Amar (2017) Poster


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Some good/great things about this film but mostly not good and disappointing
nardobram@yahoo.com3 December 2019
Let me start by saying that this is a visually beautiful film. I enjoyed the directing and the way it was shot. The acting was good but what killed this film for me is that I did not care for any of the characters one bit. They were all so self-absorbed and created all of their problems that I couldn't sympathize with any of them. I found myself wanting to yell at them, "You are dumb!" at so many parts. I am surprised I actually watched the whole thing because of this, but it was because it a nice looking film to watch. People are saying, "it's young love" but when the parents themselves are acting like idiots, it's not just young love, it's dumb love. So I am officially changing the title to Amar Stupida and the writing to escriba stupida.
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Bland and lifeless
ivans53625 February 2019
Although the movie has some good scenes and some of the dialogue is well written (like when teens talk to each other), the script overall is not good. We don't know a lot about characters as they are not well developed, we are not interested in them & everything that happens seems arbitrary. Although the direction is adequate and the use of light to mirror the relationship status is inspired, it's hardly innovative. Although it's obviously going for a grand statement about first love and first heartbreak and how it leaves consequences, it simply comes off as a trifle, a genre exercise that will only satisfy the target audience of teenagers in toxic relationships.

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andrewchristianjr11 August 2020
Wtf with that elevator thing? I was hoping to get a slice of life, but what I got was cringe romantic drama with bad dialogue. A better script, a likeable duo, and great acting would've made this a great film.
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raw young love
michicalvo-0212222 July 2020
A lot of jealousy, possession, kind of the early Stages and inmature relationship starts. Sometimes too much explicit scenes, which is not necessary for it to explain passion, but ok. On the other hand theres some extra scenes which cant add anything to the plot, so weird. Maria pedraza she is such a great actress. But still, the story, i find it very toxic. Hope we still evolve on that definition to declair it love... with time. I know they were young and reckless, but still.
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The other/young Love
kosmasp3 March 2018
This could be a companion piece to Gaspar Noes Love. Less explicit (although still containing sexual situations and nudity), but with similar themes. It is about love and trying to figure out what it really is and what it really means. Love is something that you can't grab obviously, it is something that you feel. But what if you feel it is going away? And is it really going away? All sorts of questions are asked without the movie spelling the questions out.

Suffice it to say, that the movie is a hard watch. You can't just sit back, kick your feet up and watch it. It does have it's lighter moments, but it does provoke and it does test the viewer (in more ways than one, like the dominating and domination role and other stuff "penetrating" and otherwise) ... Question is, if you want are willing to invest and have the patience with this
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Dull, Lifeless, Drivel!
michael-daniels-8452114 January 2018
I am quite a fan of Spanish movies but this is one big exception since this is nothing more than dull, lifeless, drivel! It is tedious to the point where one begins to wonder whether life is really worth living, and whether or not this monotonous soap opera will ever come to an end! Fortunately, it does! If you think you can stay awake for 103 minutes of a pair of one dimensional, infatuated, hormonal teenagers going through the motions, then this is the film for you! Personally, I've seen more sexual excitement at an over 70's bring and buy sale!
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faer_kr31 May 2020
A Spanish drama. A story that shows in a crude way the relationships of young adults and even adolescents. María Pedraza is spectacular. It is about which boy and girl love each other and tries to overcome various conflicts in the relationship. A slow and even arrhythmic film. It is not a romantic comedy. Crude Dry Puzzling. Where is that line that divides love from passion? Here it shows it in an interesting way, like jealousy, possession, blackmail. Loaded with many erotic scenes but well cared for. This movie is not for everyone, you must like those crude and parsimonious movies.
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A movie about immaturity growing into adulthood...until the 180 at the end
sooftennegative11 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Laura and Carlos are young, immature, in love and in lust for each other. This film shows several months of their life. I believe the films intention was to show how two young people maturing at different rates eventually are doomed to separate at the behest of the more mature person. I also think the dialog fell a little short of delivering that message. Short of having a narration by one or both of the characters, their conversations are the best way to gauge what they are thinking. Their actions being a secondary indicator.

