
17 Reviews
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The Lobster (2015)
The Lobster analogy
5 June 2016
As when we read Shirley Jackson's the Lottery or Animal Farm, we are taken to another reality with The Lobster. If our reality is that we must be in a relationship and the only relationship allowable is one where we have something in common with our significant other, then the rules of our society will reflect that certainty. If we are in opposition to that and are members of the underground fighting this reality then the opposite is true. There should be no relationships and the authority will discourage that. The reactions of the characters to different life situations reflects those certainties and their solutions to problems confirms their opposite dogmas. Spoilers hereafter. When the main character's brother (now a dog) is killed by his fiancé, her actions are logical in this new reality we are visiting. She must have someone with whom she has something in common. He has said he is heartless, so she tests him with the killing of the dog. The certainty that he must be heartless makes her test logical. On the other hand, those who have taken the opposite view must blind the girl who needs a near sighted mate. It's fun to go back to high school with a Lord of the Flies analysis. So, if this was an interesting challenge for you, it might just be that the Lobster will be your cup of tea.
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Black Swan (2010)
Somewhat a surprise
8 January 2011
I went to see Black Swan because I had seen the "making of" segment on FMC. I was expecting to see more dance and didn't realize that the main character was descending into a major mental illness. If I were a doctor, I would say perhaps this character had onset schizophrenia. The manifestations of the mental illness are hard to watch. Bloody special effects are shocking and although perhaps accurate in respect to the mental illness, still disconcerting in the extreme. There were a few things that jumped out as not true to a dance company's standards nor procedures. The character Portman plays would not have been dressing herself. Not to let on about an important part of the movie, but she would not have had the privacy to do what she did in the end. The movie can be worthwhile if the viewer understands that there are a lot of disturbing scenes and is forewarned.
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The Happening (2008)
So disappointed!
14 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Do not take your children. There were children in this audience and it was very inappropriate. kids!! First for the good parts. That's the shorter list. M. Night Shyamalan always knows how to build some tension and he did this on occasion in this film. It was well photographed. Now for the disappointing bits. This is a preachy, extreme environmentalist wacko version of the birds. The premise of the problem that the population faces makes no sense. It's obviously written by someone who has no scientific training. I should have known we were in trouble when Mark Wahlberg's character is teaching a class in the beginning and questioning where all the honey bees have gone. The only plausible answer coming from the class was "global warming". By the way, we live on a farm and the honey bees were prolific this year. The film's bloody bits are disgusting and the scene in the zoo looked like a bad remake of the SNL Dan Akroyd/Julia Childs scene. There was one sickening scene of bizarre suicide after another and it became tedious and finally laughable. Yes, there was laughter in the audience as these grotesque scenes were played out in all their slasher splendor. I even heard a "good grief" and a "when will they die" comment from the audience. The characters are so eccentric, in fact downright insane in some cases, that there is no feeling of empathy. It's rather like the author felt the need to show how bad humans are in general. I was tremendously disappointed to have paid the money and wasted the hours. More than one of the comments have indicated that perhaps the people who do not care for this flick "just don't get it". Yeah, we get it. People bad, plants good. Take off on a B movie. Don't destroy the planet, because that will destroy you. Yeah, we get it. It's still a bad attempt at making that message. It's disgusting, it's sophomoric and lacks any scientific expertise one would expect from a middle schooler.
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3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Just awful
14 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have to think that I am so out of step with the masses. What can others be seeing that I missed. I will say that in the restroom after the movie the other women were laughing at the movie and shaking their heads in disbelief of the hype. There will be many spoilers below. First of all, the acting was fine...that's about all the good I could see. The screen play was illogical. Why would Russell Crow's character continually miss opportunities to escape and the good guys continually miss opportunities to kill the bad guys? Why would they sit around a roaring fire in Apache territory and why wouldn't the Apaches just kill them as they most certainly would have? Why would Russell Crow's character kill all his guys who risked life and limb for him? Why would the writer put a stupid schtick in a chase scene where one character throws an explosive and another character shoots the explosive in mid air while riding full out on a horse? Why would the mine team just stand there and wait to be shot by men they knew to be psycho killers? Why would Russell Crow risk his life jumping over roofs just trying to get to the train? Why would the good guys miss the opportunity to shoot the bad guys in the street with a perfect shot from the bridal suite? How did Peter Fonda recover completely in a 24 hour period after being gut shot? How did Russell Crow's mouth heal completely after being beaten unmercifully by Peter Fonda? Why was Russell Crow's hands handcuffed in front and not in the back? I could go on and on, but I've already wasted enough time and money on this complete mess of a movie.
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Miss Potter (2006)
8 February 2007
What a wonderful night at the movies. My husband and I went last night and was so pleasantly surprised. Don't let the 7 star rating fool you; this is a fantastic movie and is true to the life of Miss Potter. The cinematography is worth the price of the ticket, but you get so much more. I'm not ordinarily a big Rene fan, but her performance here is exceptional. See it and take the kids. It might stun them to know there was a time when a woman was courted and that love could bloom without some of our more overt courtship customs today. It was a sentimental trip back to the memories of my first masterpiece of literature...Peter Rabbit.
