly boring but well paid job. Also, her acting in general was awful and she just wasn't believable in that role. To be expected to believe that William Moses's character would fall head over heels for someone like her was ridiculous.

William Moses seems to have become the Susan Lucci of TV movies and he's not a bad actor so I wish he wouldn't lower himself to be part of crappy movies like this! He can do much better.

Also, I noticed a goof in this movie, which doesn't seem to be mentioned on here. When the daughter rushes from the restaurant towards the end of the movie, after asking her boyfriend to take over her shift because she has to go and warn her dad about what's going on, her hair is in a ponytail, yet at one point when the camera goes to her driving along in her car suddenly her hair is down and not in the ponytail anymore. Presumably, if her character was so frantic to get to her dad before anything bad happened to him she'd hardly have taken the time to change her hairstyle on the way there!

Oh, as for the first review on here of this movie - as someone else has commented, that the reviewer (Coop Burtonburger?!) has given this movie a 10 star review is hilarious! Either that person was associated with the making of the movie or he's connected to someone who was part of the movie - and given that he gushed twice about one of the actresses (I think the actress who played William Moses's character's daughter) I think maybe it was her boyfriend or someone who's obsessed with her !! Of course, the other alternative is that that Coop Burtonburger has recently landed from Mars and this was the first movie he has ever seen and he was so awestruck that he thought it was incredible! Oh, or he could have been as high as a kite when he saw it and reviewed it. Those are the only possible reasons surely for giving a 10 star rating to a movie that should really have a zero star rating ! !
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The unbelievably bad acting and plot make it semi-fascinating
suze-418 April 2014
I just got the W movie channel and this is what they showed tonight. The listings said Contact with Jodie Foster was on. Instead, they showed this derivative, hackneyed, poorly acted and amateurishly written made-for-TV movie. Someone is clearly asleep at the channel, but I gave it a chance. It does have a plot that seems to be leading up to a violent encounter a la Single White Female. There is tension - who is going to get hurt or killed? Everything that is going to happen is telegraphed and obvious. I won't put any spoilers here, but it was watchable purely because of the hilariously bad (like a high school play) acting and the unbelievably overdone plot - haven't we seen a story like this about 1,000 times only without the plot fizzling out? PS I found out the name of it by typing in the keyword "roommate" in IMDb.
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A film production company based in Ottawa, Canada?
randy_kay5 September 2013
It's funny when you read the reviews for a terrible film like this one and see one person, in this case "Coop Burtonburger" giving it a 10 out of 10 and saying it was the 'best film they've ever seen!' because you just KNOW these people are involved with the film in some capacity. The guy has only ever reviewed 1 film and it's THIS ONE and his giving it a 10/10, too funny. I wonder if he own Capital Productions, the company that made this piece of garbage.

Come on man, gimme a break. I've never even HEARD of Capital Productions/ It's clearly some little production company that's feeding off government tax credits which is why it's based in Ottawa. the Capital of Canada.

Anyhow, a pretty terrible film all around.
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Riddled with plot holes, unlikable characters, & lots of deus ex machinas...
vnssyndrome8917 April 2024
THE PERFECT ROOMMATE (TV movie) 1.5 out of 10 stars Time to Read:3min

BASIC PLOT: Normally, I'd write a succinct outline of the plot. But there never was a plot to write about. Basically, a waitress let's another waitress move in with her, then suddenly becomes suspicious of her (for no reason), and somehow suspects she's up to no good (with no reason). It's just a bunch of one dimensional, wooden characters, taking actions with no motivations, without any explanations, right up to the end. It's a disjointed, convoluted mess that should have been stopped while it was still words on a page.

WHAT WORKS: *CINTHIA BURKE IS A LIFETIME MOVIE GUILTY PLEASURE Cinthia Burke is a guilty pleasure of mine. She always plays the bad girls in Lifetime movies from this era, and even though these roles are cheesy, she manages to make it work. She's about the only thing in this movie that does work.


*I KNOW THIS IS A MELODRAMA, BUT THE CHARACTERS ARE TOO ONE DIMENSIONAL I know in melodramas, characters aren't supposed to have much depth, but this movie takes that too far. Everybody is very wooden, and the little character development there is, doesn't tell us enough to make us care. Even the background people seem like cardboard cutouts. Christine Conradt should have tweaked the script, and given the actors more to work with.

