The Ouija Exorcism (2015) Poster

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Inferior to Real Housewives series
quincytheodore14 October 2015
Don't be fooled by the title, this is in no way a horror. It's basically footage of several people bickering about suburban life while occasionally mentioning ouija. The only slight horror is repetitive "waking up with nightmare" cliché and the rest is a completely atrocious soap opera.

In a very agonizing story filled with tedious moment, one after another, audience will be introduced to series of barren characters. Everything is flawed, the visual lacks consistent lighting, audio is plagued with echoes and dialogues are entirely tiresome. The so called horror is so little, it's virtually three to five minutes of random noises and people trying to photobomb the scenes.

At a point I stopped and reflected, "What am I doing with my life?" It's so dull, it depressed me. Hence, the two stars instead of one.
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Horror Movie? Perhaps. Horrible Movie? Sure Thing!
pearfactory17 October 2015
Not that I expected anything good but the Ouija Exorcism is possibly the worst film I've seen in 2015. Badly made and filled with the most worn out clichés, there is no climax whatsoever. No tension or suspense. The dialogs are simply tedious and I found myself deadly bored after no more than 20 minutes from the credits. The special effects are discouraging, even the sound. The only merit is perhaps having addressed the mysterious Jewish tradition of exorcism but this (like the whole Ouija theme) is only sketched and looks more like a pretext to show scenes from ordinary people's life... with occasional killing.
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Don't waste your time or money.
echothesound13 November 2015
This movie is not horror. This is by far the WORST "horror" movie I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. Mediocre acting, mediocre lighting, cast, lines, storyline, and horrible development of characters and overall plot. I could act better than this crap. I haven't even acted a day in my life. Seriously? How does this even get released. I'm so ticked my boyfriend spent money renting this. The audio gets louder and quieter on its own. Who ever wrote this and released this should be embarrassed. I am livid. Please, don't rent this. It's only a major disappointment. I usually give movies leeway. I'm not a tough critic at all. If this movie angered me to the point to come on here and write a bad review, it's terrible. Don't waste your time. And I can't even include a "spoiler" because there is nothing in here worth even bringing up. Lighting changes in the middle of a scene. That's worth spoiling.

Horrible story short, it sucked. It sucked so much. Don't WASTE YOUR TIME PR MONEY. Just trying to save you a couple bucks.
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Not at the bottom of the barrel, but you can see it from here
cliometrician15 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the third exorcism movie that I have watched and posted about this week,the others being: THE VATICAN TAPES, and THE EXORCISM OF MOLLIE HARTLEY. I gave them a rating, respectively, of 6 and 1/2, and 5 and 1/2. I judge all such movies not against all horror movies but just against other exorcism movies.

Now I am an aficionado of exorcism movies, so I give a grade of 3 just to begin with, and 4 is the worst I've ever given to one, and this one belongs in that category, far inferior to the two movies cited above.

I don't even have the energy to lay out the entire plot, just as the writers had no energy to deliver a coherent or suspenseful plot. Very briefly, a Ouija Board here serves just like the Dybbuk box in the movie, THE POSSESSION. The demon Belial was placed there long before when the main character, Joe, was a boy. It got out when he fooled around with the board, possessed the kid, people were slaughtered, the demon was banished back to the board, yada, yada, yada.

It's now some 30 years later and time for Joe's son to find the Ouija board and give it a spin. Here comes Belial again, quickly possessing one character, then changing to another, etc. etc. This took place at the cabin where Joe and son are visiting. Naturally, the hot girl next door is also a shaman. Of course she is. She knows to whip out salt to make a safe circle, whisks a knife out of nowhere, and knows what Joe has to do to exorcise the demon: read from the Book of Psalms, in Hebrew (Joe grew up in a Jewish family), and do so standing in the swimming pool.

Joe's son, Noah, gets possessed and Joe is trying to coax him into the pool, when the Shaman hits Noah on the head with a big stick and utters: "The book was taking too long." Three dead bodies and the demon gone, and mercifully the movie comes to an end.
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Total Crap!
danocaster17 February 2016
Amazing that a movie like this could even be released. I don't know what camera they used to film this but the picture was horribly dark and the sound was terrible. As far as any exorcism goes there was nothing scary or interesting. I generally like low budget horror films but this was next to nothing.The acting was bad although I kind of feel bad for the actors who probably knew they were making crap.Seriously, these type of films give horror films a bad name. I can't get over the awful camera work. I wonder if someone shot this on an i phone or a cheap camcorder. Avoid at all costs. Go watch The Exorcist if you want to see a great demon film!
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A Dire mess
jackstupidjack19 October 2015
Ignoring the cretinous and obvious 'shill review' here asking that the actors get Oscars (if they're being 'ironic', they failed badly), I can agree with most reviews here that this is a pretty dire film. I can agree with the shill that 'The Academy' should indeed recognise this film if only to make sure that all involved, cast and crew at ALL levels of this steaming pile of horse manure are never allowed near a film set, word processor or production studio again until they die. From what is a reasonable premise the film rapidly descends into utter nonsense, and dreadfully poorly acted and scripted nonsense at that. All in all a hideous mess. If you're looking for Halloween scares you won't find them here.
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85 min you will never get back
kheffern-1466726 November 2015
I honestly don't know if the director was purposely trying to make the biggest pile of crap anyone has ever seen. If so he succeeded greatly. Right from the start you immediately notice how terrible the acting is. Plus every new actor introduced throughout this waste of time is equally as bad. It never gets any better. The special effects are anything but special, which I can understand if it is a low budget film but even being low budget they could of had some decent acting. This film fails in so many ways. If you are looking for something to do with your family then you're better off making popcorn, painting a square on the wall and Watching it dry. At least you will get some satisfaction of seeing a freshly painted wall. There is no satisfaction watching this movie. I give it 1 star out of 10 only because the cover art is really good.
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A clear case
kosmasp12 June 2016
There are movies with similar issues, that only have one thing, that this movie does not: Money. So while the story is as "simple" (to put it mildly), the budget and the acting drag this down even further then some similar movies with a much higher budget, that hide their weaknesses from some with fancy cinematography or some flashy effects.

