
17 Reviews
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The American Gangster Classic
16 November 2003
Reservoir Dogs marks Quentin Tarantino's burst into Hollywood, already hailed as an American Gangster classic, it tells the story of four perfect killers assembled to pull off the perfect crime but they realise one of them is a police informer, the question is which one?. Brutally violent with an unbelievable dialogue, Tarantino explores the nature of each of the gangsters through various scenes, the most memorable being the opening scene in the coffee shop when Mr Pink provides his beliefs on tipping. This movie sets a benchmark for future gangster/crime movies.
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13 November 2003
Not as good as the first two, in reality the entire story could have been told in 2 movies. Special effects are fantastic but that is the only thing that really saves the movie. I think most people will walk away dissapointed.
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Bad Boys II (2003)
Better than the First
13 November 2003
There are different opinions for this movie for obvious reasons, I personally think it was much better than the original. More action and comedy mixed well thanks to Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. Basically Smith and Lawrence are pitted against a Cuban drug smuggler importing ecstacy into the US, Burnett's (Lawrence) sister is also trying to bring him down and eventually is kidnapped by "Johnny Tapia" (Jordi Molla) and it is up to Lowrey (Smith) and Burnett to rescue her. Simple plot, basic screenplay but the wit and action from Smith and Lawrence makes it enjoyable. 8/10
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Tarantino's Masterpiece
13 November 2003
Many people believe that this was the film of the 90's, that is an argument that will go on forever but Quentin Tarantino's Masterpiece is definitely in the top 5, if not top 3. Pulp Fiction is the film that ressurected John Travolta's career and also catapulted Samuel L. Jackson's. A Brilliant mix of violence and humour saw Tarantino (the former LA video store worker) collect his Oscar for Best Screenplay and open a new style of movies in Hollywood. Boasting one of the best casts of any movie with stars such as Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Ving Rhames, Christopher Walken and Travolta and Jackson, Pulp Fiction is the must watch movie of the decade with a great plot, brilliant script and flawless cast.
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Tarantino & Rodriguez go well together
12 November 2003
In much the same mould as Desperado with Rodriguez in the chair and Tarantino with the pen in his hand, some people will like this movie others will hate it. I personally liked cause i am a big Tarantino fam, the sequels were pathetic.
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Pure Brilliance from Murphy
6 May 2003
In my opinion this is one of the funniest movies you will ever see. This Eddie Murphy at his brilliant best playing seven different characters in the one movie. This is pretty much a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde routine with Professor Sherman Klump (Murphy) creating a weight loss formula which transforms him into Buddy Love (Murphy). The best scenes of the movie are the dinner scenes at the Klump house where almost every character you see is Eddie Murphy. Very few other actors could have pulled this off. 10/10
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There is NOTHING funnier
6 May 2003
There is no actor/entertainer in history that has a greater sense of humour than Eddie Murphy. After watching this movie you will see why it is the number one selling concert video of all time. It is Eddie Murphy doing what he does best - making people laugh while talking about his own life, performing brilliant impersonations and talking about his personal opinions on love and marriage. There are parts of this film you will have to rewind as you won't hear it because you are laughing to hard. If you can actually sit through this movie and not laugh - even if you are a person who is easily offended, there is something very wrong with you.
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Psycho (1960)
Hitchock's Masterpiece
6 May 2003
This was the first really terrifying movie that audiences were ever to witness. Directed by perhaps the greatest of all time in Alfred Hitchcock, Psycho displays the first psychotic killer in film. Very few have had the same impact as Norman Bates when you think there is Freddy Krueger, Jason, Dr Hannibal Lecter and of course the killers from the Scream movies. I think it is only Lecter that matches up to Norman Bates. To the violence driven teenagers of today, "Psycho" is a film that they probably will not respect or fully understand, but for those who are willing to try this a film that you MUST see. This is the FIRST movie to terrify viewers and the final scene will stay with you for some time.
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Edward Norton's best role to date
5 May 2003
Edward Norton gives arguably the role of his career in American History X. Perfectly played as the confused young man who is pushed into Neo-Nazi beliefs after the death of his father although learns the error of his ways and tries desperatley to prevent his brother (Edward Furlong - Terminator 2) from following the same path. Very powerful, with a agruably controversial ending with Norton narrowly missing out on a Best Actor Oscar. 9.5 out of 10
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Best ever movie from New Zealand
5 May 2003
By far the best movie to ever come out of New Zealand. Once Were Warriors is a relentless sledgehammer of a film. Temeura Morrison plays his role of "Jake the Muss" with raw power. This movie is undeniably powerful (as are Jake's punches) and provides an excellent insight into the strength of the maori culture. Once Were Warriors deals with the constant and often violent abuse that Jake sprays onto his family.
