The Truth About Jim (TV Mini Series 2024) Poster

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This documentary was misnamed
hairgal649822 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary isn't really about Jim. It's about the people he left in his wake trying to live their lives and make sense of what they experienced.

There are some rabbit trails, like when we spend time on speculation about whether Jim is the Zodiac killer, and there is no real resolution about the hitchhiker theory. But, from what I've read, people who experience extreme abuse often wonder if their abuser might be responsible for ____ (fill in blank with unsolved crime). And, sometimes they're right.

This is about children trying to navigate their way through living with a monster-trying to understand why their mother/grandmother stayed with such an extreme abuser and abandoned them. The mother/grandmother seems like she might be a bit mentally disabled or maybe has brain damage from being hit in the head so hard. I'm not saying this is a great documentary, because it's not. It should have been half the length it is. But, it is this family's journey, and I'm glad they're working it out together.
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Cancel your HBO?
andygeek4418 February 2024
One of the worst HBO documentaries ever made.

Mostly conjecture and staged interviews where subjects are more or less fed lines and leading witnesses. The narrative constantly deviates from serial killing into family drama and how men are bad and nobody believed rumours in the 1970s, a time when hearsay dominated life. Evidence shcmevidence it seems the filmmaker is saying.

The entire first episode could be condensed into a 3 minute intro but the filmmaker is too invested in her own namesake and San Francisco trauma to stop.

Just because you can shoot a documentary doesn't make it compelling or necessary.

Far below HBO documentary standards.
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Wildly Speculative
Calicodreamin23 February 2024
I would not call this documentary true crime but instead reality tv. A family documents their attempts to pin infamous murders on their late grandfather (who doesn't even have a criminal record) with no proof other than that he was a bad guy. It's obvious that Jim is not a good person, but that a serial killer does not make. The links are tenuous at best and commentary from all family members is wildly speculative. The documenter cannot provide any conclusion due to this lack of evidence and so it makes you wonder why you're watching at all. A hard pass for any true crime or good tv fan, this is just opinions.
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Although it is NOT the "truth" about Jim, is it?
orcinussr17 February 2024
"Somebody's grandpa was a serial killer....." Sigh, not necessarily tho, right? Cause a serial killer isn't automatically a father - and it's assumptions and leaps like that that pepper this series with, let's say reckless allegations that most of, are pure speculation - now PLEASE understand that I'm not defending the subject of the documentary, nor disbelieving the accusers (in the cases that it's first hand recounting) but let's just say that had the filmmakers not been immediate family AND the accused being deceased, this type of film couldnt or wouldn't exist - so to me, the fact that one or more of these are purely conjecture - it causes me to see the whole through this lens of speculation - for that I think I have to give it a 3, if for no other reason than, IN FACT, it is NOT the TRUTH about Jim.
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Yes, it is the family's truth about Jim
faithhopelovelife10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Many reviewers are unnecessary harsh about the family's concern about Jim being the Zodiac killer. However, the family quickly set that idea aside when the experts said there was no real connection. There was definitely a possible connection to the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker murders. The story was really about family dysfunction, and it was well worth watching from this perspective. Having been married to someone with some of the same traits, I was interested in the process the family went through to examine their past issues involving Jim and attempt to discuss what happened, heal broken relationships, and move forward. The concern about whether Jim was a serial r-word and/or killer emerged during the process and was weighing on them as they tried to heal. The ending was appropriate in this context. The family turned over the information to the police department and regrouped to form a closer family unit without the burden they previously carried. When viewed from the perspective of a family brought back together after being derailed for years by the pathological behavior of a family member, the show is well worth watching.
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How not to make a documentary.
fad-3879818 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is very poor. I should have listened to the other reviewers and not wasted my time.

Essentially, a grand-daughter believes her step-grandfather (Jim) was a serial killer.

No evidence is presented, the whole premise is based on familial horror stories of a very unpleasant man.

