Assassin (Video 2015) Poster

(2015 Video)

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Wow ... An Entire Movie Based on "Awkward"
A_Different_Drummer8 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Takes nerves of steel to deliberately write a screenplay that makes everyone -- actors and audience alike -- uncomfortable.

The opening is the best part, and then it is all downhill from there. Like a toboggan run.

Danny Dyer, who has probably played every possible variant of a east end thug there is, walks taller and stands straighter than usual in his portrayal of a rogue hit-man. And frankly he is not bad. For a few brief moments, there was serious potential for this film.

The part he plays is a strange UK variant on the early Charles Bronson persona, strong silent type, the don't mess with me type, and. as stated, it is promising.

There is even an amusing "trope" where Danny's character, wearing a dark helmet, zips around London -- THE MOST "CAMERA'd" CITY ON THE PLANET -- on his motorbike, and yet is magically invisible to the video surveillance. That is so absurd it is almost fun.

After a job, he stops at a strip club and is conveniently on hand to rescue a very attractive dancer from unwanted advances by her dealer.

So far, so good.

Then the awkwardness starts. The "hit" he just performed was by coincidence the father of his new squeeze. Did you ever have one of those days? Worse, the bird and her BFF are suddenly playing Miss Marple and are determined to find out what "really" happened., They start sniffing around the bunch that ordered the hit, the very same guys Danny works for.

Are you feeling awkward yet? If you watch this screenplay unfold to the bitter bitter end, you will.

Ordinary rules of dramatic exposition are tossed under the bus in favour of a strange and stubborn zeal to make the viewer wonder if he should perhaps be home doing his taxes instead of watching this travesty unfold.

And a great beginning is totally wasted.
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Continuity Not Included*
Rob_Taylor5 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I haven't watched a Danny Dyer movie for some time and now I know why. They're painful! Painful and cringe-inducing.

The acting is uniformly bad and Dyer isn't at all convincing in the trained assassin role of the title. He spends most of his "assassin" time wandering around in full motorcycle gear, including helmet. If ever there was a better way to attract attention than wearing inappropriate headgear in public spaces, then I haven't seen it. He stands out like a sore thumb. Walking around with it down just makes you look suspicious.

In addition, we soon referred to him as "Mumbles" the assassin, because of his penchant for talking quietly whilst wearing the helmet, making the audio very difficult to hear. At times he makes an expression like a sad little monkey trapped in a cage, leaving me to wonder whether he realised how bad the film was and wondered how he might get out of it. At other times, he seems to be channeling Joey from Friends with the "Smell the Fart" acting technique.

On the plus side, Dyer isn't the worst actor in the film. That dubious accolade is reserved for his bit of crumpet, who is about as appealing and animated as a cabbage patch doll, but far more wooden.

The Kemp brothers are far and away the only people trying to act in this film and even they seem to be trying to recapture their Kray twins glory from long ago. The rest, are best forgotten.

Camera-work is a little variable, with tops of heads being cut off at times and an over-reliance on hand-held cameras that makes everything look...well... cheap.

Sound editing is also bad. Apart from "Mumbles" the assassin, the level jumps up and down and sometimes the music drowns out the dialogue. Our hero's motorcycle likewise has two distinct engine noises, depending on whether the shot is from the riders or a passersby perspective.

Story-wise, it is a bit pathetic. By then numbers gangster movie script that fails to convince. The dialogue is at time guffawful (its a word!). You'll just laugh at some of it and blink in disbelief at others. There's a scene with the girlfriend and her BFF sat on a sofa working out "clues" as to what is going on that is just beyond terrible. Add in the often monotone delivery of these lines and it becomes both hilarious and painful to behold.

Likewise the "romance" element to the story is about as believable as perpetual motion, or cold fusion. It's ham-fistedly done and utterly painful to watch it "unfold". Later, the girlfriend undergoes some kind of dramatic breakdown but is more funny than heartbreaking to see.

Continuity suffers too. The most obvious example of this is the black helmet/silver helmet transition about halfway through the movie. He wears a black helmet in one scene and then parks and walks away holding a silver one. A few minutes later his helmet changes colour whilst riding from one shot to the next! Then there's the scene where Mumbles shoots a man at his front door from five feet away seven times and the man simply turns and runs away? Oh! And the dialogue to accompany this unrealistic gunplay scene? "Get aht! Nahh!" from Mumbles. It's priceless.

