Black Forest (TV Movie 2012) Poster

(2012 TV Movie)

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A wonderful idea and better than average, but nothing mind-blowing...
TheLittleSongbird2 April 2012
I admit I dislike most of SyFy's movies, and was not expecting much watching Black Forest. However, while it was not exactly a great movie, it was one of SyFy's better and more tolerable efforts.

SyFy does deserve kudos for thinking up such a good and original concept, a real departure from the typical creature, disaster and fantasy films dreamt up that a vast majority of the time are badly done. I enjoyed some scenes, my favourite being the seven cannibal dwarfs attired like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, though the scenes with the spiders from Little Miss Muppet, the Troll Under the Bridge and the Witch and her Gingerbread house also stood out. The acting while nothing extraordinary was a notch above other SyFy efforts(where it feels phoned in or shockingly bad such as recently Annihilation Earth), with nobody toe-curlingly bad really. Ben Cross looks as though he is really enjoying himself as villain Cazmar. I also loved the production design, especially that for the forest which is rich in colour.

However, some of the characters still annoyed me, by all means they are not as blatantly stereotypical as some of SyFy's other movies(in in disaster movies like Miami Magma or something like that) but there are at least three that struck me as too stupid to live sort of characters. Also, while the concept was great and there were some scenes that were memorable and surprisingly satisfying, the overall story at times has a very scatter-shot feel and there are some scenes that don't really make much sense. The dialogue is on the cheesy and lame side, and while the effects are miles above effects seen in Titanic II for example, I got the sense that a lot of work went into the production design but the lacking budget caused the effects to not have the quality they could've done.

Overall, one of SyFy's better efforts but still flawed. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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coulda been a contender
movieman_kev8 April 2012
A group of tourists take a 'mid-summers eve tour' to the Black Forest of Germany to experience the night of the year when the line between our reality and the spirit one is at it's thinnest. Once there they are seemingly transported to a mischievous parallel fairy-tale world in this original Syfy film.

What started off pretty well (term applied loosely as in 'pretty well for a Syfy original) soon became awash with mediocrity. The set up was interesting enough and the plot was intriguing, I liked the fractured fairy tale approach but somehow the film lost its footing as well as my interest.

My Grade: C-
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"Prepare for the trip of a lifetime"
lost-in-limbo15 March 2013
Now this is more like it. The Syfy original "Black Forest" actually shows that these productions can surprise and what we got was passable entertainment. Asinine, but enjoyable. What it makes up for in its low- budget, is in its concept creativity. Sure the execution is quite so-so and the CGI can be flat and laughable, but the atmospherics do work because of its well-etched production designs. Creating a fairytale world brought up many possibilities to explore and these disjointed stories involving wolves, fairies, dwarfs, witches and trolls do come alive. These aren't your friendly childhood stories, as some unlucky tourists find themselves getting lost in a magical forest in Germany and trying to stay alive by not becoming apart of the story. How to keep that from happening; sticking to the tradition of the fairy-tales. The script might be cheesy, but the story stays intriguing and creates some amusing, off-the-wall scenarios. I do think that the first half setting up the fantastical predicament is much stronger than the second half where things get senseless as the tourists are trying to figure a way out. The performances are agreeable despite their leaden characters with abeyant Ben Cross being the name grabber. Humour can be a little self- knowing, but it's not a distraction. One thing I noticed was the music theme that was constantly played resembled that of the 1987 "Predator". Better than expected SyFy original.

"Let's hope there's no wicked witch inside".
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More SyFy Channel crap.
poolandrews13 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Black Forest is set in Germany where a strange man named Cazmar (Ben Cross) entices tourists of all nationalities to take his guided tour of the area including the so-called black forest where the Grimm fairy tales were written, Carzmar drives one such bus load of tourists to a hill with various large stones laid out there & they all decide to take part in some sort of ancient ritual. Before anyone know's what's going on an evil fairy creature thing had appeared & then disappeared along with a young baby belonging to a couple on the tour, Cazmar has also vanished & the stranded party soon realise that they have been transported to anther dimension where fairy tales are real but are much more evil than in any kid's story. The group find shelter at an old inn as they come under attack from dark forces that hide in the forest, can they survive, rescue the baby & find a way back to normal reality?

