"Star Trek" Arena (TV Episode 1967) Poster

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Kirk's instinctive revulsion to Reptiles
Bogmeister10 July 2006
This is the one with Kirk battling a captain of an enemy ship; this other captain happens to resemble a man-like lizard. He or it hisses at Kirk and even speaks, promising a quick, merciful death - it certainly feels cold-blooded. It's based on a fairly famous short story by sf author Fredric Brown, though Gene Coon conceived the piece thinking it was original. That's because it's such a primal, simple plot which almost any writer could come up with: the essence of warfare is distilled down to the most basics of just two individuals, who go at it mano-a-mano (see also the TV Movie from 1970, "The Challenge"). Though this episode is one of Trek's best action stories, it's also a commentary on the needlessly huge casualties which occur during a war: why sacrifice thousands of individuals when an issue could be solved by the death of just one? This story kind of points out that maybe our nations, instead of engaging in traditional war, should just send our best soldiers or leaders; let them fight it out, thereby saving many other lives. It sounds pragmatic, or maybe too clinical; either way, when it becomes as personal as it does here, the results may not be as expected.

The episode begins at a shattered Federation outpost. The Enterprise was called over to the planet by a bogus call. There's some impressive set design here for a TV show; the outpost, though wrecked, still looks neat, with vaguely Roman-like architecture (catch those two globules at the entrance, representing symbols of the Federation). This episode also touches on a concept not addressed much in all the Trek shows: the possible intrusion by the expanding Federation into another civilization's space. Suppose we find a planet with no intelligent life; we begin colonization; then, several months later, we find out another society has laid claim to this region of space a year earlier. What happens now? The answer suggested here by Spock is - bring on the diplomats. In the 3rd act, everything shifts to an asteroid, where Kirk meets his deadly-looking opponent - the sudden shot introducing the Gorn still sends shivers down my spine, even if it is a man in a suit. The Gorn was revamped much later on the "Enterprise" show with computer FX, but I still prefer this slow-moving version. Kirk can outrun the Gorn, but the lizard-man is much stronger; it's an interesting contest. Kirk's solution in finding a method of killing the stronger enemy is a bit too pat, but nonetheless exciting.
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Kirk is centre stage but for me Spock makes this one
snoozejonc6 April 2021
The Enterprise finds itself drawn into conflict with another species.

This is a classic episode with strong themes, great character moments and some enjoyable camp value.

The story is about the violent nature of humans but contains a typically Star Trek slice of hope for a better future. The narrative is simple, starting with a fairly intense situation that twists it into something different and more compelling. I love how ingenuity and intelligence drives the combat scenes as opposed to physical prowess or firepower. For me the final resolution is what makes it special, delivering an important arc for Captain Kirk and making a beautiful statement about the positive side of humanity.

Although Kirk mostly takes centre stage, It is one of my favourite Spock episodes with some superb bridge moments where he respectfully and plausibly challenges Kirk. These exchanges are loaded with tension by making Spock's sharp observations fairly subtle and understated. Later on there are some great moments when Spock is in command but submits to the logic of being powerless to do anything, whilst McCoy finds himself overcome with emotion.

I enjoyed the camp moments for the unintended humour. The creature effects, (or lack of) being the most obvious with the iconic scenes of Captain Kirk battling stuntmen in an outrageous rubber suit. Also, one moment where Uhura screams in reaction to something is another great example.

Generally I think the visuals are good. I particularly enjoyed the use of the location to make a suitably alien environment. One iconic zoom out from Kirk scrambling up Vasquez Rocks is superb. The direction of the actors body language in the bridge scenes is also good considering they were just scenes of people watching something unfold on a big screen. It is done in a way that translates how the characters feel about the situation.

