
7 Reviews
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Creepy and entertaining
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has been out for years and yet I never saw it until the other night. I enjoyed it. Of course, I like anything with Yvonne DeCarlo and Rod Steiger. It's a movie I will definitely watch again and again. I'm not familiar with the other characters except for one of Fanny's brothers who had a part in the movie Bonnie and Clyde. Fanny was creepy as well as hilarious too. I felt bad for Cynthia and couldn't have realized in the beginning that she would totally lose it at the end. It's a shame Yvonne and Rod are no longer with us because they were awesome actors imo. This movie will be on my favorites list.
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Firestarter (1984)
Drew is an exceptional child actress
21 December 2015
Drew makes this movie. "Back off, back off!" George C. Scott as John Rain man is so good that you just can't help but to despise him. It's only a movie, but just the same, weird that John would believe that by killing little Charlie, he could take her power with him when he dies, although native Indian tribes probably had some of those same beliefs. It's also hard to believe that secret associations/companies like that of "The Shop" exist in the real world, but that could be true for whatever purpose or reason. The musical score was good too, particularly eerie during the scene where Charlie decimates the Shop/mansion and affiliates in the house and grounds.
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Great movie
21 December 2015
I too think that this movie deserves a higher rating. Loved Joan Collins and all the other actors/actresses as well. Call it a B movie or whatever, but I found it to be highly entertaining. Better then most movies that are out today, imo. Of course, the younger generation would likely disagree with me, lol. We all tend to like movies and music more from our generation, but nevertheless, there are always some exceptions. I'm always looking for a good movie and there have been a few recent ones that were to my liking, but only a few. Unfortunately, the people that run the programs for the channels are too young to know what most of us older folks like, so I rarely, if ever, see the movies I typically used to find on TV. Gone are the good old days, but at least I can watch my favorites on DVD.
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Our Very Own (1950)
A beautiful family
24 April 2014
I love this movie. It may be dated, but the message is the same. Who wouldn't want to have parents that nurture and give you every advantage in life. Gail has it all - a good home, looks, a hot boyfriend, and 2 sisters - one of which appears to be a jealous vengeful brat. Joan, the little would-be home wrecker, one day asks her mother for her birth certificate that she needs for an after school job. Joan then happens upon Gail's adoption papers in a drawer upstairs. Her mother's worst fear is soon to come true as Gail soon learns her true identity. A very heartwarming story and it gives me a new prospective on adoption that I didn't quite have before. Jane Wyatt always gives such an exceptional performance too. This is a movie I think everyone should see at least once.
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The best British series ever
24 April 2014
I highly enjoyed this series. I watched it when it first aired in 1971. I later bought it on VHS. I'd now like to get it on DVD. I have watched this series countless times and never grow tired of it. Keith Michel is excellent as Henry VIII and having read the book by Allison Weir, Keith seems to portray Henry fairly accurately. I thought all of the actors/actresses did quite well. The woman who played Catherine Howard seemed to overact just a bit, but she still did a fine job. The series makes you feel as though you're right there in that time period. It almost makes me wish I could have been there, except for the fact that life for the royals wasn't as glamorous or even safe. You could feel the tension and fear in all of Henry's wives as they risked their very lives to be the wife of a tyrannical king. Henry didn't start out that way, but soon after his father had died, Henry had great aspirations about being the new king. He wanted to make England powerful and prosperous again. That meant fighting wars and slaughtering enemies. It was only a while later, after Catherine had failed to produce a living son, that Henry realized how important a legitimate living male heir would be to him and he was willing to risk others to get what he wanted.
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Hostel (2005)
24 April 2014
I happened to tune into the Sci-Fi channel yesterday and the movie Hostel was on. I never saw the film before and only caught the last 15 minutes or so. I'm not into gory movies but nonetheless, I felt I had to comment. What is it with all the gore in movies today? Are we really that violent a species that enjoys watching people being tortured, maimed and killed? I just don't understand what pleasure anyone can get out of that, but apparently these movies are popular with a certain sect of our society. I find it disturbing that teens and even children would watch these particular kinds of movies and get some sort of thrill out of it. Sorry, I just don't get it or find them at all entertaining. In fact, they sicken me. I read and see enough violence in the news everyday and wonder why.
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Evelyn Rudie was adorable.
27 September 2012
Maybe not as good as Sentimental Journey - 1946, but then I've never seen the original. I did enjoy watching The Gift Of Love, if only for little Hitty (Evelyn Rudie). She was so adorable and I've always liked Lauren Bacall and Robert Stack. I don't think this movie was at all bad, as some have purported it to be. It was the 50s and movies were like that. B movie or not, it's certainly better than the garbage you see today. Just look at all the remakes of many movies today; they're all terribly done. I can't help being partial to classics and old movies because I was a child in the 50s. Some of my favorite moments were watching these movies. Unlike today's TV fare, you could always expect to watch something entertaining, and without all of the foul language, sexual content, etc. that you generally see today.
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