Their relationship came to and end starting one fateful evening as they partied with a large group of other young people. Laura had matured a bit and seemed happy with herself and Carlos. She introduced him to a group of girls saying "This is my boyfriend Carlos." She was proud of the fact and the relationship. He on the other-hand was still immaturely upset, jealous and controlling of her. He stormed out of the party and she dutifully followed to some obscure location where they had sex. The immature Carlos should be content that he got his way but he escalates his need to control Laura by threatening and then calling for "a break" in their relationship "to get perspective." She is surprised. They go separate ways which for her was back to the party. She makes a date to go out with El Moro, a local well-known ladies-man. When Laura and Carlos cross paths much later in the evening he finds out about her plans. He obviously sees the error in his ways, but she is not persuaded to cancel her plans. This would be a good time for some narration on Laura's part to know for certain what she was thinking. Is she trying to break up with Carlos? Does she just want the experience of a night with El Moro and stupid Carlos gave her an out to do it? Is she just angry and wants to punish Carlos in the worst way? They were supposed to be "on a break" not "broken up", but that is a much used misunderstanding in movies and television.

We proceed to the date night. Carlos has been informed by friends that El Moro has a standard operation to get his girls into bed. He gives them a midnight tour of a museum he has access to which ends in the room with "The King's Bed" where he has sex with them. We later find Carlos outside the building screaming to Laura who is partial clothed in "The Kings Bed" with El Moro. It is insinuated they have not yet had sex but possibly. They both go to the window and look down as Carlos screams, cries and takes a fetal position down below them. Carlos then calls police to report a bomb has been placed under "The Kings Bed" and it will immanently explode. We do not see what Laura and Carlos are doing at that time and they know nothing of the phone call. Carlos has demonstrated his absolute lack of any maturity. The scene soon changes to the police station where they all sit looking down with no conversation. How this all played out is left to our imagination.

It is three weeks later and Laura has come to see Carlos for a better ending to their relationship (which is a mature thing to do.) His mother reports he has not left his room in those weeks (which is an immature act.) She indicates they are finished as a couple and starts to tell of her near and future plans for life. After being asked three times, she admits to having sex and an orgasm with El Moro. "I think I did it just to break us up." she says. We finally know what she says her motivation was, but was it true? There was a large ladies room scene where all the girls are comparing notes on the local guys. I think Laura knew the plan El Moro had and was into it for carnal reasons. She stood at the window watching her boyfriend cry in a fetal position below and still returned to "The Kings Bed" for sex. She offers Carlos a "friends with benefits" relationship by saying he can have her anytime he wants her. He instantly says he wants her now which she agrees to do. She seems surprised so perhaps she has not matured quite enough to understand what most men will say when you offer them sex. I will not try to insert any thoughts on maturity levels here. They disrobe and Carlos starts to unwrap a condom. She says "I'm on the pill." Carlos replies "I don't want to catch anything" apparently thinking that since Laura has been with the biggest womanizer in town that she is no long assumed safe from STD's. (Let me pause to point out what a logical and mature act that Carlos has finally performed. It is about time it occurred.) Laura shows no sign of being upset apparently realizing that she has been reckless in that regard just as insinuated. They engage in sexual intercourse, but it is more calm, purposeful, thoughtful, etc.(possibly more mature?) than their previous encounters. Is there hope for them to possibly start fresh in their relationship she says to him while they "make love?" He stops having sex abruptly. She starts to softly cry and asks that he not forget her. OK, I need some more dialog here! She is looking for a way back and he is indicating refusal. This movie just did a 180 degree turn with about 3 minutes left. It should be him wanting and her refusing. I don't quite get it and the dialog between these two is not helping. And then it's The End.

Most of what I have stated here is my just my humble opinion based on the actions and dialog. Would it have been better to have a running narration to understand their thoughts. Frankly I do not think so. The lack of certainty is part of growing up. Not knowing what the person of your dreams is thinking is part of the process. A narration would have been as big of a distraction as cartoon balloons appearing above the heads of the characters to describe their thoughts. It is true that some of the dialog just fell short to me. Especially in the last minutes.