All performances are great, my favourite being Leonard Nimoy who is fantastic in all scenes. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not but it feels like this story is being seen from Spock's perspective and he lives and breathes the character. William Shatner is also strong as he is the main focus of everything. Deforest Kelley doesn't have as much screen time, but when McCoy contributes he is as great as ever.
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Kirk fights a 'lizard-man' at Vasquez Rocks
Tweekums7 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When the Enterprise is called to the remote outpost of Cestus III the away team are shocked to discover the settlement has been wiped out; not only that the sole survivor claims that no messages had been sent… somebody wanted to lure the Enterprise there! Soon both the landing party and the ship are attacked by unknown aliens. They manage to repel the attack and Capt. Kirk orders the Enterprise to pursue and destroy the attackers believing their destruction of Cestus III was a precursor to an attack on the Federation. The pursuit is ended when both ships suddenly come to a complete stop in an uncharted solar system; here they are contacted by a race known as the Metrons who beam Kirk and the captain of the alien ship to a remote planet where they must fight to the death; the crew of the loser's ship will share the fate of their captain. They are told that there are materials required to make weapons and Kirk will certainly need to find them if he is to defeat his much stronger adversary; a lizard-like creature known as a Gorn.

This is one of the most memorably episodes of the original series partly due to the 'man-in-a-rubber-suit' Gorn and partly for the classic location; Vasquez Rocks… used so often in Star Trek that they became known as 'Kirk's Rocks'. While the look of the Gorn is rather dated and almost comical the story is solid and doesn't shy away from the possibility that it may be the Federation who were in the wrong; the Gorn claim the outpost was built in their territory. The plot doesn't warrant too much scrutiny; the Metrons claim to be forcing Kirk and the Gorn captain to fight because they disapprove of barbarity but what they do is little different to letting the ships fight it out in space… one might think they are testing the two for signs of mercy but they express surprise when Kirk spares Gorn… to be fair though there is no rule saying beings claiming to be morally superior can't be hypocrites! There are some accidentally amusing moments when the crew on the enterprise view the action on the main screen… Spock instantly recognises an innocuous white powder as potassium nitrate when it could be any number of more likely but less useful things. Overall despite its flaws I found this to be a highly entertaining episode.
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Kirk vs. a giant lizard
MaxBorg8918 June 2009
Although it may seem like a silly story on the surface (in essence, Kirk fights against a man-sized reptile), Arena is actually one of the best Star Trek episodes, being an insightful critique on the unnecessary casualties of war.

The episode begins with the destruction of a Federation outpost, which prompts Kirk to go after the alien attacker and destroy him at all costs. During the pursuit, the Enterprise is seized by more powerful beings who send Kirk to a desert planet so that he can face his adversary: the reptilian Gorn. Whoever wins the duel will be set free; the loser will be destroyed, along with his ship and crew. Given the Gorn is much stronger than Kirk, the latter has to come up with an inventive strategy to survive.

Of the many examinations of the futility of war that Star Trek has offered, Arena is undoubtedly one of the more interesting ones, all because of its central idea: the preconception that all conflicts must end with the total annihilation of one of the two conflicting sides. The episode's presentation of the villain also plays on man's natural fear of all things unknown or different, making for 45 minutes of intelligence and tension that still resonate four decades on (despite the fact that the Gorn is obviously a stuntman in a suit).
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"Maybe, in a thousand years or so, we'll be able to prove it."
Hey_Sweden9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
'Arena' is a solid episode that combines an action-oriented narrative with provocative issues, specifically the idea that humans are an inherently violent species that, after centuries, is still not all that removed from the primitives that they once were.

Kirk and a landing party arrive at an isolated outpost, eager to take in the locals' hospitality, only to find the outpost decimated. Then they are attacked by the aggressor aliens that destroyed the place, and end up pursuing them into deep space. Then a mysterious third party - the Metrons - interfere. Disgusted by what they're seeing, they set up Kirk and the captain of the aliens (who, as we learn, are called the Gorn) to fight each other on a barren planet. Neither Kirk nor the Gorn are allowed to use things such as phasers, but are told that the elements they need for an impromptu weapon ARE available.

For this viewer, it didn't mind so much that the special effects - especially the Gorn costume - are not so special. This was just a lot of good fun, with Kirk growing more tired by the minute, yet refusing to give up. And the Gorn (voiced by an uncredited Ted "Lurch" Cassidy) is a formidable antagonist, confident in its ability to defeat its nemesis.

As the Metrons come to realize, the human species may have its flaws, but still has enough going for it to NOT write us all off. As Kirk demonstrates, we are still capable of acts of compassion and mercy. Also, 'Arena' eventually shows that it's not so clear-cut about who's "right" and who's "wrong", since people may well have been intruding into Gorn territory in the first place with that outpost.

Overall, this is a good showcase episode for Shatner, who's obliged to really get physical for once.

