Battle for Pandora (2022) Poster

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Look through blue glasses
smpdkeizer31 January 2023
A low-budget scifi movie from the Asylum, even if you look through blue glasses, this is still a poor movie. Although you can expect that shortcuts have to be made with a low budget, wearing a dive suit instead of a space suit is completely understandable. However, at the start of the first scene twice open skin is flashed (1:12, 1:45) in outer space. That is even before the three actors are introduced and the story is started.

Luckily, the cinematography (blue haze of Pandar), clothing (colonel is overdressed, whereas the head of disease control is dressed like a 90ish porn star going to the office) and special effects aren't the most laughable part of the movie. The dialogues are even worse. The sentences are illogical and the acting differs. Some of the actors are playing it a more normal way, others are completely overacting their emotions to an absurd level (drs Jennifer). Second to the dialogue are the scene settings, there is apparently an emergency and yet the actors are coolly entering the scene holding a cup of coffee while they were summoned to the Space agency (without any indications except the urgency of the request). It just makes no sense.

I could only watch for the first thirty odd minutes. The drawbacks of the movie as i described were too much. The only thing i could find mildly amusing was Tom Sizemore. He wasn't acting great (i wonder who could with the story and the dialogues) but he was entertaining. Especially when discussing the AI.

As described by others, it does look like a high-school play/movie. It was to be expected, but for me, it was just a bit too much.
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Rather boring...
paul_haakonsen1 February 2023
I opted to watch the 2022 sci-fi movie "Battle for Pandora" solely because I had the chance to sit down and watch a movie that I hadn't already seen.

I have to say that it wasn't a movie that I was harboring any expectations to, as it was a movie from The Asylum and it had Tom Sizemore as the billed actor on the cover.

Yet I opted to give director Noah Luke's 2022 movie a fair chance.

I found "Battle for Pandora" to be a movie that fell entirely short of entertaining me. The storyline, as written by writers Rolfe Kanefsky and Joe Roche, was a rather trivial, mundane and boring one, and the effects in the movie were dubious.

The acting performances in the movie were adequate enough, I suppose. I wasn't really impressed with what I saw. But then again, the actors and actresses didn't really have all that much to work with.

My lack of general interest in the sci-fi genre didn't exactly help to win me over here either.

My rating of "Battle for Pandora" lands on a very generous three out of ten stars.
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Ok, if you want to see a sci fi movie
machrf17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It starts out similar a some other water based alien movies, but it is different enough to keep your interest at the beginning. It probably would have been at least a good movie had it not been for the ending. Once they know what they are fighting they come up with some ideas on how to find it and stop it.

Unfortunately, it was not sold very well. I did not buy into the method for getting rid of it. They state that salt water will force it from the body. Our body is salt water... so that reasoning did not make any sense at all. Once that happens the methods start to fight it fall short too. I don't see this movie ever having been a great movie, but it had some potential until they started to figure out how to detect it and kill it.
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A new level of bad
allen_pagent29 January 2023
Wow, who on earth...or planet Pandora... financed this movie? If I were told this was produced by, written by, directed by, costume and set design by in-coming middle school students I'd give it a pass. Easily the biggest shock is seeing Tom Sizemore. My God, talk about a fall from grace. To think he was in Saving Private Ryan is impossible to consider given this load of jibberish. That said, back to the movie. This movie misses all of the key elements for a solid viewer experience. Those would be a compelling story, great dialog, characters that you grow to care about, set design, costumes, and the MOST important...great acting. If these actors made it into a movie, then there's hope for me to become Hollywood actor too.
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Go Deep Into Hiding.
awpred-2911830 January 2023
I can only imagine that anyone having anything to do with this abomination and actually releasing it upon the American public is currently seeking out a deep dark remote part of this world to hide in shame, remorse and the deep guilt one would undoubtely feel after creating something such as this and calling it a "Movie".

If you paid for this garbage, you have been legally mugged.

Most of the actors are young and have a chance for redemption providing their families, friends and the movie industry acknowledge their existence again.