Directed by Patrick Dinhut this is maybe slightly more ambitious & original than the average SyFy Channel crap but ultimately Black Forest is still just as crap, all the usual problems & deficiencies are present & just because the makers had slightly loftier ambitious doesn't mean they are any less substandard. At just over eighty minutes Black Forest still felt like it went on for days as it dragged on, every character is utterly stupid & annoying while the whole concept is wasted. I mean a dark horror film set in a twisted fairy tale world could have been great as various character's meet their death in gruesome ways based on ideas from classic fairy tales but in the hands of the SyFy Channel it amounts to nothing as there's nothing clever here & the film is very bland & forgettable. To be honest I can't remember that much about it as the story is so weak but it has to do with an evil guy who can change into an old woman or a Wolf who lures unsuspecting tourists into this world to kill them & that's about it. Nothing of any note happens, it's all so poorly written & staged that you simply don't care about anyone or anything. The whole film is just lazy, cheap & boring with no flashes of inspiration or creepiness that it's origins could have provided. Black Forest is the sort of film that is hard to describe, it sounds good but is just a limp & disappointing waste of time.

Black Forest looks terrible considering it's meant to be a dark adult fairy tale horror film, it's far too bright & the main forest location looks like some recreation area complete with gentle paths. Even the fake Toadstools look poor. The other two main examples of this interesting genre are The Brother Grimm (2005) & The Company of Wolves (1984) which are both much darker & much better than Black Forest, the difference is actually quite amazing. As you would expect the CGI special effects are rotten, from someone turning into a Raven to a Wolf trying to smile to a huge Troll it all looks absolutely rubbish. There's no real blood or gore, there's a severed finger but not much else worth mentioning.

Probably shot on a low budget this is set in Germany but was obviously filmed in the US, the whole film looks cheap & what should have been a dark twisted fantasy world ends up looking like a local picnic spot. The acting is also terrible, the babysitter Amber was cute but since she's the first to die that's another reason to dislike Black Forest.

Black Forest completely lacks the dark atmosphere & visuals that should have present, it also lacks any sort of decent story which doesn't help. Look, Black Forest is total crap that is maybe a little bit more original than your average horror film but is still crap when all said & done.
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crappy movie
mitcherator77711 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this movie it was totally stupid and not worth watching at all . I thought the whole premise of the movie was laughable at best. A Bunch of people following some dude to stay at some place? Huh?? I should have turned it off then but NO i had to keep watching what happened..

Next we find out they are some enchanted forest or something where this house and this lady who watches over the inn or something watches over it and the "forest" protects her. huh again?? What? I kept watching..

There is more hooplah to the story and If you really think a bunch of random stories/fairy tells put together tickles your fancy i suppose this is the movie to watch for you but i thought all the "horror" was laughable at best. And the "silver axe" to escape haha what a joke.

This whole movie was a joke and whoever wrote this must been drinking at the time....

Save yourself about 2 hours of time and find something else to watch this one isn't worth it... That's all i gotta say..

-Veteran Sci-fi reviewer/watcher over and OUT (Seen Everything from Star Trek/Wars, BSG, Warehouse 13, Dr. Who, Out Limits, and much more)
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PARENT ADVISORY (Contains Spoilers)
angelabillings8 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVE me some SYFY "scary" movies, but in this case "NR" or "Not Rated" means definitely NOT for children. For whatever reason, I couldn't access the tabs to edit the section. Violence and gore galore; some images may be too disturbing for young viewers who are tweens.

Use your parental discretion to decide: a baby is snatched from it's mother's arms by a once smiling fairy who swiftly tuns into a creature that sucker punches Mother to the ground. The parents are at a loss to find her as they hear her cries from another dimension. Later, as the group becomes part of fairy tales, the mother is stabbed in the heart with a spindle by a grandma looking woman. The "babysitter" and secret lover of the father gets sleepy when she enters a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs bedroom. NEVER fall asleep in a bedroom with seven tiny little beds: you'll wake up calling your boss/lover's name to be greeted and eated (yeah, I know it's spelled incorrectly but it rhymes) by seven "Little People"- men in prison style-striped shirts that are cannibals.