Written by series producer Gene L. Coon (based on a story by Fredric Brown), and directed by Joseph Pevney ("Man of a Thousand Faces"), who guided 14 episodes of the series in total.

Eight out of 10.
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Scarecrow-8810 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
An earth observation outpost on Sestus 3 has been devastated by attack, almost all there left dead, only wreckage, the black of fire, and smoke remaining as a dark reminder of what once was."Disrupter" bombs start bombarding the remains of the outpost leaving little room for Kirk and his away team to protect themselves. Meanwhile, the Enterprise does battle with an enemy ship returning fire of phasers. Moving out of orbit so as to protect "Kirk's ship", the away team will have to somehow survive non-stop assault as the Enterprise engages in combat with an unknown enemy. Backing off after Kirk shoots a bomb into a mountain where creatures were dropping their own disrupters, beaming back aboard, the Enterprise will pursue the enemy ship as it leaves the area.

Prepared to settle the score with the Gorn hostiles whose starship has entered high warp, heading for an uncharted solar system, Kirk and the Enterprise plan to intercept them, before they can reach their home world and plan a possible invasion. Within this uncharted solar system is a yet unnamed species known as the Metrons scanning both the Enterprise and Gorn ships, stopping them dead in space, soon forcing the captains of both vessels to fight to the death on a planet suitable to breathe. This planet has mineral deposits and natural "weapons" needed for battle and while Kirk acknowledges his advantages in agility and brains, he admits that the Gorn Captain (who has lizard-like features, making a slurping sound when it breathes and talks) has greater strength and stamina, seemingly impervious to hand-to-hand combative techniques. Ingenuity will have to be what Kirk relies on, taking what the planet provides (coal, diamonds, rope, sulfur, and bamboo) in order to use as a suitable weapon against the Gorn warrior who has fashioned itself a stave carved from stone.

What this episode does extremely well is a number of things. First, it shows the capabilities of Kirk when faced when insurmountable odds in a fight for his life with a creature savage enough to offer quite a difficult battle. Second, it calls into question who are necessarily the "invaders" when the motives behind the attack on Sestus 3 are provided. Third, Kirk's readiness to follow the Gorn ship with plans to destroy it, placing the Enterprise in jeopardy as he stretches warp capability, risking the lives of his crew just so he can catch the enemy and destroy them in retaliation puts him at odds with Spock who questions such rash actions. And the battle on the ground actually establishes Kirk's compassion when contemplating the Gorn's actions for attacking Sestus 3 allows the Metrons to see humans as more than just primitive savages with little regard for life. There are lessons learned here by all and Kirk's homemade cannon is quite a concoction that definitely proves to be quite a weapon with some kick.

The opening attack on Sestus 3 produces plenty of explosions, destruction, and evasive maneuvers as Kirk and Spock try to determine the best move to counter the bombardments, quite an impressive way to kick off the episode...it sets the stage for the later battle, where phasers and superior weaponry are not available, two lifeforms having to use what the planet provides to try and kill each other.
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Kirk doing what he does best!
alexanderdavies-9938214 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Arena" is a marvellous episode. Kirk really had to rely upon his own wits in order to survive by himself on that barren planet. His rather large Reptilian opponent isn't the most frightening character you will encounter and about as quick as Pat Morita in "The Karate Kid" during the fight scenes. Kirk's blows are somewhat tame as well. It's a case of brains being the winner in this one. Hugely entertaining and opens with quite a harrowing opening scene.
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Good, if simplistic, with one flaw
intp3 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was a good, if simplistic episode, with one major flaw.

The set-up is good: Kirk comes across a Federation outpost in the outskirts of known space, where an alien race has massacred everyone except for one survivor who confirms their brutality. Kirk decides to seek vengeance, pursuing the alien ship. They come within range of some advanced civilization (the "Metrons") that deems both sides "uncivilized" and has Kirk and the captain of the other ship (the race is Gorn, a reptilian species of great strength, but slow moving) to fight it out on a nearby planet or asteroid; the winner is to be allowed to leave; the loser will be killed and his ship destroyed.

The episode consists primarily of Kirk figuring out how to build a viable weapon with the limited resources on the planet surface, while being pursued by a more powerful, but slow moving, enemy. Predictably, Kirk eventually triumphs after a long and difficult struggle, and has the Gorn captain at his mercy. But he declines to kill him. The aliens are impressed that humans have the 'advanced' trait of mercy and so allow them to leave.

