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The Grudge (2004)
If you can't wait for the DVD, take in the Matinée
20 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for some chills and thrills, you'll get that from this movie. If you are looking for a story with depth and a compelling plot, keep looking -- this ain't it.


The term that comes to mind to describe this one is "half-baked". It has a really good premise, but the writers, director, whoever let it fade into oblivion, which seems to be where all of these ghosts hang out until you get too close to their house. Then they follow you around.

So, there is an evil stain on this house in Tokyo due to the violent deaths of previous occupants. At least we get to learn what the supposed cause of the violence was, but it lacks too much information to make you care. It certainly does not explain the death of the child. Furthermore, why does the evil venture beyond the premises???

The ghosts are indeed creepy and their portrayal will give you a hair-raising jolt or three. But what this movie lacks is a true counterforce to confront the evil a la the Exorcist. The police detective and Sarah Michelle Geller could have teamed up to find out what the root cause and weakness of "the Grudge" was. But in true Freddy Krueger, Jason and Michael Myers fashion, the unsuspecting are fodder and the strongly suspecting are too stupid to stay away.

What is truly intriguing and yet annoying about these types of movies is that there is no clear limit to what the evil can do and no attempt to present a limitation. Hey, the ghosts can come and go when and where they want. They can fade to mist or present physical manifestations that overpower those of the living world. Well, perhaps I'm looking for order where none exists, but this omnipresence is overplayed in these horror movies. And I suppose that in the "spirit" of the poltergeist, these apparitions like to try out different forms of locomotion when stalking their prey just for the mind-prank.

The chronologically disjoint threads in the storyline were a nice touch in trying to fill us in on the events leading to the current state of affairs, but we still have no real understanding of how "the Grudge" truly took hold.

Unfortunately, if the plan was to bring that out in sequels like the unfolding of the alien creature in Alien and Aliens, forgetaboutit. My money will stay in the pocket for such an event.
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Suspect Zero (2004)
I foresee poor reviews for this one, and I'm not psychic
27 August 2004
I feel like I wasted my money on this one. Way too slow. Way too disjoint. Woven together with circumstances that only muddle your reasoning ability. I guess that in reality dumb things do happen frequently and that the implausible comes to fruition on occasion, but for a movie it replaces compelling with confusing. I'll just point out a minor peeve I had that by all means should have been a 'let it go' but it so annoyed me, probably because it seemed so dumb, like a lot of the movie and it happened late in the movie when I was just about fed up with it. What the hell can an SUV do to stop an 18-Wheeler Semi without being suicidal????? -- Oh, I know. Stay behind it with a cell phone until backup can help you. But then that would be uncharacteristic of the hero. This movie had plenty of potential, but it was severely unfulfilled in my opinion.
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Lacking (more than) something!
1 August 2004
I have not seen the original Manchurian Candidate so I really did not have particular expectations of this movie other than good acting from some very notable performers. But even these actors could not save it for me. The movie has moments but it left me unsatisfied. The setup is intriguing but then the story gets bogged down and jumbled. In the end I could not really make sense of what had just happened. It seems that they tried to pass fiction as stranger than truth, which is probably why I missed it. The logic of what I had witnessed did not flow for me. I think the movie totally botches the portrayal of technology. It's a shame. They had chances. And Jon Voit was wasted in this movie, apparently added for more box office star power as if they really needed it with Streep and Washington. To sum it up, Manchurian Candidate was partially enjoyable, mostly forgettable. I give it a 5 of 10.
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The Village (2004)
A Night to Remember!
30 July 2004
Okay. This one is as deep as any Shyamalan production. To those who find the Night style refreshing and appealing, this one will not disappoint. But as usual it will be controversial because the Night brand is not everyone's cup of tea. This writer, director, producer has a real talent. I really liked this one. The Village paints a very interesting portrait of the complexities of human nature. As is customary Night, the movie must unfold at its own pace. And despite comments to the contrary, Night does not waste any moments in weaving his web. As a matter of fact, anyone who says they got the full measure of this movie in one sitting: a)is far above the mental processing curve, b)took in way too much pre-flick information or c) is deluded.

I will not give away any details other than to say that they thought they could escape it, but it found them and their children. Now their survival hangs in the balance. Well written, well acted, well done. I rate this 8 of 10.
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One of the best I've seen this year.
24 July 2004
This movie did not disappoint in action and plot seeing that it had a very good original movie to follow. The camera work was more than "shaky" at times and it took me back to the queasiness of my Blair Witch experience. But, the film has a real gritty texture that works for the whole Secret Squirrel-Morocco Mole thing. And can I just say that the auto chase scene in Moscow trumps the one in I-Robot and rivals the one in The Matrix-Reloaded, mostly because it seemed so real and not special-effects touched up.

