Age of the Living Dead (TV Series 2018– ) Poster

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It is bad
the_real_smile20 August 2020
Terrible script, only 3 locations that do not make any sense at all, terrible acting, a title that is associated with zombies, but is in fact about vampires, to many plot-holes to mention, just plain terrible.
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Absolutely terrible
nuttymonk-12 September 2019
Seriously bad dialogue with really bad acting.

Save yourself the trouble and go and watch paint dry instead.
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Horrible writer's equals horrible scripts
griff_93218 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am 5 episodes into the first and probably only season. The acting is not that great but it is tolerable. The the wardrobes are a little over the top and not really coordinated. The Sargent running the human army ( ) is in a tight black leather jacket and tight pants. The rest of the military men are in uniforms. Except one guy (Max) the black goth guy with long hair hanging in his face. Also some of the worst acting on the show. Then we have Adam the Sargent's son. For some reason every shirt he owns has huge holes everywhere in it. Not sure why he is the only one with torn clothes.

The base seems to be a big underground complex with metal buildings on top but when seen from the air it's all tents. The lay out makes no sense. The section of land between the vampire's and the humans is no man's land. It's a belt several states wide down the middle of the U.S. But for some reason the military chose the desert to set up a base for the attack. No cover or anything. Just sitting out in plane sight. Very bad tactical move a lot of this show does not make sense at all. It leaves you wondering WTF are the writers thinking.

The scrips in this show make no sense. I have had to rewind so many times just to make sure I understood what they said. They try to be clever with changing words in little saying used everyday but totally screw it up. Like. Seeing the light of day in now seeing the light of night. Lol. The Sargent script is the worst. He will ask a question and instantly start screaming. No middle ground or patience. He son is always interrupting his conversations with the vampire girl by answering for her. Then the Sargent starts yelling. The vampire girl for some reason will not answer anything for the Sargent unless he is telling at her. She has no problem spilling her guts to the son.

I gave it 4 stars only because the scenes are halfway decent and it doesn't look cheesy. I honestly believe this show would be a lot better with subtitles
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America's Next Top Vampire (1980 season)
mistyk-994408 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lowest production values of any show I have seen in years. I am glad that shows are being made on a low budget, but not when the lack of budget is so clearly reflected in the writing, acting, sets and effects.

The premise is a bit different, but that is where the upside ends. The acting is wooden at best, distractingly dire at worst. The sets (all four of them) and badly decorated and add to the tedium. Also, the British Prime Minister does NOT have a Seal like the US President, BUT if he did, if would not be a flimsy piece of tin nailed to a panel door (episode 6).

The Vampires are ridiculous! All the usual characteristics (avoid sun, drink blood, pointy teeth) but these vampires also seem to develop appalling accents and the WORST dress sense. Think America's Next Too Vampire but made in the 1980's.

There is almost nothing worth watching here, but if you like car crash TV, go right ahead.

Oh, and as someone cleverly pointed out as a "blooper", the Good Guys spend a huge amount of effort shooting vampires despite knowing it does nothing to harm them, but when they finally shine a UV torch on them and they fry instantly... so lead with then UV light you morons! The entire show could end with a fleet of Close Encounters choppers flying over New York.

Yet this toss got renewed apparently!?
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Bloody awful
woodworm197223 September 2019
Loving vampire films I thought I'd give this a watch. It didn't take long to realise this isn't going to be a good one! Firstly the acting, if you can call it that was well below par especially the scenes around the elders table they were just bad. There was some attempts at acting but I don't know if it was bad scripting or terrible sound management as they all seemed flat and emotionless ?!. Secondly the story it was vague to say the least in fact I'm not sure what the story was? The plot itself was devoid of direction so I wasn't able to understand the story at all. Thirdly the effects, guns that keep shooting bullets without reloading, Bad CGI of any impacts of bullets and muzzle flashes that stopped despite the user still gesturing with his gun as though he were still firing. Any vamp biting was hidden so they didn't have to show any actual dripping of blood even when actors were getting bit they were so far away from the neck they may well have been receiving a BJ!.

I won't be recommending anyone to this movie.
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sonjamin3 September 2019
I was bored to tears. The storyline was good, along the lines of I AM LEGEND, but instead of it told from the lone survivor perspective we could have gotten from the camp perspective. Needless to say it was horrible acting and effects showed zero effort. Really surprised they gave this a second season. I will put spoilers on this, but nothing was surprising in this show at all.
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shazzaam2 September 2019
I couldn't even finish one episode. It was sooooo bad.
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SandOwl_3 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This had some promising moments... until Massimos' character was directed to yell most of the time, which becomes very tedious, very quickly. Once someone starts at a10, there's no where to go. Too much yelling when subtlety would've been so much more intense and powerful.