Okay, so the message was simplistic enough, but not a bad one-- the Gorn may have attacked the Federation outpost because they viewed it as an incursion on their own space; Kirk perhaps shouldn't have jumped to conclusions but should have attempted negotiations out of respect for other sentient life forms. I'm not 100% convinced that the Gorn's excuse was sufficient or valid, but there was at least an argument that could be made that Kirk shouldn't have immediately leaped to violence as the solution.

The flaw comes from the fact that the Metrons were utter hypocrites-- willing to utterly destroy one of the two ships for having the 'nerve' to commit violence in their vicinity. Umm, how is that any different from just letting them fight it out? Shouldn't the Metrons have just neutralized the conflict and transported both antagonists far out of their space, and from each other, if they were going to intervene at all? Otherwise, why even interfere, since they were going to destroy one of the ships anyway? Even at the end, the Metron who speaks to Kirk offers him the chance to destroy the Gorn ship, which he declines to do.

I agree that the Metrons are worth negotiating with in the future-- but only because of their vastly superior technology, not because of their lofty ethics. Their 'morals' seem no more upright than those of the Federation.
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"You are still half savage, but there is hope".
classicsoncall20 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I can remember arcane goofy stuff from my childhood, I just do. In the Sixties, I had a DC Action Comic featuring a Superman cover, the lead story having to do with the Man of Steel brought to a red sun planet where he had no super powers. While there, he was forced to do battle with the champions of other planets to decide who was the strongest being in the universe. One of the characters he had to face off against was... Borko of GORN!!! So as I'm watching the episode, I'm asking myself if there was some connection to this old Superman story. As Spock would say - 'Fascinating'.

And speaking of Spock, he's not exactly buying Captain Kirk's rationale that the aliens the Enterprise is chasing are planning an invasion. That's brought home when the Metrons intervene and set up the hand to hand combat scenario between Kirk and the Gorn leader. The Enterprise and the Gorn ship were intruding into their section of space, and that of course is an intergalactic no-no.

So, hopelessly outmatched in terms of brute strength, Kirk must rely on his agility and speed to buy some time and think his way out of this one. The resolution leading to that hand made weapon would have seemed much more imaginative if everything Kirk needed didn't just happen to be simply lying around. Think about it, where on Earth (or any planet for that matter) would you find diamonds, coal, sulphur and phosphorus just scattered about in plain sight?

Well for those viewers who liked to think of Star Trek as a creature of the week show, this one was sure to satisfy. Almost two decades later, the theme would be reworked somewhat to give us "Enemy Mine", another tale of hand to scale combat. Besides one of the more memorable alien characters to appear in a Star Trek episode, this one also gave us the first mention and use of photon torpedoes, obviously more potent than phaser weapons. The show also had me running to the cast credits, as one of the helmsmen had an unusually uncanny resemblance to Jeffrey Hunter, known to Trek fans as Captain Christopher Pike.
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Kirk Goes Off Half Cocked
eti5529 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When comparing Kirk to Picard, it's fashionable to say that Picard would rather talk his way out of a fight, whereas Kirk would shoot first and ask questions later. For the most part, that actually wasn't true (it depended on who was writing a particular episode). In this episode, Kirk saw a federation outpost blown away for no apparent reason, immediately assumed invasion, and took off after the attacking ship with the full intent of destroying it before it reached home.

He was not without his reasons. The Enterprise had also received two faked messages, the first asking them to come to the doomed outpost on planet Cestus 3, and the second inviting Kirk and his officers to come ashore (with emphasis on their "tactical aids"). It turned out both messages were a ruse to trap the Enterprise and its officers. Of course, as it turns out, when a third party superior race intervenes (a recurring theme in "Trek"), we see that the truth is not so simple.

But back to Kirk. This reaction is completely inconsistent with the way he had dealt with hostile aliens in other episodes. Case and point: The encounter with the Romulans just a few episodes earlier. He agonized over whether or not to attack them and possibly start a galactic war, after the invaders had clearly committed an act of war by blowing away FOUR federation outposts. Same for the Corbomite Maneuver. Kirk used force against the cube that was blocking the ship only when every other option had been exhausted, and only when it began emitting radiation. Kirk actually admonished a young lieutenant for being too quick to the trigger.

