Remains (2011) Poster

(II) (2011)

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Meandering, lifeless, and without any bite
jet6621 December 2011
Though not the worst zombie movie ever made, "Steve Nile's Remains" disappoints and bores. For one thing, if a creative's name appears in the title, he or she should earn that place in the marquee with a script that goes somewhere. Sadly, neither the story, nor the characters in it do much more than shuffle around, running away from zombies.

Worse, one doesn't really care what happens to the people left alive in the zombie apocalypse. They're largely uninteresting at best, awful and selfish at worst. Even if the script had given them rich personalities, the actors are unconvincing and often wooden (especially Evalena Marie). The directing is methodical and the camera work uninspired.

The plot is, in essence, DAWN OF THE DEAD in a hotel. It's largely influenced by (if not derivative of) Steven King's FIRESTARTER and THE STAND, as well as Justin Cronen's book _The Passage_. About the only innovative aspect of this of this movie is who survives. But really, by the end, you just won't care.

Watch it if you're folding laundry. Or really loaded.
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It doesn't get more ordinary than this
Leofwine_draca30 April 2015
REMAINS is yet another zombie movie, not quite as low budget as the very worst of the genre (DEADHEADS or THE ZOMBIE CHRONICLES) but pretty low budget all the same. I mean, the budget is enough to reasonably execute the premise and bring to life a ruined city and its environs, but not enough to provide a halfway decent script or memorable actors.

The storyline involves a group of survivors holed up inside a casino after a zombie apocalypse. The casino setting is featured heavily in the film's poster and box art, but is severely underutilised; they could have been in any old building. This is an action-focused narrative with lots of shoot-outs and run-ins with fellow survivors. It's all low rent and rather cheesy, but not unentertaining.

The story is based on a comic by Steve Niles and has some fun with zombies, making them more human than seen elsewhere. There's an undercurrent of black comedy running throughout, but it hurts that the human characters are less than interesting and you never really feel involved or care about what's happening to them. REMAINS is mildly watchable but entirely forgettable.
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Limp movie with its moments
TheLittleSongbird27 October 2012
I have definitely seen worse movies but given its premise Remains should've been much better. It gets brownie points for its idea, a good music score and Grant Bowler's likable lead performance. Unfortunately that's it for the good points. Remains is very poor technically, with slapdash special effects and choppy editing. The make-up also makes the zombies look goofy rather than menacing. The story had potential but doesn't come anywhere close to living up to it. It isn't dull pacing-wise as such, but the whole thing doesn't flow, there isn't much of a focus and the sense of suspense and horror just aren't there. The dialogue is truly dire, always coming across as trite and hackneyed, and the direction goes through the motions but does nothing else. The characters are as interesting as a plank of wood, and with the exception of Bowler the acting especially from Evelanda Marie does nothing to elevate that. All in all, Remains has its moments but essentially it is limp and not recommended. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Poor Production Below Average Film
elliott7821226 February 2012
If you can get past the terrible production values, poor makeup FX, and mediocre acting, you have a somewhat decent script that might have worked in better hands. The director just doesn't make the best of anything and couldn't they give them another 350k come on guys can we at least make it a solid Million Dollar budget. I don't come to expect much from a Chiller Premiere but I have come to know that on a shoe string one can make a decent compelling TV movie. While they didn't exactly have Emmy Winning Actors they had a workable cast under better directorial guidance might have given us something a bit more entertaining. Its really to bad sometimes its better to have 5 good zombies in great makeup instead of 15 that are useless untrained locals.
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If you have nothing better to watch why not.
jojosimien1421 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Cliché zombie movie setup. Something goes wrong unleashing the zombie plague on humanity with only a few survivors. The plot for this movie was not original, but it had a lot of potential. The acting was poor especially at times where it was suppose to make the audience feel emotion. There was no character development at all, and there were moments were the CGI was awful. I'm a lover of zombie movies, so I was able to bear with it and hope it would get better. It did not. It felt like a made for TV movie, and I would have to compare it to a Syfy movie. Transition from scene to scene for the most part did not flow smoothly. What really put the nail in the coffin were the same mistakes that most horror films make. 1) Unwarranted sex (or almost sex). 2) One of the main characters does something that makes no sense. At one point one of the characters decides to leave their gun on the bed and check out another room. To no one's surprise they is attacked by a zombie. 3) The o'so overused ending where they make it out, but at the very end before the credits there is a little something to let you know that it isn't over yet. It got a 4 from me, because it helped that it was a zombie movie and it had some entertaining moments.If you have an hour or so to kill with nothing to do or anything good on TV watch it. It is not boring, but it misses all of the little things that make a movie good and will have you asking why a lot.
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As a fan of the comic, this disappoints me twice as hard
nthrooch18 November 2012
When I heard they were going to adapt "Remains" into a film, I was totally keen for the idea. I bought the comic many years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It seems as though I am the only reviewer to have done so, and so I represent someone who not only dislikes the film for its own sake, but for the fact that it utterly butchered the story in the comic.