The style is essentially a monologue from the step-grand-daughter interspersed with led interviews of other family members who present an example of bad behaviour. No male members of this large extended family are interviewed until Episode 3.

The narrator (grand-daughter), makes unsupported leaps of logic to make connections and is careful to place her emphasis on certain facts and not others. Likewise, the narrator speculates to fill in gaps, yet presents these speculations as facts themselves.

In episode 3 a 'Zodiac Expert' is introduced to force a connection between the narrators step-grandfather and the Zodiac Killer. No explanation is given to support this 'Expert' status although this random bloke does say he is not a policeman or connected to the police. No evidence is presented to say 'Jim' was ever considered by the police or FBI.

Episode 4 introduces a former FBI profiler. This is a paid for slot, and I would ask for my money back, the profile is so generic even I would fit the profile. Then we are introduced to a random private investigator who sets the scene for a DNA sample analysis from Jim's old belongings. When we get to the DNA analyst, he seems confused. He cannot remember what item the DNA came from, but we can definitely say it is Jims. Eh? The whole process is presented as something important, but in reality, Jim has so many children a useable male familial DNA match could be constructed from that. No need for the made up DNA process in the documentary.

Anyway, the evidence is compiled and it is taken to the Sonoma County sheriff's office. The interview was un-filmed, but we are told in a contrived car conversation that despite many others making similar claims to the Sheriff, they 'we're going to look at this..."

The documentary ends with a generic statement saying the police continue to consider all information etc. And a cold case investigator is looking into it. Doesn't come anymore generic than that.

Overall, a complete waste of time.

Not sure if the cameraperson using a tripod to steady the image would have helped.
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Why no resolution at the end?
billrynk17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a slow moving documentary but that's ok, lots of backstory to build in 4 episodes. This guy was a monster who terrorized his family and students for many years. It was very sad seeing all the women he hurt, 2 of the wives were in this show and the daughters and step-daughters. Unbelievable what they went through.

I stayed with this series like others I watch in hopes of seeing an answer at the end which was not there.

The DNA sample was given to the police in August 2022 and this series was released in March 2024. 19 months and no answer to the DNA comparison? How long does this process take? The series should have waited until the police lab ended their tests.
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One dimensional and boring
aubreymke17 February 2024
This documentary had no business being stretched into four episodes, and perhaps due to its extended nature it seems to never quite get to the point. It seems primarily to be a vanity piece for its main subject, Sierra, but fails to explore the nuance behind what is driving her "investigation." Jim was clearly a bad man, but watching the women in his life speculate about things he may or may not have done now that he is long dead feels regressive rather than empowering. It lingers on long drawn out scenes of mothers and daughters reminiscing on Jim's impact on their lives, though it didn't feel to me as the viewer like it was particularly healing for them to do so, even as the documentary attempts to manufacture a storyline of familial healing.

This documentary had ample opportunity to take an academic look at cycles of abuse among generations, the role of women as family healers & documentarians, or even could have explored the making the project itself as a coping mechanism for its subjects, but instead it takes a one dimensional view of Sierra and her family.
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betsysmith-1742227 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you have seen The Keepers you can understand that it sets the bar pretty high...The Truth About Jim gets a 7. I see a lot of bad reviews and I guess it's a case of personal preference. The family was full of bright and loving women (and one man) who were sadly victimized by this horrible sadist. One reviewer said there was no evidence of violence that would indicate he could be a serial killer but he put a gun in his wife's mouth when she said she wanted a divorce! The women he raped consistently said they were terrified and one said she knew things would go very badly if she tried to resist more. He charmed a community into letting him teach and rape his students for years, to the extent that people were outraged when accusations were first made in a Facebook group after his death. There was a great deal of circumstantial evidence in my opinion that he could be the Santa Rosa killer. One reviewer was upset the family threw away a box of jewelry that could have been from the victims...but they didn't have any way of knowing that at the time since it was long before Skye began her work. Yes it's a stretch that the Santa Rosa killer could be the Zodiac killer given the different MOs, but it was intriguing to me to hear about the possibility. I am happy for Skye and her family that they have found some measure of healing, and I enjoyed the series overall.
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Waste of time
pwyqyt16 February 2024
This was pure speculation! All the way through, with no firm conclusion. While he may have been an awful man and I am sorry for what they all went through, you are accusing a man of murder ! When you have no proof and he cannot defend himself. Don't waste your time watching its long winded and meaningless.

