Black Site Delta (2017) Poster

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Very inconsistent - Many mistakes
camel-wides23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, Let's start this out honest. This wound up in my wife's Netflix queue, and neither of us remembered putting it their. Had 90 minutes to kill, figured, "Whats the worst that happens?" It starts out with "The guy from Burlesque" as my wife referenced Cam Gigandet. Talk about a hackneyed setup... Black ops guy in a bar with a stuffed animal for his daughter that he hasn't seen in a long time. Thugs get angry cause bartender is flirting with him, fight ensues. Somehow we instantly go from parking lot murder fight, to Jake (Burlesque guy) in a black site prison, with open bars where everyone can talk.... And talk they do. We get a stilted introduction for all of our main players in some really bad exposition. It's a black site. No one knows where exactly. Everyone is really bad. Suddenly, some English military guy is leading a raid on the place, and winds up breaking into this base. He comes to the prison, and we find out (Shocking) he and Jake have backstory. For all his bluster about how these warriors were being treated... English military guy leaves everyone locked up. We now have some contrivance about this being a black site, and that the CRT is over two hours away, so our prisoners who have now gotten out of their cells on their own, decide to help thwart the terrorist assault.

I'm not going to pick apart everything that is wrong with this movie from here on. Let's say production quality was on the low side. I can live with that. I don't need a ton of CGI to make me happy, in fact, sometimes no CGI is better. There are some continuity/consistency issues that are really hard to ignore. Our sniper has picked up a miracle sniper rifle with unlimited ammo. It is pretty glaring, honestly. The other biggest inconsistency is there is a plot contrivance to hold our protagonists in place for 30 minutes while a drone is flown towards it's closest landing place in Florida. It can not be crashed,or even able to fly below 20,000 feet without a landing facility... But a couple button pushes when it is literally on descent in Florida, and less than 5 minutes later it is outside NYC... And folks who can barely crawl from a gunshot, getting into a fist fight, and then getting shot 3 more times, and it seems to not even slow them down. Inconsistent is all I'm saying here. A continuity editor paying attention would have been really helpful to this movie.

Now, for the acting. Across the board, it is not too bad. Sure, everyone is basically playing a caricature, but that is something that was expected here. I can't even blame the actors for that, since it appears to be the way they were written, and directed. No ones acting really jumped me out of the movie as bad. The General though, he was really bad. I don't know if the director told him to act like that, but he was the stand out not really believable character and actor.

This could make a great drinking game though, as it was fun to bitch at, and not bad in general.
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This is what they trained us for.
nogodnomasters4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Jake (Cam Gigandet) a former black ops guy, kills a man in a bar fight in self defense and winds up in a secured black site prison with other rogue/crazed operatives. After Taylor (John Brodsky) a slightly cannibalistic individual who likes knives, introduces everyone in the cells, the site is attacked by a bunch of guys in black outfits. They are taking over the site. Our guys escape from their cells and figure out the sinister plot of the perpetrators. It seems at the same site is a building that controls long range drones. One drone has a 50 megaton nuke attached to it and the Taliban leader...oh this is too silly to continue, but you get the picture. It is bad guys vs. badder guys.

This is an action film that goes through the motions without a great story or characters. Lots of fighting and gun play in one location. The production is sort of like Asylum combined with WWE without the special CG monster or "Professional Wrestlers." Why did they bother? F-word. Sex. No nudity.
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Boring and bad story writing
kressckerl9 June 2018
This is one of those movies where the major issues for the characters could easily have been prevented but were caused anyway by the characters stupidity.

Even worse is the fighting scenes: the times where they are open and exposed to enemy fire and should have been shot, but wasn't. Even tho you sit waiting for them to be shot, nothing happens.

Those are some of the things that make it a bad movie.
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A bad story
Gordon-1111 August 2017
This film tells the story of six military personnel who are locked up in a secret military prison. They soon find out that their facility is raided by a fully armed squad in order to steal a nuclear weapon hidden in the facility. They have to outsmart the squad to stop the squad's heist.