*: Or Editing, Sound Levelling, Acting etc. etc. you get the idea.

SUMMARY: An awfully bad film! Poor acting, dialogue, script and editing all combine to make this a chore to sit through. Not so much John Wick, as John Get on Your Wick!
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From cold blooded killer, to hook a duck?......
FlashCallahan9 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Jamie (a fearsome name for a contract killer) works for the famous ones from Spandau Ballet, because they were The Krays, a unique selling point for the film.

They ask Jamie to kill a business man who went back on some land deal, because, it will lose them potentially millions. So Jamie treads the streets of London, in his huge crash helmet, waiting for the business man to get back to his hotel. After he does the deed, he realises that the business man was the father of the stripper he had a bit of a fancy for the night before, proceeded to have a bit of 'cheeky cheeky' with her, and then fell in love.

Now, the Krays want her dead too, so he pretends to it, hides her, and in turn, they get a bit suspicious of him........

Dyers last film, Vendetta, in my opinion, was a neat little revenge thriller, and after the drivel that were Run For Your Wife, and Deviation, it was such a step up, and this looked, on paper albeit, to continue in that vein.

Plus it had the Kemps in it, which is never a bad thing.

But, Eastenders happened, and Dyer could not look more bored and unattached if he tried. I don't know whether his motivation for a stone cold killer is to show literally no emotion at all during the film, but this is taking it beyond another level, he appears to be under some very heavy sedation, and if it were not for the Kemps, I would have done the cardinal sin of movie watching, I would have turned it off.

It doesn't help that Dyer has some dire support, his girlfriend is pretty bad in this, but she is Laurence Olivier compared to her friends performance. My 15 month son could have put in a more convincing performance.

And we are led to believe that after he leaves London for, wait for it, Brighton, and work at a hook a duck stall, adds insult to an already almost incomprehensible narrative.

But, the Kemps are fantastic, and still have the chemistry they did in The Krays ( you'd expect it seeing that they are brothers), but the film is immensely watchable whenever they are on screen, which isn't for long, sadly.

When a plot point that sends Jamie berserk happens, you know the film is struggling when you shout 'thank goodness for that', rather than gasp in shock.

It's a huge misstep for Dyer, and I do like his films for their throwaway wide boy schtick, but this is bad, really bad.

Last filmmaking, lazy performances, but on the plus side, it makes you feel like an adequate filmmaker....
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The very definition of 'contrived'.
film_andy18 March 2015
Danny Dyer plays a hit-man called 'Jamie'... alright, I suppose there must be some hit men in the world called 'Jamie' - but for conjuring up a hard man character, let's just call him 'Marion'.

Marion kills people. And looks very sleepy whilst he does it. He might be moody. He's possibly hung over. Who knows? He doesn't like talking much. Because he tells his 'bird' "I ain't one for talking" (or words to that effect. Presumably to add to his moodiness?) At one point, he senses imminent danger. How? A seagull flies overhead. Perhaps part of his moodiness is talking to animals and birds? Anyone, before this seagull can shout "Watch it you mugs!", a spray of bullets. And old Daniel's stood there like he's just remembered he's left his front door key at home.

Meanwhile, The not-really-the Krays Brothers seem to think they're in the British answer to Michael Mann's 'Heat'. Maybe even 'Leon'. Unfortunately they come across as two blokes in a self-build borrowed from Grand Designs.

Some scenes have bad audio. (For example, there's a 'confrontation' on a street at night. The ambiance would have you believe it was chucking out time on a Friday night - yet for all this drunken cavorting noise, there's hardly a person to be seen. Anywhere.) Some have bad camera work/direction. Every scene is poor translation of an even worse screenplay. Seriously: 'Marion' kills some bloke with a plastic bag (The police believe it's some nonce engaging in a bit of auto-erotic asphyxiation - and the way Dyer does it, it might as well be. And we know the police think he died due to auto-erotic asphyxiation because they tell us about 4 times).

Dead bag man turns out to be the dad of some topless dancer who Dyer takes home for a bit of how's one's father. I've lost count the number of times this has happened to me. Assassinate someone. Pick up a tart. Oh no: They're related.