I won't even give this film a long review, as it doesn't deserve it. The film is basically a very short and uninteresting zombie story, two people survive a random nuclear blast that converts the populace, they discover a few more people, nothing ensues.

The comic on the other hand had wonderful little touches that really sold it as a new take. One of the most interesting points to me was the opening, and it was butchered wildly in the adaptation. In the comic, the nuclear blast didn't just randomly occur, there was a petulant, possibly mentally handicapped adolescent taking a tour in a new power station. He snuck into a restricted area, adopting scientific attire, and wound up causing the opening accident. This character then reoccurs later as the "patient 0" of the zombies. Him being the first meant that him and those around him were faster and stronger zombies. This "faster and stronger zombie" element was kept in the most ridiculously sparse way, the rest including that patient 0 zombie? Gone. There was a great moment when the old diner woman zombie actually spoke, also. Was this in the film? Nope. Hell, the zombie that bit the main protagonist's fingers off WAS the old diner woman zombie. The whole thing was just an uninventive take on zombies, given the name of a comic in the hopes it would generate more sales. It generated mine, and angered me in doing so. Avoid this film at all costs. But, do buy the comic, it's pretty good.
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What's worse than f***ing terrible?
bjjnedan14 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm..., let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of the zombie apocalypse movie genre. Anyways, plot, some kind of explosion kills everybody and brings them back to life, more or less, to eat flesh and kill s***. A few people survive and barricade themselves in a run down piece of s*** casino hotel, where they fight to stay alive.

Well..., now on to this crap. Firstly, the acting is over the top bland. And things just don't make sense. Like in one scene, they confront a zombie in an upstairs room. They don't kill it, they don't even trap it, they run away and then forget about it. It seems that in the piece of s*** world where this movie takes place, zombie don't attack if you don't think about them? And..., zombies sleep? Yeah, they sleep to replenish their already dead flesh and brains. I mean, come on, why wouldn't zombie's need sleep? This movie is pretty much just like any other run-of-the-mill, bottom-of-the-barrel zombie flick. The one thing that sets this movie apart from all the other piece of s*** low budget zombie flicks that the world is being flooded with now days is..., well..., nothing. Avoid this movie as if you would avoid somebody with airborne HIV.
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4/10 is a generous rating for this
davis200028 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The story is somewhat nonsensical and the acting is uneven from average to poor - even from actors I enjoy in other projects. It was interesting to see Terry Schappert (always funny on Red Eye) and Lance Reddick (Agent Broyles on Fringe) but their scenes were brief and confusing. Bad guys? Good guys? Infected or not? If the writer doesn't care then why should I care? Still, Tom's decision to betray them by unleashing zombies on them was the stupidest and most evil decision in the script. Hey, if you don't want to go with them ask Cindy to get her daddy's permission instead of getting most of them killed.