Also, how is it that the ship's sensors didn't pick up the fact that the entire outpost on the surface of the planet had been destroyed (not to mention failure to spot any alien presence)? If the aliens were doing something to block the sensors, it wasn't explained. More likely it was an oversight. This was ultimately Roddenberry's responsibility, as part of the job of both the producer and executive producer is rewrites. This isn't the only instance where there's been a continuity problem with the series.

All of that said, this is an entertaining episode, and one that points out that even in extreme circumstances, it's possible that things may not be all that they seem to be. And yes, the Gorn was probably the cheesiest looking alien in Star Trek history; possibly the only time this series sunk to the level of Lost in Space in the costume/effects department. According to some reports, the original story on which this episode was based was also the basis for the Outer Limits episode "Fun and Games," although according to IMDb they have different authors.
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A very good episode despite really awful special effects
planktonrules6 December 2006
This is a very good episode with a very good plot. The only problem for me is that the enemy (the Gorn) is really cheesy-looking--the head barely moves and looks like a crummy mask. Not terrible by 1966 standards, but today it looks pretty poor.

Now as for the plot, it really rocked. The Gorn attack a Federation outpost and kill practically everyone with their super weapons. The Enterprise has no idea who these enemy are but they know they MUST kill them or risk further attacks. However, in pursuing them, they enter Metron space and these advanced beings are horrified by the seeming brutality of these two races. So, to end the problem, they place the captains of BOTH ships on a barren planet and let them fight to the death--and the loser's crew will then be destroyed.

Despite a relatively simple plot, the episode has three different locales and is a good showcase episode for Kirk. Not the best, but definitely among the better episodes made.
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Here Today, Gorn Tomorrow...
Xstal16 February 2022
There was a Gorn captain a lizard, just imagine the size of his gizzard, but his clean and jerk, was no match for our Kirk, although catching flies he was a wizard.

Straying into uncharted territory in chase of an Alien vessel the captain of the Enterprise is cast onto a rocky vista in a battle to the death with his opposite number.
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Pussytiddy11 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is one episode I'll watch over and over because of the hilarious fight scenes between Kirk and the Gorn. Wrestling commentator Kent Walton used to make a lot of 'speed and agility'...well I wonder what he would've made of the Gorn!! Telegraphing his punches? He was using carrier pigeons.

The actual storyline is a bit daft because the Gorns want the human 'invaders' off 'their planet' Cestus 3, yet they lure more humans there with a fake distress signal. This heralds the chase to the death where the Metrons intercede. Not a brilliant entry to the Star Trek legend, but the scenes on the asteroid are a laugh with the breathless lizard throwing huge polystyrene boulders at Kirk. Then later, Kirk's at the top of a cliff where there's a boulder waiting on the edge (that's straight out of The Roadrunner Vs Wile E Coyote!)...our poor giant lizard is industriously making a man trap below and Kirk looks at the boulder...then at the Gorn...and I feel for the Gorn just like I do for the poor Coyote because we know what's coming...poor bugger!

This isn't really a classic episode, but an unintentionally very funny one.
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Not one of the first seasons finer moments
mstomaso24 March 2007
I enjoyed this episode much more when I was a kid, growing up on Star Trek.

The episode that brought us the memorable fight between Kirk and a 6' tall scaled down version of Godzilla (The Gorn Captain) is not one of the better thought-out first season episodes. It starts out strong - somebody has completely destroyed a federation outpost and Enterprise detects an alien vessel while the landing party is stuck on the surface. A brief engagement is followed by a long pursuit, as Kirk's desire for revenge mounts. Finally, both ships are stopped by yet another omnipotent advanced culture, The omnipotent alien power (The Metrons) exsplain that violence is not tolerated in their system and that the Gorn and Star Fleet are therefore unwelcome. And Kirk and his counterpart on the Gorn ship are transported to a planet to settle their dispute with hand-to-hand combat. To the victor goes life. To the loser - death for the entire crew. The Metrons have apparently adopted pacifism, but have no qualms about hypocrisy. Kirk's character is also somewhat inconsistent throughout this episode. The Gorn's lizard body suit is pretty cool looking, but his costume, as well as that of the Metron is straight out of Flash Gordon. Despite its high rating among some fans, I consider this episode somewhat dispensable.
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The Star Trek cheese shop is open for business
Mr-Fusion1 November 2016
'Arena' has always been one of my favorite TOS episodes, both for legitimate reasons and ironic. It is a good episode, examining the idea of casualties of war and man's heavy-handed expansion to other planets. An outpost is destroyed, the Enterprise pursues the Gorn ship responsible, and Kirk finds himself facing off against their captain at the will of the Metrons ("We will resolve your conflict in the way most suited to your limited mentalities").