"Black Site Delta" starts off semi-interesting. The introduction of the six protagonists is detailed, making viewers know who they are watching. They all have very distinct personalities, especially the weird psychopath who is not particularly macho but delivers a spine chilling performance.

The rest of the film, I have to say, is not particularly good. I am particularly annoyed and even exasperated by the characters constantly being in the open, when they are in great perils from many gunmen int he facility. Are the six highly trained soldiers really going to discuss their plan of action in the entrance hall of the facility, when gunmen can be marching down any minute? And is Cam Giganget really marching down the middle of a hallway full of dead bodies, as if he is walking down a runway? Do the characters really have to stand right under a spotlight (the scene of Cam Gigandet telling the woman how he loves his daughter), when the bad guy is literally around the corner ready to shoot them? This aspect of the film is so outrageous that makes me super annoyed.

Cam Gigandet's face gets more than the fair share of close up shots. While it may be pleasing to the eye, it also exposes his lack of ability to act. Furthermore, the story is very clichéd too. And surprise surprise, who gets the girl in the film? Granted, the lighting of the film is good. However, when that is the only thing that is good about the film, then there is a big problem.
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Starring Cam Gigandet is not a selling point
cheerstothecat12 May 2017
I am really surprised the story-line for this movie on here begins with "Starring Cam Gigandet" as if he is Brad Pitt. Or even Aaron Eckhart. He is a nobody. The bad guy from Twilight is the epitome of his career. And his acting in this film makes that point very obvious. The whole thing was sloppy from beginning to end. The acting was so bad it is surprising these people were actually paid to do this. I recommend watching indie films on YouTube, because at least some of those come off made with integrity. This thing is just a waste of time. For anyone who watches it and everyone who put money and energy into it.
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joe-82513 May 2017
I'm watching this right now and I am fighting to get to the end of it. A by the numbers script can work with decent acting which is completely absent anywhere in this movie. Add ridiculous scenarios and the lowest of production values into the mix and this movie is right at the top of the list to deservedly sink without a trace. Garbage simple as that.
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Another awful Bollywood movie!
psxexperten10 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste of time. Who the hell makes these films and why? Surely the production cost outweighs the incoming revenue? This film infuriated me from the word go, really. I know a lot about low budget film making and I understand that this film is not necessarily the worst low-budget film ever made... but it comes very close.
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IMDB rating is pretty accurate
the_doofy8 October 2018
Which is kind of rare these days

Low budget action flick, acting is in the ok to mediocre range, action music is done well, sound effects are done well, dialogue is easy to understand, lighting is ok

Some blood, Lots of F words, some smoking, no drugs alcohol or nudity

Some of the characters seem uninspired, others were ok

all in all I did not enjoy the movie, it did not seem inspired
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Too bad for words
mrbarnacle4 May 2018
Epitome of a terrible movie and time wasted that I can't get back
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Worth Watching : Thrilling & Action-packed
chakotay-7077024 July 2017
My wife selected this movie and I was initially skeptical due to the relatively unknown actors cast in this movie.

I read the handful of reviews after watching it, and I was rather dismayed at the negative comments spread out before my eyes...all except for one review that was in total accord with my impressions of this film.

Since all but one review seemed to reflect what I had experienced in this movie, I decided to post a review myself...for the very first time on IMDb. Yes, the actors are relatively unknown for I could not even name one from memory. Nevertheless, they managed to create an action-packed movie that kept me riveted to the chair from start to finish.

The main characters all demonstrated widely differing personalities that were easily distinguishable. Somehow, you were drawn to each one - more or less. If you wish to relish the story, avoid over-analyzing the details and simply sit back and enjoy the action-packed ride.

Give it a's truly worth watching!
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Keep it a secret
kosmasp10 March 2018
Some movies better not get out of obscurity. This is one of them. And while I do have a knack for low budget movies, there comes a time when by the numbers isn't cutting it anymore. It's many things, from the script to the lesser than one dimensional characters, to the "acting". I guess you could say the action is decent if you consider the low budget nature of the movie (which means you will not be impressed).