In the last couple of episodes it gets pretty stupid in the storyline. In the last episode it pretty much rips off another show called 'Van Helsing'. If you've seen that show, think of what the main charcuterie can do & how they were 'made' to be that way. So that was pretty ordinary. Humans being monsters, well that's not news.

Not into shows that rip off other shows. Bad form I think. No, I don't recommend this show. Watch Van Helsing instead :-)
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It's so bad it's good.
doubtitall5 November 2019
Yes, really. I've heard this take on other shows before, and I've always wondered what they were talking about. The show was always either just plain bad, or it was obviously intended to be 'bad' (as with satire) which meant it really was good, given it was achieving its purpose.

Age of the Living Dead is bad. No question about it. The actors, writers, directors, etc. all intended to make something good, but it sucks bad, especially the writing. It's "what the ... are they DOING?" all the way through.

Yet it was enjoyable. Not in a laugh out loud way, although I did laugh a few times, but in a regular amused groaning at each absurd character behavior kind of way.
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*Pathetic* is the perfect review word for this one.
rsvp3213 September 2019
The worst rip off movies are made by an outfit, "Asylum".

If Asylum was in the tv series business, they would make something just like this.

Ingredients from all sorts of decent series involving vampires and zombies, but put it together like it was a comedy. Maybe if they added a laugh track it would make more sense!

I could only suffer through episode 1 - please save yourselves the pain.
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Quite bad, hardly worth the watch, and beyond belief how this managed 3 seasons
lomnjac7 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Writing is terrible, choice of actors pretty much like that also, 3D effects are poor... SPOILER AHEAD!!

It starts with a premise that the USA was attacke by vampires, and eastern 1/3 is now under well over 250 000 000 of them, while western 1/2 of the country is for 150 000 000 humans, so right there we see an apocalypse with an increase in population by 77 000 000 in 10yrs, so 300% faster then today???

Another idiocy mentioned a bit later, there was an outbreak in Turkey also, so to stop it spreading Russia destroyed ITSELF with nukes, out of fear, talk about anti-Russian feeling of the writers, country that can't be conquered cause of its size, and with some of the most modern weapons on the planet, and a will to fight to the last to defend Europe and itself, just killed 150 000 000 of its people to avoid a fight, hahaha...

Lets talk about cast, besides most of them not being any good, we have flashbacks of a young man of about 24-25 now, from 10yrs back when his mother died and he was like 6-7yrs old... Yeah a 16 to 17yr old looks 24-25!! If you don't see anything weird with that, how about SAS teams with a leader and at least one other member in their late 50's, early 60's? Or a member with clearly bad vision and eyesight glasses, and about 10-15kg out of shape, with last surviving member a 160sh cm giant 20kg overweight, damn SAS really lost it's cool factor...

So yeah, I don't recomend wasting time on this...
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Thought it was pretty good
jeffreykinzer14 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why so much hate. It's no season 1/2 walking dead. But compared to current walking dead it certainly competes. And you that zombie crap syfy put on for multiple seasons. This salad far better.


The last lines the British guy gives on last episode season 1. Was very emotional and gripping.
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Interesting concept, fairly well executed...why the hate?
jackdeth_200610 November 2019
I started this series out of boredom, I wasnt expecting much but I was pleasantly surprised. It's a very interesting concept and its played out nicely; despite a slightly tweeny underlying love story and some some moments of sub par acting. I was pleasantly surprised to hear we will be getting a second season.
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Dont waste your time
rdbr-538453 September 2019
It is an interesting idea for a plot. the problem is the execution of said plot with horrible actors and horrible writing. had to really struggle to finish the first episode.
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Just Terrible
howlingcheese2 September 2019
I managed to struggle through 15 minutes. Score of 6.8 is obviously fake.
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Ideas good programme is poor
markokhoward-854-53044127 November 2019
I think 4 is a fair reflection of the series. I like the concept but I must say whoever did the casting has managed to do what a lot of shows cannot, they filled the show with poor actors. Not one or two mi d but every character I have seen on there has been awkward, stilted with the acting ability of a first year drama class. That said it's not unwatchable but you need to really want to know what happens and so far I really don't care.
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About holes
allnewsuperfake16 October 2019
Given the popularity of the genre and the unlikely, but still interesting scenario it's suprising on how many levels this fails. Since this doesn't deserve a several pages long essay, let me pick one such failure that is so glaringly obvious that it can be easily avoided in the future by whoever gives this another try.


More specifically: Holes in clothing. Some are really important, because otherwise your head would get stuck while trying to dress.Others are supposed to be sexy or accentuate certain features, for example the cleavage, while technically still being holes. Especially children manage to make new holes by accident, wearing and tearing the fabric.

