7 October 2011
I will give them credit for have a few references to the films from he beginning. I will also give them credit for making cool zombies. I will then give one more piece of credit to the fact that they referenced an old joke from the first movie. But that is it. Other than that, the movie was not that good. The first half of the film was just boring with bad dialog. The second half had the action and it was decent. The story made sense, but was not really focused on in the movie. One thing that really made me mad as a person who loves zombies. The zombies in this film could be killed by getting shot in the chest. That ruins the whole thing. Now they did have different type of zombies. Ones that were bitten were really smart, could even talk if they were only bitten a little. Then you have stupid zombies. Then there is another type of zombie that does not make sense at all, but you will have to watch the movie to see them. The cast was half and half. Some could act, others needed to die sooner in the film. I love the Return of the Living Dead movies and this one was not a good add on to the others.
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