Also the way weapons are handled reaks of amateur hour ... There are so many other things you could do with your time. And I might start thinking about not watching movies like these through. Because they don't get any better and you can tell very early on ...
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Why a 10???!! I'll tell you why
JasonJPiccolo19 February 2018
This movie takes me back to the good ole straight to VCR days from the mid-1980's. It should fit into a niche, like those fun 80's movies with dudes getting blasted, some cheesy dialogue, and a few minutes of escape.
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Fun summer movie
deeskinner22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I read all the various reviews before seeing this movie and had some concerns about it, but knew the producers and thought I should give it a try.

This is a military action/adventure, it's not meant to be the next academy award winner. As an action/adventure feature, it does quite well.

The plot is predictable, but I was so invested in the performances that I stayed up until 2AM to see the whole thing. I loved John Brodsky as 'Taylor'. So delightfully, adorably psychotic! You couldn't help but cheer for him as he creates mayhem all around with a smile on his face. Michael Dale as 'Colonel Irving' was a bit over the top....but 'Colonel Irving' was a bit over the top, so it was understandable. Besides, Michael Dale is quite, quite nice to I really had no complaints. (^.^)

I would have liked to seen more of 'Simms' played by Benjamin Watson. You learned quite a bit about the character from the bits and pieces he had, but I would have liked more. He was an interesting guy, but we only got to see the high points. By far, my favorite character was 'Diego' played by Dion Mucciacito. (It's always the quiet ones!) Wow. The backstory is just hinted at, but you could see so much of what was going on in his eyes. I would love to see more of his work.

Teri Reeves was awesome. Total kick-ass character, with a very dry sense of humor yet a touch of vulnerability. I would like better angles on the fight scenes; Teri is an amazing woman with incredible skills, be nice to really see that. Still, it was fun seeing a kick-ass female lead that didn't need to be saved.

I enjoyed the 'look' of the film; the lighting wasn't typical, done mostly with flashlights (or that was the impression), and filmed at night. There was the occasional inconsistency, but it worked. The score was also well done; fit the ambiance of the movie well.

Overall Black Site Delta was a fun action/adventure summer movie. Bit of foul language, few blood splatters in the wrong place, the usual plot holes and silliness (kissing scene in the middle of a fight? Really?), but still, ton of fun and well worth the time to watch.
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I have no words...
andershenningsen26 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A dronebase that can control a drone flying around with a very large nuclear bomb is being captured by terrorists, so the 'good' prisoners must step in. But there are just so many mistakes so it should not get any stars at all.

A base that can control a drone flying around with an atomic bomb has "dangerous" military prisoners... but is manned worse than a Detroit fuel station.

The 'good' guys can't take down two terrorist who stands with their back to the 'good' guys, but storm into a room with 4 terrorists and kill them all easily.. that they can do.

The terrorists shoot a guard from a long distance, but a woman who runs against them... nope, they can't hit her.

The female actor is so bad, so it's almost a little funny.

The 'good' sniper shoots all the damn time, but there are not really any more dead bodies then the first ones he shot.

Their emotional moments are so miserable, so it's almost embarrassing - they try, but the play is just not credible.

The 'good' ones find the control room for where they should press some buttons so that the nuclear drones could be remotely controlled from another base.... BUT, of course, the nearest base is out of range to be remote controlled - question; why then lay a base so far from the other?

One of the evil ones has been shot but survives, but when one of the 'good' threatens a knife... he speaks and tells everything - and they should imagine to be Navy Seal, Recons, etc. ect.

Because Jake saves the female soldiers life twice, suddently they are big time in love and make out 🙄