The older actors no longer care or have any pride in their trade knowing the fact that the American people are being dumbed down enogh to accept this rubbish and just shut up.

Hopefully I didn't hurt anyone's feeeeliiingsss.
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How Many Can He Make in a Year?
arfdawg-128 January 2023
Tom Sizemore is one of those actors who hit it big in one or two movies and burned out quick as can be. Sizemore really hit the skids for a while. Only now he needs a quirky role from a good director to get him back in the saddle.

For now he's relegated, like a number of other actors, to roles like this. Taking the part for a short work schedule and collecting the cash. He's been mking a ton of these every year and none of them are good.

It winds up being sad rather than uplifting.

This movie is cheaply made and just dreadful. Maybe it's a little better than someof his other recent roles where it's clear he's just walking through to collect some cash.

Can't recommend tho.
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This movie is really bad
continuumx14 April 2023
I guess this is a mockbuster of Avatar 2 but the only thing the two movie have in common is that the place is called Pandora. It had the feel of an unrelated sci-fi script that had the Pandora clumsily pasted on. It's pretty clear that the moon of Pandora was originally an asteroid for example. The spaceships look decent but all of the other effects are really cheap and bad. The water effects somehow look much worse than they did in The Abyss in 1989. The alien moon of Pandora is clearly just California with a blue filter. They don't even try to make it look alien. The director seems to believe that shouting=intensity. The characters are CONSTANTLY SHOUTING. Almost every line of dialogue is SHOUTED AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS. The only actor who seems to know that his character is supposed to be in the military or something is Tom Sizemore. None of the other characters are at all believable as either military or scientists. They come across as more like a bunch of teenagers BLURTING out whatever comes into their minds AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS. The plot is stupid. The reveal is stupid and you will see it coming a mile ahead of time anyway. That is if you decide to waste your time watching this thing. I would recommend not doing that.
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Oh boy...
ludovicmoise2 February 2023
This is a cheap movie! Acting os so bad and the effects very poor! Costumes are not good and looks like chaep materials. I stopped watching. I wonder how much money they put in this movie but i guess it wil be not much. Story wlould be much better if the movie looked way better. This is just really sad!

Like comments before it is just a new level of bad and dreadful!

Maybe other caracters playing this would work out better and a better scenario. It looks cheap..sounds cheap and feels cheap to watch. Just one of the rhings.. Look at the masks on their heads.. It looks likes it is glued together or melted in a way you see that the effort they did was also like nothing.
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Mythology ?
simonwatsonx27 December 2023
So I've entitled this review Mythology:

Simply because one of the American actors in this film can quite clearly be heard making the verbal mistake between two words and quite possibly descriptions of mythology the study of ancient history and the study of pathology he obviously doesn't know the difference between either.

Otherwise somebody would have picked him up on it this fela needs to go back to school particularly and read some Greek stories.

Because if he knows anything about reading and writing at all and he will most definitely have heard the story about Pandora's box given to a young woman called Pandora by the Greek gods and so on.

Thank goodness he got that part of the story right.

Automatically he should have known that Pathology is the study of deceased cadavers.

That's why hospitals and some police stations have Pathologists. And Universities have Mythologists.

Shortly after the dreadful acting became far to painful to be bothered to laugh at any longer. I decided to hammer that big ol' down vote 👎 and come do a short review.
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As bad as expected
panosol29 January 2023
Asylum it's a whole genre by itself. If you like this genre of movies...well this is a classic Asylum. If not, stay away.

Plot: After a help signal from a research vessel makes it back to Earth, the U. S. Space Force sends a rescue ship to Pandora, a moon of Saturn. But when they try to land, they discover Pandora is inhabited by a highly evolved humanoid species.

To be fair, as an exception, Z Nation (2014-2018) was a quite decent and pretty good tv series (although was also a copy of a well-known tv series), but unfortunately only at first season. After that, it slowly became a parody of even of itself.
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Subversive Masterpeice 10/10
pojaka-522584 February 2023
If i could give this 11 i would!

