"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." New Life (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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leahmccall3 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show never runs out of ways to tell another story for the next season. So much is already set up to be excited for. It definitely doesn't always make sense and a lot of stuff is convenient but hey it's a tv show. Only repetitive thing is fitz Simmons getting separated but it's kinda a tradition at this point lol (they're the best part of the show btw acting and all) all the other characters are very likable too except deke he can be annoying and daisy a little too. All in all great season. Shorter season definitely works better. Can't wait for the next.
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MamadNobari974 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is without a doubt, best episode of this show period. I always tought that nothing could top that amazing season 4 but this finale is just something else. Especially with that big twist and clifhanger at the end.

I honestly don't know how the overall score still haven't go up and this show is still underappreciated even though it was a solid show even in season 1. This show's writing is unlike anything else I've seen on TV it's unique, genius, and creative and never runs out of fresh material.

Although you might think this season wasn't that good compared to last seasons but these past couple episodes especially the finale is even better than the season 5.

The writing of this show is brilliant, you never know whats gonna happen next, they always do new and creative thing each seasons and keep it fresh.

Like we had 3 season with the Hydra and Inhumans arc and they beautifully show us what Inhumans are and the awesome backstory or history of Hydra that merges with the Inhumans.

Then we had the amazing 4th season with 3 story arcs: Ghost Rider, LMD and the Framework and they brilliantly merged those three together in one of the best seasons in TV history.

Then they go to the fricking SPACE to save the world!!!

And now this season with one of the most unique and powerful villains and best finale of any seasons of the show.

How do the writers never run out of ideas!? I know the next season will be the last one but I wish they could continue and surprise us with more genius writing.
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I love this show
garywrght7563 August 2019
So good at every turn please don't end after season 7
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So much to process
noorea-851473 August 2019
This show is cruel! the writers leave us on a huge cliffhanger knowing we will have to wait a whole year for it! It's quite the exciting set up for s7, so I'll give them that! Where to begin, I had trouble breathing throughout most of it, the action was great, the twists kept coming and the punches to the gut were most painful. I loved the way the show handled the different storylines leaving a certain group off screen built up great suspense that pays off big time. and even among all the jaw dropping actions, we still get some great quite character moments. I found this hour to be a great balance of big and small moments that never loses a step!
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Flawed, but awesome in many ways
isabellacheng14 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching after Season 5, saturated by the never-ending new extinction-level events. Then Season 7 came out, the final season, I guess I'd just be watching Season 6 to catch up. But oh boy, I couldn't stop.

This season had some excellent episodes, such as Daisy and Simmons getting high in the Kitson casino, and of course the highly-rated "Inescapable". Izel was a great villain, and she had an unsettling smile that paralleled Ruth Wilson's Mrs. Coulter.

There were many great fight sequences in this episode, but my favourite was May's undying resolve (literally). Zombie Yo-Yo had me scared for a moment, but Daisy kind of spoiled the suspense. Simmons' entrance was a plot twist perfectly executed. Her calmness and confidence during the final sequence was frankly more shocking than the Empire State reveal.

Still, there were some gross inconsistencies and questions that might never be answered:
  • How the heck did Deke bring his staff into a top secret SHIELD base, and kept it a secret?
  • If the goal was to let their people inhabit the bodies of the locals, why would Izel be destroying planets? (Or why would Sarge need to be destroying planets in response? And how? All he had was a nuke, and a sword.)
  • Beings such as Sarge and Izel were said to be non-corporeal. Yet they were depicted as humanoids in their true forms.
  • Mack held off Sarge in hand to hand combat after Sarge regained his full power!? What the hell? Even Daisy's power was like wind to him.
  • Who created the monoliths? Clearly not Izel and Sarge, but the ancient temples on both side of the portal were built around them.
  • Why only Izel could leave their world?

But despite all the flaws, writing this review after the series finale, I missed the team. I missed them all.
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Has flaws but is mostly good
raisien29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the dialog was so forced and the possession of Yo-yo was super incredibly forced. Will never forgive the writers for not having her even try to grad the shrike or not having Daisy do anything either. But besides those few problems, it's still a mostly strong finale that sets up a lot of hype for the next season.
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Proof that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the most incredible show of all time.
TabalugaDragon27 March 2020
Just watched the episode again, half a year later and I'm baffled by the negative reviews for it. Sure, season 6 was one of the weaker ones, but don't forget about the budget cuts it had to experience, even worse than season 5 did. Still, the last couple episodes were about the level of the last few seasons finales.