The entire movie is one big joke, sorry to say.
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BAD Movie
tjdenver-8493521 July 2017
This epitomizes a bad movie, and I'm afraid the filmmakers spent a lot of wasted money producing it. An independent movie needs to tell a story, and have depth. This production had neither. Just bad actors who they obviously paid too much money for. If you do find yourself sitting down to watch it, and making your way all the way through, you will just sort of feel exhausted afterwards. Like you spent more time trying to figure out how this movie ever got made than actually watching it.
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so... ummmm... Can't fly below 20,000 ft? solution
xdcc32131 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Fly it UP and STALL it..... eyeroll.... god this movie script writer is stupid. Hold off enemy for 30 min... or stall the plane in minutes... take your pick. Either way, the last 30 minutes should have taken 5, at best.
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Don't waste your time. Bad
ctinaztepe27 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched a lot of action movies, but the film doesn't give anything to the audience
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A film
rydlewis8612 April 2019
Was ok nothing special. Army fight action and usual underdog wins
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Familiar story given (mostly) lacklustre treatment
Wizard-84 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Black Site Delta" is certainly not the first B movie to rip off the formula established by the movie "Die Hard", nor is it the first "Die Hard" rip off to be set in a prison. Despite the lack of originality on display here, I was still open to the movie when I sat down to watch it. But while it is certainly not as bad as some other "Die Hard" rip-offs, it is for the most part a very mediocre telling of the formula. It does have a little novelty, such as having prisoners being the heroes of the movie, and there is a little comic relief here and there that is amusing. But the movie more often misses than hits. While the production values are not rock bottom, it's clear that the filmmakers didn't exactly have a lavish budget to build sets or strengthen the often claustrophobic direction. The direction also stumbles with the action sequences, which feel mediocre, or have a "Been there, done that" feeling to them. In the end, the movie doesn't really feel "bad", but all the same has a very bland feeling. There are better "Die Hard" rip offs out there, though you could also simply rewatch the real McCoy again instead of watching this.
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Characters Who...
bemyfriend-4018417 December 2020
Characters who display distinct emotional traits. Not all of the action would be approved by an expert in such things; but still fun. Lots of plot twists, provided by those afore mentioned distinctive characters. Worth a six.
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Terrible don't waste your time
Terrible don't waste your time This is one of the worst action movies I have seen I rated minus one star
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Not Bad
januszlvii14 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You can see ripoffs of better movies ( Con Air ( especially the teddy bear), The Dirty Dozen and Die Hard to name a few), but it was entertaining. It is about convicts versus mercenaries and the terrorist who hires them. The things that are different is the romance aspect ( there is a female convict named Vasquez who pairs up with the hero Jake), and spoilers ahead: The black character does not die. Jake is very much like Nicholas Cage in Con Air all he wants to do is get back to his daughter. Does he? Spoilers ahead. Of course ( and ends up with Vaquez as well). But how he succeeds makes it worth watching
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Just focus on the body count and you will enjoy
searchanddestroy-12 July 2018
This is a sort of DE HARD rip-off in a jail. A lousy, corny grade Z film, of course. But I enjoyed it. First, it begins in a scene, in a bar, the kind of sequence seen billions of times before BUT that eventually doesn't lead where you first expected it would; I made it to the end because of the body count game. Our heroes kill dozens of hostiles like in CALL OF DUTY game...In this film, bad guys fall like flies. They are as Special Forces as I am, or they look like just drafted soldiers. Pure enjoyable crap. I like the serial, vicious, sadistic killer who enjoys ripping the bad guys. Some interesting scenes, such as this one where the Afghan leader- a bad guy - confesses to his broad about his motivations. Good and interesting line in such a lousy stuff. The sniper character is outstanding for this kind of garbage movie; I saw it as a sort of Clint Eastwood's AMERICAN SNIPER. That's the best of the entire feature. And no one knows what happens to one of the characters.
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Low budget and uninspiring
jordondave-2808531 March 2023
(2017) Black Site Delta ACTION

War Vet Jake (Cam Gigandet) gets knocked out after a brawl from a bar, he ends up in a military prison along with 5 other people all locked up for different reasons. It is during then a contracted mercenary lead by Colonel Irving (Michael Dale) breaks into the military prison compound for the intention of controlling a dangerous drone motivating six prisoners to break out of jail for the intention of preventing this from happening.

Because some of the military men locked up are locked up for a reason some resort to helping the hired mercs themselves,with the action scenes being second rate and uninspiring.
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Really Awful
lonilesanmi27 March 2019
Very predictable, illlogical escapes, inconsistency. I honestly don't think I've seen a movie worse than this.

The first thing I did after seeing it was go check the ratings, and of course it was a 3/10. If only I had seen the ratings before throwing away 90 minutes of my time
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