I would like to briefly explore that one element of a movie that so obviously rotates around a sexual young couple. Sex scenes are probably necessary even for those who primarily come for the romance. They are obviously needed for those who only tolerate the romance to get to the sex. This movie seemed to fall into that middle territory that I can only describe as "I know it when I see it." My evidence of that claim can also be based on the sex scene that was not included in the movie. That is the scene of Laura and El Moro in the museum. The fact that we did not see Laura screaming with delight while El Moro pleased her in ways the young boyfriend, huddled in a fetal position down below the window, can only imagine... was not included in this work. Perhaps it ended up on the cutting room floor, if indeed it was ever considered. There were three opportunities to place it in the film. It could have been in real time, a bad dream the boyfriend had later or a flashback Laura had later as the boyfriend quizzed her about "Did you have sex? Did you have an orgasm?" That missing opportunity at eroticism is quite clear evidence that this work was for arts sake. Much like the boyfriend Carlos, we only got to see what happened in "The Kings Bed" in our imagination. No "erotic" work of fiction would have missed that scene. It was good to be left that way.
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Movies paid by others
ersbel4 January 2021
European film makers are specialized in pleasing a governmental commission. And sex does sell. So there is sex. And enough script for 30 minutes, pushed up to whatever the commission said it has to be.

The scenes are quite believable. The interaction is good. I am sure the production team could have made at least 4 five-minute shorts. But there is no story. And no character. It is a mere snapshot, or better yet, two successive snapshots and nothing more. The actors come from nowhere. And go nowhere. There is no evolution. And, of course, no action. Sure, the camera work is pretty good. The actors are beautiful. And that's about it: enough depth to make an excellent ad for a Spa during the Super Bowl.
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I liked the movie up until the very end which to majority of young males that I know about.
jordondave-280851 February 2023
(In Spanish with English subtitles)

Co-written and directed by Esteban Crespo, with young couple 17 year old Laura (María Pedraza) somewhat having a hard time committing to be loyal to her 18 year old boyfriend, Carlos (Pol Monen). And although, they both want to make out with one another as much as possible they are unable to do it so much as a result of their protective parents. And because Laura is still in school Carlos also has some trust issues as his father invested him to go into law, while he himself prefer to work at a watch store repairing watches. While Laura is becoming more accustomed with her female peers, he becomes jealous as she is paying more attention to them as well The tipping point for him was when she revealed a secret he wanted her to be kept quiet.

The only problem I have is the ending which I thought to be unrealistic if a guy really loved his girlfriend that much which is why it just warrants a pass and that is it.
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Waste of time
ammoora-6237122 April 2020
Unfortunately so disappointing, bad plot, unrealistic events
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Beautiful film!
timucin_savas13 January 2018
Innocence. Such was the time where youngsters were all vulnerable and there is nothing in life but love. The film portrays a beautiful picture of those times without diving into much drama or thrill. This is life as it gets real and a turning point, where decisions taken will have an impact on the rest of these students' lives. They are unsure what to do, they don't know about what will make them happy, they want to experience life fully.

Beautiful cinematography especially for the long opening and closing scenes where we see Laura and Carlos together, where the film gives the feeling of love-making rather than pure sex, which one can find in 99% of films these days.

Acting is powerful, both young actors perform well, especially Maria Padrese fills the screen much similar to Adele in Blue is the Warmest Color.

