Homebound (2021) Poster

(II) (2021)

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Read This And Save Yourself 90 Minutes
Mehki_Girl6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those weird, ominous little movies.

I don't know what to say about it other than I watched it because I wanted to know what the hell was going on.

Starts with a couple going to see the man's children. Mom is supposed to be there, but she's no where in sight. Although she texts the man to stay; and if he decides to leave the three young children, they will be fine on their own.

The children are hostile toward the new bride and refuse to speak to her. They live in one of those huge stone houses with too many rooms that apparently the English like. It seems to be in the middle of no where.

Dad and the three kids brutally kill a goose for that night's dinner. This upsets new bride.

Dad says it's no big deal.

And dad and the three young kids chug down a ton of whiskey, champagne, and wine that would make a long-time alcoholic passout.

The dog eats something from the table and is either vomiting or just vomited and is eating it.

Dad says not to worry.

We don't see the doggie again.

Littlest girl buries something in the woods. We see a lot of crosses.

Unattractive and weird af, dad, and new bride slobber on each other with smacking kisses in front of the kids -relentlessly.

They take a swim in the pool. It looks like it's freezing out. I hope there were heating lamps out of sight for the actors. Son tries to drown the new bride.

Dad says he was only playing.

Later bride goes snooping and sees mom's phone in her bedroom.

So the kids grab onto bride and dad and start screaming, say I do!

Bride smacks a kid off her.

Dad says, they were only playing.

Bride says, no, they hurting me. Bride tells him about the phone.

Nobody's talking, so dad decides to drown his son in the sink. Bride gets him off the son and she finally buys herself a clue and decides to escape and runs outside.

Dad runs after her, screaming, you're my wife, which, apparently, he thinks means you got to stay through thick and thin until death to your part.

Middle daughter takes a shovel and beats dad's brains in.

Where's Mom? Well we kind of know within 20 minutes of the film.

I guess curiosity does kill the cat and bride tosses away her clue and follows middle daughter back into the house.

Mom is behind a big wooden door down in a very creepy basement. We know this because every now and then a camera focuses on that door and makes creepy music play.

Bride, who never recovered her clue, stupidly follows the kids into the room.

But mom is dead isn't she? Judging by the flies buzzing, I'm guessing yes. It's dark af, so we can't be sure.

Kid tells sobbing bride, who's probably wishing that she didn't lose her clue that it's time for her... Fade to black.

You're left to wonder, what the f* did I just watch?

The End

And, no, you will not get those 90 minutes back.
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Pointless mess.
ryanpascall9 April 2022
Started mildly interesting and went downhill from there. I love a slow urn character study horror but this had no real story, no character growth, nothing happened and the. It ends with no resolution or explanation.

I strongly feel someone had a great idea but insufficient writing skill to turn it into a cohesive story' as this was just worthless.
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Home bored it's time?
fender-321915 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What we have is three crazy kids and possibly the dad to, it goes like dad remarried, brings new wife to house he lived in with previous wife, and the ex is not there ermm, kids see a bit off to the new wife, film meanders then it sort of ends with dead ex in basement and the dad wacked over the head dead with a shovel by his young daughter, new wife escorted to basement, we do not get to see dead wife, i was hoping for nor man bates mother in rocking chair, no we get a window with flys buzzing, ex wif run s up stairs in terror..next we hear one of the daughters say..it's time, END OF FILM, did the kids kill there real mum or was dad wacky erm, did they kill there dads new wife erm.. maybe they were spoiled pretentious brats who wacked the parents and wifey no2.
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Ruined by ambiguous end
betsyhorowitz2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Until the credits ran indicating the movie was over I would have given it a 7 but the ambiguous ending ruined it.

I mean, what happened to the mother? We know what happened but why? What's the story there?

And what about the father? Same, what happened and why?

What caused all this to be?

That would have been the interesting story to tell.

This is just a story of everyone involved being a little crazy.

The acting was decent, and the setting just gothic enough to suggest haunted house.

I feel cheated because it was all pretty good until the movie just ended.

Cut to black.

Don't waste your time.
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ToHelenBackAgain5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well acted, atmospheric, great scoring. Two points for all that. Why not more? Because, and here's the big-ass spoiler, if you can't write an ending you shouldn't make a movie. I'm so deeply sick of these non-ending endings. It isn't a deliberately open ending; there's a difference. This is just failure. Somebody needed to make a decision and nobody did.

We can guess what's likely, but it isn't remotely certain as the perpetrators are quite mercurial. They might just as well ask Holly to stay and look after them, as kill her. And if they did, that'd be an interesting ending. I'd love to see how she responded.