The interviews all seem prompted, I did have sympathy and empathy for the women, but as stated it was all speculation.

There doesn't seem to be any firm presented evidence, for anything. I was very disappointed in this documentary. I wish I read the reviews before I wasted my time watching it.
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No just speculation as other reviewer claims.
jomamasailers16 February 2024
There is plenty of first hand experience with this man's violence, and it makes me ill how people are so quick to dismiss his many known victims. I am glad this film was made and hope it helps other victims of charismatic and likable monsters find the strength to stand up and say something. I raise an eyebrow to anybody who can watch this entire series and be indignant that there was "no proof" that this man did anything wrong. If the only thing the series accomplishes is giving the voice to girls that had their voice taken away from them at a young age, then that is reason alone to document and share their experiences.
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Far better than expected
greatandimproving17 February 2024
Never thought I'd make it through all four episodes but I did. Compelling content with sharp hooks to keep viewers engaged.

At first I was surprised they had so much footage of Jim given that the action largely took place pre-cell phones/pre-cameras being ubiquitous in society. I later realized it wasn't that they had ample footage, but that they were using and re-using the same shots and clips in creative ways- backed by different tones, sequences and music- so that they never felt recycled. Speaks to the production value of the series that such repetitive usage of the same pictures and home videos never derailed the pacing or came across as cheap.

In terms of the story, I found the most fascinating character to be Sierra's grandmother (Jim's third/last wife). I wonder if she didn't have more intel she could have shared but was holding it back out of loyalty to her late husband. I mean I'm just speculating- maybe she just wasn't a big talker. But I'm curious how such a beast could manage to hide so many dark secrets from his partner over multiple decades, when he seemed like such an opportunistic abuser (if not borderline psychotic) with most everyone else. She was a contradiction in that way, by being both a passionate supporter of the investigation while also keeping herself at arm's length from it (perhaps to honor her vows- even in death?). It presents another debate that the series didn't cover head-on: what do you 'owe' your husband who's 15 years gone if you learn he was 100x more monstrous than you had ever known while he was alive? Seems like quite a dilemma. I doubt if she's even answered that question for herself yet.

Enjoyed the series. Much respect to the entire family but particularly Melissa and Jaime Mordecai for bravely facing their biological father's past. Even if it was the "right" thing to do, it couldn't have been easy for them. Hope they can all find some peace now as a broader functional unit- together. Their saga crystallized a key point for me: that while it's important to love and support your family in general, it's also ok to prioritize those who *truly care about you in practice.
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I Can't Decide Who I Hate More...
helenahandbasket-9373420 February 2024
Between the mother who basically called her daughter a liar in the most passive aggressive manner, who ignore countless red flags, who couldn't see what was happening right in front of her, even though he threatened to kill her more times than could be counted, and pretends everything is just fine. You're at least 70, it's blatantly apparent you haven't a lick of sense in your head, despite your years of life.

The granddaughter (Sierra) who seemingly is too completely moronic, I half expected the person she went to with her discoveries to be a psychic. She keeps claiming to not want to bother people, but doesn't bother to do a single bit of research into families of murder victims with no answers, and how desperately they cling to the hope that some day they'll finally get the answer to all the questions. She's constantly putting HER BARE HANDS all over every piece of physical evidence with no thoughts as to evidentiary integrity. She spends far too much time talking about pointless drivel that has no bearing on what this absolute abomination did. WHY DID SHE NOT IMMEDIATELY GO TO LAW ENFORCEMENT? I swear to God all she ever says is 'I'm so freaked out right now!' It's like the worst Scooby-Doo episode ever. So this entire 4-episode snoozefest was an attempt to grift off of Zodiac? STOP. IT.