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28 October 2006
I went to see Flag of our Fathers knowing it was about the flag raisers on Iwo Jima. My husband and I have not been to many movies this year, we choose carefully. I don't casually choose the film I put my hard earned money down to view. When I saw that Clint Eastwood directed this film and that it was historical, I jumped at the chance. Firstly, it is a fine film. It will no doubt bring a number of Oscar nominations. At the first, it may seem a bit disjointed, but just go with it, all will become clear. This is a film about celebrity being thrust upon men suddenly and the surreal experience of going from one of the most devastating battlefields of WWII to the limelight and the after effects on the men involved. It shows the battle from the individual soldiers point of view and does not worry with the grand battle plan. It may be interesting to look into that before viewing the movie, it is good background for understanding the difficulty in taking Iwo. The film so enthralled me that I went straight to the bookstore and purchased the book written by the son of one of the flag raisers. It is a wonderful read and adds a lot to the viewing. I like the way I did it, reading the book afterward, but everyone's taste is different. Do not leave your seat when the credits run!!!! The pictures reveal the level of precise reenactment Clint Eastwood designed. Amazing.
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Barnyard (2006)
Udderly misses the mark
20 August 2006
I can live with the steers and bulls having udders, (although I truly couldn't get over the obvious blunder) but the thing that I didn't like about this movie was its ineffective attempt to have a moral that wasn't a moral at all. There are no lessons here that are worth the effort. The younger steer should stop the party life and stand watch....that's the best they can do. The farmer is a vegetarian...go figure. I took my granddaughter and she was a bit underwhelmed as was I. She's 7 and usually loves going to the movies, but this did disappoint. I'm wondering if I can think of one redeeming quality....I'm thinking....
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starts good then comes the relentless boredom
27 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, it's beautifully filmed and one really feels the dirt, grit and flies on the face. It puts you there, but soon the viewer understands this is a sand voyage to nowhere. They delve into characters that one does not want to get to know. Pointless character analysis into people who will learn nothing and continue into worse and more tiresome squalor until they are stopped by death, insanity or futility. The last hour becomes a marathon for the viewer who has already hit the wall of pain and feels they can go on no more. Why did I continue to the bitter, bitter end? I became like the characters on the screen who would get to the finish line that was never there. Why did Winger's character take off with the Bedoins? Why did any of them do anything they did for no purpose whatsoever?!
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A thoughtful and disturbing movie
21 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
To watch this movie one must be in the right frame of mind. Firstly, it helps to be versed in political history and understand the political forces which brought this situation to exist in the real London of the turn of the century. Secondly, one must watch the movie in allegorical terms as you would read a poem or a short story. This is not a literal movie though the literal translation to the present day international concerns is acute. The psychological translation from book to screen is realized in all the actors' performances. Bob Hoskins is the double agent who has no loyalty to anything but his own survival and needs. Robin Williams who gets no listing in the credits (yet another allegorical reference) is the perfect sociopath. The sets are another character. The grey and dank Victorian London squaller lends itself to the futility of the goings on in the plot. Note the comparison to the home of the malcontents to the Greenwich sunshine. It's not a movie for everyone on any given day. It is a movie that could spark serious conversation comparing and contrasting the political climates of then and now.
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United 93 (2006)
It made you feel you were there.
29 April 2006
Today I went to see United 93. From the start, it gives the movie goer the feeling of being there. The camera work puts you in the center of the action and dialog and never gives you a breather. It seems like real time as it goes from the FAA to the flight controllers to the military to the people on the plane. There is no hype, there is no false bravado. It is a tough movie to watch in that it does indeed seem so real. The emotions are raw. I feel I want to see it again so I can watch the technical aspects of the movie. I didn't notice them today. These do not get in the way of the telling of the story nor do they bring attention to themselves. The next time I see this movie, after I rest up a bit, I want to try to concentrate on the editing. I usually pay attention to editing and camera work, but it went right by me this time. As for the telling of the story, it brings back the feelings I had that morning when everything changed. I'm still weak in the knees from the rekindling of the memory. Absolutely go to this movie and see it on the big screen. This is a big screen movie.
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Better than the first!
25 April 2006
We went to see Ice Age this weekend with a variety of family members ranging in age from 60 down to 7. As a family, we enjoyed the first Ice Age, and now, the second one we find even better. It held our interest throughout. There's something for every age group from the little ones all the way up to Grandma and Grandpa. The colors are very interesting and the animation is superb. Every hair on every back has a graceful nuance. The characters from the first rendition are all back. The most welcome cast member is the tenacious squirrel who has an integral part in the movie this time. Watch for the musical number ala Broadway sung by the vultures. All together a family movie.
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At last! A sweet kid's movie!!