Agents of SHIELD is not just a TV show. It's something that, like life itself, evolves and changes all the time. How the creators manage to make each following season to be so different from another, and yet so amazing at the same time and raising the bar every time is astonishing. This episode mostly was excellent, but the final few minutes of it are THE BEST piece of filmmaking ever made in history of television. The writing, the soundtrack, the effects, everything about those few last scenes is absolutely flawless and reaches even greater heights than anything else before it ever done before. My bow to you, Jed Whedon, Kevin and Maurissa Tancharoen, Bear Mccreary. You've outdone yourselves here. I didn't imagine something as incredible as this is even possible. You guys showed that it is.

Thank you.
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End to a weak season
filipandersson-403353 August 2019
A solid episode, with a lot mysteries leading into season 7. For the season as a whole it was nothing but a letdown, it felt slow and didnt deliver the same thrill factor as season 5 did, i hope they step it up a notch in season 7
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Disappointingly predictable.
itsame_kaia19 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 6 seems to be pretty polarizing for a lot of people, but I've actually really enjoyed the season. I really enjoyed the faster pace, and felt like the production of the show was pretty fantastic and the tension was maintained throughout the whole thing. Episode 10, "Leap," is easily a top 5 episode of the show for me. It's right up there with Season 4 as far as SHIELD's best seasons go - at least, it was before this episode.

Episode 12 ended with the death of May. Now, I never really thought she was gone for good, but I did like that it happened and thought it was a "bold action" (to quote Enoch) to take going into the finale. Unfortunately this episode doesn't follow through at all with not only that cliffhanger but a lot of the promises this season seemed to make.

Essentially every season of SHIELD has ended the same way. A big explosive finale, the bad guy dies, maybe there's a death of a reasonably important character, and the episode ends with a "shocking" cliffhanger leading into next season. Season 5 is the only exception to this rule, as while it did have an explosive conclusion and featured the death of both Fitz and Coulson (albeit off-screen), it didn't end with a stinger, aside from the goal of finding Fitz stuck out in space.

We're in the show's sixth season, and by that point, you really have to shake up the formula if you want to keep things interesting. As this episode progressed, I got really excited, as it looked like that was what was going to happen. Here's what I mean: May was stabbed and presumed dead at the end of the last episode. Yo-Yo is infected with one of those bat creatures of Izel's and those are supposed to be a death sentence, and a horrific one at that. Deke is trying to prove himself and it feels like the writers are setting up a potential sacrifice for him. Fitz and Simmons come up with a plan involving a frag grenade that would surely end in their deaths. As I watched the episode, I started to think - they're going to kill everybody. Fitz and Simmons are going to blow themselves up, Deke will sacrifice himself, Mack will be killed by Yo-Yo's transformation, Daisy will be crushed under the weight of the collapsing pyramid. Izel will win, Sarge joins her, and everyone will be dead. The planet is ravaged by Izel's forces. Then, for the inevitable stinger, we cut to Enoch in outer space, watching the planet be engulfed. We find out he's been planning for this for the last few episodes, and every time we've cut to him doing his thing he's really been preparing for something else. He says something like "We must take bold action" and the big reveal is that he built a chronocom of a long-lost character to help him out - maybe Coulson, but I would have preferred Ward. Or maybe some other reveal, but either way, it should've ended with everyone dead, because that would have truly been unexpected and new for the show, and set up an exciting seventh season.

Instead, what do we get? May's not dead after all. Yo-Yo is saved at the last minute. Deke doesn't really do much. Fitz and Simmons are saved by Enoch. All of the hints to Sarge's development and arc were for nothing, as he is just sliced in half by Mack in a really jarring moment. Sarge gets no resolution with May, Daisy, Izel, or even Snowflake for that matter, who was nowhere to be found in these last few episodes. I'm not saying he should've gotten a full-blown redemption arc, but at least give us something to justify all the focus on him this season, instead of turning him into another cartoon villain that's easily dispatched of. And by Mack, of all people? Not May, Daisy, or Izel?

After all that, it looked like we might have gotten a death after all - May has a quick but admittedly emotional scene with Daisy and appears to die in her arms. But nope, (a futuristic?) Simmons walks in, extracts them, and says "she'll be fine." No explanation of what happened to her or Fitz. Stuff like this has happened before but here it was just frustrating. To top it off, it ends with Coulson returning. Yes, I know it's not literally Coulson, but Simmons makes a point of saying that it is an exact copy of him, complete with his memories, thoughts, emotions, everything, so it's him. I was liking the work-around they were doing with Sarge, but this is a full-blown retcon. Could you potentially do the same thing with Lincoln? Davis? Triplett? Tony Stark, even? And you're really going to tell me that Fitz is "missing in action" yet AGAIN? We've done this before, haven't we?

