Mermaid: The Lake of the Dead (2018) Poster

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Great movie, sadly with some big flaws
Finfy16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is based heavily on Rusalka, the Russian fairytale version of a mermaid. They are often unmarried women who commit suicide and drown their victims or tickle them to death. It is very accurate in its depiction of Rusalka, from what I can tell as someone who is not Russian.

The acting is above average, and the casting choices are great. The main actress, Viktoriya Agalakova, is very convincing and emotional. I also love the casting choice for the "mermaid." Sofia Shidlovskaya has an ethereal air to her, and every time she is on screen without the distracting CG effects, she is convincing.

The English voice acting can be a little bit distracting, especially with Roma's best friend Ilya, who has a stereotypical bully voice that does not fit his character, in my opinion. Other than that exception, the English voice acting is solid.

Now to my biggest gripe with this movie: the CG and jumpscares. The CG is simply terrible. It would have been much more effective to do only a bit of SFX makeup reminiscent of the movie poster.

The worst mistakes are the completely unnecessary jumpscares. The movie does so well to build up tension and atmosphere through its great direction and pictures, but simply ruins it with every jump scare thrown in your face. This movie did not need any of them to be a dark fairytale.

The script had a lot of potential. It has a solid ending and takes up points made throughout the movie to tie them all together in the end, like Marina jumping into the water to save Roma or hair having special powers. I, however, do not like how the movie was structured. We "beat" the mermaid far too many times with several red herrings throughout the movie before her curse is eventually lifted for good. It's a shame these mistakes weigh so heavily while the rest of the execution of the movie is great.
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If she ain't got a tail, she's not a mermaid!
Coventry30 October 2021
The first thing my buddy said when I borrowed his DVD-copy of "Mermaid: Lake of the Dead" was that, technically, the girl in the film isn't a mermaid. True that! She doesn't have shells to cover her boobs, or doesn't use a fork to comb her hair like Ariel does in Disney's "The Little Mermaid". Heck, she doesn't ever have a tail, which I think is the bare minimum to qualify as a mermaid. However, this doesn't mean the film isn't worth seeking out. Quite the contrary, the girl - Lisa Grigorieva - is an aquatic creature from the Russian folklore, so her background story and particularities are probably more original than any other horror movie about mermaids and sea sirens (with the exception of "The Lorlei's Grasp", that is a brilliant film).

The plot is intriguing, for sure. Shortly before their wedding, a young couple threatens to be torn apart by the interference of a mysterious water nymph who lures the boy - Roma Kitaev - to his family's lakeside vacationing house and seduces him with her gentle whispers and supernatural powers. The nymph's slowly unraveling backstory is great, and while the lead characters are amiable. So far for the strong points. Unfortunately, the makers of "Mermaid: Lake of the Dead" still believe the best way to make a horror film is to stuff it with jump scare moments and hideous digital effects. What they have here is a potentially atmospheric and petrifying concept, but they choose to throw in a sudden scare or a nasty face every couple of minutes. None of the BOO-moments have an effect, resulting in a chaotic and infantile second half and climax that easily could have been much better.
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Kinda caotic
borgolarici29 July 2021
While the Russian folklore angle is interesting and refreshing, the pacing and the action are kinda caotic and there are too many plot twists that don't really help the cause.
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2018 and we still don't have the technology to make a decent fake beard?
selfdestructo30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Paper thin plot about a girl who died. Not a mermaid at all, but a malevolent spirit. She shows up, and asks one question throughout the movie. I suppose that's her catch phrase! Half the movie, characters are convinced she just wants her comb back. Then she is defeated by cutting her hair with scissors. Seriously, this is what passes for horror movie ideas these days? Shout Studios certainly churns out some turds, and you'd think they'd know a thing or two about horror. Mermaid: Lake of the Dead is chock full of homoeroticism, if that floats your boat.