But nobody decided, so we don't get that and we don't know that she's killed either. It just stops in the middle of a scene. Absolute garbage.
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A terrible waste of time
Horror_Flick_Fanatic21 April 2022
This film is a snore fest. I wasted 1 hour and 10 minutes that I could have spent watching something better. A slow burn that builds up to absolutely nothing eventful. I didn't just not like it. I really hated it. It feels like I've been rickrolled.
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Unrealistic and illogical
leds165 April 2022
Yes, it starts off as a normal movie, then slowly migrates into being a little creepy and mysterious, but soon enough it then turns into something totally unrealistic and illogical. And the rabbit hole just goes deeper and deeper until the very end. A good idea, poor execution (without going into any details).
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Slow paced, uneventful and just downright boring...
paul_haakonsen4 April 2022
I had no idea what I was in for here when I sat down to watch the 2021 horror mystery from writer and director Sebastian Godwin. But it being a horror movie, of course, that I hadn't already seen, then I had to sit down and watch it. Of course I did.

Well, I can honestly say that "Homebound" provided me with no entertainment. The storyline told in the movie, as written by Sebastian Godwin, was just not within the scopes of my liking. So it was a very tedious and difficult movie to sit through, especially when taking no enjoyment from the viewing.

There was nothing scary about "Homebound", well aside from how boring the movie was. So for a horror movie, then "Homebound" was a swing and a miss. Sure, if you are entirely new to the horror genre, then I suppose there might be something scary about "Homebound". But for a seasoned horror veteran, then director Sebastian Godwin just simply didn't rise to the task at hand.

The acting performances in the movie were bland. But I believe this to be because that the actors and actresses had so very little to work with in terms of a properly functioning script, and also having to portray one-dimensional characters just didn't help to make the performers shine.

If you enjoy a good horror movie, then "Homebound" is not the best of choices. I wouldn't recommend you wasting your time, money or effort on this movie.

My rating of "Homebound" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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Far Better than Reviews, but not classic horror
cjstanford-650977 December 2022
Worth a watch. I saw the 4.2 IMBD rating, iI decided to give a go anyway It was well acted, well produced with almost no plot holes so common in mysteries. The atmosphere is ideal, a creepy but beautiful old house with too many rooms and isolated in the country away from neighbors and city. Iwas favorably surprised at 1/3 through and still at 2/3 through. It wasn't a slow burn (like many of the reviews reported), nearly every little scene advanced the plot enough to keep my interest: I wasn't just waiting for the inevitable or bored by innocuous and unimportant scenes. . By 2/3rds though I suspected the twist (which is pro forma for this genre) and with few alternative directions it wasn't too hard to guess and that was a little disappointing. . But we still enjoy the lead beginning to put the pieces together and remain enthralled about her outcome.. If I were to find a reason to mark it lower, it's because it doesn't have a supernatural component like most Horror genre films. But it's still a horror/mystery film. The biggest let down is that the end is too ambiguous. We're pretty sure how it will conclude, but there's some doubt and that's troubling. Cudos to the teen actors, I found them believable and delightfully creepy..
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Don't watch this film
allentchavez-8508029 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Straight garbage...so now days seems that we don't know how to finish up a film and expect stupid audience to be ok with it? Absolutely no. There's no creativity nor realistic sense throughout this junk.

Could be ended by Holly to take her car and leave this mess alone....but no we gonna do some stuff that will never be explain and that is just a sign of laziness and Insult to the audience's intelligence. Miserable script , they try to wrap you with creepy music but there's absolutely nothing scary, creepy or jump scares ....please please stop making this dumb films without endings. Absolutely garbage.
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Pretty Good
rotini-525866 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Could've been a lot better, but a pretty descent movie. They needed to at least show the wife in the basement. I enjoyed it though. Wife #2 needed to get the f out of there...dummy.
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Why Was This Made?
ryleilove18 November 2022
Why even make this senseless movie? It had no plot, no point, dry, stale acting and bored me. I thought I may have missed something but reading the other reviews, I'm not alone.

This was the dullest movie I have ever seen. The father was strange, the wife was an idiot and the children annoyed me. They all got on my nerves but the eldest girl the most. I honestly don't even see the creativity in this movie. Sometimes, it can be cleverly subliminal. I live in the States and I always enjoy UK films but this was a HUGE no for me. I didn't get the premise or direction. There is an extreme lack of depth.
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What could have been never happened
march-385444 April 2022
As a lover of the horror genre,I go into every horror movie per-se with a neutral score for me of 5 and we go from there..... Homebound for me was just a ridiculous premise. It could have been so much better but was let down constantly by bad acting,there is nothing atmospheric or frightening in the least,nothing to really get the mind working in overdrive,a storyline which no one in their right mind would beleive. Hate pulling films down but really not worth the effort. Dissapointing.
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Wait on this one until its free.
cassandra-petersen23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A tip to the director. It may be a good idea to LEAVE OUT the ONLY "climax" shot in the trailer.

It's plain lazy and downright manipulative to use it to lure potential viewers in, just to have THAT be it. A slow, bland buildup to an ANTIclimactic shot that has already been seen.

You want horrible reviews? Thats why you got horrible reviews. You're lucky you got 3 stars here.
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But what was going on?
mommylady25 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out on such a strong premise. I was interested in the story, the performances were good, it truly seemed to be setting up quite a creepy little movie. And then absolutely nothing happened. And then the movie ended. No answers, no explanations for any of what was going on, no clear idea of who did what or who killed the mom.