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He said he'd be back
5 May 2003
Much better than the first with arguably Arnie's best movie and definitley one of the best sci fi/action movies ever. This is Edward Furlong's first movie as he was more or less pulled off the street to star in it, a great cast, well shot with great action scenes (Arnold vs Robert Patrick as the T-1000). One can only wonder if T3 Rise of the Machines will come close to this.
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This movie requires a greater depth of understanding
5 May 2003
Very powerful movie with Michael J. Fox and Sean Penn turning in brilliant roles. After seeing Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket and Platoon, I believe Casualties of War has the edge over all of them. While the kidnapping, raping and eventual killing of the vietnamese girl is very disturbing and portrayed as sickeningly wrong, after studying the Vietnam war this particular situation happened more than once during the course of the war. What you may understand after reading what I have read, that the Vietnam war was so emotionally shatterring to American and allied soldiers, being attacked by Vietcong disguised as villagers of whom they were helping, losing friends to booby traps - and basically fighting an enemy they couldn't see, it becomes slightly clearer as to why such horrible events like these occurred. I am definitely not defending the acts of Sean Penn and the other soldiers in this movie and indeed during the course of the war. This movie actually made me feel sorry for Sean Penn's character. This is a man driven by love for his country and hatred of his enemy, that during the course of the war he has lost sense of reality and of what is right and what is wrong. Many people will say that this is "Just a movie", but you must remember events like this DID take place. On an overall perspective a very good movie - my pick as the best vietnam war movie.
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Rush Hour 2 (2001)
Better than the First
28 April 2003
Better stunts, Better fight sequences, Better jokes - overall an improvement on the first Rush Hour. This time Carter tags along with Lee to Hong Kong where they discover an international forgery smuggling ring that leads them back to Los Angeles and eventually to Las Vegas. Excellent sequel - 8 out of 10.
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Scary Movie (2000)
Funny Stuff
28 April 2003
This is a comedy not intended for any past generations. The Wayans brothers pull off what many people wanted to see - all those teen "Horror" flicks to be redone in such a stupid fashion that it is actually funny. The sexual humour is perhaps a bit to over the top, but for anyone who has seen "Scream", "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and "Blair Witch" and didn't like it, this is one movie you will enjoy. For those of you who did like those movies - this is still funny anyway.
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Rocky IV (1985)
Stallone pulls off a fourth sequel
28 April 2003
It is rare that an actor (perhaps not the most oscar-winning brilliant one of all time) is able to write an excellent sports movie and follow up with four sequels which he also directs. People may forget that is just what Sylvester Stallone did. Many believed a fourth Rocky couldn't be pulled off - but Stallone did. After loosing his dear friend in Apollo Creed in an "Exhibition" bout against the mountain of muscle Ivan Drago (Dolph Lungdren), Rocky feels he owes it to Apollo and prepares for the fight of his life in Russia. A very entertaining movie from a great actor, writer and director.
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Red Dragon (2002)
Simply my opinion
27 April 2003
Red Dragon is the third of the Hannibal Lecter films yet it is set before The Silence of the Lambs. Once again we see Sir Anthony Hopkins brilliantly portray arguably the most terrifying character of all time in Hannibal Lecter. Although while watching the movie one cannot help but wonder why Red Dragon was almost virtually a remake of Silence of the Lambs. As a good a movie as it was, after seeing Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal, one may perhaps presume that the first chapter in the series may show Hannibal committing his crimes, outfoxing the police and then eventually being caught rather than have all of that thrown into the opening 3 minutes of Red Dragon and then simply creating a remake of Silence of the Lambs. People love watching these movies because of Anthony Hopkins, no other actor in history as ever "owned" a character the way he does. So why not give the people what they want, and see Hannibal before he meets Will Graham and explain how he was driven to commit his crimes.
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Hannibal (2001)
My Opinion
27 April 2003
This is a movie you will probably either enjoy or hate. I personally don't think it had the same impact as Silence of the Lambs, although Hopkins was once again brilliant as Lecter. Very violent and perhaps not what you would expect, if you read the other comments you will see the differences in opinions.
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