You have to like Damon as Bourne. He personifies the role. What an understated sense of humor! For my presumptions, I was waiting for Julia Stiles (Nicky) to break out as a sleeper agent from Treadstone but nodda, yet. It was cool the way that Bourne has emerged as this unstoppable force, or boogey man if you will, scaring the crap out of the Spies-R-Us cadre. You and what army are going to detain him? More slippery than synovial fluid and as focused as a laser beam, the only rival with a chance is the Russian assassin and fellow Treadstone sleeper activated through "Uncle Argyle".

If you liked the first, you'll like this one.
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Catwoman (2004)
Will there be a sequel?
24 July 2004
I was entertained by this movie. I don't think it can compete with the top of the line 'Comics' movies but it is better than most of those Batman sequels. I don't have any knowledge of the Catwoman character beyond the Batman sagas, in which she is a villain, but this movie tried to spin a typical superhero yarn. There may be lots of criticisms of the genesis of our fair hero, but what superhero does not have an origin that stretches the imagination. I was interested to see what powers the Catwoman would have and found it to be evenly done and not over the top. Hey if I can buy Toby Maguire shooting web from his wrists and leaping through the metropolis, I can accept Halle Berry displaying super agility, balance and leaping prowess. I will presume that her strength comes from her superhuman speed and agility. Okay, I'm giving lots of margin but I usually do in this type of movie. They tried to integrate the characteristics of a cat in her personality. I have never owned or lived around a cat, so I can't really judge about that. Hmmm, what personality characteristics do spiders possess? I guess Spiderman writers just left that alone. You can't take this movie, like the others, too seriously. Yep, I can haggle about the Catsuit--not practical at all, but I never was too sure about the whole superheroes in tights thing anyway. It's standard issue. And given the camp of the movie, why not incorporate a Julie Newmar, Lee Merriweather and/or Ertha Kit cameo! I don't know if they are all still alive.

Benjamin Bratt holds his own not reaching far from his Law and Order ways. Sharon Stone got her b-on as a villain with 'thick skin'. The Merovingian was up to his old ways, stepping out on the wife. I was waiting for him to step through the door stage right. MAD TV was in the house. And Halle Berry does a credible job as the sassy lassie in leather. The movie tries to cover a lot of ground in a very short time which heightens the difficulty in accepting it all especially since I know little of the history if there is one. But I think kids can get some true enjoyment out of this one. They tried to keep it on that level and succeeded.
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Signs (2002)
A throwback sci-fi thriller wrapped around a human condition
18 July 2004
I really liked this movie. It has been given a split decision by the viewing public but has been better received than Unbreakable. It has been difficult for Shyamalan to score another box office knock-out since The Sixth Sense largely because it was such a huge hit that it was a quantum leap. This is similar to Bob Beamon's record setting long jump in Mexico City, 1968 Olympics that shattered the previous record by almost two feet when mere inches or fractions of inches are the usual progression. Beamon spent the rest of his track and field career just trying to approach it, let alone surpass it. I hope Shyamalan's career does not have to endure the same kind of relentless expectation. Shyamalan's movies are now compared to that original leap which is why a lot is missed in his two works since. But I don't believe The Sixth Sense is his standard for making his movies. Each one is its own entity not seeking to match another. It will be interesting to see how The Village is received. I think the mark of Shyamalan's genius as a filmmaker is that you can't fully digest his work in a single sitting. Even though he borrows philosophy and technique from previous filmmakers, Shyamalan displays his own passion for brewing these ingredients into his own stew.

Signs is funny and scary. So we know that crop circles can be and, to the best of our knowledge, are man-made? That doesn't mean that alien spacecrafts can't use them as navigation makers. Furthermore, where did we get the idea from anyway? How would you react if you suspected that aliens were assembling in your backyard for something yet to come? We know very little about them, how much do they know about us? What are their intentions -- exploration, conquest, enslavement? What are our inferences -- friendship, hostility, doom? They are obviously technologically advanced of us in space travel and seemingly biologically advanced in locomotion. How do we get out of this one? Coincidently, we must keep the faith!
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Unbreakable (2000)
Very subtle. Requires multiple sips to get the full measure.
18 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will be the curious nugget in the collection of Shyamalan films. It is great to see young writing and directing talent that is carving a niche away from the usual fair while running with the big boys and girls. Entering the mainstream was achieved through his kick-off blockbuster, The Sixth Sense. If you are among the small cadre of people who figured out The Sixth Sense's twist before the ending, salute! Unbreakable continues Shyamalan's unorthodox view of things by crafting a more 'mortal' superhero drama. Unlike Peter Parker (Toby Maguire - Spiderman) who completely emerges as Spiderman (web-slinging and building-hopping) within about 30 minutes of the whole movie, David Dunn (Bruce Willis) is discovering his more subtle but extraordinary abilities for the whole movie, with some help from his friends and foes. Being able to stick to and vertically climb a building wall is a fairly noticeable attribute (why it would occur to somebody to try it escapes me) but never being sick in one's life may actually escape one's attention. People develop mindsets that prevent them from recognizing certain things until a suggestion changes that condition. In this movie, being the sole (uninjured) survivor of a train crash is a pretty strong suggestion. From there you watch the revelation unfold. Yes, there is a villain but I won't spoil the movie for those who have not ventured to try it. If you have been avoiding it after poor recommendations from others, forget about The Sixth Sense and give it an undivided attention DVD viewing.

