"The Walking Dead" Hearts Still Beating (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Rise Up
ThomasDrufke11 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Remember how season 5 of Game of Thrones was about as depressing as the show has ever been, and then season 6 giving us several fan service moments to regain the hope in the show? I feel like that's what The Walking Dead did for the first half of this season. Pretty much nothing went right these last 8 episodes. Countless deaths and no real momentum gained on the Negan front. It has to get really bad before it gets better. And if the last few minutes are any indication, I think it's going to get better soon.

So, it was pretty obvious Spencer was going to die tonight. He was talking a big game last week how he hated Rick and he even found a bunch of supplies. Of course he would try and sweet talk Negan via a game of pool and some alcohol, that's just the type of jacka** Spencer is. But even predicting that it was coming, I thought the way they set it up in the middle of Alexandria, was brilliant.

Besides the premiere, tonight was the only episode where pretty much the entire cast was featured. That was a nice change of pace, even if some of the side stories weren't necessary. Having a massive cast spread out over several different villages is a difficult task for any show, but that's what The Walking Dead has set up. It was nice seeing Carol and Morgan, and Maggie back at Hilltop, but those were scenes that took away from the grueling and intense tone set by the rest of the episode. With that said, if those scenes were a way to give me that really satisfying ending then I'll take it any day. Perhaps it was a little too cheesy seeing everyone hug, but I dug it. Daryl hugging Rick in tears? Powerful stuff.

A few other tidbits were giving credit to include; that new walker trap in the water? I like how this show managed to refresh the walker problems by bringing a new element. Like a few weeks ago in the sand and now in the water surrounding a boat. 7 seasons in and this show can still surprise me. Also, shout out to Olivia for taking a bullet and dying for absolutely no reason. Talk about an under the radar death right? This all contributed to the crew being at their lowest point. The premiere was one thing, but to see the entire crew try to take out Negan in their own way and fail shows how bad it had gotten. But as the end of this episode suggests, we will see them rise up. I don't know if Negan will fall at the end of the season or not, but I much prefer my Walking Dead characters when they are working together, not separate.

+Crew is at the lowest point

+Negan strikes again

+Coming together

+That Rick & Daryl hug

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At last something to smile about in a dreary season
JenniferLeeThomsonAuthor16 December 2016
When Rick and Daryl were reunited in this episode they could have been collectively hugging the whole audience because boy, we all needed a hug. Who likes to see their TV heroes like Daryl and rick reduced to blubbering wrecks by a pantomime villain like Negan (is it the script, the acting or the direction that's made him the most annoying person on telly when he's meant to be one of the scariest?.

Getting rid of Alexandria's most annoying character was also a masterstroke. It's the first time I've actually found myself liking evil Negan.

Now I can't wait for Rick to be reunited with Morgan and Carol when they meet King Ezekiel - a character so well acted he deserved more screen time instead of those overlong bottle episodes they choose to show instead.

When The Walking Dead returns, I'm looking forward to hearing Rick, Daryl, Michonne and the gang roar in unison with Shiva the tiger as they take down comic villain Negan.
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Rick Means Justice (Don't Blow It Man!)
hamidullahgenc17 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, we see Negan wanders around like half-drunk all the time and he keeps lowering his guard to everyone in town for he must be the target board!.. No, I guess he wouldn't come across with any camp in which there are courageous people... This means he really is in trouble and he doesn't even know it yet. We will be back to it...

To this day, The Walking Dead has taken various turns. Some meant killing "eminent" villains inside like Shane. Some meant killing a killer with a PTSD history like the Governor who 'd lost his daughter to walkers and got mad.

Some meant leaving a promising / dear-like character out of the narrative like Morgan who we waited for nearly 5 years for and whose absence got the story the element of the "longing".

Some meant killing off / losing an innocent character like Beth who was inspiration to us in keeping human in the most darkest of times, or Glenn and Abraham both of whom were strong in their lands. (I won't say anymore on Glenn... Sad... One of the few reasons I 'd watch the show...)