And then the two brothers in the Grand Designs house start getting wobbly because SOMEONE might find out. But Dyer - the professional assassin that he is - can't kill the tart, because he's getting his leg over. (Presumably he's not had much recently) It's easy to poke at Dyer - he is miscast, relying on some 'smell the fart' acting, but he's not the weakest link here. The script is just a cut 'n paste from every crap gangster/hit-man movie there ever was. The direction, supporting cast... all not very good at all.
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Total garbage!
christianeverett9 March 2015
After years of using IMDb, this will be my first review, and I'm gonna keep it short. I only wanted to review this because of the misleading 7.1 rating it somehow has, I honestly don't know how that's possible. This has to be in my top 5 of worst movies I've ever seen. I'm a big fan of Danny Dyer, but I'm sorry Danny, you were dyer. The acting was terrible from the whole cast, poorly written dialogue and totally predictable. There wasn't one moment in the film I thought was good, avoid wasting an hour and twenty minutes of your life and instead, go clean the kitchen, it will be much more enjoyable and rewarding when you finish.
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another nail in the coffin of British film
simonpcpearson26 May 2015
I don't know what fills me with despair more - the fact that Danny Dyer keeps making " movies", or the fact that I keep watching them.

Anyway in this one Danny plays Danny Dyer pretending to be a hit-man ( zzzz) who falls in love with...I've lost the will to go on and this is just the synopsis on the DVD box.

Anyway Danny is in this, along with that Kemp from eastenders . and his brother ( no, not Steve Mcfadden the other one). Danny spends much of the movie riding about pointlessly on a motorbike. Well I suppose the running time has to be padded out somehow.

There is little action and no suspense. After a dull action scene in which Dyer wanders about without taking his crash helmet off ( like a less animated version of the Stig with a lisp), he receives a summons to meet gangland heavies martin kemp and his brother ( not Phil Mitchell). After a cheeky nandos and some top bantz wiv da lads, Dyer gets the info on his next execution..and from there things begin to get interesting . ( if by interesting you mean predictable, boring and idiotic).

As usual Dyer looks bored and vaguely resentful, martin Kemp looks grateful to be earning enough to pay for hair dye, and everyone else seems to be auditioning to be an extra in The Walking Dead.

There is nothing that resembles a plot or a denouement.

Insert your own joke about Danny Dyer and "helmet". I can't be bothered.
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Best comedy I've seen in a longtime...
stuart_davies24 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not an actor, but I can probably do what Danny does to try and seem brooding and sinister. Basically get drunk the night before, stay up all night and don't take any pain killers the morning of the shoot... viola, Danny acting tough. The plot may as well be Swiss cheese it's so full of holes and takes every cliché from every gangster movie you can think of and makes it laughable, but not in an amusing way. Basically a hit-man working for two Kray Twin wannabe's falls for the daughter of a man he's just assassinated, *?*. They want her dead too but Jamie?? (yes a hit-man called Jamie) tries to make out she's dead so the twins will forget about her *yawn*. Unfortunately girl has only a single brain cell which she doses with drugs and so goes out of her way to stay in plain sight so the baddies can get to her, giving Danny a reason to kill them *meh*. I did pretty well and watched over an hour of the flipping thing before I couldn't stand it any more, turned it off and tried to find something more interesting to do. Fortunately there was some wet paint nearby so I watched that for an hour instead...
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Poor! 2/10
leonblackwood28 March 2015
Review: I don't think that you will be that surprised that I didn't really enjoy this movie. It seemed quite cheap and the storyline wasn't that great. Its about a hit-man (Dyer) whose been hired by the Kemp brothers to take out a business man who cheated them out of there money. While Dyer is scoping his victim, he falls in love with a club dancer who happens to be his victims daughter. When he finally takes care of business, her identity comes to light and she starts to put the pieces together to try and find her father's killer. The Kemp brothers don't like the fact that she is meddling in there business so they hire Dyer to take out the girl, which he is reluctant to do. They then flee from London so she can be safe, but they soon get hunted down so Dyer has to use his skills to protect the girl and his own life. It was good to see the Kemp brothers together again, after the brilliant Krays movie, but this movie was terrible. I predicted what was going to happen, right from the beginning of the film so the storyline wasn't that great. I've seen Dyer play these type of roles, many times before so his performance was average but the Kemp brothers were great. I found the girl quite annoying after a while and the awful music all the way through the film didn't help. At the end of the day, it's just your everyday Dyer movie. Poor.