The four main characters were weakly drawn stereotypes, especially the female lead who one moment thought all of humanity was a waste and the next would do anything to survive. As for Victor, if you just saw him betray a guy by throwing him to the zombies, why would you let him into your refuge? The elderly woman gambler wins the prize for the worst make-up/FX I recall seeing in years, followed closely by the very poor CGI of Cindy's jeep overturning.

The only original idea was the giant human hamster wheel which was unexpected and amusing. Also funny was how none of the zombies at the front entrance did more than tap on the glass doors and windows, even when fresh meat was in plain sight. The source of the infection was only alluded to but might have been original if only they'd taken 10 seconds to explain it.

Two last notes. When surrounded by a large group pointing guns at you and warning you not to reach behind you - don't ignore them. And when facing a horde of zombies try to find at least a heavy pipe or other weapon and remember to keep it nearby. Fist-fighting with the undead doesn't seem effective.

All in all this is in my top 100 zombie movies but nowhere near the top of that list. With a better script and larger budget (better CGI/FX and direction) this could have been a pretty good movie.
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Funny Trash
claudio_carvalho27 November 2013
On the day of the celebration of worldwide peace, there is a nuclear accident and people are turned into zombies. In Reno, a group of survivors are trapped inside a casino: Tom (Grant Bowler), his girlfriend Tori (Evalena Marie), the gay Jensen (Miko Hughes) and the stranger Victor (Anthony Marks) clean the place and stay inside with supplies for a long time. When Tom hears a transmission in the walkie talkie, he believes that help is coming and the use a searchlight to indicate their location. However, Tori suspects that the group under the leadership of Ramsey (Lance Reddick) is not what they think they are. Would her feeling be accurate or is Tori paranoid?

The trash "Remains" is a funny zombie movie despite the bad reviews. The plot is uneven, with good but also bad moments but the result does not disappoint at all. There is a hook in the conclusion for a sequel. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Devorados Vivos" ("Devoured Alive")
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Scary Good? No, scary BAD.
DevastationBob-317 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Straight to Chiller, which is sorta like Straight to SyFy-only worse, zombie movie with unlikeable characters striving to survive their horrible career choices. Let's get to some SPOILERS...

The beginning rips off Night of the Comet with anyone enclosed in metal surviving the zombification effect, brought on laboriously in this case, by some big nuclear bomb disposal factory asploding and affecting everybody in the world, or at least Reno. Does it really matter where the zombies came from? If they introduced the characters at all, I missed it on my first (and only) viewing, but they're all kinda jerks. One scene in particular irks me, where we go from a woman the two (semi)protagonists are trying to save get ripped to pieces by zombies, they jump out a window to escape said zombies, and then share a laugh down by the pool as water squirts out of her cowgirl boots. It's really sloppy storytelling, and you really don't care if anyone gets out of this alive and intact.

It's based on a comic book that I haven't read, so I don't know if it's the comic's fault or the adapters. It was directed by the guy that directed Alien Opponent, another flick I saw on Chiller, but i didn't know that BEFORE I watched this, or I wouldn't have watched it.

The zombies stray from the norm in that they go inactive at night, which I thought was sorta original, but then another poster commented that it would have been the perfect time for these losers to escape, and that brought me back to reality.

CGI blood and bullets abound in this, which is reason enough to hate it. Let's get some squibs in here.

Some army guys show up, and then they leave, two characters disappear, but since we don't like them we don't care. Right at the very end they try and tack some back-story onto the main guy to make him more sympathetic i guess, but it's too little too late. The pacing is so off in this, you wonder if they were hoping for a sequel or something.