Stylishly filmed, anyway. A lot of people have complained about the dubbed version. If you buy the DVD (which I would strongly suggest you do not), there are menu options to play the movie in Russian with subtitles.
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Don't waste your time and money
rrosmarinus26 January 2019
Poor script, poor acting, poor end. No logic in the story. Story doesn't fit reality in a logical way. Too many predictable scare jumps, many if them too obvious.
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The dubbed is horrendous
falbpe25 February 2019
If you see a title about a Rusalka, you expect something mythic and very Russian; and not a Hollywood copycat, with jump scares and a "monster" that not frighten anyone; maybe in the original language the movie don't feel so bad, but the dubbed was not only plain and dull, but very simple translated. What a shame.
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Keep Culture in Mind?
NerdBat23 June 2019
So we in the western world see mermaids as beautiful sea women who have the tail of a fish. Keep in mind that this is a foreign film, and the mermaids of Russian and Ukrainian lore are not the same as what we know. The film has a decent plot but there isn't exactly a lot of logic behind it. The "mermaid" is more like a ghost, because the woman died centuries ago (so now it's a spirit I guess?). Being a Russian film, the dubbing is pretty atrocious. It's almost laughable that they don't even attempt to try and match the mouths with the words. In all its a decent late night flick, but not one you wanna watch more than once.
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Deadly lake
TheLittleSongbird22 October 2019
There is not an awful lot to add to what has already been said very well. Really loved the concept to 'The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead' and that it was loosely based on 'Rusalka'. Absolutely love Russian film, both live action and animation of which there are classics in both of all decades and genres/styles. Likewise with Russian folk tales, and there are many timeless ones out there. It also looked and sounded good.

Part of me was a little disappointed watching 'The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead'. Not because of it being awful, actually don't it is that at all, but because there was room for it to be so much more than it turned out to be. It is nowhere near close to being a waste of time but it had potential to be great and it just wasn't. Instead of falling into either extreme of loving or hating 'The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead', for me it was one of those films that left me mixed and where there was a lot of pondering needed to sum up my thoughts on it.

Will start with the good with 'The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead'. Much of the film looks quite good, with locations being a mix of beautifully dark and charming and the photography has a good deal of atmosphere. As does the audio which unsettled without being obvious and fitted tonally and in placement. There is an eerie tension and the mermaid is both ethereal and creepy.

Viktoriya Agalakova is a heartfelt Marina and Sofia Shidlovskaya enchants and chills. The visual acting is better than average.

It is such a shame however 'The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead' has too many short-comings too on top of those major strengths. While the visual acting was not an issue, the same cannot be said for the dubbing which had nowhere near the same amount of emotion seen on screen, didn't fit (Ilya came over as an irritating character as a result) and it sounds awkward. It actually would have been better just having it said entirely in Russian and having subtitles. There was an eerie, dark eerie tension and heart in much of the film but towards the end the logic becomes sloppy to the point of ridiculousness and the finale was impossible to take seriously, pure nonsense. Parts are repetitive too and in a predictable way too.

Do agree too about the jump scares. Excessive in number and use, added absolutely nothing, none of them were surprising, none of them were scary, they were just cheap and predictable and just cheapened an atmosphere that was already quite effective without them. The special effects looked as though they were made in a rush and as an afterthought, didn't see the need for them here (am seeing a pattern here, one of pointlessness regarding a few components).

A mixed bag overall. A fair bit impressed but there were frustrations too that could easily have been avoided. 5/10
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Where is the mermaid??
Dearmanoelneto1 March 2019
The movie had a mythology that could be more explored, but moves on without explications, hide too much the "mermaid" and she don't scare as well, although, had some technics that works pretty great, the characters aren't explored and some times stay boring, the twist in end is ok, and the song of the credits is amazing!
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The movie is good, but they kinda overdone it a bit.
Aktham_Tashtush9 December 2018
I don't know if it's the scares themselves or because i watched it dubbed and not in Russian ,, but it kinda felt overdone ,, A lot of scares ,, i mean the graphics and cinematography are good but there were so many jumpy moments by the end of the movie the scares felt like just any other normal scene.

The plot is semi-genuine, somewhat familiar,, the casting as of the Russian cast looked fine , but as i said sadly all the engagement and interaction thrill factors are lost when you watch it dubbed to English.