Round-Up: After watching this film, I really can't see were the budget went. It's filmed around London but most of the scenes are in houses or in a nightclub. Anyway, I honestly think that Dyer going into Eastenders, was the best thing for his career because his movies are really poor. There's only a handful of movies that were really good in this genre, like the Business, Sexy Beast and Essex Boys but there isn't anything original coming from the UK. I rate Dyer for not going to Hollywood to try and make a big name for himself and he has kept true to his acting abilities but he has really hit a dead end when it comes to the movies that he chooses. I'm glad that they stopped bringing out all of the football hooligan movies because they were getting a bit tedious and there's not that much range for movies in that genre. The problem isn't only in the UK! We have hit the time of the remake in Hollywood which has made some of the big actors only take original projects. That means that we have a flood of new actors who can't really act or haven't got any screen charisma. Anyway, in this movie it really is the Kemp brothers who show professionalism and steal the screen. I just hope that they take on more projects in the future.

Budget: $3.5million Worldwide Gross: N/A

I recommend this movie to people who are into their English gangster movies about a hit-man who is given a job that he is reluctant to do. 2/10
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Bottom Of The Barrel Predictable Assassin Flick
jamdifo5 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I give this movie a 2 out of 10 just because it was mercifully short and I also liked the dynamic between the 2 brothers. But believe me, this movie stinks. This movie has been done numerous times where the assassin falls in love with his target and can't kill her. The huge problem here is the chemistry between the assassin and the female he falls for. There is absolutely no chemistry here at all. There is not one reason why either would be madly in love with the other. It is so bad it destroys this film, you just don't care about either of them.

Also, there is not one good action scene or line thru out the whole movie. Even though I found the brothers interesting, they were not menacing villains. It fact, no one was. Though when his girlfriend does get killed, the assassin does dish out revenge very quickly. I think all the main players were killed within 2-3 minutes(in different places). No tension whatsoever and way too easy for the assassin. The ending is a yawner. This movie is a bore, don't waste your time.
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so funny, not bad plot 😆
diddydom-629453 August 2023
The creators of this film were going for the cold but calculated assassin, but what they ended up was Danny dyer acting timid, simple and boring, which while is not what the creators intended it is still quite funny. So it is one of those "its so bad its good situations" regarding the main character's acting, however the story is quite good. For this to work like Jason stahams "mechanic", Danny Dyer would need to do similar things, like get in shape and train with firearms. If Dyer looked the part physically and performed with firearms professionaly it would bring a focus and energy which does not make him seem like a quiet simpleton.
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Let down - Expected more - Forgettable
Euphoric-Gecko13 March 2015
Begins well. Unfortunately the first 5 minutes or so are the absolute highlight. I watched this film mere hours ago and it is already beginning to fade from memory.

Admittedly there were no real "cringe" scenes in which i believed the acting or dialogue or cinematography to be horrible yet nothing stood out about it.

In my mind, the greatest films are the ones you can not only remember, but take something away from the "experience" of watching them. This film was the opposite. I expect to have forgotten it by the time i wake up tomorrow.

Final Advice: Watch only if your intention is to pass time (procrastinate) and you have no real interest or expectation of this movie.

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Another refreshing delve in to the gritty British underworld in this brilliant flick!
billymachin18 March 2015
Assassin is a brilliant Brit-flick with a thrilling insight into the good old British underworld. If you like electrifying, hard hitting, British gangster films then it's definitely for you. Danny Dyer plays the role of 'Jamie', and as always he fills the role perfectly. I find in watching this you get a sense of involvement, like you're really there watching things unfold before your eyes. This sure to be classic crime thriller will have you on the edge of your seat as Dyer does whatever he can to save the woman he loves. Assassin sets itself apart from other Gangland films by not just having all the grit, guts and glory of a British Gangland film, but also having an underlying story of love and sacrifice. which I find will appeal to all audiences. Well written, Well directed, and well cast. Assassin is definitely one of the best homegrown indie's I've seen in a long while!
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This did not disappoint :)
knitflick10 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie for several reasons. I found this to be a well written story. The movie is only about 80 minutes long, with a tight script. I appreciated seeing a different performance from Danny Dyer. He keeps a low profile and has a quiet menace about him. When his character Jamie snaps, it's very visceral. Yet when he opens himself up, it's very touching to see him risk being vulnerable. I also enjoyed the Kemps. Their relationship is one of the best things about the movie. This was my first introduction to Holly Weston and she is a very good actress. She and Danny Dyer have good chemistry together.