Again, poorly paced, badly written, and if i'd waited until tomorrow to write this review, i'd probably have forgotten most of it. Don't see.
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nogodnomasters17 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This zombie film starts on international "Peace Day" when some undisclosed process will neutralize radiation and make nuclear weapons useless. While these sketchy details are televised in the background, Tom (Grant Bowler) and Tori (Evalena "cleavage" Marie) go to a bomb shelter to get it on at a Reno hotel casino. When they emerge I expected to see Burgess Meredith looking for his glasses, but instead there is a full blown zombie food riot going on outside. Like "Dawn of the Dead" the first rule is to secure the perimeter and eliminate zombie hazards within the safe zone...which isn't that easy as this appears to be the only hotel casino that doesn't have a gun stashed anywhere.

Our non-zombie people group narrows down to four, with one openly gay character. (Guess who dies first because killing off the brother first has become too cliche?) The radioactive zombies require head shots and are a combination of fast moving and foot dragging zombies, whichever suits the mood of the director. They have the unusual characteristic of sleeping while standing up and unlike the standard zombie fare, they do feed off each other. Bites appear to cause infection. At one point they talk about going to Catalina, which made me think of this being a "Zombie Apocalypse" prequel...which it isn't...I think.

Tom and Tori are the main characters who have a rocky relationship. There are some CG fire effects that are rather poor, i.e. holding a match in front of a picture, but they don't last long. Good acting performances for a low budget zombie film. The script needed some tightening up. Worth a view for zombie fans.

PARENTAL GUIDE: No f-bombs that I recall, but it does have adult language (SOB etc.) sex, no nudity. Evalena Marie sports cleavage for much of the film in her red bra.
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Despite bad feedback, the film is watchable and enjoyable.
deadlybreathe30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I would normally ignore a flick with so many bad reviews but I made an exception in this case and I'm glad I did. Film overall is far from being a good Hollywood masterpiece, but it's fairly enjoyable.

The poor aspects of the film would be make-up, cgi and more then just a few mistakes in the plot and zombie behavior. Sure the expectation of standard zombies shouldn't be based on Romero's films, but I personally believe he's created an excellent character that other filmmakers should look up to.

The acting wasn't as bad as others are saying. And the main characters seemed good and well fitting in. Dunno if a choice of Lance Reddick as an actor for the film did it any good as in my opinion a random and unknown guy would have blended in much better.

The film didn't feel overstretched and throughout the 90 min feature new events constantly took place which made the film interesting.

I've given it 6 out of 10 as it's so much better then an average B rated low budget zombie film.
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Why did they make this movie? Awful and here's why...
FilmguyBmore18 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to dissect this movie frame by frame because it's so bad that I don't want to waste more of my time on it than I already have.

Bottom line, the only thing fairly good about this was the zombie makeup, THAT'S IT! The acting was atrocious. Miko Hughes....oh how we miss the Miko from Mercury Rising and dare I say it...Pet Semetary (yes he acted much better in that movie than he did in this one). Lance Reddick, I loved you in The Wire but why did you even do this movie? Couldn't have been for the money and it sure wasn't for the script.

The plot was ridiculous (yes I know it was from a Graphic Novel but if that was any good, then the screenwriters really SUCKED). Sleeping zombies? Give me a break. Why didn't the 3-4 zombies at the end devour that girl totally (don't tell me, zombies get FULL too). Not to mention she didn't even look like she had any bites taken out of her. Who's the brain who reviewed that scene and said....yeah that makes sense.

Anyway I could go on but someone else on the message board went into much more details. I'm sure he's wishing he had that time back too.

Don't see this movie. You will only hate yourself in the morning or even sooner.
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Yet another average zombie film
Bezenby7 May 2014
I'm really getting burned out on modern day zombie films, so here we go with yet another walking dead film that sometimes is good, but for the most part falls into all the usual traps that drag these films down. Munch munch, argue argue, dwindle cast, dwindle, drama here, gut munch there, textbook doggy.