The daughter who's the mom of Sierra (Shannon)- they disposed of an entire box of possible trophies of victims of Jim, because they were just tired of it all? WHAT?! So there's all these CHILDREN who died and you could hold the key to it all and just 'screw it, I think I took it to a thrift store or something!', like it's totally normal and understandable.

This so-called Zodiac 'expert' by whose account exactly? Because he wrote a book? These people seek out their victims for specific reasons-murderers don't just turn their entire MO on a dime, going from couples to children.

This entire series is so much blather that it's stunning to think it was stretched into FOUR EPISODES. It's not shocking at all that this complete snore is from Ron Howard and Brian Grazer- (what ever happened to Grazer's #MeToo claims?) these two have taken what could have been good subjects to cover and turned them into something that came straight from TMZ or National Enquirer, and spat out over-produced, tacky nonsense that works better for falling asleep than anything remotely related to engrossing television.
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Worst Crime Doc I have ever seen
FFdingles17 February 2024
I don't even know what to say. This is either a money grab or the "investigator" trying to make a name for herself.

I have watched hundreds of crime docs and this is almost certainly the worst. Waste of time and frankly embarrassing to the writers, directors and any individual or business that was associated with it. It's a shame what this space has become.

While you presented no evidence at all that your family member was a murderer, you have effectively murdered all of our time and should be held accountable.

Save yourself some time and watch a real movie or a crime doc that is real and has any sort of substance whatsoever.
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I love that a lot of you say innocent
nickolasmccombe16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
He is maybe innocent of what they accused him of but by no means is he innocent of rape and to multiple people. So that's crazy. Yes is it done by someone who has no idea what they are doing. Sure. That guy was a monster whether or not he was a murderer. Also why did all of the sudden he just changed jobs with no fan fair or a party or anything. He seems to be smart enough and callous enough to at least be a person of interest. Do you know how many rape cases are not followed through nowadays and and that to small town 70's? Yes they. Did what they thought was right and you can't blame them. Yes most is circumstantial but cases have been prosecuted with much less.
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Trash TV
davidlohr18 February 2024
I don't know why anyone would produce a documentary that's based entirely on speculation. Zero evidence is presented to support any of the allegations. This shouldn't be labeled "true crime." It's more along the lines of, "National Enquirer Presents..." It wouldn't even qualify as good fiction. It's garbage through and through. Everyone involved in this s-t show should be embarrassed and banned from ever working on another documentary. Do yourself a favor and skip this pathetic money grab. There are far better programs out there. That said, wtf does IMBD require us to write such lengthy reviews now. I'm not getting paid for this so don't expect another.
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Can we talk about this lake scene? Please? Anyone?
orcinusj17 February 2024
Is this a joke now? It's devolved into something quite silly, which is unfortunate - I feel it's a sad state of affairs that the mighty HBO / max cosigned on this documentary - granted this was a bad man, objectively even for the times he was in - I have no doubt that his sexual predation was real and traumatized several girls - but I don't see the violent tendencies to suggest he would escalate and in truth had commited serial killings back in the early 70s, Statistically him stopping entirely, is extremely rare and unlikely - especially having been in gold health, having opportunities and not being incarcerated - the documentarian (if you can call her that, and I'm sorry for saying that) often puts words into peoples mouths, never consulted law enforcement nor any professionals of any kind, save for one PI late in her exploits - this in itself is terribly troubling to why the viewer should take stock - perhaps she had and didn't like what she found? Furthermore, and this is big for me, notice the staged meetings and interviews - (obviously HBO lent it's might as a studio in the form of cameramen and editors etc etc) many of these 'first time meetings' were filmed with multiple cameras that had to be set up long before she arrives - these meetings are at best recreations of the original event and at worst, produced and loosely scripted - finally I'd like to add my take on how part of this came to be - SADLY I feel the mother / Jim's step daughter, so fervently indoctrinated her daughter with this fear and caution (albeit warrented), at such a young age, that she did not even need to be told, she could intuit her mother's trepidation, this alone is enough for a formative human to create these core memories that color much of her subsequent years - HOWEVER, this much is true - Sierra has been victimized over and over and over and as she stated, she felt that only her mother cared at all - well I care about you Sierra - I may be critical of this project but I absolutely care about you! I.
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Pure Speculation
speckster17 February 2024
The only evidence presented in this "documentary" is pure hearsay with Ms Barter trying to hype up the suspense with over the top narration to lead the viewer where she wants to take them.