Some meant killing even character developing for which most of us can't bear the show... But hey!.. The ship is ready to sail and you'll thank the screenwriters that Tara is in the boat, too. Nah, but maybe...

The show is about to take a real turn here... I am sure Rick will justice to the town by putting the mischief makers to death soon by nine believers with whom he will cross all the Negans real soon...

(P.S.: I really hope that they will build a machine gun, not a bomb... A bomb will probably get civilians / innocents killed too.)

"When it is said to them, 'Do not cause corruption in the land', they say, 'We are only ones that put things right.' " says the Gracious Koran (2:11) on the matter... Yes.
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Yeah, it's great
ericstevenson11 December 2016
I admit that I was kind of expecting a big epic fight in this, but it doesn't really matter. We still see things being set up perfectly. It's great to see so many characters coming together and how they're relevant to the story. Negan isn't always the focus in this episode. We get some good bits with Rick (away from him), Michonne, and Daryl. When you have characters as popular as these, you have to treat them well. Fighting zombies with oars = awesome. It's interesting to see Negan legitimately angry when he's shot at. Well, we killed off more characters in this episode, but it's always been a show where anyone can die.

We even get a nice Book Ends with the same scene and person shown at the end of the episode. This was a little short of airing for 90 minutes as the ad said. It stops about six minutes before then. I thought there'd be a really long scene after the credits. It's entertaining to see Negan try to justify his actions. Just seeing Carl's eye like that in the episode's beginning gives me scares. It's easy to build up tension with these characters. I am aware a lot more of my reviews are liked than disliked here. I believe I agree with what most people say and I will never mean any ill will towards the people who downrate my reviews. If you don't like them, don't read them or follow me. Finally the last mid season finale for me to review! ****
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dantascezar5 November 2020
Negan at his best. He's a tough guy, and all that stuff, but he gets things done. I like his style. What about the sarcasm? But he is the villain, his fall is just a matter of time.
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The old Rick is finally back and none too soon.
fredschaefer-406-62320411 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
These have trying days for the fans of THE WALKING DEAD as many of them have found the first half of Season 7 not to their liking, beginning with a premier episode that turned out to be maybe the grimmest 90 minutes in TV history as two beloved characters, Glenn and Abraham, had their heads bashed in by the Lucille wielding Negan. After the long hype over the summer, this bleak opening to Season 7 left a very bad taste in the mouths of many long time watchers of the show, one that got even more foul as time went on. Then in the proceeding episodes, the show seemed seriously go off the rails as we got "bottle" episodes featuring only one character (Tara at Oceanside) while others went AWOL – if you are a fan of Carole and Morgan you saw them only once, and after that, the Kingdom and all its plot threads were nowhere to be seen. All of this really tried the patience of many good and faithful DEAD watchers.

More than that, I think many viewers who were not regular readers of the comic book, really did not take to Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Negan; this great villain ruled on the comic page, but on the screen, his cruelty was just way too over the top. To many, the TV version of Negan is no Walter White or Tony Soprano, but a scummy sadist who killed two characters they loved for no good reason. They also didn't like the sight of Rick Grimes as Negan's whipped dog after all he has endured; watching Rick say how high when Negan orders him to jump was at times painful to see.

Happy to say that the mid-season, titled Heats Still Beating, went a long way toward getting things back on track as we followed multiple characters in different locations all work their way to a climax that was satisfyingly upbeat after all we've been through. The central story was still Negan's visit to Alexandria after returning Carl to his home after the kid journeyed all the way to the Saviors' Sanctuary for an aborted attempt to kill the Big Bad. Multiple plot lines worked themselves out as Rosita planned her own assassination attempt with Eugene's home-made bullet, while Spencer plots to stab Rick in the back, as Negan sits back, holds Judith, breaks bread with Carl, plays pool and thoroughly enjoys making everyone sweat. Nothing works out as planned, with really bad consequences for Spencer and potentially worse ones for Eugene. Meanwhile, Rick and Aaron attempt to cross a Walker filled lake to get on a scavenging mission; at the Kingdom, Carole and Morgan listen to a pitch by Richard on the necessity of fighting back against the Saviors; as Michonne is on a revenge trip of her own, one that seems to have been written in just to get her out of the way for most of the episode; at the Sanctuary, Darryl, with the aid of an unseen friend, makes a break for freedom, and luckily for him, Jesus is in the neighborhood. And at the Kingdom, a pregnant Maggie sadly contemplates her life without Glenn.