*WHY WOULD ASHLEY AND MATT BE SUSPICIOUS OF CARRIE BECAUSE OF SOMETHING HER EX HUSBAND DID? Women get conned by men all the time, why would Ashley be suspicious of Carrie because Carrie's ex-husband killed his mistress? If anything, that would make most women MORE sympathetic to her. Matt is supposed to be a good guy, well most good guys are sympathetic to women who get used and abused. His suspicions are NOT BELIEVABLE! He insists Carrie should have told Ashley BEFORE she moved in, again, I ask WHY? Why should she be required to share something so humiliating before becoming someone's roommate? This whole plot line RUINS the movie, and cancels my suspension of disbelief.

*THINGS GET MORE UNBELIEVABLE WHEN MATT'S BROTHER BECOMES SUSPICIOUS... Are you freaking kidding me? Matt's brother, Ethan, decides to play Nancy Drew about Carrie, again, I ask WHY? Carrie has not given these people any reason to be suspicious of her, so why are they? If hooking up with a lousy, deceitful man makes you untrustworthy, then I guess half the women in the world are not too be trusted.

*ASHLEY SAYS CARRIE KNEW ABOUT MARTY'S AFFAIRS and this makes her suspicious because Carrie testified at Marty's (Carrie's ex) trial that she didn't know about them. But what Carrie actually said was she knew about his FIRST affair, and then didn't want to know about the subsequent ones. So again, poor writing, and LOTS of deus ex machina from Christine Conradt.

*THERE'S LOTS OF CLOSEUP WEIRD SHOTS This may be because it's from 2010, and maybe wasn't widescreen (& they are stretching it to make it work on today's TVs). Sometimes when they stretch things, you get a strange effect. But even if that's the case, a lot of the shots are still awkward.

*WHY WOULD ASHLEY CARE THAT CARRIE IS SLEEPING WITH RICHARD? Ashley says it's a betrayal that her roommate slept with her dad. Again, I ask WHY? Why do writers continually forget that characters NEED motivations to make them believable. Ashley HAS to have a REASON why she is mad, that two people she cares about are no longer lonely. But instead she throws a tantrum like she's 12. Protagonists need to be LIKABLE (especially in melodramas)! But in this movie, the only person that's sympathetic is Richard (William R. Moses, Ashley's dad.


If you are so suspicious of someone, you're interviewing people from their past, and throwing fits about them sleeping with your dad, why would you still be living with them, when it would be so easy to just ask them to leave? You can't have it both ways, either they suspect her (even though there's nothing to suspect her of), and should ask her to leave, or they don't suspect her, and she stays, you see how confusing this convoluted script is?


This is yet another giant plot hole that MAKES NO SENSE! She's going to stand at a gas station, all night, when she could just call her boyfriend instead? REALLY?

TO RECOMMEND, OR NOT TO RECOMMEND, THAT IS THE QUESTION: *I would NOT recommend this movie, even to fans of melodramas. The characters are wooden, their motivations are not believable, and even at the half way point, we don't know why the antagonists are doing what they are doing. If you're looking for a decent made-for-tv melodrama from Christine Conradt, try The Bride He Bought Online (2015). It's actually enjoyable.

CLOSING NOTES: *This is a made-for-tv movie, please keep that in mind before you watch\rate it. TV movies have a much lower budget, and so your expectations should be adjusted.

*I have no connection to the film, or production in ANY way. This review was NOT written in full, or in part, by a bot. I am just an honest viewer, who wishes for more straight forward reviews (less trolls and fanboys), and better entertainment. Hope I helped you out.
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I had no idea so many people in Philadelphia had Canadian accents
jman_3167 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In this unintentionally amusing turkey, a female crime team plots to have one of them marry and bump off a wealthy widower. The widower's daughter Ashley, her boyfriend Matt, and his brother double as super-sleuths who solve a mystery that the police and DA's mistakenly pin on Carrie's ex-husband. Carrie's partner-in-crime Anna takes out widower Richard's ex-girlfriend just in case she figures out what's going on. Somehow it all comes together in the end. Ashley and the boys missed their calling. They should've been detectives.