From its intelligent advertisement and its brillient cohesion between plot and action, this movie clearly transends genre. It is not constrained by the ideals of traditional "Hollywood" tropes but rather breethes a refreshing life force in sci-fi movies.

However, calling it a mere "sci-fi" movie is an injustice and diservice to its artistic merit. It truly exceeds any and all expectations.

There is no single person who can watch this cinematic masterpiece and jump out of theyre seats and promptly fall to their knees, sobbing in "relijious" euphoria as they prey to whatever universal entity they believe in, asking for merely for the opportunity 2 forgot their viewing of the movie just so they can watch it for the first time once again.


To stand on the precipice of greatness you will have to be in the shadow of all this movie has achieced, as nothing you do will ever come close to this wonder, joy and full body, mind and spiritiual experience.

My favourite part of "Battle For Pandora" is when they battle the black eyed and blue skinned "Naa'vi" (as seen on the cover) for Pandora

You're not in Kansas anymore... You're on PAAAAAN-DORA.
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As a comedy it's hilarious
fluffchop17 February 2023
When it came up Asylum and Tom Sizemore I looked at the score and yep it was 2.4/10 but this movie is so funny to watch. They take themselves very seriously which is the mark of a good trashy movie. Some of the dialog is funny along with some of the overacting. The little space ships looked good to me. I mean if you think back to 1977 Star Wars where Lucas had all these handmade models and he filmed them with camera's on little railroad tracks that was truly special effects as it hadn't been done before. The effects in this film would be just done on a PC nowadays so you can put these things into lower budget films or TV shows. This Sci-Fi film managed to hold my attention well enough for the duration. I did laugh at it at first but as it went on I embraced the reality being shown. I think it's not a bad film considering the Asylum tag and budget. So judging it this way I think it's a 7/10.
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Just bad
obi_tom27 October 2023
This isn't like OG Mortal Kombat bad but good, this is like two 15 year olds with daddy's camcorder bad.

Did no one think to ask Tom if he was ok? He looks like he's suffering, bit like Bruce was before his diagnosis and retirement.

Story is bad, costumes are bad, the actors look like they actually tried which is funny (except Tom who seems like his faculties aren't all there), the props are bad, the CG spaceships don't look half bad, sets are bad.

I'm a sci-fi and know that stinkers come with the territory, but this is possibly the worst sci-fi movie I've ever watched. Would I recommend you watch this? No, should you watch it? Yes, just like a car crash in space.
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Who's steering this ship?
fizziksguy-601061 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Best and funniest line in the movie 'Who's steering this ship?!'. That's the question I asked myself all the way through this hilariously bad movie. Terrible script, mentions 'rudders' to steer the space-craft, someone must have said 'Ships have rudders, right?' When 'brainstorming' the dialogue.

Poor characters, stupid premise for the storyline, complete trash. As others have said, who on Earth funded this movie? There's hope for me as a screenplay writer, if stuff like this can get funding.

Seems to borrow, poorly, from 'The Abyss' in terms of the 'alien' life forms. Love how at one point they claim moisturiser will expel the watery aliens from their bodies!
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Solid idea done bad
mesoreznica20 January 2024
I watches this on SCI FI channel. These days they only show crap like this.

First let me say that actors did do ok. Camera work was also ok. And effects ware also good for B movie. I saw worse. That is why I gave it 3 star.

Now I know it is mockbuster of the Abyss and Avatar franchise but they could try a bit better.

I really hate neoprene bondage-lite suits, pipes from walmart, sportbike gloves....and that should be space suit? And they glow blue when healty, red when not healty...They look stupid.

Not to mention script. Dialog is crazy. Let me make an example. On the planet after shooting: "we have armor piercing holow points". WTF? When it comes to bullets hollow point bullet and armor piercing are exactly the oppsite. Who write this stuff and why??? It is just pointless.

And why not use some interesting looking modern real guns insted of stupid things that they used in the movie. In combination with Walmart made suits and cheap effect plus bad writing it was fiasco that even actors could not save.