A bunch of hugely unlikeable people survive a blast of some sort in Reno and find themselves surrounded by the living dead. There's our hero (I've forgotten his name), waitress Tori (who is really annoying), a tiny magician, and a jerk. At first thing go quite well for the film as these folks try and survive various zombie attacks, but far too soon into the film it becomes obvious that we're going to get a lot of bored folk trapped in a building surrounded by the living dead. Remember that bit in Dawn of the Dead where the characters gain power over the shopping mall and realise that all those material goods mean nothing spiritually when you're under siege by zombies? Well, that happens here too, within the first half an hour.

Eventually some other survivors crop up, armed to the teeth, and there's some bickering and double crossing and what not. You've seen it hundreds of times before. Reamins doesn't do anything new really. They should have kept up the zombie attacks and kept down the interpersonal drama, because when these folk go toe-to-toe with the zombies, it's fine. When they're shouting at each other, you can't help but wonder how much time you've got left before you can switch it off. The stop start nature of the film really drags it down, despite some subtle humour and the introduction of super powered zombies.

I'm gaining nothing from watching films like this now. If anyone knows of any recent zombie films that actually do anything new – give me a shout.
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Is it me or...
josephthomasjones26 July 2020
Is Steve Niles writing all of his own reviews? This film is utter guff. If you like watching a dog take a dump then this is the film for you. I would rather T bag a bear trap then watch this again. I thank you.
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Mindless Zombie action
loomis78-815-98903430 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Government decides to rid the world of nuclear weapons and the accident that follows turns most of the earth's population into zombies. Fortunately Tom (Bowler) was busy doing Tori (Marie) in the Reno Nevada Casino's storage locker and survives with Tori. They find a few more survivors and begin their movie long struggle to survive, barricading themselves in the casino. From the graphic novel by Steve Niles, Remains adds a few new twists to the zombie genre. The casino setting is fun and the fact that the zombies will go through a sleep period when the living can move among them. However this is still everything you've seen before. The zombies move fast and the characters engage in many moments where their inability to get along may result in their deaths. Grant Bowler as Tom makes a decent hero and the movie is certainly watchable. Director Colin Theys manages a few jump scares and some gore but the only true tension comes from the scene where the characters walk through the sleeping zombies. If you're looking for mindless zombie action you could do a lot worse than this.
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I couldn't spoil this if I wanted to.
mhorg201817 December 2011
First, I am NOT a fan of 30 Days of Night. The idea is actually ridiculous. What, did the vampires in that kill and drain every town in Europe above the arctic circle? And if they did, no one noticed? So let's move on to this piece of crapola. I'd like to say I liked what they did with a non-budget, except Night of the Living Dead (68) had less money to work with and is oh, 50,000,000 times better. Lame story, lame acting, and the post apocalypse world looked so neat. How did they get Lance Riddick to be in this? Was he slumming? Did he need a few bucks during the Fringe hiatus? Chiller is, lets be honest, just as bad a channel as the previously known as the Sci-Fi channel. This movie is just another bunch of dross that will eventually bounce between both of these loser channels. I wish would add ZERO stars because that's what this garbage deserves. It's an insult to zombie films, even though I'm sure there will be some people out there trumpeting how great it is. I'm not one of them. Do your brain cells a favor and pass on this. PASS! Please. You'll thank me later.
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Uneven, yet has Evalena Marie and a great closing
amesmonde21 May 2013
An accident turns the world's population into flesh-eating zombies, meanwhile a handful of the survivors holdup in a small, seedy casino.

Remains (based on 'Steve Niles' graphic novel) has an interesting concept and some nice ideas including sleeping zombies. The backstreet lower end of Vegas setting add a visual, uneasy feel and the closing act and last thirty seconds stop it going to the grave.

This budgeted post-apocalyptic flick is commendably filmed by Colin Theys and is better than most productions of its kind, that said, it sadly falls short on delivery with pacing issues and uneven effects. In addition, it simply lacks the tension it should have due to inconsistencies across the whole offering.