The heart of the show was the moment at Alexandria when it all hits the fan and Spencer's guts are in the street and Negan just can't help himself and gloriously gloats over all the mayhem he has caused in front of Rick. This is the catalyst for Rick regaining his senses, that and a talk from Michonne. There's a final scene where almost all the gang is back together and the fateful decision is made to fight back. Negan is going to find out who he has been screwing with and though he doesn't know it yet, he's done. He's most definitely done.

But Olivia and Fat Joey, they deserved better.

And who is the man wearing the boots and spying on the compound in the final scene? Maybe the long awaited return of Morales? Or is it one of the Whisperers? They're out there, watching and waiting.
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Rick Returns
claudio_carvalho12 December 2016
The psychopath Negan is still in Rick's house shaving and eating with Carl, Olivia and Judith while Spencer gets closer to the Saviors. Carol is visited by Morgan and Richard that bring supplies to her. Richard asks Carol and Morgan to help him to convince Ezequiel to surprise and fight the Saviors before it is too late and The Kingdom is destroyed, but Carol refuses. Meanwhile Rick and Aaron scavenge supplies in a barge in a lake full of walkers. When they reach the barge, they find an ironic note congratulating them for winning. They return to land and while loading the truck, someone watches them. Daryl succeeds from escaping from his cell and tries to flee from the Savior's compound. Michonne is trying to find a way to defeat Negan and the Saviors. Enid learns that Sasha has a secret agenda and does not want Maggie to know. In Alexandria, the weak Spencer meets Negan and asks him to kill Rick and make him the leader his mother was. Rosita takes a decision that will affect the lives of Olivia and Eugene. What will happen to the lead characters? Will they succeed in their intent?

"Hearts Still Beating" is the best episode so far in this Seventh Season, with engaging segments. Richard is foreseeing the fate of The Kingdom; however, Carol and Morgan do not know the last events in Alexandria and refuse to cooperate. Daryl trying to escape from the Saviors is tense. The segments with Michonne and Maggie, Sasha and Enid are in principle not important. The journey of Rick and Aaron to scavenge for Negan and what they find in Alexandria is great, but the reunion of the old Rick and his "family" is the climax of this show. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Hearts Still Beating"
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You got no GUTS!
and_mikkelsen24 February 2024
This was a really great episode and without a doubt the best episode since the premiere, as things are really shapin up as our characters starts to unite after a lot of episodes where we explored different characters and what they were doing!

Negan is really good in this episode, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan does a great job of portraying his different moods! Especially as we got a more angry side of him!

The events are shocking and it keeps building tension kepping you on edge! The gore is also back after some episode where not much blood and gore were shown!

When the Walking dead is good, it delivers and this episode is an example of that!

Also great to see Rick step up, showing his old self again!
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Finally, a great episode - WD don't makes us wait like that again!
MadamEstera12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have never been that happy to see my favorite character back with his family. Welcome back DARYL!!! You so deserve to be out of that smelly bag hole Negan kept you in!

After 7 bloody, filled with Negan and just "I think I can't watch this anymore but course I will because I love WD to much" seasons dragging like a herd of snails traveling through peanut butter - it's brilliant to see Rick finally got his balls back and listening to his family and friends.

After shocking episode one and then much of nothing and then again uplifting episode eight - I cannot wait to see the another episode next year.