Oh, and for a movie taking place in Philadelphia there are lots of Canadian accents. If you need some amusement, you can do worse.
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"Basking in the Afterglow"
lavatch2 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The best line in "The Perfect Roommate" (a.k.a., "Dark Secrets") is spoken by young Ashley (Ash) Dunnfield when she first begins to suspect her older roommate of the shenanigans of a classic gold digger. When Ash catches her scantily clad roommate Carrie Remington alone with Ash's father in his house, Ash proclaims that Carrie is "basking the afterglow" of a night spent in the sack with her wealthy father, Richard "Daddy Warbucks" Dunnfield.

The audience watches in horror as Carrie connives with her murderous tag-team partner Anna Prealta, as Ash nearly dies of anaphylactic shock in an allergic reaction to the fish oil that Carrie intentionally laced into Ash's lunch. Later, the cab driver Anna takes Richard's ex-girlfriend and rival to Carrie on a joyride that ends in Paula's murder.

With a checkered past that involved both murder and the framing of an innocent man in the death of a prostitute, Carrie and Paula have set their sights high on catching the unsuspecting Richard and his sweet and naive daughter in their web of deceit and greed.

As the savvy Ash comes to suspect her roommate of reeling in her gullible dad, she makes a desperate dash to New Jersey to warn him of the menace of Carrie and Paula. The film's ending could have been more tidy. Rather than relying on the miraculous appearance of a New Jersey state trooper to save Ash, her dim-witted boyfriend Matt and his brother Ethan, a former cop, could have at least lifted a finger in the attempt understand and thwart the evil machinations of Carrie and Paula.

In the film, there is one scene in which Carrie is staring at herself in the mirror. This is a character living in the afterglow of her narcissism and the self-centered view that she is special and deserving of the attentions of a wealthy gent like Richard Dunnfield. It is entirely due to the heroic efforts of Ash that the dark secrets of Carrie Remington are laid bare for all the world to see.
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OK movie but horrible acting
alysamulonee31 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
the movie started out very good. i thought this is going to be great. william moses is always great, and he was in this movie also. it starts out with the husband being arrested, but nothing more really heard about it. his wife then gets a job as a waitress, and starts here venture to hook up with one of the servers dad because he is rich. what gets me is carrie is anything but beautiful, but she sweeps mr dunfield off his feet. after carrie sleeping with her dad, and her finding out, she never kicks her out of her apt. why would you let someone stay when you know they did that? carrie also walks around in teenage clothing that is too small for her and looks ridiculous. the whole plot was predictable,and the acting besides ashley and mr dunfield was not the best. it seems like it is just dragged out way to long. you know within the first 10 minutes how everything is going to pan out. would never re watch it.
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This Is Payback For Canada Helping Us in NATO
pv71989-118 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Canada must have us by the you-know-what. They help us in Afghanistan and we have to keep importing these awful Canadian dramas and TV shows.

Case in point, "The Perfect Roommate," which feels like two movies rolled into one.

The plot is atrocious and outrageous, not to mention far-fetched. The acting is barely passable and the dialogue is almost funny at times. As a villainess, Boti Bliss should have asked for her role back on "CSI: Miami" to at least see what a villain should be like.

William R. Moses should be ashamed. He starred convincingly on "Falcon Crest" for 11 years and then did about a decade's worth of "Perry Mason" movies. Yet, in this film, he's not just naive, he incredibly naive.

The plot is basically a conniving murderer and her ex-con friend go after the filthy rich Richard Dunnfield (Moses). To do it, Carrie Remington (Bliss) plays the femme fatale. Less than a year removed from framing her former husband for a murder she and her friend Anna (Cinthia Burke) committed, she gets a job as a waitress with Richard's daughter Ashley (Ashley Leggat). She then worms her way into Ashley's life as her roommate and uses that as a springboard to hook up with Richard who, by turning 50, apparently has dementia.

The plot is ridiculous. The movie begins by having the police arrest Carrie's former husband. Then, he completely disappears from the movie until about midway when he's referenced for two seconds.

Anna breaks into Ashley's car and steals her computer, which she uses to find out information on her and her father. Apparently, no one in Canada uses passwords as Carrie and Anna have no problem getting into anyone's e-mail accounts. Carrie waltzes into the café's employee file room and steals Ashley's personnel jacket.

