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From Hell (2001)
Superb Stoner Jack the Ripper Movie
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Hughes Brothers directed this movie and made Whitechapel look more dangerous than the neighborhoods in Menace II Society. According to this movie, Jack the Ripper was the royal doctor who killed women to cover up an illegitimate birth of a potential heir born to a woman of low class. To keep this truth from coming out a masonic conspiracy was involved. This movie seems quite relevant today with all of the murderous intrigue and scumbaggery revolving around the "Royal Family". I'd like to see the Hughes Brothers make more movies like this in the future as it was really well made. Better than 99% of the crap Hollywood makes today.
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
Mediocre Minds
9 May 2023
This show is full of pseudo-Freudian nonsense, where the majority of serial killers are impotent bedwetters. This is entertainment for people of mediocre intelligence. This explains why it was on television for so long.

The quotes from classic writers are nice, but even nicer would be if the writers of the show had a tenth of the talent they quote from. Criminal profiling is a controversial endeavor and shows like this do it a disservice. The actors are hammy and all too happy to deliver the propaganda of today. If the real FBI has criminal profilers like the ones depicted in the show then that would explain why they never catch anyone.
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Derivative redundant crap
24 November 2020
Hollywood will take a person's script, steal the idea or the cool parts, and not pay the person anything.

Wicked Little Things are the people who make movies like this.
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Black Panther (2018)
Another Marvel movie with pro-CIA propaganda
29 February 2020
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Completely disregarding the history of CIA imperialism in 3rd world countries Black Panther depicts a white CIA agent as a hero, while the black revolutionary is a killmonger that must be put down. I can't believe people fall for it, and like bad movies like this. I guess you can't participate in Hollywood anymore unless you reinforce the status quo and establishment with insidious entertainment.

The last scene of Black Panter extolls the beneficence of the United Nations. Because the UN did such a great job in Rawanda.

Disney Marvel movies are the worst, turning out youth's mind into mush.
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1408 (2007)
Wish I made it.
18 December 2019
1408 is a psychological horror movie about a haunted room/time warp on the 13th floor in the 13th room of your mind. Relive your worst memories over and over again or confront them to take away the horror. People in my film class never got that when I proposed my 1408 short film.
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Rocky (1976)
Theory of Rocky
9 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I stayed up all night watching every Rocky movie ever made and came up with a theory about the movie franchise:

After the 1st Apollo Creed fight Rocky was so badly injured that he slipped into a coma and every sequel is really a fever dream his damaged brain devised as a coping mechanism.

The reality is that Rocky is still unconscious and wallows away in an assisted-living facility in downtown Philly. Mickey took the prize check from the fight and ran off with Adrian. They live happily-married down in Costa Rica. Pauly stuck around and drinks away Rocky's disability checks. The real loser in this entire story is Butkus the dog. Pauly fed it a Thanksgiving turkey and the poor mutt choked on a wishbone.

Rocky's only contact with the outside world are the nurses, who really pity the fool. The Russian male nurse who works the night shift likes to sneak into Rocky's room and softly whisper in his ear, "I must break you."

Apollo Creed retired from boxing and joined the CIA. He disappeared in the jungles of South America while pursuing communist rebels. Rumors persist a trophy-hunting space alien killed him.

All of this is more plausible than the atrocious boxing scenes where human beings get battered in the head hundreds of times without making any attempts at blocking the blows.
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Sick movie
10 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This weird movie is a trippy serial killer fantasy. No wonder Peter Jackson hides out in New Zealand.

Stanley Tucci does his best Jimmy Stewart accent while acting like a creep. It's as if the movie is his fantasy and he imagines the girl he rapes and kills hanging around in spirit form. In his mind he actually does the girl a favor and sends her to some weird heaven where his victims frolic.

I'm not sure who finds this movie as entertainment. Maybe Epstein or the Illuminati elite? It's pretty sick.

I've also heard rumors that the real reason the protagonist, Susie, was killed by the Tucci character is because her father, played by Marky Mark, impregnated her and the wife found out. So she made a deal with the creepy neighbor at the rose bushes (Tucci) to off the daughter because she was pregnant. That's why she knitted the hat, so Tucci would be able to properly identify the right daughter. That's why the mother angrily tells the other daughter that she can knit her one also. That's why the Tucci character tells Susie that "She's already late." Even the name Susie Salmon is creepy. Salmon swimming upstream to spawn.

And what's up with the weird younger brother? Did he suffocate in the refrigerator and that's why they take it to the sinkhole landfill? Is he a ghost? He disappears in the last third of the movie. Strange. is how I would define this dreck.
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Rain Man (1988)
A great movie!
3 August 2019
Rain Man is the anti-Nazi movie. An antidote to the current trash heap of violent dreck passing for movies today.

Nazis would terminate any mentally-challenged person. Rain Man promotes treating autistic people like your brother. Help people who cannot help themselves. More movies should be made like this.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
31 July 2019
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It seems the trend is to make long form television series, but the writers of Castle Rock lack the storytelling abilities to craft conflicts in order to maintain riveting entertainment, so they stretch every plot point out to the point where the viewer falls asleep.

I couldn't even make it halfway through season 1. I turned it off after the mass shooting scene, because what American really thinks that is entertainment?
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Stranger Things is definitely a strange show
29 July 2019
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Season 1 is a derivative work of nostalgia, but season 2 is a bizarre character study of an obscene small town in Indiana. There's a manic schizophrenic mother who goes off on psychotic benders. Her youngest son is an epileptic that becomes catatonic because he's being molested by his older brother, "the shadow monster." The local sheriff finds out the government is abducting children to perform MK-Ultra-like supernatural experiments on. In exchange for keeping quiet and covering up the scandal the sheriff is given a young girl. The sheriff keeps the prepubscent girl locked in a creepy secluded cabin that becomes their love nest, much to the envy of Drake.

I can't watch the show anymore, I had to stop halfway through season 2. Non-perceptive cattle view Stranger Things as sci-fi entertainment, but it's really a series for the pedo elite Illuminati masquerading as metaphors. What's really scary is that they are waving their sick comic stories in our faces and nobody recognizes the filth for what it is.

There's a sizable amount of sickos running Hollywood right now. That's the only way to explain the weird stuff they make.
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In the top 5 war movies ever.
23 August 2004
The acting is sensational, especially Sheen, and I love the voice over. The use of The Doors music adds an atmosphere that runs hand in hand with the movie: "The End". Maybe that is the theme of the movie, the end. The end of what? I think innocence, especially America's innocence after Vietnam. This movie is especially provocative when watched in today's political climate (Iraq/our soldiers). Definitely a classic movie, I give it a 9.15/10 FF Coppola is a master filmmaker. L Fishburne, R Duvall, and in particular Marlon Brando give memorable performances, and the cinematography is second to none, not to mention the editing of the film.
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