PS. Don't you dare to hurt Daryl like that again!
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GREAT Episode. A lot of tension that pays off.
agamerglitch11 December 2016
This episode really shows how great this show really is. The beginning of the episode sets things up pretty good with multiple plots going on at once, not just one character's story at a time. Towards the end there is a lot of tension that keeps my heart literally start to beat 5 times faster and then all that tension pays off with a bang. The very end of the episode was great showing how everyone is getting ready to try and take back alexandria. The acting as always is very good and Negan's dialogue and attitude really makes you hate him, but at the same time the awkward scenes with him and Carl make you chuckle a little.

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Easily the Best Episode of Season 7
walker504013 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Walking Dead wrapped up 2016 with arguably one of their best episodes in the entire series. From start to finish, "Hearts Still Beating" was superb in all aspects. Throughout the episode, there was a large amount of action, strong dialogue, suspense, and a whole lot of tension. I found myself on the edge of my seat for virtually the whole 85 minutes.

The scenes with Negan were riveting. This may have been Jeffrey Dean Morgans best episode to date. It was good to see a different side of his character after Rosita shot Lucille while trying to kill him. While it was easy to predict Negan killing Spencer, the overall sequence was particularly suspenseful and highly satisfying. I don't know too many people who actually liked Spencer's character.

It was particularly satisfying to see Rick snap out of his rut and stop worshiping Negan. The scene with him and Michonee might be the highlight of the season so far I really hope we see a more consistent and stronger Rick Grimes in the second half of this season.

I was a little disappointed Morgan and Carol were not main contributes in this episode. It is also hard to watch Carol's character when she is in "leave me alone" mode all the time. I hope to see Carol, Morgan, and also King Ezekiel more consistently in 2017.

Overall, Hearts Still Beating was riveting from beginning to end. It was easily the best episode of the season. I am especially looking forward to the second half of season 7.
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Promise still beating
TheLittleSongbird1 February 2021
Despite not caring for Season 7 on the whole, to me it actually didn't start badly straightaway. The first three episodes were flawed but showed a good deal of promise. It was with "Service" when Season 7 began to stumble drastically and the season was very up and down (mostly down) ever since to the extent that at its worst it was like watching another version of 'The Walking Dead' that wasn't the one that impressed me so much when it first began.

While "Hearts Still Beating" is not a return to form for 'The Walking Dead' or great, it is still one of Season 7's better episodes and a big improvement over the previous four. After a general slog of a first part to the season, some momentum is gained pace-wise and narratively in "Hearts Still Beating". Which does better than "Sing Me a Song" at moving things forward, that episode did show signs of progression but could have done a lot more with its content which is something that this episode does better.

"Hearts Still Beating" is not perfect. Am in complete agreement with those that have panned the part with Rosita, that was utter idiocy and one of the most intelligence insulting moments of not just Season 7 (and the season had a lot of what the heck moments, this took the biscuit) but of the whole show as well. Spencer is incredibly annoying and overacted, to the extent that what Negan does with him is one of the few times where his point of view is oddly understood.

It is also a bit slow to begin with, some of the dialogue still rambles and Negan does dominate too much in spots.

Though thankfully not as needlessly long-winded and it doesn't sound anywhere near as awkward as it did in "Sing Me a Song". The pacing to me seemed a lot better, more urgency later on, and the focus more balanced with those that were wasted before being interesting here. There is not as much overlong filler as there was in the previous four episodes and episodes afterwards, not too long is spent on irrelevance and things do progress and makes one intrigued on what's to come. There is a return to uncompromising tension and it is great to continue to the multiple storyline structure, with a lot of content without being over-stuffed. Surprisingly the tone of the climax didn't jar, which was actually what was expected considering that it is the kind of ending that after so much tension and hard-hitting rarely comes off well in other films, episodes etc elsewhere.

Visually, "Hearts Still Beating", as usual for 'The Walking Dead' looks great. It is stylishly photographed without trying to do too much, no trying-to-be-too-clever editing to be seen here, or being too static. The music avoids being too bombastic or being too low-key, being suitably haunting. The direction has enough tautness while also being accomodating. The character interaction is natural and has intensity and the performances are all fine (didn't have a problem with Chandler Riggs this time). Andrew Lincoln and Jeffrey Dean Morgan fare best.