She finds out Ashley's allergic to shellfish, poisons her and spikes the antidote. Then, she throws away the tainted food and disposes of the antidote she tampered with. Ashley never gets wise to it and lets it slide. No lawsuits, no talking to a lawyer, no nothing.

I won't go into all of it, but the movie loses credibility right from the start for one reason -- Boti Bliss. If you're filthy rich like Dunnfield, you get a trophy wife like Paula Wickless (Teresa Donovan). Paula gets bumped off by Anna so Carrie can have no obstruction to her seduction of Richard.

Let's face it. Bliss is not a hottie by any stretch of the imagination. Otherwise, she would have been more than just a recurring forensics tech on "CSI: Miami." She'd have been up there with Eva LaRue.

In this movie, Bliss looks even worse. Her hair makes her look like Meryl Streep in "A Cry in the Dark." She also looks like she's had a bad breast job and facial cosmetic surgery. Her backside is too wide and she looks ridiculous running around in Ashley's style of clothing. And we have to believe Richard would fall head over heels for her instead of the gorgeous Paula.

As the cold-blooded killer Anna, Burke is serviceable. Yet, she is two-dimensional and gets no time to even halfway develop her character. She's like a stock red herring-style character from, well, from just about any number of Canadian Lifetime Movie flicks.

It seems as if this movie should either have had Bliss as a demented roommate of Ashley a la "Single White Female" or had Donovan as an evil woman trying to seduce and then kill Dunnfield. Trying to combine the two and using Bliss in a role she was ill-suited for only resulted in an epic fail.
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Best movie ever!!
coopburtonburger1216 September 2012
I thought this movie was the best ever. Really great acting, especially Ashley Leggat, who did the best acting ever. I love this movie so much! It's the best horror/thriller film ever. I've never seen anything like it, because it's the best ever. I thought this movie was very interesting, and I couldn't stop watching it. When it was on, I was automatically glued to the couch, and was eating popcorn, and was very impressed with the movie. Best movie ever! I hope they make another movie similar with the actress, Ashley Leggat in it. She's a really great actress. They all are great actors/actresses. Perfect characters for their roles. I give this movie a 10/10!
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A seductress with a "Moe" haircut? I don't think so.
CranberriAppl24 September 2021
The villain is so poorly acted that it was all I could do to not only finish the movie, but not cringe or laugh. This movie was so dull and the ending happened so quickly with no suspense that I couldn't believe it when my tv showed there was less than 10 minutes left.

I didn't recognize BB with this hair, but seeing photos on IMDb, I do recognize her from CSI. She had so many terrible scenes. The "climax," if you can call it that where she had her villainous breakdown was more awkward than scary and she droned on so long, all Ashley had to do was throat punch her or something. I half expected the old gas attendant to come back and take her out.

It was just bad. As a positive, it wasn't slow, but so much of the movie was absurd. The dad who was skeptical of his daughter's older roommate...sleeps with her and goes head first into a fling after a couple of days. Not to mention not getting how that might strain his already fragile relationship with his daughter. He was just too naive to be believed.

The happily ever after ending was kind of ironic. Ashley was all about not taking money from her dad and in the span of two minutes, she takes gifts and her boyfriend takes jobs.

It's a super boring movie and only worth it for background noise. My dvr recorded the opening scene of The Wrong Tutor and that couple of minutes was more intriguing and suspenseful than this entire flick. The actress who played Ashley was in a movie with Jon Cor and Adrienne Barber (as the villain) and BB could take some lessons from Adrienne on how to play a similar role.
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It's far from Perfect. Watch Your Roommate ***
edwagreen1 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
William R. Moses, the heart throb investigator on the old Perry Mason Show, has moved with finesse into the role of a father in this television movie.

A widower with a daughter, both become victims of two women out to get his fortune. One, who works with the daughter, becomes friendly with her so that this can lead to meeting the wealthy Moses. The two women are dynamite together. When one couldn't get anywhere with her husband, they killed a prostitute and got the husband convicted of murder. They will stop at nothing and this includes doing away with a woman that surfaces from Moses' past.

Problems with this film include how these women got on to Moses and how quickly they are exposed.
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Love this!
jonijohn25 December 2020
Totally fun thriller and as always, Boti Bliss is a blast to watch!
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