The killing and fighting scenes are well done. They feature not only Jamie's fighting skills but also his cunning and his planning abilities. The score is a great pulsing synthesizer sound which works to thrill the audience. This movie reminded me of The Samarai, The American, and Drive.

Since I saw and am a fan of Deviation, I had high hopes of enjoying this repairing of Danny Dyer with the director JK Amalou. I wasn't disappointed. You should definitely see Amalou's Hard Men for another good crime caper. 3.5/5 stars.
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More Asinine Than Assassin
nebk9 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Assassin stars Danny Dyer as Jamie, a professional assassin who is employed by two gangland brothers to get rid of a crooked politician who double crossed them. In the process he meets and falls in love with a stripper who turns out to be the daughter of the man he killed. As a result he now has to choose whether to eliminate her when she starts investigating her estranged father's death which was staged to look like an accidental death, or to protect her from his employers, the Alberts Brothers played by Gary and Martin Kemp.

Whilst the first few minutes of the movie showed some promise it soon starts to drag and there are scenes which feel needlessly long and drawn out and that's a problem given that the movie is around 80 minutes long. The acting is nothing special although Dyer tries to do as well as he can given the material. The supporting actors and their characters do not have much to offer though and soon the movie slows down and becomes implausible, predictable and boring. The chemistry between the assassin and stripper is also lacking. As in many other films with similar subject matter there is a betrayal by the stripper's best friend (what a surprise-not!) and as a result there is a shoot out in the end. By then though you might not care.

Overall this movie is simplistic and lacks a much better story and actors to play it out. There are many better movies out there and these would be preferable to watching this. A 3/10. Not the worst out there but not worth wasting time on either.
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Bad script, Bad acting, Bad Audio, Bad continuity, but otherwise good! (Sarchasm)
Bob_Harris_UK12 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've enjoyed other movies with Danny Dyer as the lead, but Assassin is different.

Whilst the story had potential, it became both predictable, and laughable. Irritatingly, the audio mix became too heavy on the background music, to the point where speech couldn't be understood. This wasn't helped by Danny's predilection to mumble his words. The primary two female characters in the story were acting without any real or believable emotions. It's as if they were reading the script out loud for the first time.

Laughably, the continuity was beyond belief with regards to Danny's Motorbike helmet, which switched from black to silver throughout the movie, and even within single riding sequences. Maybe the movie budget couldn't stretch to buy two black helmets if one was damaged during the filming.

Then there's an unbelievable sequence where two thugs attempt to break-into Danny's hide-out. After Danny kills the thug who inexplicably appeared to be able to get upstairs in the small house, Danny then fires 10 shots into the other thug, at almost point blank range as he runs out of the hallway unaffected by being hit by 10 bullets.

When Danny confronts Gary Kemp, Garry shoots, grazing Danny's leg, yet the large pane of glass behind Danny is unaffected.

The ending is truly yawn inducing.

This has to be one of the worst films I have endured.
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The Kemps are great, although the rest is a drag
Leofwine_draca10 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
ASSASSIN is a pretty lazy straight-to-video thriller for action man Danny Dyer, here mumbling his way through a clichéd plot in a pick-up-the-pay cheque type role. The story sees Dyer's assassin (a case of miscasting if ever there was one) working his way through various targets until he finds himself set up by his own bosses.

Everything about this film screams cheap, not least the script which is incredibly predictable from beginning to end. However, my interest was piqued by the presence of the Kemp brothers, Gary and Martin, playing two characters who could easily be the Kray twins twenty years later. The Kemps are great fun and I enjoyed their scenes, even if the rest of the movie is a drag despite the short running time.
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andy-2701312 March 2015
I have seen wooden posts give more realistic performances. Why do casting agents keep putting forward Danny Dyer, the man can't act for s*%t, he really is useless.