All in all, not a masterpiece but an improvement. 7/10
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Season 7 really weak so far, but some promises recently
teddydesceaux13 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Once again, i was not really thrilled by this episode. The only thing that made me give 5 stars is the promise of better days in the second part of the season. BUT, to really move forward, what do we have to swallow!!!! 1- A bat can stop a bullet?? 2-Rosita is a soldier, she misses a target from 20 feet?? 3- Carl and Rosita are still alive though they tried to kill Negan?? 4- Negan leaves Alexandria without anyone to survey the community (same thing with hilltop) knowing Rick, Carl, Michone, Rosita, and some others have only one dream is to (succeed) to blow his head off??? 5- Why Jeffrey Morgan has only one way to play: i say/do an horrible thing, i bend my back backwards and then i laugh??? Hmmm, you have to be really tolerant to overcome all these things to keep watching. I'm OK with the narration in the last 2 episodes, but the lack of coherence of the events is still terribly difficult to accept. Around me, some people have just stopped watching the show, i'm not surprised, and the second part of the season will have to be very very good to keep the viewers.
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Why did I even get my hopes up?
TheDonaldofDoom13 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I got my hopes up for the midseason finale. But the season so far had been so aimless I thought there was a chance this episode could at least partly make up for it. I was wrong. Sure, this episode finally gets the plot moving, but it doesn't even do that particularly well.

It tries to hammer home Negan's dominance AGAIN, even though that's what this show has been doing all season. Negan laughing, grinning, doing what he wants, his thugs beating up a character, and so on, it's all stuff we've seen before. Negan's discussion with Spencer takes an interesting turn as Spencer's intentions are revealed, but all the interesting places that idea could have been taken end with Spencer's death, killing the potential for a truly interesting plot. It's a shame that the first hint of greatness in Season 7 was killed off barely as soon as it began.

And don't get me started on Rosita's attempt to kill Negan. The bullet was deflected by his bat? Seriously? Is this genuinely what people think is good TV? What a joke. Negan will also go down as the stupidest villain of all time for constantly exposing himself to danger. The fact that Rosita could have killed him so easily tells you all you need to know about him. Above all, we all knew Rosita's attempt to kill Negan would end in failure as it's obvious hes far from done yet as a villain, and AMC already confirmed he's returning for the next season. So the whole 'Rosita trying to shoot Negan' storyline is stupid for many, many reasons.

So this is a complete joke of an episode, which is highlighted even more by the ending. The characters are reunited with Maggie, Sasha and Enid and there are lots of cringey shots of their smiling faces. Then Rick decides they're going to rise up and revolt against Negan, which is weird since nothing has really happened to tip him over the edge. And they're even less able to fight back than they were before with their weapons and bullet-maker gone. It makes no sense, other than in terms of viewing figures of course, where it actually makes perfect sense.