Be patient and let it take you. I liked its subtle power. It implies a certain superhero quality in all of us.
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King Arthur (2004)
Not a waste of time, but disappointing in retrospect
17 July 2004
I like these kind of historical period movies. And although I'm not asking the movie to be precisely historically accurate, I could definitely tell that this movie was stretched and fashioned to appeal to contemporary pop audiences. That was disappointing. I'm no King Arthur (the Mallory literary work) aficionado, but I felt the names Lancelot, Galahad, Merlin and Guinevere -- those names I do recognize -- had no comfortable place in this movie. Their characters could have been otherwise named to leave the pretense behind. Okay, so Arthur is a do-gooder, even when strong-armed to risk the lives of his band of "Merrymen", oops, wrong story, I mean knights of the "hey it really was round" table a.k.a the Sarmation Warriors, conscripted into the Roman legions to defend that godforsaken outpost in Britain. They fight not for Rome, but for each other and especially for Arthur -- a soldier's code in many respects -- all for one and one for all. And oh, beware, the Saxons are coming, the Saxon's are coming! That adds the intrigue (not to mention menace) needed to set this thing off into a strategic war formula, against all odds. And the Saxons take no prisoners: resistance is futile and there will be no assimilation.

Despite my attempted sarcasm, I was not mad about seeing this movie. It's a guy-flick. But I was put out by the total rip-off of the battle scene ending from The Patriot with Mel Gibson and Jason Isaacs (not that it was original itself, but it is where I remembered it, and it was better there). Clive Owen is a likable Arthur and a long way from the sniper assassin chasing Jason Bourne in the Bourne Identity and then romancing Angelina Jolie in Beyond Borders -- my previous recollections of him. The rest of Arthur's Musketeers are a cool group. Guinevere seemed a bit contrived given that she was in a death dungeon and pretty near death just days before all of the fighting started. How many movies has Knightley been in lately? Stop a minute and eat something for goodness sakes.

One thumb up, one abstention.
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I, Robot (2004)
It was a fun ride with a few interesting twists.
17 July 2004
I enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would. I guess I have learned from my spouse that when I relax and accept the dinosaurs, Jurassic Park is a cool movie. Well, likewise, once I accepted the robots, this was a cool movie. Yep, I can argue a lot about the social, environmental and technological conditions of 2035, but the movie has to move along. And in a nutshell, it does. Will Smith gives his expected smooth, tongue-in-cheek quipping performance in a noticeably beefed-up (post-Ali) frame. With a little edge, he plays the well-worn movie schtick of the persistent protagonist who can see the sky falling when no one else has a clue and thereby is ultimately busted in rank only to be reluctantly redeemed by being correct. There were also a few fight/action scenes that defied physics (a pet-peeve) which were balanced by a few well-time-released plot reveals that left you unable to be a dead-on ending predictor. As for the robot, Trekkies have been around that block a few times with Mr. Data, but the special effects are good. Asimov purists may pan it but the pop culture will eat it up.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
High expectations, met!
17 July 2004
Before viewing this film I had heard the previews stating it was better than the first. Now that I have seen it, I agree. That puts this first sequel in rare company -- The Godfather II, Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back and Aliens come to mind. I was never a Spiderman comic book reader but I used to watch the animated half-hour show every morning before school. Doc Ock was a large villain (well-done by Molina) but I did not remember the mind control of his prosthetic arms as portrayed in this movie. It raises very interesting questions about man-machine neural interfaces. While mind control seems far-fetched, addictive dependency does not. The special effects were great. Peter Parker's internal conflict and time-management failures living the life of your "friendly neighborhood" Spiderman seems to be a natural progression of his whirlwind journey into superherodom. This is a departure from Bruce Willis's character in Unbreakable who has a long awakening period to come to terms with his extraordinary powers. I was a fish on the hook being reeled in with the romantic tension between Mary Jane (Dunst) and Peter (Maguire). Some felt this was too slow for the movie development. I did not. Maguire just comes off as the quintessential Clark Kent -- no way that guy is a superhero! This is why the elevated train scene is so powerful for this movie. The foreshadowing of the third movie seems to be setting up the return of the Green Goblin. I don't think I want to see the GG by himself for the next movie. Other than King Pin, I don't remember any other arch villains of Spiderman. The Spiderman movies are johnnies come lately in the superhero comics to movies. I remember saying, "not another one" when it was announced. I've been won over. It continues to stand tallest in the genre. The X-men are right there as well. Catwoman is next and there is the outlook for a Superman return -- should be interesting. They have hard acts to follow.
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