This is where the fun begins. Gaze upon Shatner's grappling with a giant rubber lizard man at Vasquez rocks (there's a reason Trekkies make the pilgrimage to those rocks, and this is it). Lumbering moves, telegraphed punches and really fake boulders; that is what this episode is really about. One drawn-out and ham-fisted fight scene.

This is just the right mix of thought-provoking and hilarious, and the Gorn has lived on as somewhat iconic for a reason. Maybe just a tiny step down in status from the Tribbles.

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The most dated Star trek episode
nicofreezer27 April 2021
This episode really feel like 1966, while the others one didnt. But still I was entertain for a full hour It was a pretty great episode despique the old special effect.
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jaimhaas14 November 2019
IF you want to sum up Capt James T Kirk then this is the episode. He will fight to the death to save his crew and NEVER flinch. That's my man. The only REAL CAPTAIN of the Enterprise.
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Gorn Fishing!
Hitchcoc26 April 2014
A convention used frequently is that of setting two opponents against each other, giving them no choice but to fight. The frequent accusations by the more advanced aliens that earth creatures are too violent is often counteracted by their own blood lust. In this episode, Kirk is pitted against the Gorn, a species of lizard man. Perhaps they could have done just a bit of work to animate his jaw, rather than making it look like a Halloween mask. This episode forces Kirk to draw on his knowledge of chemistry and warfare to face the Gorn. As the crew watches the fight continues. They parry and thrust their way. The strength of the episode has to do with lessons learned. McCoy gets in his usual shot at Spock for inaction. He seems to blame him whenever his logic doesn't solve the problem.
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The Ending Makes The Episode Worthwhile
sambase-387734 July 2022
I won't spoil it by saying what the ending is in this episode, but for me the ending is what made it all worthwhile. This episode is a little slow, a little clunky, but the Gorn (Kirk's enemy in this episode) has so much natural charm to him that it keeps you watching.

A deep space outpost of the Federation gets slaughtered and Kirk and his crew are out for revenge. The episodes starts out quite well, it focuses on action and mystery. Who attacked the outpost and why? It's all very mysterious and alarming. Is this the start of an intergalactic war? Perhaps.

The Enterprise ends up chasing the attacking ship through space and things don't go as planned for either ship. That's where I'll leave it. As I said the Gorn is the star of this episode. It's not often the someone outshines Kirk, but the Gorn certainly did.
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My personal favorite
siluriandalekmulder9 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
While the Arena is looked on as a great episode of Star Trek by fans it isn't regarded as one of the best. I however consider Arena to be one of the best. It has excellent character development for Kirk and a not-so- evil adversary in the form of the Gorn. Though the Gorn is criticized for looking "Unrealistic" I personally love it in here. A shame the Gorn didn't appear after this episode. As a Godzilla fan I don't have a problem with men in suits. The episode it self is also very enjoyable and fast paced. The conflict we are presented with is a ton of fun to watch and the acting is solid. By far my favorite episode of the show.
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Hand to claw combat.
BA_Harrison19 May 2022
Yeah, yeah... the futility of war, the awkward issue of territorial disputes, the arrogance of so-called superior beings -- all classic Star Trek themes, but let's be honest, what makes this a great episode is the fact that Kirk gets to fight the Gorn, a reptilian alien with great strength but the speed and agility of an arthritic sloth, the action taking place at the iconic Vasquez Rocks.

The Arena begins with a landing party beaming down to the Cestus III Outpost only to find the place obliterated. After fending off an attack by an unseen enemy, Kirk and his crew beam back to The Enterprise, which is also under attack from an unknown vessel. A chase ensues, during which both spaceships are halted mid-flight by a powerful species called The Metrons, who decree that the battle be decided by a fight to the death between the captains of both ships.