There were good bits here and there. The less significant moments were actually the best ones and at many moment it felt like I got my old Walking Dead back. But not yet. Not quite yet.
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Awesome episode!! (SPOILER WARNING)
ben-grunert112 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Walking Dead really stepped up their game this episode. I personally didn't have too many problems with this season so far. For example, I actually enjoyed that Tara episode that got awful reviews and I only thought they could've done a bit better with episodes 4 and 5. I was cool with the slow development because I had a feeling the slow pace would pay off and lead us to some action-packed stuff. Here's where the action begins. The episode started pretty slowly but I liked how they caught up with all the small groups (Rick/Aaron, Carol/Morgan, Alexandria, Michonne, etc.) The beginning dinner sequence was pretty comical with Negan asking Carl to pass the rolls to lead us to credits. Anyways, one plot line was Daryl escaping with the help of Jesus. I thought they could've spent some more time on this but it was still satisfying to see Daryl get out and take down a Savior in the process too. I thought the Hilltop had enough scenes to make that story-line effective. Not too much time was spent there but there was some interesting dialogue between Maggie/Gregory and Sasha/Enid. Then we have Aaron and Rick in the lake. I thought this scene was done well and some may wonder why they switched boats midway through I'm pretty sure it was because the canoe they were in wasn't sturdy and was going to sink because it was old with bullet holes and so forth. Anyways the Aaron dialogue about staying alive in this world was well done and my hunch as to who the mysterious figure watching Rick and Aaron from afar was the owner of the boat. Rick even mentioned that the guy on the boat had everything but ammo so the guy who lives there was probably just scavenging for ammo and that's why he would follow Rick and Aaron back to Alexandria so he could get his stuff back. Anyways the last few small story lines follow Michonne and Carol/Morgan. The dialogues between Carol Morgan and Richard (Kingdom soldier) was a pretty compelling conversation. I like Richard and I feel like his character is going to do some big things next half of the season. He's trying to convince Morgan and Carol to fight and fighting the saviors will be a theme of the next half of the season. For now though Morgan and Carol don't agree with the interesting Kingdom soldier. Michonne on the road had some interesting sequences too. She got the Savior woman to bring her to Negan's base where Michonne realizes there's too many saviors for Alexandria to have a chance at the moment. So the sword-wielding ninja shoots the Savior and disposes of the car, returning to Alexandria later in the episode. OK so here's the main plot which is basically where all the crazy stuff goes down. The d-bag Spencer is trying to convince Negan to let him take over Alexandria, basically implying that Rick needs to be rid of. Negan is pretty annoyed that Spencer is bitching about Rick instead of going out there and gathering supplies for him while Rick is doing the dirty work even though he hates Negan. So he tells Spencer Ricks got guts for swallowing his hate and gathering for Negan and Spencer is basically asking Negan to kill Rick and do the dirty work for him so Negan declares Spencer has no guts and stabs him in the stomach, and Spencer's guts fall onto the floor. Rosita then shoots at Negan and hits Lucille, Negan's bat, instead. Negan is angry and realizes the bullet is made from scratch after closely examining it. He orders for one of the Saviors to kill someone after Rosita refuses to tell who actually made the bullet. A Savior shoots Olivia in the head and that's when Rick stumbles upon the situation in disgust. After Tara lies and says she made the bullet, Eugene confesses to his action and they take him away, probably to use him for making bullets back at their compound. After Negan leaves Rick offs a zombie Spencer with anger. Later Michonne has returned and talks to Rick about how they need to be on the same page about fighting and not giving up at the hands of Negan. Rick has finally turned the corner again into his old awesome self and agrees with the plan to fight Negan now. The end of the episode, which is one of the best scenes this season in my opinion, sees Rick Carl Michonne and others from Alexandria visit Maggie at the hilltop. Rick explains to Maggie that she was right all along about having to fight Negan and the Saviors. Then to cap it off Daryl and Jesus pop up, having made their way back to Hilltop off screen. Rick has an emotional hug with Daryl and the episode ends with the group in a hopeful mood and best of all, Rick gets his f*ckin gun back. Daryl snagged the Python from the Savior, Fat Joey, who he killed getting out earlier in the episode. This scene was epic and really caps off the half season perfectly. It's a nice surprise as we end 2016 on a pretty positive and uplifting note. And I've got a great feeling that 2017 is gonna be one bad ass half season. +Rick's back +Perfect pacing +3 deaths with some sick effects +High intensity and great acting +War is coming +Awesome ending reunion between the group and Daryl/Rick -None except maybe more on Daryl's escape but that didn't really bother me much Rate: 9.6/10
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Awesome episode, were there any loopholes in the script
akiondgme12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Probably the best episode of season 7. Felt really good how the episode ended and all set for a great end to the season 7.

1. Someone would say Daryl's escape was too easy. But actually he got help from inside. That's why it looked so easy. But this part should have been a bit descriptive.

2. Negan was saved by his baseball bat. It was bit unrealistic. But since this is a TV show, not a documentary you can expect these kind of things.