At about that point I was bored and disappointed. I'd read other user's reviews and was really looking forward to the use of color and other items mentioned. By the time I was 20 minutes into watching, I realized the only place this movie was going for me My first clue that I was wasting my time should have been an early line uttered by Dr. Saxon: "The only thing I knew about the Black Forest before today was cake." It was the "best" piece of dialog for the 20 minutes I watched.
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Interesting Idea
llawrance19728 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a far few SyFy films and watched this one with quite a bit on fast forward. It was though quite good fun and had some interesting ideas with some good performances,e.g.Cazmar and The Doctor, and attempts at a decent storyline. The main let down were the effects and some of the performances that were poor and unconvincing. This is a shame as the story had real potential and the initial premise was very strong. It was good to have a movie set outside of America and that played with conventions so much more than normal. There was a good, scary, effective movie hiding away in this and it is a shame that it got buried! Worth watching, but only just.
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Fairy tales mess
danielcalegari3 May 2021
You watch and get lost into this mess of fairy tales. Bad script, bad acting, poor visual effects, happy ending...

Is it adult? Not so much.
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An open mind is the best bet
nogodnomasters20 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a made for TV SyFy movie. A group of tourists are tricked into entering a realm filled with the characters from Grimm's fairy tales, with some slight modifications such as the seven dwarfs being cannibals. The film seems to be geared toward kids with some mild swearing. As they search for a missing infant, the stories take their toll.
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Bad movie
thiagobarsou7 September 2021
Another SyFy bad movie. The idea is interesting, but the movie is terrible. At least, some scenes were so, so bad that made me laugh.
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Not the Usual SyFy Fare...
bahpofficer25 February 2012
Syfy doesn't always put out the greatest movies, but this one is much better than some give it credit for. It was definitely better than some they've put out in the past five years. I am not giving away the story line, so if you want to know more about the film then watch Ben Cross's interview about it on the Syfy site.

His description about throwing a grenade into the "fairy tale" mix is quite accurate. It is his portrayal of the villain Cazmar that makes it worth watching alone. As usual, he makes any project he puts his name to shine. I love how he used the Irish accent for the character too as he delivered Cazmar's lines.

What I thought was totally disrespectful was the fact that IMDb totally left him off of this cast list and listed him for "The Human Factor" as Creighton--which he does not appear in. I know this for a fact. Shame on you for not fixing this before "Black Forest" was released...
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Not Bad Better than Average
elliott7821226 February 2012
So we settled in with our Chinese Delivery for SyFy Saturday its become a ritual of sorts sometimes it last less than 30 minutes as we lose interest and start channel surfing however this weekend was different they debuted two movies and of the two this was by far the best. We really enjoyed the movie it really tries to make the best of every cent of its miniscule budget with decent performances, interesting twists, and special FX which could of course have been better are not as bad as some. My partner is not much of a fan but he sat thru it all and I have to say I would watch it again since I missed some bits and pieces as I devoured my dinner and we talked about the storyline. Sadly the film that came after this one was so bad we both went about other activities. One other thing of note we enjoyed their use of flowers to add a fantasy like sense of color in contrast to the forest it was a nice touch considering the budget you can't have all these wonderful sets and cgi to enhance so it was great old style filmmaking making the best out of what you got and being inventive I can still see the colorful mushrooms growing in the forest.
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Good Movie
ajourney-478-34628816 September 2012
If you like Scifi movies, then this is actually a fantastic movie to watch. For a free movie, with an attractive individual and a good story, what more do you really need. I suggest this movie to anyone who likes Grimmy type things. This is a movie that can either make you think, or that you can brainlessly watch. Beware though, there is some gore, but you know it is coming so it isn't shocky gore. If you are one of those people who get queasy or have their children watch movies with morals just be aware. If you can find this without commercials then it would be better as some of the commercial breaks are annoying. Overall a good movie to watch. Much better than some other Scfy movies.
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Fantastic movie
pigwinceava8 March 2022
I love the acting, i love the idea of the world between worlds being at its thinnest where you meet fairy tail creatures, i also love the special affects really great movie the idea of crossing in a another realm just to survive just inspires me to watch it.
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RosanaBotafogo26 June 2022
Marathon of dubious horror movies that are coming out of Netflix, and I come across this wonderful copy, but only for lovers of good old cine trash, adorable mega special defects, little monsters out of children's books not at all cute, a half script mouth, poor performances, but the magic and charm of the B-movie in its purest essential, nostalgic and almost childlike, adorable...
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