So yeah, all the build-up this season was for nothing. It ends exactly how you'd expect it to, with absolutely no surprises, and a seriously frustrating last few minutes. I'd say this is probably my least favorite episode of SHIELD in general. Not terrible, just really, really disappointing.
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Decent Ending for a Not-So-Great Season
Anonnamus23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season 6 is by far the weakest of the series so far. It wasn't all terrible and had a gem or two like the episode focused mainly on FitzSimmons, but overall it was all over the place. I am one who refused to believe Coulson was truly dead (he's the only reason I started watching this show to begin with) and held out hope to the bitter end that he would somehow return. I was disappointed. I also admit, I shed tears at the end when I thought May died a hero, even knowing that characters don't usually stay dead on this show. I love time travel, so I'm looking forward to season 7.

This season's villain had potential but somewhat fell apart the last couple of episodes. She started becoming less creepy and more cheesy. I absolutely had zero interest in what happened to her or the rest of the planet, I was solely focused on whether or not Sarge was aware that May would survive on the other side. To the very last minute I hoped and prayed Coulson would cast out the demon and be himself again. That obviously didn't happen. My favorite parts of this episode were all pretty much Fitz. When he gets annoyed and his voice becomes shrill and shrieky is when he is at his best. I love him, and he pretty much saved the entire season for me.

But perhaps the biggest change of this season? Daisy's teeth. Perhaps she had a dental emergency and had to seek treatment on another planet where large white chiclet caps are the current trend, but I found it distracting as I couldn't stop staring at them every time she spoke. Her hair is super cute though. Deke dialed it back quite a bit and became slightly less annoying than he started. I loved seeing Flint again! I really hope they use the monoliths to create some sort of time portal to go where and whenever they want. Why can't they just go back and pick up pre-Tahiti Coulson? Let him be real, not just an LMD. Or perhaps they'll somehow learn how to make Coulson a real boy again, just like Aida was able to. I honestly can't wait until the next season, even though I thought season 6 was a dud.
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One of the weakest AOS Finales.
EddyTheMartian0073 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but I didn't find this season, or the finale to be especially good. I'm not saying it's bad, but I think it's really fumbled a lot of potential.

This season just didn't have focus. I mean this is a shortened season and it still had time for about 3 episodes that were mostly filler. I think most of the episodes themselves are solid, it's just the storyline as a whole feels poor. This also makes the pacing feel off. Going back and forth from earth to space, and suddenly stopping the plot with these filler episodes.

This finale really makes in evident with the 3 different antagonists. First we had the sarge with his team, which btw were just kinda thrown away. Then we also get Izel, who was underdeveloped and felt like she could've been incorporated as another character, but was just used to bring some forced drama to the characters with The Sarge potentially being good. Then suddenly a few of the Chronicom's become "evil" and become the new antagonist. Which isn't a problem in itself, but I feel like it also needed more development. I mean earlier in the season we also had Viro.

There's a lot of things that just felt off, like bringing back Flint, and just forgetting him. I felt like bringing him back was just pointless because they're not going to do anything worthwhile with him. Bringing back the Monoliths could've been explained in a different way. The whole zombie thing felt silly to me as well. Also are we going to ignore that Davis got killed and Piper is completely Unfazed?

This season had little to no consequences. May, and Yo-Yo were fake killed AGAIN. I'll admit I was against bringing Coulson back even if I love his character as Sarge. However I will admit it did have a lot of potential, and I don't think they really did enough with the whole concept. Now they kill off Sarge just to bring back another Coulson? I mean I'm sorry, but where's the stakes? Couldn't they do this for every other character now. It ruins his death.

I also think this episode had some plot holes, and plot convenience. May could've killed Izel when Sarge was contemplating wether to kill her or not. Izel also leaves May alone instead of injuring her to slow her down, which causes her to get killed. How convenient is it that the place where May is killed happens to not allow people to die, and Yo-Yo is saved RIGHT in the perfect moment.

These are just a few issues that I can think on the top of my head right now, and I'm not at all saying this was a bad season. I think it was still very enjoyable, and it still had some good moments. Inescapable and Leap were both great episodes, but I also don't think we ever got a true standout episodes. Most of the episodes were good, or decent, there just wasn't an episode that made me go "WOW." Overall I just think while this is a mostly good season, it's overall pretty flawed, and after the great Seasons 4, and 5 I was just expecting more. This feels more in line with seasons 1-3 (which I found to be okay).

But hey, the next season could be great! I'm guessing they're going to have a classic AOS team, and maybe include Agent Carter! I'm definitely still looking forward to it, and hopefully AoS ends with another great season.