You get none of that here, so there really is not much reason to watch it. You have to be a really big fan of independent cinema and not care about predictability, clichés and bad acting to actually have some sort of fun, while watching this. It's not even so bad that it's good, which would make it a hoot to watch with friends. So it's better you just stay clear of it
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nogodnomasters19 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Joe (Ben Morrison) visits his dying father (J. Damian Anastasio) who had placed him in foster care over a Ouija board incident when they were children. He meets his childhood neighbor Bev (Laura Kirchner -SJP lite). Together the two families go off to a retreat. For nearly an hour we get character and plot build up. Joe's slightly socially inept son Noah (Michael Palladino) has the hots Bev's daughter Chloe (Brittney Bertier) and she is "creeped out" by him. Things plod along, thank you Lola Kelly for letting us see your boobs, until 15 minutes from the end when the film climaxes and I try to feign interest.

In one scene when Bev and Joe are talking I noted the background sound had a distinct change. The early childhood scene would have taken place in the 1980's although it looked more 70's. The kids were neat and I wish the story would have centered around them. Ben Morrison had a terrible dead pan character with greasy hair and unshaven. I am not sure what the woman straddling the Ouija board has to do with the film.

Julia Rae was adorable as young Bev and I wish her well on her career.
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Not good
postie-6850814 February 2021
This is bad, acting extremely hammy not scary at all folks
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Demon on the loose
TheLittleSongbird22 July 2018
'The Ouija Exorcism' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing if not particularly original premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive as well as the low rating and poor reviews.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films have are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'The Ouija Exorcism' is terrible, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is really nothing to recommend.

'The Ouija Exorcism' does have some occasionally spooky but mostly overly-simple scenery, which is the only thing the film has going for it.

Unfortunately, it's shot and edited so poorly, looking like a school project shot on a shaky camera or a phone by an unsteady hand, and the drab colour palette. It was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm. In particular, the camera work was a nauseous assault on the eyes with its excessive amateurish-ness.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates and are overdone.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the uniformly lumbering and histrionic acting that shows a huge indifference to the situation and what is going on and extremely awkward prolonged pauses.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés, lots of unintentional humour that makes some of the film play like a really bad spoof and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about and useless padding, never recovering. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both incredibly poorly done.

A lot of 'The Ouija Exorcism' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending makes the film finish on an incomplete and confused whimper and the film often fails to make sense, at worst it's incomprehensible.

There is not enough threat, and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, it is completely unimaginative and more odd than creepy, completely failing to show any sense of horror or creativity. Everything here is neither creative, suspenseful or nail-biting. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden and like their heart was not in it or ill at ease, with the chemistry between the characters and actors coming over as constantly random and aggressive with the subtlety of an axe. This is very dreary and amateurish stuff that fails to be scary, interesting or easy to follow.

To conclude, terrible. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Best Movie Ever Made
mdzema-5947715 October 2015
Not only is this the scariest movie I have ever seen, but every single actor and actress should get an academy award for their acting skills. MLG 10/10 There are many things I could do with 85 minutes of my time, but nothing beats watching this awesome amazing movie. I might just put this on repeat because I've never seen a better movie in my 24 years of living. If we were to make a time capsule for future generations , the only thing that we would need is a copy of this movie and a wax figurine of Donald Trump. I hope that movies like this will pave the way for future directors to show how movies should be made. The Ouija Exorcism is a gripping horror movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times.
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camilledelossantosxxi17 August 2020
Don't watch it! Don't waste your time! It's terrible. Terrible acting. Terrible camera works. Terrible scripts. TERRIBLE STORY.

I watched it till the end to see if maybe I'm wrong? that this movie isn't the bad... but NO.. I WAS RIGHT. THIS IS THE WORST MOVIE IVE EVER SEEN. A WASTE OF TIME.

An hour and a half should be short for a movie but watching it felt like forever. TERRIBLE MOVIE! SAVE YOUR TIME. DONT WATCH IT.
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Terrible Movie/Worst Acting
xheidanwade-569444 January 2023
I do not believe I have ever seen a more abysmal actor than the guy that played "Joe." Do not waste your time with this movie! I am an avid horror fan, and was beyond disappointed with this movie. If you are expecting a great scary ouija movie like Origin of Evil, this movie is NO WHERE CLOSE as the dialogue is as bad as the acting Actually, the younger kids from the beginning to the younger kids of the main actors and actresses are not that bad and with experience should get it together. However, you will laugh out loud at how bad and monotone the lead actor "joe" performs his lines. I have never seen a worst performance. I just have not.
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