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The Bad Seed (1956)
Bad to the Bone!
2 March 2011
I recently caught this on TCM for the umpteenth time and was amazed at how well it holds up after over 50 years. Yes, its dated in its style and acting, but it still packs a punch and is entertaining as hell! I wont bother to mention the plot as everyone else has described it well enough. A 50's mother begins to realize her perfect little daughter isn't what she seems. And on a parallel plane, she also comes to realize her own past is not what it seems. And when these 2 plot arcs finally merge, you have one hell of a climax. Director Mervyn LeRoy made the decision to film this as the staged play it once was. There were few attempts to open it up and few close ups. The film is composed of mostly medium shots. Most of the Broadway cast was also imported for the film and act accordingly (to the upper balcony). Particularly lead Nancy Kelly as the put upon mom. Her hand wringing/chest beating performance is over the top, yet it works wonderfully in this 50s setting. It's too bad the censors made them change the ending. But even the changed ending packs its own wallop. This piece of Eisenhower Americana (turned on its head), hints at the tumultuous 60s decade ahead. There are wonderful bits by Eileen Heckart, hilarious and heartbreaking almost simultaneously as the drunken, grieving Hortense Daigle (who came up with that name? LOL) and Henry Jones as the mentally challenged handyman (who catches on quite quickly to the goings on when the so-called smarter characters are still clueless); Evelyn Varden as the nosy, psychoanalyzing landlady, and of course, Patty McCormack giving one of the most chilling portrayals of childhood mayhem ever put on screen. Alex North's score helps the proceedings immeasurably. As an artifact of the 50s and precursor of many film genres since, this movie is hard to beat! Even the tacked on Let's Meet the Cast (It's Only A Movie!) epilogue cant spoil it. It's a great ride.
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Clumsy And Mean Spirited
15 September 2008
Just when the Coen brothers start getting some respect from me (No Country for Old Men) they put out something like Burn After Reading that makes me start to dislike them again. Smug, Smart Ass and Condescending the movie seems to be a joke on the audience (how dare you take us seriously!) If this is satire, its pretty heavy handed. As a comedy it comes up short as well. There are some sporadic laughs but they aren't really worth the investment. The plot in a nutshell: 2 brain challenged Health Club workers (McDormand and Pitt) come across a computer disk left by an nut case ex-CIA agent (Malkovich) When the ex-agent (who's just been fired) doesn't want to give them a reward, (it's his memoirs) they decide to see if the Russian embassy might want to buy it. Malkovich is married to Tilda Swinton who is having an affair with George Clooney who is also boinking McDormand on the side. It all sounds complicated, but it isn't very involving or funny. The movie takes a long time to get going, then it doesn't really go anywhere. One scene where someone is dispatched is so clumsily shot and edited you aren't sure what happened. Another likable character in the film is killed off and we are supposed to laugh at the gruesome details. The actors are mostly wasted though Pitt, McDormand and Malkovich do wring some laughs out of it. THe 2 actors who play he CIA agents come off best. All in all, a major disappointment. For die hard Coen fans only.
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Wonderful B Movie Classic
10 April 2008
The Narrow Margin is a great little B Film Noir Thriller. One of my favorites. Made on a shoestring budget and filmed in a few weeks, it's not that very well known, but is well worth seeing for anyone who loves crime dramas from the old days. Fast paced and barely over 70 mins long, it never lags and you will find yourself getting more out of it in repeat viewings. I never get tired of watching it. Set mostly aboard a speeding train, a tough guy detective is hired to escort a mob wife who's going to spill the beans about informants to the LA DA. (why exactly she's in Chicago and the LA DA is even involved is never explained). Right from the first scene, you know you're in for a wild ride and there are plenty of twists and turns in the plot as mobster hit men on the train try to eliminate the wife or bribe the detective to look the other way. Wonderfully shot and edited with NO musical soundtrack, just the sound of the train in the background. Great cast headed by Noir veterans Charles McGraw as the hard boiled detective and the wonderful Marie Windsor has the hard boiled dame he's trying to protect. Their put downs and insulting repartee are some of the high points of the movie. There's a great plot twist near the end that will leave you wanting to watch the film again to appreciate its ironies and double meanings. No One Loves A Fat Man, but I guarantee you'll love this little gem!