Finale Score: 6/10

Season Score: 6.5/10
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New Life
bobcobb30119 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, at least this episode ending focused on some of the core characters, and getting "Coulson" back ahead of the final season is the right move, but it just lacked drama. These villains this year did nothing for me and the finale was completely anti-climactic.
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Potential wasted - sort of. Still enjoyable. Enough to keep me invested to see the last season through.
yugurtz5 August 2019
While I feel the writing has been pretty good and within character, I felt Izel and Sarge's character arcs were a bit wasted. They were certainly finished but I was left with many questions about their motives, their histories, and the why. A good villain is one that you can understand their goals and motives (see Thanos, and Mysterio recently for Spiderman FFH). Why should we be scared of the Shrike and the people through the portal/monoliths?

Dialogue was pretty solid between the cast. Their chemistry is basically second nature at this point. I wished they would create an arc for Daisy but oh well. I hope it's not money/contract related.

The action and CGI felt a bit low budget for a season finale. The special effects for season 5's finale was insane! It felt like they blew most of their budget for the season opener and first half of this season.

I'm still grateful we got a season 6 and one last season to go.
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Where did the show I love go?
RaSa09278 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love the first 4.5 seasons. While the second half of season 5 was rough, this season finale was just a mess. First, what was the point of all of Coulson's memories? It would appear that the only point was so that Mack could pull one of his holier than thou moments and rant about one god and the devil did it. Seriously?! In a show about aliens and otherworldly villains, how can a man that is that narrow-minded be allowed to lead the team?! Second, I am growing weary of the need to diminish Daisy as a plot device or just plain old misogyny. The show created a rich, strong and real character (beautifully played by Chloe Bennet) and now seems to enjoy knocking her down and putting her in her place. She has sent a man into orbit, destroyed Kree warriors, disintegrated birds and broken bones ... but she is gonna run from zombies?!?! Then in the final fight scene, am I really supposed to believe that May can defeat Izel and Mack can hold his own against Sarge? The same Sarge that was seemingly unaffected by Daisy's powers? Daisy has shown that she can take a beating and still save the day, but one hit from Sarge leaves her dazed. And Mack has no problem?! Wait, Mack is big ... apparently that is all that a man needs to be. I know that when I rewatch the series I will be watching the fun in space and some of the fab 5 at the lighthouse. I just wish that they had not felt the need to add so many characters and stick to the 5 that started it all: Coulson, Daisy, May and Fitzsimmons.
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A stronger ending for a considerably weak season.
ScottJarreau17 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 6 is probably the weakest of the bunch. It's too scattered and doesn't give nearly enough time for the story to take shape in a way that makes sense for the characters that we've been following up until now. However, the ending kept me on the edge of my seat so it was worth the watch. One of my favorite moments in this season (and perhaps the show) is when Daisy doesn't hesitate to activate Coulson's LMD. He was always such a father figure to her and she had so much love and respect for him and you could see in her face that she genuinely missed the dude and was willing to settle for a copy of he could give her some form of him back. I just loved that. I think that part was perfect.
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Weakest Ending of AoS
namob-436734 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season6, overall is pretty strong and certainly better than anything else on TV, but in comparison with other AoS seasons, and especially the landing of the season was not very good.

Two of the main traits of AoS is; they almost never have plot holes; and they have excellent dialogue - both was gone in the last two episodes of season 6.

The monolith "creating" powered people I more assumed Izel moved him from his timeline rather than creating him? But regardless it felt off, and not very well explained. Piper apparently have healing powers... the hole in her hand suddenly gone. A teleportation device suddenly? okay... What happen to Snowflake? How many SHIELD agents need to drop dead like alcoholic red-shirts before they stop joining the ranks of the show? How could Mack survive so many blows from a "God"?

The clunky dialogue was too awful, and felt very forced and felt created to further the events of the episodes rather than being natural - especially the "discussion" between Yoyo, Daisy and Mack when the "zombies" attack their ship, I felt like their dialogue was written by a 12yo fanboy. Almost every single actor playing a Chronicom cannot act their way out of a closet - which includes Enoch who should be evil or die, not be part of the crew. But their dialogue is mainly what make the Chronicoms horrible foes.

Why did they not let May die? It really annoys me that they did not let her die a hero as she should have. Yoyo should also have died, that character should be written off the show. And of course Coulson should be permanently gone - starting to be a bad joke that he keep coming back...

In essence this ending sucked, worst ending of the show by far, and I actually feel happy that the next season is the last. The writers clearly have run out of ideas - that we now move to time travel (again) proves it. Not even sure I will watch the last season, I am almost certain it will suck... They should have ended the show after season5 - up until that moment AoS was top 10 TVshows of all time, now I am not even sure I would put it on top 20.

I give the final two episodes a 5/10 - which is the lowest scores I have ever given to AoS, but of course still much better than almost anything else on TV.
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