This does far more harm than good. Mobs act on feelings and emotions; law enforcement does not.. Feelings are what lead people to shoot up pizza parlor because they think it has a hidden basement where crimes are being committed. Feelings lie.

I'll grant that J Mordecai was probably a horrible person. But to wonder what an FHA instructor who teaches agriculture is doing with a hunting knife and guns is akin to wondering what what a baker is doing with some egg beaters and a rolling pin... It ain't unusual.

I really wonder what the true motivations are for this documentary.
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Worth watching the investigation.
nfgatcer-192-7561417 February 2024
People with the bad reviews obviously watched it all the way. What's intriguing about this is the steps of the investigation. You can see the family members do have a case and Jim was an evil man. It opened the possibility that he may have been both serial killers.

It was an awful home to grow up in. And to think he was a teacher around all those kids, he could have picked on anyone of them to focus his evil ways on.

Sierra did a great job on this investigation. The many hours she put into it, she did tell a good story that we watched all episodes in a row.

I wanted them to go to Jim's family home and look around. Check the floor boards, or metal detection , perhaps he hid trophies in a medal box in the yard.
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Absolutely Atrocious
jaredriley-4814418 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A seemingly never ending story that never gets to the point. Although it's clear from the beginning that Jim is at best a terrible person, that doesn't necessarily make him a serial killer. Lots of people have been horrible people that weren't Ted Bundy. The entire premise of the story is "Jim was a horrible person, so maybe that makes him the Zodiac Killer."

This is undoubtedly the worst crime documentary I've ever seen. In four episodes there was no hard evidence showing anything of true substance. The Finding Bigfoot cast has more hard evidence when they go into the woods and waste their viewers' time.
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Next season: Was Jim Mordecai indeed Hitler's baby?
chelseat-8855919 February 2024
No spoilers here as Jim was not Hitler's baby and really not sure what he was besides a mean guy ag studies teacher as the entire series is conjecture and speculation. I believe he was probably abusive to people and the rest I just have nothing to go on because the series gives us nothing to go on. The detective-narrator, Sierra Barter only tertiarily knows him and tends to be overemotional either for the cameras or herself but it just drags the series to a crawl and is the part that feels disingenuous. And what we are presented with are just basic descriptors of any rural person. Knew how to raise and slaughter animals, knew local area and backroads, carried a knife in the truck, use farm phrasology to threaten etc. It all probably sounds bad to a city person but I have frankly seen and heard much worse about people in the Publix checkout line. Anyway there are a PILE of these kinda murder pr0m docs so just watch something else. It really jumps the shark in the last episode and part of the third. (zomg what was the 20 mins of the lake scene???). I also cannot get over the fact that both HBO and Max signed off on this longwinded story. You know what most serial killers don't have? Hours of film footage (70s pre youtube and phones was a big deal heck my parents probably have a total of ten mins of me growing up) with the family doing family things, a cancer razor, and a cadre of live people aka survivors to talk about them. Sorry I just had to get that part out as it really stuck throughout the series. ALLLLLL of that home footage... Even if this was a podcast I would have been disappointed. I dunno if the powers that be are going to make this a returning series of some sort, but hope it goes through more production scrutiny before we are faced with hours of Sierra sitting in places, open mouthed, and trying to make sense of some feelings or buying a mocha latte (as you do) on your way to visit your mom because the drive is super stressful or her mom has severe IBS issues and keeps coffee out of her house as it is demon poop juice. And finally hire another private eye to put together a nice Kinkos murder info packet for the federales lol. Maybe it is meant to be a Steel Magmolias kinda old women are strong movie but it just feels like the vibe is off the entire way through. I throw my hands up at this one.
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How did this make it to hbo docs?
LittlePenguin220 February 2024
If it's a hbo doc, it's bound to be good!