Nevertheless, Remains is worth viewing if only out of interest and for the delightful and talented Evalena Marie.
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Spoiled fun
kosmasp12 August 2013
This starts off fairly nice, but unfortunately ends up being really bad. And not in a good sense that is. While the male lead character has almost enough charisma to make it all work, you do wonder why the female lead was written that way. Even if you kinda think it pays of in the end, it's at least laughable the actions they are taking.

There are some fun moments and this is shot pretty nicely (though one big effect scene towards the end of the movie is cheap CGI, but you couldn't expect otherwise). It's pretty funny seeing the Omen "Baby"/Kid playing in something else. Most won't recognize Miko Hughes, it's been a while since the Original Omen was shot, but it is him and while his character has not much to chew on (no pun intended), he still fairs better than some of the other characters. Also nice to see Mr. Reddick (aka Broyles from Fringe) in a different role. But he can't save the day either ...
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Oh wow, what a great surprise of a zombie movie this turned out to be...
paul_haakonsen7 August 2012
Watching "Steve Niles' Remains" without having any knowledge about it prior to sitting down and watching it turned out to be a rather nice surprise. This movie really knocked me over and surprised me quite a lot. This is a zombie movie well worth a place up amongst the heavy-weighter's like Romero's zombies movie legacy and the "28 Days Later" movies.

Given the story is essentially as it is in all other zombie movies, the end of the world is coming fast, and with it comes the walking dead. A mysterious explosion devastates Reno and only a couple of survivors make it out alive. However, radiation sickness is not their worst enemy, it is the dead that have returned back to life. Trapped in a casino hotel with dwindling food supplies, a couple of survivors board themselves up, hoping for a rescue.

Not much innovation to the storyline, but regardless, the movie turned out to be entertaining and fun to watch. At certain points throughout the movie there was a very "Resident Evil 2" game and "Left 4 Dead" game atmosphere to the cinematography, which I enjoyed quite a lot.

There was a good level of action in the movie, spiced up with an adequate amount of blood and gore. "Steve Niles' Remains" doesn't over-indulge in the macabre gore like many other zombie movies do, but it is done with tasteful modesty. I enjoyed it, at least. And the zombie make-up was actually quite good. However, the eyes, that I didn't care much for. Contact lenses to make your eyes look weird, doesn't make it look like you are dead, use contact lenses that totally glaze over the eyes with a matted grayish-white color instead, that works.

I must admit that there was a couple of scenes in the movie that would have been better if they were not actually in the movie, or if they had decided to go in another direction. The first scene was the one where the zombies chased after a radio-controlled toy car, giving up the living meals that was within their grasp, that was just ridiculous. The second scene that I didn't care much for, was the one where the zombie stood face to face with Tori and she held up the two cut off fingers, and the zombie decides to chase after the two fingers when she throws them instead of gorging itself on the full-grown woman buffet in front of it, again, just downright ridiculous.

"Steve Niles' Remains" had a great musical score that accompanied the movie quite nicely. Mostly background music though, that you don't really pay that much attention to, but it is there and it works.

As for the title, well they should have cut out the Steve Niles' part of it, that would have worked so much better. That part just gives it a sort of low-budget self-gloating quality, which isn't particularly flattering. But of course, the title of the movie have no impact on the outcome of the entertainment of the movie, which was good.

The people they had cast for the various roles were doing fair enough jobs, though the characters did come off as rather shallow and lacking personalities and depths. In the face of the end of the world, people seemed to be rather indifference or just totally lacking motivation to act accordingly. They could have fleshed out the characters a bit more with a better script and some more in-depth dialogue. The two lead people, Grant Bowler (playing Tom) and Evalena Marie (playing Tori) were actually the ones with the most memorable performances.