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Staircase (1969)
Why Was This Movie Ever Made?
3 July 2007
Finally caught this curio the other night on TCM. What a dreadful, depressing mess. I know it was a play, but what were the producers thinking? That anyone would flock to this depressing, repetitive bitchfest? Worth seeing only for the curiosity factor of Rex Harrison and Richard Burton playing 2 middle aged queens living together and hating each other in some London slum (though filmed in Paris) There is not one witty line or any sense of affection or reason why these 2 bitter losers stayed together for so long. The film goes nowhere. Nothing but arguments and constant bickering. Harrison gets a court notice for doing drag, but the movie ends before they ever get to court. A meeting with his adult daughter is brought up, but that plot point is dropped also. Burton does bring some dignity to his role and I think came off better than Harrison. The low point comes when Harrison picks up and brings home some ugly, aging prostitute. Kudos to Kathleen Nesbitt who scores in a degrading part as Burton's bedridden mother. Hard to believe Stanly Donen directed this bore. This has to be the nadir of his career. Any young gay person seeing this in 1969 would've been driven to thoughts of suicide (this is what's in store for me?) had they taken this story seriously. Thankfully few people paid to see it. Giving it a three, only because of the weird casting. Good luck if you can sit through it till the end!
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Confession (1937)
Soap Opera Par Excellence!
18 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Confession is one of Kay Francis' best Warner vehicles. Made just before Warners dumped her in B movies in 1937, it showcases Kay at her very best. Suffering nobly for past sins; Mother Love; Murder! It's all way over the top and full of Hollywood coincidences, but a perfect example of the classy soaps they made back in the 30's. A remake (shot for shot) of a German Pola Negri vehicle (even to the length of the scenes), Married Kay loses her reputation, thanks to baddie Basil Rathbone (in this version, Kay winds up passing out at his place, in full clothes! One imagines the Negri vehicle had more steam involved) Kay hits the skids and becomes a seedy cabaret entertainer (this part is fun) tarted up a la Dietrich and singing (probably dubbed) But tragedy strikes once again as her long lost daughter (who does not know Kay is her mother)falls for caddish Rathbone (who makes a reappearance) and Kay takes the law in her own hands. The story unfolds in flashbacks as Kay goes on trial. The story requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief, but is so well done, you just go along with it! If you ever wondered why Kay Francis was such a big star, this movie shows why. Enjoy it!
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Mandalay (1934)
11 October 2006
Enjoyable 30's potboiler if you are a Kay Francis fan (as I am) Just saw this on TCM after years of wanting to see it. It starts out as a Dietrich/Sternberg foreign locale kind of pic, but switches gears midway and becomes a standard soap opera tale. Like many Warners 30's films its barely over an hr and parts of the story seem left on the cutting room floor or are not fleshed out properly. For example, its never explained why Francis is hiding out with Cortez on his boat in the beginning. Francis is not particularly believable as a Russian on the lam in the Orient, but she is effective playing the part, as long as you don't dwell on her background for too long. The first part of the film is very entertaining and risqué, its a shame it switches gears once Kay takes off for Mandalay. Kay wears some fab gowns and is always watcheable. She gets to sing too(probably dubbed), but 3 times for the same song is a little much. This role was originally intended for Ruth Chatterton, whom I cant picture playing it. Its campy fun and Kay is Kay. Watching her can be addicting........
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Not Bad
14 June 2004
After all the bad pre-release press, Stepford is a pleasant surprise. Not great, but enjoyable. Quite a few big laughs. My main complaint was the movie was too short and the plot moved too quickly. Would've liked to see what was left on the cutting room floor. The original took its time and built up suspense, but there wasn't much here. (realize this was a comedy, but even so) Even though they changed the ending, it worked for this version. Kidman was good, wish the supporting cast had more to do (particularly Midler) The Roger Bart character, while providing some laughs, didn't really work and was obviously thrown in for topical value. Broderick didn't have much to do but give soulful looks. Glenn Close made the most of her role. Midler got most of the laughs but wasn't around enough. Overall a nice summer comedy. The original had more of an edge and a point.
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