This is a disaster. I watched the whole first episode w/o skipping through. I got to the second episode thinking ok, this has to be where the serial killer connections start. Nope, more home video and family and former student interviews. Ya don't advertise something w/ the words 'truth about' and 'possible serial killer' and not get to the main part of why you're doing this doc using those words by episode 2. You lay out the map of the past in episode 1, and by episode two you've got facts and connecting some dots.

This is a horribly done version of 'Great Photo, Lovely Life'. (I gave that an 8!) This is not a truth about or serial killer doc. Was jim mordecai a horrid person? Yes. Do I believe the victims? Of course. But when I got to.about 25 minutes into Episode 2 and she was GOOGLING Bible verses? Oh come ON! This is going nowhere.

True crime, and documentaries in general, are my two favorite genres. I've seen 100s and 100s of each. I only rate the stuff I watch that's at least 5 stars. I came to imdb to read the reviews and find out what it was rated. I like to make up my own mind before I read ratings because opinions are like aholes, we all have one. Five stars is too generous. The reviews all got it right - this is awful and a waste of time. One of the 'spoilers below' summed up the whole doc and I'm not going to finish it. At least I only wasted an hour and a 1/2 of my life on this that I can't get back, vs four hours. Don't waste an hour and a 1/2 of yours on this rubbish.
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Shame on HBO
zgnzwkd19 February 2024
I mean I am no body language expert or anything but anyone who believes anything that comes out of the mouths of the three ladies featured in episode 1 is just plain stupid (especially the main characters mom). You can't just accuse someone of murder with literally ZERO proof. Wow. Can't believe HBO signed off on this. This is NOT a documentary really. It's more someone (s) making assumptions about a family member with nothing to back up hundred and forty nine more characters to go? Come on IDMB I don't work for you. That amount of characters isn't necessary to give an honest, accurate review.
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Awful documentary. No truth about Jim is revealed
moored-1564522 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Flimsy circumstantial evidence. Not one interview with any law-enforcement tied to the cases, and most of the accusations are told third and fourth hand. Painful to watch, mostly due to the delivery over the subject matter. The expert on the Sonoma murders was a lady who simply bought land where the bodies were found, years after the murders. Not a single credible source for the murders, this is nothing more than a time wasting wild goose chase. Add a very misleading title and you get the worst documentary I've ever seen. Do yourself a favor and skip this all together. The fact that they could not get anyone credible to speak about the homocides lends itself to how flimsy this story was.
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The Truth About Jim Review
arnieporter29 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The subject matter of this documentary is a Sociopathic, cruel and violent man who dominated and hurt multiple generations of people through three different marriages over 4 decades. They family members themselves provide believable testimony to his cruel, sadistic and violent ways and former students collaborate on how he bullied and raped young women while is a position of authority as their teacher. For anyone who has studied sociopathic behavior, it is very evident that Jim Mordechai who is a former local football star and appears to be an upstanding citizen has a very dark and violent side to his character. The sheer number of relatives that describe him this way is too many to dismiss. From the video footage and photographs, it is also evident that there is anger and evil lurking behind the facade he presents. Whether he was a killer is less evident although there is a lot of circumstantial evidence presented that tie him to the areas and times when many murders took place. If I was a betting man, I would bet that his progression of controlling, violent behavior led him to murder and that his families instincts are right. Worth watching with an open mind.
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