So slow
23 June 2019
I couldn't stop falling asleep while watching this show. I enjoy a slow burn but it seemed like all the characters were on tranquilizers, even the coked out characters were moving slow and their speech slow. During the middle of the second episode, I skipped ahead and peaked at the last two episodes and everything was still moving so slow. I appreciate taking time in a film to slowly move through a well staged set but taking 2 to 3 minutes to go down an empty hallway to get to the room the characters are in was torture. Torture is the exact word I will use to describe my experience with the pacing of this show. I found the story compelling and I really would like to continue watching but the only way I could finish this show is if I could watch it a 2x the speed. Honestly each time I have given this show another chance I am asleep within 10 minutes. I really wanted to enjoy this show and am very disappointed that it is physically impossible for me to do so.
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