3. Negan identifying the bullet was home-made. He just escaped from a deadly encounter. How could he suddenly notice something like that. May be he is an ex-soldier.

4. Negan didn't kill Rosita who tried to kill him. He wanted to know who made that bullet. In the process of finding this mystery, Oliviva got shot. Negan killed Spencer too. May be Negan didn't want to kill another one in front of Rick. He would have thought that things might get out of control.

So out of this four, I think the third one is the only part I can't agree with.
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I am shaking.
thatproxywells11 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't expecting that at all, but since it's a mid-season finale. I know somebody was gonna die. Really, I was watching the entire episode with no pause, no looking away, but to wait for Negan's next victim to be killed like from the start, I have my eyes open to the TV, and the funny thing was. I found myself crazy when I never had my eyes closed like just for one second. I also have hopes for Season 7B. The ending of Season 7A is they are preparing for war, and would you look how we are all excited. I can't wait! The Walking Dead, zombies aren't scary anymore I'd say. This is one of the best episodes in Season 7A so far. My rating. 9/10
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Here, the tension builds as the various storylines converge, leading to a thrilling and satisfying conclusion that sets the stage for the second half of the season
fernandoschiavi20 March 2024
Daryl makes his escape, thanks to the key that was slipped under his cell door. He finds new clothes, has his first real food in weeks, and steals his bike back, as well as Rick's service revolver. Daryl kills a guard in the process, although the essentially harmless man is begging for him to simply walk away. Daryl then sees Jesus, who has been hiding in the compound all this time. The two head for the Hilltop.

In Carol's hidden cottage near the Kingdom, Richard, a soldier in the Kingdom's army, fails to convince Carol and Morgan to help him talk Ezekiel into fighting against the Saviors. Carol wants to be left alone, and Morgan thinks there's a peaceful way to cope.

As Negan continues his way through Alexandria, he is approached by Spencer, who wants him to kill Rick and make him the leader of the community. Negan, however, publicly chastises him for conspiring against Rick. He tells Spencer that the reason he wants other people to do his dirty work is that he "has no g*ts". Negan then slices Spencer open, spilling his guts all over the street.

Rosita steps out of the horrified crowd and takes a shot at Negan. Unfortunately, the bullet instead hits Lucille, Negan's bat. Rosita defiantly refuses to say who made the bullet, which leads to Olivia's death. Eugene, terrified that anyone else might die, confesses to making the bullet. He is taken by the Saviors.

Rick arrives at the scene and, partly thanks to words from Michonne, regains his will to fight. He meets Maggie and Daryl at the Hilltop, and they prepare for battle.

The episode follows Rick and the group as they prepare to confront Negan and the Saviors, culminating in a tense standoff between the two groups. The episode is notable for its intense and suspenseful action sequences, particularly the climactic showdown between Rick and Negan.

One of the most memorable scenes in the episode is when Daryl escapes from the Savior compound and reunites with Rick and the others, signaling the beginning of their resistance against Negan's rule. This moment is a turning point for the group, as they begin to fight back against their oppressors and reclaim their freedom. The tension builds as the various storylines converge, leading to a thrilling and satisfying conclusion that sets the stage for the second half of the season.

The episode is also notable for its exploration of the characters' relationships and how they have evolved over the course of the season. Rick's transformation from a broken and defeated leader to a determined and resolute fighter is particularly compelling, as he rallies the group to take a stand against Negan and the Saviors.
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Keep it up!
benyaminshakeri-0485622 January 2024
This episode continued the acceptable performance of the previous episode. And now I've seen 2 quality episodes, and I hope I don't see every episode being one-dimensional again. Good writing, good acting, good directing and good dialogues, as well as the parallel storylines in this episode (Carol and Morgan - Alexandria - Maggie and Sasha - Daryl and Christ - Michonne), made us witness a perfect episode. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I believe that in the next half season we will see a better show than these 8 episodes, if the creators don't make it happen.....I give this episode full marks.
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Choices and consequences
yahaira-729-69470123 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nrgan continues his campaign of psychological warefare on Alexandria.