I was impressed with the quality of the production of this movie, especially since I had never heard about it, nor were familiar with it in any way. I just randomly came across it on Amazon while browsing for zombie stuff, decided to give it a go, and must say that I was more than thrilled that I did, because it was really one amazing surprise of a movie. "Steve Niles' Remains" is well worth a place on the DVD shelves of any zombie aficionado's movie collection.
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Better Acting Than Expected - Writer Forgot The Storyline??? Director Didn't Notice
fredgfinklemeyer4 February 2019
02/04/2019 Watchable free wheeling "Trying To Escape From Zombie Town" movie, or maybe??? ..... "The Dingo's Eight My Spawn"? Only if you've got nothing else to watch even though "I Love My Zombie Movies" Bon Appetit
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Nifty zombie flick
Woodyanders12 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A freak accident turns the bulk of the world's population into lethal flesh-eating zombies. A small and desperate band of uninfected human survivors seek refuge in a vacant casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Meanwhile, the undead horde becomes smarter, stronger, and more aggressive with each passing day. Director Colin Theys, working from a compact script by John Doolan, relates the engrossing story at a steady pace, maintains a grimly serious tone throughout, delivers a handy helping of grisly gore, and builds a considerable amount of tension. Moreover, the flawed characters are drawn with a reasonable amount of depth and react to the dire situation they are thrust against their wills into with varying degrees of nobility. The solid acting by the capable cast rates as another major plus, with especially praiseworthy work by Grant Bowler as amiable alcoholic loser Tom, Evalena Marie as tough, sassy, and fiercely determined cowgirl barmaid Tori, Miko Hughes as sweet gay magician's assistant Jensen, Anthony Marks as selfish and cowardly hunk Victor, Tawny Cypress as the spunky Cindy, and Lance Reddick as rugged paramilitary group leader Ramsey. In addition, this movie does some neat tweaking of standard zombie horror conventions: The ghouls sleep standing up at night and resort to eating each other when they can't find any living people to munch on. Adrian Coreia's sharp cinematography gives the picture a nice slick look. The twangy and ominous score by Matthew Llewellyn and Sarah Schachner does the bone-rattling trick. A worthwhile fright feature.
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Not bad at all.
lkrl5 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad. I too, am familiar and enjoy the Zombie genre, but am totally unfamiliar with the comic book series of the same name. Having said that, there were a few zombie surprises, a couple of good scares and a handful of humorous moments. Romero quality? No. But we can't have 50 Romero's can we? The movie did well with castings, but seriously the depth of this didn't require any big names for attraction. I had a few problems with the 'extra' actors--someone maybe even called them 'locals. Zombies typically don't make eye contact while they eat your fingers--they don't have eyes--At least eyes capable of showing any emotion. If you are going to ask an audience to believe in your zombie world, then stay in character and make them act like zombies--instead of local actors working in rubber proths. The newfangled zombie has found some speed, (see I am Legend), and this is less threatening actually than the slow cadence of death moving in quietly enmasse. The lead did a fine job of holding zombie world things together, his older Heath Ledger appearance gave him away as an Aussy in American clothes right off the bat, though he handled it fairly well with only the occasional slip. Not a movie to pay for in the theatre, but for sure a good DVD/Blue Ray renting.
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"Not That Bad Zombie Flick!"
gwnightscream13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This 2011 horror film stars Grant Bowler, Evalena Marie, Tawny Cypress and Miko Hughes based on the graphic novel. This takes place in Reno, Nevada where a nuclear explosion occurs and a few Casino employees are the last survivors who discover that the explosion has turned most of the population into zombies. Apparently, these are no ordinary zombies, they can sleep, run and are smart. Bowler plays Tom, a casino dealer, Marie as Tori, a feisty, cocktail waitress, Cypress as Cindy, an army medic and Hughes (Pet Sematary, New Nightmare) as Jensen, a magician's assistant. This isn't that bad, there's gory makeup effects and the film pays homage to recent zombie-apocalypse films like "Day of the Dead" and "Resident Evil." I'd still give it a try at least once if you enjoy zombie/undead flicks.
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keni-469142 August 2020
Never been so bored watching a movie. Don't waste time with this movie.
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