He likes to portray these hard men roles but can't quite carry it off as he is known for being a whining little Muppet in real life, its a bit like casting Woody Allen as Captain America, it might be entertaining but it would in no way be believable.

Danny Dyer should really stick to making hard men programs for Dave or UK Gold...

In the real world does anyone actually watch one off his movies with a hope of seeing a serious character portrayal, unfortunately it has got even worse since his Eastenders appearances, Danny should quit whilst he is "slightly" ahead and get a job presenting nice little quiz show like Bradley Walsh...
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Acting prowess of a wooden plank
quincytheodore1 May 2015
Sometimes in video games or animation there will be poor dubber who phones it in, they sound very lazy or are probably just in the bathroom reading some paper. It's a truly rare case where an actor of a movie does this, the leading role even, in a perfectly soulless manner. The lead Danny Dyer just stands there muttering some lines with the expression range of one who suffers Botox overdose. Other theories include unworldly possession or he might just be a robot, that would be far more fascinating.

Jamie (Danny Dyer) is a poker-faced hit-man. One day he meets with a woman who turns out to be involved with his work. There is little acting to speak of, some supporting characters are decent, but almost the entirety of the movie is spent on looking at Jamie looking at nothing. He looks the same when he kills people, engages in small talk or meets the love of his life. Audiences at home are probably more vivid as they react to the unbearable stiff acting.

Visual is bizarre, the camera seems to be shifting from side to side for no reason. It would shuffle slightly to the back of the head when normal conversations occur or wobble from behind some object. There's also plenty of running or riding bike, which is fine to create atmosphere, but it feels unnecessary after the twelfth time. The script is so abrupt and random, it doesn't even explain basic plot clearly let alone convince the audiences that it has authentic relationship.

Soundtrack is a repetitive humming theme throughout the movie, and at times it blasts the volume for screaming scenes. People, especially girl characters, would scream so zealously in hope to prevent audience from sleeping through. Action is nearly non-existent. Forget about choreography, Assassin only stands there, equally rigid, and fires away. No stunts or believable motion like taking cover.

There is no aspect of this movie that isn't severely flawed. Beware, Assassin will kill your time. That pun is as cringe-worthy as the movie.
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to the best of my knowledge.
Quiet menace ! My eleven year old granddaughter is more menacing when she is in a GOOD MOOD . GOOD FELLOWS take THE MONEY AND RUN SOAP OPERA CRAP RONNIE AND REGGIE STRIKE AGAIN BUT THEY Don't LIKE TO TALK ABOUT IT Not even a B movie my blind friends said the cheese grater was a better read than this . Eddie Webber has no BUSINESS being in this tom tit .

More than ten lines.The name "Assassin" is often said to derive from the Arabic word Hashishin or "users of hashish",[2] a misnomer thought to have been derogatory and used by their adversaries during the Middle Ages. Originally applied to the Nizari Ismaelis by the Mustali Ismailis during the fall of the decaying Ismaili Fatimid Empire and the separation of the two streams,[3] it is possible that the term hashishiyya or hashishi in Muslim sources was used metaphorically in its abusive sense (i.e. "social outcasts", "low-class rabble", etc.), while the literal interpretation of this term in referring to the Nizaris (as hashish consuming
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Not as bad as reviews say
urquhartmarion5 December 2017
I really don't usually like Danny Dyer films that much but this is really not as bad as many of the other reviews would have you believe. Sure some of the acting is a bit iffy but the story isn't reply that bad!!! Now I have seen some really awful movies and I really can't in all honesty list this as one of them. As I said I don't usually like Danny's films - same character in every movie just plonked into different scenarios, however I found in this film that he actually could do a bit of acting. I hate not finishing a movie no matter how bad it is but Assassin wasn't one of them. The lady interest wasn't the best at acting but was OK. I was very disappointed in the Kemp brothers however, they are usually much better at acting but were rubbish in this movie. Could have been the direction or something I don't know but something was off. Honestly not as bad as is made out but not a fantastic movie either. If you don't really like low budget British movies then don't watch this but if you don't mind them then give it a go.
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Not worth your time
john-monne13 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I went for this movie due to the IMDb rating at that time. It was around a 6-7 and I thought to myself, lets give it a go.

I wont give out any spoilers but this movie was just bad. I don't understand how any producer, actor etc can go through this process and think YESSS lets bring this out..