, his charisma is deliciously pathetic and Carl grows up by facing him. This episode is pivotal for some main characters ehovare plotting to kill Negan. Sasha and Enid, Rosita, Michonne, Morgan and the kingdom head leader. They try to convince Carol that she must rise again to fight for what is right. The moral to live and fight are explored as the characters expound on them. To kill or be killed is further explored in this world of dire survival. The cast is passionate with their portrayal of the survivals and the saviors who will live is further brought to light. Great show to binge watch .
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this ep got a tears in my eye
sargenbadwolf23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Although the last 6 eps doesn't really make sense this ep got me at the edge of my seat, When daryl was handed the key i thought he was already broken and won't even attempt to escape i was wrong he's still the same Daryl i know i thought that they were gonna kill Aaron in the lake but i'm soo glad they didn't this ep was really good considering the last 6 eps were Ok ep Negan thinking he can do whatever he wants bc he got numbers and when he killed Olivia and Spencer something snapped inside of Rick FINALLY just love the interraction between Daryl and Rick absolutely love that Rick got his pistol back our rick grimes is back not the cowardly rick Show them who's stronger Show them who's the boss Show them why ur better Rick Grimes is back BABY The world needs rick grimes.
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Awesome Mid-season Ending
aurigariga13 December 2016
Actually i didn't noticed the final on Eps. 8 goes like this. Because i saw from the first episode that's Alexandria family very suffering after Negan did's. Loved the scene at the end of the episode who make our heart beating. Thanks for the Producer also the Writer who make this season become alive again. Snap out my hates at the eps.1 when the favorite character died. Now the tension of this season start to eager,as the Asia fans of TWD, i'm really waiting for the next episode. Hopefully it come soon. and make the scene become more eager. Never bore to watch this movie even some scene become bored there are another scene make this movie alive and alive.
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Good Episode...
Felix70213 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
....but seriously, how come that some of these characters made it that far in the apocalypse, and act that insanely stupid every time.

Carl, for example (I know not this episode), did really think he could just jump on a truck, hide until he arrives at the compound, and then just get out and kill Negan, because, hell, he is going to show in front of the truck for sure, or he will show himself to be shot once called, yeah, right. I mean I let that pass, as something that could really happen if somebody is filled with rage and foolishly blind, but OK.

Then Rick and Aaron find a house boat in the middle of a lake/river (not clear on this one), filled with walkers. So the reasonable man would think, they would figure out a plan (I mean it's not like every minute did count here) to get there safely. What's the shortest path, where are the least walkers, what to use, and so on.

Hell no, they are going for the first thing they see, which is a boat with a looooot of holes. But instead of at least figuring out how to maybe somehow fix the mayor holes, well they just go for it, and Aaron almost dies of course, wth? And on top of that Spencer. I mean really? Who couldn't see that coming, it was a 100% clear Negan would kill him after that proposal. How could he think otherwise? And what would he have had to gain if Negan put him in "charge" instead of Rick, I mean they are both Negan's slaves at the moment, and Negan can't control who "runs" things anyway, whatever that would have meant for Spencer, while he is gone. I mean sure, he could have said Spencer runs things now, but Rick would still have been the respected leader in the shadows, so what's to gain for Negan? If he thinks Rick is too much of a threat, he just kills him, so he killed Spencer to make his point, obviously. He must have been out of his mind to try that move!?
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1 more boring episode!
nchariso15 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The first ridiculous thing about all of season 7 still happens. Negan is alive! Why would all these people following him not kill him for taking their women or tormenting them, or burning them, or killing them? Why would no one kill him when he goes to get stuff from all these places unprotected!!! Such an annoying character with all the grinning and stupid laughing episode after episode, after episode. The Rosita attempt is simply ridiculous! Nothing more needs to be said about that! Again nothing happens and since episode 1 we already know everything will happen on the last episode of the season as it happens since season 2.
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My hearts still beating rick.
nmartini-048329 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Maggie is on lookout at the hilltop and she sees rick and gang.
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