So i would say it's not highly recommended, especially not in English.
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Excellent Creep-Out, But You Must Understand Slavic Mythology
mydad224 October 2019
Let's start with the badly translated title. Where's the mermaid? There isn't one. The title character is a rusalka, not a mermaid in any western understanding of the word. Rusalki are the damned souls of girls who commited suicide by drowning, typically because they were pregnant out of wedlock and abandoned or rejected by the father. Such a girl becomes a rotting half-fish, half-woman, hideous in appearance, inhabiting ponds and rivers (not the ocean), who tries to lure young men to their death. They can shape-shift to appear beautiful or take the form of a living person. They are vengeful, evil, capable of sorcery, and dangerous. Don't think Ariel in a clamshell bra. Think carp zombies.

There. Does that help?

Marina is engaged to Roma, a competitive swimmer. Roma and his sister Olga lost their mother at an early age, supposedly to drowning. But as you see in the opening scene, she was actually killed by a rusalka at their lakeside dacha (summer house). The widowed father, who has had at best a distant relationship with his children ever since, unexpectedly gifts the dacha to Roma and Marina as a wedding gift, telling them to sell it and take the money. Instead, Marina wants to fix it up and keep it. But the rusalka has not gone away, and now casts her eye on Roma...

Visually, "The Rusalka: Lake of the Dead" (to give it its proper translation) excels. It is rich in old-fashioned atmosphere: mist on the lake, moon through clouds, candlelight in the old banya (wooden sauna), a lush Russian forest.

Contrary to what some reviewers found, the storyline is perfectly coherent. There are a handful of cultural references that Russians will understand but are not explained for the benefit of westerners (such as a shout-out to Karamzin's "Poor Liza").

But these do not pose a problem as long as you understand that a rusalka is not a mermaid.
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Way too many unnecessary jump scares!!!
dr_hhlee25 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As title of my reviews, I thought that there were way too many unnecessary jump scares in the movie... it's like you're trying to watch '50 shades of gray' to anticipate some sexiness but in reality you're watching scary Russian porno... the origin of the "mermaid" (at this point I'm not even sure that's the right word for it... more like a vengeful spirit) who commited suicide in the lake, but how would there be a tombstone in the lake for her? If the ritual to trade love One with her comb didn't work, why would her tombstone cracked & fall apart? There should be a serious look again at the script...
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Not Very Satisfactory
emaildazuye15 February 2019
The visual effects are interesting but the story does not unfold well, the ending is completely meaningless and the way the characters discover how to get rid of the mermaid is ridiculous. It has neither a drama nor a well-developed terror.
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Why waste film production?
dnbaeb28 February 2019
This movie was so DUMB! This was one of the most ridiculous and useless movies that I've seen in awhile. The plot was, "Oh wait! What was the plot?"
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Well, it's passable only if you keep reminding yourself that this is not hollywood
housebeast3 January 2019
Because this way to make horror movies is boring and almost predictable. Psichological thriller would fit better if not because of the 3 or 4 jumpscares, wich by the way are not scary. Either way, it not fitting the conventional hollywood horror movie standards made it somehow passable and a bit interesting. Also, there are no mermaids at all, keep this in mind, Rusalka is a russian ghost or something like that.
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Mermaid or Siren....
Hotepsekhemwy24 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Mermaid: Lake of the Dead is an interesting crazy horror flick. I have not seen a lot of mermaid movies, well Splash. This movie is more of a Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. Marina, a young woman engaged to be married while at the family cabin by a lake - the mermaid appears. This movie is O.K. If you just want something to watch.
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Such a waste of a great start
riskamalda15 June 2020
It started with really great mythology and fantasy, but end up with just a boring fantasy with many plot holes and bad acting.
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Well that was lame
Tina_jeppesen23 March 2019
Roma! Marina! Lol this was pretty f-in stupid not scary and horror made for 12 year olds. 12 year olds with bad taste in horror movies that is.
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Solid movie about a liquid.
petersonmk-2549714 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film overall. The technical aspects were great, the shots were competent, lighting, the actors were convincing, both onscreen and the English dub actors. It was such a high definition film, yet the CGI never looked terrible. They were lit so they weren't offensive, and they didn't it's well too long (until, honestly the one last CG shot, with all the teeth, but I was beyond fine with everything else, I let that slide) as some movies do. Somehow I just wasn't on board 100% with it. I found myself passively watching at times, but I think this was my own mistake and I believe I missed key information. I'll honestly watch this again to get the full story some other time. There wasn't one technical issue I had with the movie, no objective reason to feel as disengaged as I did so I think that's some error on the part of the user/watcher.) You don't see a lot of spooky mermaid movies, which is why I chose it. Old tales and movies from beyond the u.s. Are so water.
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I wanted to like it more BUT...
MermaidMandy017 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm left with too many plot questions. I wanted to like it because it's unique, the acting is good, cinematography, graphics, etc. It's almost like an horror fairytale from Grimm. But even though the plot is literally mentioned play by play in the opening sequence and the ending is to be expected, it still left me feeling a bit disappointed. The ending tries to wrap up the plot with what I'm sure they thought would be a clever twist or hint at something more sinister, but it's done in such an obvious way that it's not even a surprise. After everything that happens to the characters and throughout the story you're just left feeling like you sat through all of it for nothing. The best way to describe it is like a lesser version of Krampus, but with a Siren. On a positive note, the English dubs didn't bother me as much as I thought they would.
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Underrated movie
miroslavazirkelbachova14 December 2018
Im rating this movie 8/10 coz it is really underrated for all the effort and great visual effects the creators have put in it. 4 out if ten?! Unfair and unappreciated !
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Not the worst momvie I've seen...
ravenhair70221 January 2020
That's right, folks! It's bad movie night with the wife and I. This pick from Play stations movie vault, The Mermaid :Lake of the dead. The acting was good, the story was a bit of a stretch, thinking that aren't Mermaid usually in the sea? Not a lake? But I digress. Moving on, during the movie, I started to notice that the words were not syncing with the lips and I'm like what the hell? I hopped on my phone and discovered...through the IMDB website...shameless plug...that the movie is in Russian. I'm not a huge fan of subtitles and you really can't hardly tell. I liked this movie, and I think you will too. Peace.
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Expected worse, but also not a flawless movie
aronharde6 April 2024
In 2018's The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead we are introduced to a young woman who has to fight over her boyfriend against a mermaid-like creature. It's actually a Rusalki from Slavic mythology and these creatures usually live in lakes or rivers and lure young man to their death.