The trial by combat that follows is hilarious, the Gorn (a man in a dreadful rubber costume) hurling rocks with ease but throwing punches in slow motion, and Kirk constructing a handy-dandy home-made cannon from objects and minerals that he finds scattered about the area. In the end, Kirk and his cannon win the day, the Enterprise's captain impressing the Metrons by sparing the Gorn's life.

7/10. It's all very daft, especially how Kirk builds his weapon with such ease, but it's also very entertaining.
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Mastering the reptile.
Blueghost15 February 2011
As mammals we have a layer of intellect and empathy that, for most of us at least, acts as a safeguard against relentless pursuit of territory and other material goods for the sake of all else. That primitive part that drives us forward is regulated by this sense of empathy and higher purpose (for lack of a better phrase).

But, when it comes down to it, when man competes with himself, other animals, or nature itself, it is the inner reptile that drives us forward. We seek land and raw materials to gratify us and perpetuate the species. It is what keeps us going, and in this sense preserves us.

So what happens when a species whose sole purpose is survival, and has starship weaponry to back it up? What happens when it confronts another species also bent on territorial expansion? The result; a clash.

This first season episode is a bit in the low budget department, but the drama is not lost on the viewer. By today's standards the Gorn alien captain and space SFX are certainly primitive, but the story endures. Lifted from a short story by Frederick Brown, also entitled "Arena", Trek shows the conflict between Kirk and a reptilian alien who has brain and brawn to match Kirk's Star Fleet training... mostly.

As another reviewer noted, we are also witnessing hypocrisy flagrantly thrown in the face of the two embattled starship captains by the Metrons, the so-called super-race of beings who force the two CO's to settle their differences on some far flung world (allegedly an asteroid). The would stop the carnage created by a starship on starship duel with their version of ultimate-fighting, complete with close circuit coverage for the bridge crew to watch.

The Metrons claim superiority, but with their promise to destroy and kill the ship and crew of the losing captain, they demonstrate an astute inferiority, or rather an arrogance and condescension that the two starship captain, for all of their bluster of threatening the other side, do not stoop to. Both Kirk and Gorn, in spite of being high on a blood lust, do not thumb their nose with false promises.

In the end Kirk succumbs to his inner mammal, and confronts the Metrons with their own devices. Or perhaps the Metrons were applying behavioral conditioning to one of Federation's finest? Testing the UFP to see what caliber of species they may encounter and interact with in the future? We don't know, but the hint is awfully strong.

Other than that, it's a good old fashioned actioner with some moments of tension and a few thrills. The script is tight and it's a very well shot piece of TV sci-fi drama.

Watch and enjoy.
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One of the best episodes & the one that got me into Star Trek.
stuartpiles22 December 2022
This was the episode that got me into Star Trek "The Original Series, and Science Fiction in general. The end of the episode is fantastic. The end says something about us, and a very old set of laws that have lasted for ages, and are still respected today. ....No, I won't tell you about those laws, but watch this episode it is one of the very best. It has all the elements of an outstanding science fiction story and a great drama by itself. You must watch this to understand the incredible attraction that Star Trek "The Original Series has for me, and for everybody else. And it is totally classic in every possible way.
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Kirk And The Gorn
Rainey-Dawn4 January 2017
Season 1, episode 18. Kirk and crew arrive at the Cestus III Outpost only to find it is destroyed. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and a couple of crew members beam down and find one survivor who says attacked by an unknown enemy and they are still under attack. While on the planet, the Enterprise is being attacked and cannot immediately beam the team back up to the ship. There is a break where the Kirk and away team are able to beam aboard their ship. The Metrons introduce themselves and give a "trial by combat" ultimatum to the Enterprise and Kirk is then sent a barren planet where is to face the Gorn. The Gorn are not just lizard-like creatures but they are also intelligent, strong combatants. The Gorn Kirk is forced to fight in order to survive is a starship captain. The Metrons told Kirk there are weapons on the planet he can use and he must find where or what these weapons are in order to stay alive.

This is one of the more popular episodes and rightfully so - it's very entertaining to watch Kirk vs The Gorn.

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Not exactly a Broadway budget
dam-525 June 2022
Gene Roddenberry had some really excellent memorable shows, but there were some lemons as well. This episode looks like it took the production costs from the cast's lunch money. Not often do you see Paper Mache aliens. This one could have been taken from Lost in Space.
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