Dad was crazy maybe? Did he kill the mom? Did the kids kill the mom? Were they planning to kill the new wife? The youngest didn't seem to have any idea what was happening either, and why the heck was she out burying her dolls?

When you tell a story you're supposed to make it make sense. This movie gave no answers about anything. Honestly I'm just super disappointed.

I really wanted to enjoy this but it was just so empty.
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For the love of God
nemanjadj-769035 November 2022
I don't know where to start... So I'll just say : Don't watch this movie.

It's a waste of time, it's a waste of money, makes no sense, and I can't overemphasize how sorry am I for seeing this Poor acting, bad storyline It's not a horror movie.

This is the first time I've ever seen those actors, so... Maybe they are all great actors, but they didn't have a chance with this movie

This is the first time for me to comment about any movie that I have seen... I just had to. I've seen some really bad movies, but I never wanted to spit on someone's work... This is not work, this is a bunch of people, kids and a camera with a guy behind it that turned it on and said : Go... Do something.
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It had potential...
mmmartie5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually somewhat enjoyed most of this movie. I wouldn't really call it horror though. It had real potential to be good, but it felt like the story was just never really developed. I somewhat enjoyed it up until the last 10-12 minutes when it just became really confusing. Was the dad as crazy as the kids? The ending was a let down. I think we can assume what happened, but it just didn't have any punch and felt like the writer or director couldn't be bothered. I've seen worse though.
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Good, slow burn
Madeline-Rose5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Considering 95% of the horror I watch receives a complete pass from me within the first five minutes...

It isn't bad bad as everyone is indicating, this far in the reviews. I made it to the end!

The acting is decent, the scenery somewhat atmospheric, and the story a little slice of domestic horror.
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Absolute waste of time
tommymcgoohan18 April 2022
Slow paced extremely boring ending was absolutely terrible DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. It sucks. This is one of the worst horror movies I have seen.absolute disaster.
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Creepy kids, creepy house. Worth a watch.
Stevieboy66617 February 2024
Richard takes his significantly younger girlfriend Holly to meet his three teenage children at their large house in the English countryside. It's the birthday of his youngest, Anna. Meanwhile Richard's ex-wife is nowhere to be seen (odd!). The first words spoken are of Rich telling Holly "They're going to love you" on their drive to the house, any self respecting horror fan should interpret that as "They're going to hate you". When they arrive Holly is very quiet, it's a bit hard to take to her character. It's not until she has had a few drinks that she starts to slowly come out of her shell. Richard drives an old VW, maybe he has fallen on hard times, yet his ex and kids live in a very big house, complete with swimming pool. The old house and its antique contents are a joy to see, for me it was the most interesting aspect of the film. The movie - made in conjunction with BBC Film and the BFI - came with a warning of strong language and violence, plus some upsetting scenes. I will add a warning that it also comes with some extreme shaky cam, something that I am not a fan of. Thankfully these scenes are quite limited otherwise I would have ended up getting a headache! The acting is OK though none of the characters are terribly engaging. The film clocks in at around 76 minutes, bit of a slow burn but for a dull Winter's afternoon I found it to be reasonably entertaining. The ending is bleak but sadly it is also abrupt and lacks clarity. There are many bad reviews on here but perhaps they were expecting a by-the-numbers horror whereas this is more of an eerie drama/psychological shocker.
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JonnyDR7529 January 2023
The main thing wrong with this movie is its casting. It's unbelievable that a pretty, young, naive woman like the actress in the leading role would fall for such an ugly, rough and brutish man like the male lead. He is so clearly deranged, that even if he acted like a total gentleman prior to their weekend trip, his craziness would show through to even the most naive, young person. Casting aside, the family dynamic and antics are rooted so far from reality that is hard to find this scary or intense. Unless the horror is supernatural, there's got to be some kind of grounding in common sense and reality for it to be scary. That is not the case here, so there's no connection or empathy or sympathy for the characters. You're just left feeling pissed that the writer/director is getting his work produced when there are really talented people out there who can't.
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British horror
pensacolacomputer5 April 2022
I haven't seen a good British horror movie in a long time. Maybe since Shawn of the Dead? Well, unfortunately this is not one either. Its slow... but its at least watchable for a British horror... I guess.

There is not much horror or tension. The acting is ok at best. And the ending sucks.

3/10 Slow British "horror"
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Don't Expect Too Much
slapdog329 June 2022
Why Is This Horror? Thriller Is More Like It, Mmm, It's Not That Bad But Really, You Shouldn't Expect Much And There's a Young Actress In The Film Named "Hattie Gotobed" Well This Movie Should Have Went To Bed And Stayed In Bed And Never Ever Get Up Out Of Bed Again, Nawl, Really Mediocre From Start To Finish!
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So bad
hopeanicklin14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was sooo bad and so boring, was waiting for a big surprise at the end or something scary and it showed absolutely nothing apart from a few fly's on the window 💀 waste of time.
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What happened?
ipaulette-845842 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, the trailers looked good and it seemed to hold some promise, but honestly I have no idea what happened in the end. If you want a conclusion, this film is not for you.
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