The acting was appalling, the sound and music was that of a bad soft-porn flick, the character build up was none existing and the storyline simple, dumb and frustrating.

Its just a shame.. I was not anticipating on a great movie, but perhaps just something entertaining and OK would have been more then fine.. sadly it was just a waste of time.
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The bomb
ajscent-8774120 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yes Danny - crackin film. One the best action films this year my son. The bomb, see my boy going off all nuclear on the TV set, ha made me smile. No one does a better villain than Dan , no one , yeah you can have your Statham , your Neeson , your al pacino , but when it comes to the original gangster whos really lived the estate life .... well its only Dan whos been in those shoes for real. He really gets stuck in , shows them how he runs things, kicks butt after butt. You see, the wrong uns in this film should never have crossed him , he wanted the quiet life , keep his head down and live a new life. But they went over the line, and when you step over the line you know you got to get some lessons taught to you , keep you in line , naughty boy , he was a very naughty boy and he got a spankin. Strong filmwork ,good soundtrack. Great film , great action , top class acting from Danny , well done my son , cant wait to see the next one , class.
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Pretty decent Dyer gangster flick
wellthatswhatithinkanyway10 September 2015
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Jamie (Danny Dyer) is a cold, pitiless assassin who carries out jobs for numerous undesirables around London. His latest clients are the Alberts Brothers (Martin and Gary Kemp) who want him to whack off a local councillor who's duped them over some dodgy planning application. After carrying out the job, he crosses paths with troubled stripper Chloe (Holly Weston) and ends up falling in love with her. However, the identity of his last assignment and his relation to his new squeeze plunges him and those around him into a deadly battle for survival.

Now settled in as a main character on national TV institution East Enders, Danny Dyer still finds time to appear in these occasional, off the radar little flicks, that belong in the much touted British gangster genre. And this would prove to be one of his better ones, a little more coherent and effective than his recent, similarly themed Vendetta. It has a solid, interesting story that goes in different angles than you might expect it to. Plus, Dyer himself is actually pretty good in the lead role, and Martin Kemp especially has presence as one of the main villains. It's a pretty brutal, unflinching ride, too, not afraid to skimp on the brutal violence and hard hitting action.

Short and sweet, it manages to all wrap up at just under an hour and a half, and the pace matches the length. Yes, the lighting's a little blurry and maybe there are a few inconsistencies and plot holes in the script, but no more than in any other such film, and for a film that probably had a pretty low budget, how it's presented is forgivable. Dyer seems to have been the victim of the British 'build 'em up, tear 'em down' mentality among film connoisseurs, when you think there was a time when he was being touted as a the next Ray Winstone, only now to have everyone gloating in his status, appearing in more lesser known, lower grade films, and knocking his acting. He does feel a little typecast, but that's how you tend to get a fan base, and you could get someone far worse making forgettable but enjoyable films like this. ***
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jamescfc-7896620 March 2015
I cannot believe i just wasted and hour and a half of my life watching this. I could have spent that time doing something more productive like watching paint dry.

J.K. Amalou should be ashamed to have written and directed such an atrocious film. Terrible acting throughout which is not surprising given the cast plus gaps in the plot. Poorly produced and badly directed. This film is officially the worst film i have ever seen, overtaking Teeth and Batman & Robin.

I cannot believe this scored so highly with a 3.4, this film deserves no more than a 1/10. Lets hope J.K. Amalou takes stock and never ever makes a film like this again.

The only positive i can find was the end credits.
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Assassin to your insomnia
patrikbjrk22 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Jamie is riding around London on his motorcycle. He also does a lot of walking in his leathers and full helmet. Oddly enough nobody seems to notice which is lucky for him since he is a professional hit-man.

There's something seriously weird going on with his bike since the sound of the engine doesn't match his riding. Anyway...

He gets paid to kill a guy and after the kill he goes to a strip club, where he meets a stripper/junkie and they fall in love. The girl turns out to be the daughter of his kill and the guys ordering it gets worried she will figure out they were behind it.

From there it's pretty obvious where the story is going, and it does. No surprises at all.

The story is totally predictable and the actors aren't very good. Is it worth watching? If it's on TV. That's how I feel about it. It's not awful, but close enough. It feels more like some action series on TV than an actual big screen movie.
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