Born for Hell (1976)
Social Decay in Cinematic Form
29 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have never been more convinced that, like the Ouroboros feasting on its own flesh, this movie is both symptomatic of and inspiration to the very worst in society. Allow me to correct many of the comments made by other posters for this black hole of a movie.

1. This movie is not a thriller. At no point are you held in suspense nor actually scared. There is no good music, very poor dramatic presentation, and no element of the unknown, which can form the basis of suspense. The main character makes Ted Bundy seem like Mr. Rogers, while simultaneously the overall piece leaves the viewer yearning for Freddy vs. Jason, simply because the jump to an actual suspense piece or thriller would be such a leap forward as to bend-space itself, potentially ending existence as we know it (then again, half way through this movie, this option does not sound too bad.) 2. This movie is disturbing, but not in an artistic, Hieronymus Bosch-type way where there is thought behind the disturbance. The predictable and tasteless imagery does not make you think about some deeper truth or put life in perspective or serve any of the multitudinous purposes disturbing imagery can serve in film or art. The movie is no more artistic than if I actually left my handycam recording as I raped and mutilated body after body for no reason other than a bad case of the "crazies." Sure, it would be pretty disturbing as my rape victim's tears mingle with her own blood, both of which cause me great sexual satisfaction. But artistic? You show me a person who thinks so, and I'll show you a person who sexually gratifies himself to German drum-bass and portraits of a youthful Adolf Hitler. No lie, I got his business card!!! As I want this posting to be available to people before they see the movie, I am desperately trying to avoid spoilers (although spoiling this movie would be the greatest gift anyone could have given me last night at around 2am). With that in mind, I decide to end my comment here, although the true "review" would be much longer as I really really do not want anyone to see or even talk about this movie ever again. The people behind it should be shunned in both cinematic and general social circles, and we, the damned who have seen the piece, should be granted subsidized brain surgery to remove it from our memories. Email me with comments or concerns.
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