I tend to like first films, first books, debut albums. This is no exception!
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firstelement13 May 2021
The main characters are so unlikable. They were very off putting and made it very difficult to watch. Creating dramas over nothing but immaturity. Way too long for that none sense. Just so full of miseries when there is no need to. Would not recommend it.
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potential for a good movie is wasted with a dull ending.
llaurencesmith21 June 2021
This movie goes through the usual roller coaster of young love. Here we follow the lovers trying to make sense of their love while taking self destructive actions on themselves and the lover. The script seems to be fighting itself to the very end and determined not to come to any logical or satisfying ending. Neither of the characters inspires our sympathy to root for them. Watch only if you absolutely cannot find another interesting movie to watch.
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dyanz25 May 2021
I really want to remember this movie but unfortunately I really can't. It shows young love but what do we expect, love doesn't last. That's not the issue. The issue is it's really forgettable as a movie. If there's something really make impact, it's.... None.
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Clueless Romance.
SameirAli5 December 2021
This is a romance drama about the clueless youth of today. At some points, the visuals are beautiful and pleasing, other than this, the film is not very appealing. Attractive girl and a lot of sex scenes are not enough for an ideal movie. The characters showcase a lot of emotions, but failed to convey to the audience, mainly it was pointless.
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isarallu9 December 2021
Starting with an insane "man" fetish, seriously? I wanted normal life drama if there is something new for disgusting people please say it before someone start watch it. Place an disabled people sing on it.. I don't know something like this ;d. Ha!
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The Ending simply spoils it
dark-evil_lord30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie started off breezily. The screenplay was going pretty well. In my opinion, the movie depicted the true face of most pretty girls in general, in today's era. Their fickle philandering nature. In fact, I could relate to the guy alot. Laura's character actually remimded me of one of my ex. As soon as I was appreciating the accurate depiction of current era of relationship, the unrealistic ending blew it. As if Laura would realise her mistakes, apolpgise and wish to be back someday. Went back to the bookish unrealistic la la land again. Shouldn't have used the escapism technique there. Alas!
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A subtle masterpiece by Crespo
jacobfrisch14 September 2017
Fantastic movie that I would recommend to everyone. Best usage of subtle symbolism and imagery since "Blue Is The Warmest Color"(directed by Abdellatif Kechiche). Uses lightness and darkness to set up scenes and doesn't force hedonistic motifs onto the viewer but prefers to trust the viewer to come to it's own conclusions. Ending doesn't give any answers but leaves you with a sense of tragedy. Perfect movie to show the importance of opening and closing scenes and their symbiotic nature. Great acting by the two leads, with supporting characters holding their own as well. All in all, one of the most under rated movies of 2017 and deserving of an international audience.
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Garbage smut
jamespwelch7 May 2024
As nasty as it gets a reflection of all that is wrong with "modern" hedonistic Western society. Where individual rights supersede collective responsibility. Great if you like unleashed cheap thrills. The acting is rather sub par and to be honest l did not watch it until the end as l lost interest and it did not capture my attention. Modern cinema is apparently only deemed worthy if if contains homosexuality, avarice, venality, vice, crime, violence and depraved behavior. Like many others this does not capture and maintain my attention.l suppose l should have watched the trailers first. To each their own, but delving into the twisted perversions of others are not my idea of a strong plot.
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Panoramic view of current generation preferences
dr_hgj-4823112 July 2019
A very cute couple is shown with very romantic handling. It goes on but the boy gradually and understandably develops a sense of possession so much so that behaves as if he owns the girl.. This is too much for the girl to handle. As though the boy is shown extremely eccentric ideas of liberty even not going for father sponsored college fees but opts for a hardworking wrist watch repairing!! Girl believes in trying out any thing that is on earth including drug occasional, Smokes, Drinks, Lesbianism Friendships, a different sexual partner, Prosthesis etc. She basically not box thinker. Their conflicts soon start surfacing and in one of the incidents boy even blows whistle to Police Station at the cost of his losing friendship for ever in extreme possessive force. They have their unusual locations for sex preferences as well! Some unique novelty in opting for those matters like Lift (Elevator)Tunnel room for semi privacy. Sensual sex scenes. All are very cute and the detailing of the act praiseworthy.
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Right Person Wrong Time
SpaceCowboy8913 October 2021
This movie is brilliant in so many ways, i remember so many situations in this from my Teenage years myself, 20 years later u still from time to time remember that one person u loved deeply but life and situations separated you two apart.

And i could go from scene to scene in detail,and whats special about it and how real they are ,but watch it for yourself and maybe you will recognize yourself in this . It shocks me that low rating on here.
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Good movie
aarriot29 March 2020
It's a very nice movie to watch when you have a free time it's a nice romantic story and you will definitely like it
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