11 February 2006
I wanted to see Nanny McFee, but she wanted to see Curious George and being a dutiful Grandma, I followed her lead. The theater was packed with small children which is about right for this one. I would say my 7 year old was at the top age for enjoyment on this one. She has all the books, so she's a fan. My 7 year old Granddaughter loved it. It was sweet and tasteful and funny for the little ones. I chuckled a few times, but honestly was a little bored; however, was content to sit through it because of her great interest. It was so refreshing to go to a kid's movie and not wonder what language or behavior would be there on the screen to offend. It was just cute and in more than one scene, touching. Take the kids and go and be glad.
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Through a child's eyes
7 January 2006
I liked it. I liked the Christian analogy. I liked the symbolism and the message of redemption. It was entertaining and the performances, direction and special effects were excellent. Enough said about that. The movie, Narnia, held my attention as a Grandma; however, I was a little concerned whether my 7 year old Granddaughter would be able to hang in through the long hours. I was also concerned that some of the scarier parts would be frightening to her. Well, she hung in and wasn't particularly scared except when the (I'm trying to avoid a spoiler) lion was put on the stone. It's not for a child younger than 7 and it's not for every 7 year old. I did think the conversation that came afterward was a beneficial one. Explaining why this movie was an analogy to Christianity was a good opening to a discussion about always trying to do one's best and how God's forgiveness is always there for us.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Walk the Line, a roller coaster of emotion
26 November 2005
Right up front, I'll tell you that I am not a fan of any country music. So, when I accompanied my husband to see this film, I was curious about whether it would hold my attention. This film is not about the music, not entirely. It's about the man and the woman. It was fascinating and compelling, dark and joyous, and left me with a feeling of having gotten to know two people whom I'd never met. The acting is superb. Witherspoon is fabulous. Phoenix reaches down and finds the dark places with adept skill. The actor who plays the father is extraordinary. The camera work heightens the feeling of getting inside the skin of the characters through tight close-ups that can almost make the observer uneasy over the intrusion. In the middle of the film, I caught myself thinking that I didn't like these people very much. By the end of the film, I did. In Walk the Line, I always cared even when I strenuously disapproved of them. This film wrenches emotion from the viewer. Highly recommended.
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The best Pride and Prejudice yet!
12 November 2005
I saw Pride and Prejudice in a packed theater and I observed no disappointed viewers as indicated by the applause the film received at the end. Many things impressed me immediately. Firstly, the camera work is exceptional. The scenes and colors are breathtaking. The costumes are spot on. The people who populate the screen are not characters pulled from a idealized scene of the early 19th century, but people who appear as those people were often unshaven and their clothes not just pressed and washed. So many of the older films made costumes, makeup and hair so perfectly presented, that the actors seemed plastic and unapproachable. The language of the film is so well brought from the book that I want to see it again just to listen. The characterizations were superb. Each character had depth and substance. Sutherland was wonderful as the father and the mother gave a dimension to her that gave the woman's nervousness and inappropriateness a pitiable side. Judy Dench was brilliant as the royal to the bone marrow aunt who looks down her nose on every other character who comes within her purview. The leads were well played and interesting to watch even when the viewer is well versed in the story.
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The Notebook (2004)
Great boo hoo value however
30 July 2004
This middle aged lady viewed Notebook in a small theatre full of other middle aged ladies munching popcorn and holding tissues to eyes and noses. Afterward, we met in the ladies room for comments and further blubbering. Their reaction was that the movie depicted a love that few have experienced and that evoked deep emotions of either celebration or personal regret. Having said that, my reaction was the same as far as that goes. I have one disappointment, which is my usual disappointment where modern-day movies are concerned. Writers and directors take women from other times and places and bestow upon them a crudeness found in the latter part of the 20th century and first part of the 21st. A well brought up young lady from Charleston (she establishes that she is a virgin) would not unbuckle a boys belt and remove his pants, certainly not on a first meeting. She would not kiss him on a public street. She would not leap into his arms in front of other men.

She may do that in private, but never in public. I do wish the industry would realize that the present day luedness found in young women is not found historically in the better classes. Otherwise, this is a profoundly moving story and if James Garner is not nominated....there is no justice.
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The Alamo (2004)
From a Texas Historian's Eye
11 April 2004
I am not a film critic but a historian with an interest in good films. As an Texas historian, the film struck me as accurate to the extent that an historical film can be. We do not know what was said when and by whom during the day to day lives of long dead men. We do know what others have said they said. We have transcriptions of speeches and we have diaries. Some historical evidence is conclusive, some is debateable. I do find that the conclusive parts of the fight for the Alamo is very accurate. I do find that individual conversations, eventhough fictional, are likely in their characterisations of the person. I especially find the character of Santa Anna well documented. Although we know less about Mr. Crockett than some of the other participants, I for one hope that this written character as superlatively played by Mr. Thornton is a viable interpretation of the man. One has the feeling of "being there" as the sets and landscapes mesh with the actual places. As an fledgling film critic, I give the film high marks with the proviso that some who abhor the study of history may not be as interested as I.
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