Most actors did try the best. Respect to them. They did good. But you cant do magic with bad script and crapy music.
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Subverts your expectations of a good movie
stevelivesey673 August 2023

It's a micro budget sci fi with Hallmark quality acting and Tom Sizemore earning just enough for his last big night out.

The blue tinge to the cinematography is basically all they can afford to signal its an alien world.

I quit after about 20 minutes because the rescue team sent to recover the initial expedition party got attacked by the 'ALIEN' in the water and yet continued to standing in the water after being told not to! Why not just walk five paces backward?

Up until that point everything had been poor. Poor quality sets, lighting, direction, editing, acting, script, etc.

Just don't bother.
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Scifi movie for blind and deaf
arvidmslusarczyk30 November 2023
If Your are blind and deaf , so it is perfect choose for You.

If You close eyes, texts will bring you new level of a headache. And this perfect acting, when You realize that simply AI could do it better.

I can understand it is low budget production movie, but I am completely convinced , if I took some random people from nearest bus stop, it would be no difference.

If You choose to mute , and only look att movie. I love this inconsistence when first we see a moon , which is looking like a moon - just craters and dust, like from Neill Armstrong walking on the moon. BUT.... When "super task force" is landing on Pandora moon , there is trees, grass and river . Even I can accept interior of spaceship, but rest is simply "homemade" . Some animations in space looking like was done in 1980-ties

Best thing what I can say about this movie - it is a cover. Nice done and inviting to watch it. Title is perfect - because this movie its like a pandora box - Nice outside, but disaster when You open it.
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Future of Science
mproffesa13 December 2023
I have seen the negative reviews about this film and I disagree with them. This movie is not meant to be entertaining, it captures human's unpreparedness to interact with other forms of life. Recently humans were scared by the coronavirus, and then the threat of harmful existential life is not a good film? Yes the film will not entertain many empty heads but it gives thinkers food for thought, how might outer space life affect humanity? While it may not cater to those seeking mindless explosions and predictable plotlines, Battle for Pandora offers a deeper, more cerebral experience that delves into the complexities of human-alien interaction and the ethical dilemmas of colonization. Yes, the film borrows elements from classic sci-fi tales like Avatar and Independence Day. But to dismiss it as a mere rehash is to miss the nuances that elevate it beyond its genre predecessors. Battle for Pandora isn't simply about humans versus aliens; it's about the clash of cultures, the struggle for survival, and the agonizing choices we face when confronted with the unknown. But beyond the spectacle, Battle for Pandora grapples with weighty themes that resonate deeply in today's world. The film explores the devastating consequences of colonialism, both on the colonized and the colonizers. It forces us to confront the arrogance of assuming our own way of life is superior and the dangers of exploiting resources without considering the wider ecological and ethical implications. Is Battle for Pandora perfect? No, it has its pacing issues and some predictable plot beats. But its flaws are overshadowed by its strengths. It's a film that stays with you long after the credits roll, prompting reflection on our place in the universe, our relationship with nature, and the choices we make when faced with conflict. So, to those who dismiss Battle for Pandora as unoriginal or derivative, I say this: look beyond the surface. Immerse yourselves in its stunning visuals, engage with its complex themes, and allow yourself to be swept away by its epic narrative. You might just find yourself surprised by the depth and emotional resonance this sci-fi spectacle has to offer. Battle for Pandora is a film that deserves to be seen and discussed. It's a worthy addition to the sci-fi genre, and a reminder that sometimes, the most worthwhile journeys are the ones that challenge us to think, to feel, and to question everything we thought we knew.
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Welcome back Tom
burgif28 January 2023
Tom Sizemore is a great actor who did not get his fair share of fame or wealth (speaking of Hollywood heavey weight and their producers) I am happy to see Tom back on the saddle on a relativly decent movie. The battle for Pandora (unreasonable title for this movie) puts Tom in a leading position among other relativly unknown actors (regadless they did a solid job) the movie itself as scifi was entertaining despite the core idea was far fetched, the use of blue haze maybe meant to hide the poor cinmatography but the story was told regardless.

I am only commenting here to tell Sizemore that there is no washed up actors but bad choices and this one was good choice.
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