And then there are the holes someone cut into new clothes with a scissor, looked at them and said: This looks totally cool. Which it never did, not in the 80's when I did it, and not when you are doing it right now, and certainly not in this series. You and me, we can be forgiven, because we were young, or in your case: Are still young.

But if you cut random holes with a scissor into clean, new clothes, and you put them on a fresh faced guy with clean cut, styled hair full of product and think that he looks like a survivor out in the desert now, you don't have an excuse.

Especially not if, as I assume, it is your job to make costumes, or be a stylist, or the director, someone, anyone on that set who had to look at this guy, desperately trying to act in his grade school haloween hobo costume, and you didn't say: Wait! This looks freaking ridiculous! People will point and laugh at our series! Even if we do everything else right, and we won't, nothing will be able to survive this!

It really makes you wonder what was going on on that set. And that it probably was far more interesting than anything I just watched. Drugs. Sabotage. A secret strike. Overdoing it with the bring-your-kid-to-work-day. Someone losingt a bet.

It's hard to believe that something like can happen in a place where professionals work together without any monumental desaster in the background.
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could be better
tezzahols3 September 2019
I like the idea of the story, it's just seems like a soap opera feel about it, i finished 2 episodes and will probably watch the rest to see if it improves, i just hope Fox lifts it's game and improves the show.
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Great idea poor execution....
s327616915 September 2019
If you looked at the script for "Age of the Living Dead" having never seen an episode, you might just be moderately impressed. Its not exactly a new idea but there's enough here that's new and novel to get your attention. I especially liked the international aspect of this story, with global and not just local interests effected by the vampire infestation of roughly two thirds of the USA.

Regrettably the "B" execution leaves much to be desired. The acting ranges from alright to downright wooden. Its not helped by a conspicuously low budget, that even extends to sound effects. I wonder how many times in a week "combat practise with sergeant such and such, can be delayed". This had me chuckling as did the truly comedic vampires, who are a cross between any Hammer Films vamp you care to name and the Count from Sesame Street.

Its such as shame more money was not spent on this series. It's very much a case of wasted potential. The result being a series that's, at best, a marginal watch.

4/10 from me.
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Lets be honest, vampire shows aren't top quality.
egolds015 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's what you'd expect from a proper B movie production, the acting, the effects, but those of us who watch these kind of things are just looking for a solid diversion to entertain.

The premise is good, it's got a nice mix of background. You've got pure blood, turned vampires, and a nice status quo setup. The President is probably the weakest part of the show, but the other supporting cast is solid. There's even a daywalker and a vampire cure mixed into the series so there's plenty of story development that will sustain the show for future seasons.

Is this an amazing blockbuster? No, but it's definitely worth the 6 hours you'll spend watching it so check it out.
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Okay, but nothing special
cae221 November 2019
The SAS do not have loo tenants. I would have let that slip, but the show is British made! They should have known better!

I did enjoy the show, but it just was not that great. I never found myself drawn in by the people and the places. I was constantly aware of the fact that I was watching a show. I like to be completely enveloped by the world and its characters, and to totally lose the real world. This failed to do that. Luckily, it was only 6 episodes, so I was able to stick it out.
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I Hope it lasts at least 12 seasons
michellewhelan-4368324 September 2019
I don't know why people are giving this poor reviews the story line is Fantastic! It has some much potential and it is gripping. Clearly they haven't watched all the season.
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Lots of fake reviews
mvike16 January 2020
This show is no Supernatural (S1-5) or Walking Dead...but it's NOT that bad, I'm actually kinda getting into it.

First let me say, I get the hate...the first episode I was a bit turned off. These are what I thought would ruin it for me but didn't:

Vampires are CRAZY cliché

The dialog can be painful to hear

No acting stands out except for the main girl, the Mother, and the Father is alright off and on

The CGI is pretty bad

But the story was good enough that I was able to look past most of this. There is only one thing still digging at me. WHY is the military still carrying and using guns when they're aware guns do NOTHING against the Vampires!?!?

I still say give it a try, get to episode 2 and you will like it or hate it. I almost shut it off, I'm glad I didn't.

The people saying it's amazing though are clearly fake reviews lol.
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Please stop giving Sean Sprawling work
nakagawa_suzu16 February 2021
I cannot stress how Sean Sprawling is terrible at acting. Whatever he does is akin to a small child performing in a nativity play. I found the story of this to be fairly good but the way it was delivered was just terrible.

The acting and visual effects were bad and it shocked me they gave it another season.

Season one was enough for me and I only finished it in the hopes it might improve. I was not surprised when it didn't.
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So Bad, But Not In Good Way
Mehki_Girl2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is written like a high school play put on by 8 year olds.

There is not one actor in the bunch.

Any attempts to act is painful for us and the non actor.

Girl is supposedly dying in the desert with a grimy face, but managed to apply layers of liptick on.

Pure schlock.

Continuing my search to find something to binge.
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