There are some moody dark scenes at the small lake, where the Rusalki lives and the contrast colors from the poster in green and red are both present in the movie. Especially the dark green tone which is seen in most of the scenes taking place at night. The effects actually look pretty decent and I liked the design of the Rusalki. There are several scenes where her face transforms with a loud screech and a jump scare. Its a cheap way to scare the audience and is generally not welcome amongst horror fans. Another thing that is not very well liked is the trope of dumb character's. But sadly the movie also takes a slice of this and therefore makes it almost hard to root for them. On the other hand it's certainly a unique movie with a unique creature being the central antagonist. Overall it's a decent film but the final result lacked in execution in some parts. [5,2/10]
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Stuff Mermaids are made of
kosmasp22 September 2020
Or was it dreams? And do you love me? Wait, I didn't ask that. Someone else did - literally. But let's leave this aside which you may get once you watch the movie if you even care. Because this is a horror movie that isn't really bad, but isn't that great either.

Technically speaking this really looks good. Maybe that is something you care about, maybe not, but I had to mention it, for those interested. Characters are quite cliche and a lot of scares are too. Story is simple and straightforward, it is very likely nothing much happens that will surprise you. No twists or turns or "mirage"/dream things ... so only watch if you do like horror overall. This does take itself seriously - for better or worse
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Take what is yours, give me the loved one.
nogodnomasters8 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is another Eurasia "Neverlake" with cursed spirits in it. Not as fun as the ones in Italy.

Roma Kitaev (Efim Petrunin) is a swimmer who is engaged to Marina (Viktoriya Agalakova). His father gives him the old family house, the one where his mother drowned by the woman in the lake...not really a mermaid with fins. The woman entices Roma and events start to happen as everyone works to unravel her grasp and save Roma.

The film is dubbed in English. The acting looked better than the dubbing which didn't do it justice. It was said in the beginning this was a tickle-me-mermaid, but the mermaid never tickled anyone.

Guide: no swearing sex, or nudity. Viktoriya Agalakova is Amanda Seyfried cute.
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