"Batwoman" What Happened to Kate Kane? (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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The new Batwoman is a step up from the previous actress
geminiatl19 January 2021
I know Ruby Rose was popular in Orange, but as Kate Kane I found her performance to be lackluster and dull. Like she was just putting in the time. Javicia's performance at least had some emotion and range to it. As was stated previously, the character of Ryan is still learning the suit, and is coming to terms with her life. I'm going to watch and see how the show and the character grows. I would, however, like to see a new villain and get rid of Alice. She's become annoying.
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Needs a Tough, Hardened,Fierce Female Lead...This is Not It.
skip-9875619 January 2021
Realism just goes right out the window when you try to cast a cute little female barbie character in a role that cries for a Hardened, tough, highly trained amazon of a woman, one who could legitamatly threaten and beat the daylights out of the men she will encounter...Think someone like the character from atomic blonde, Anna, or Salt...those women had a ferocity that belongs in the Batwoman character...You cannot be a cupiedoll cutie and go out into the night thinking ur gonna fare well against 200lb men with guns and an attitude..This comment also applies to the previous actress... Just not intense enough nor capable enough to don that cape... 4 stars for the story and the acting, not aweful just miscast.
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Under the circumstances, what could be expected?
jimparis-0363418 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So first, let's admit to the pitfalls they had to work out. the actress who played Kate Kane/Batwoman was no longer able to play the part. They chose to give the suit to another rather than try to pull off a Bewitched/Darrin replacement.

I also see they used the Green Lantern origin as a model, as Ryan sees the crash and finds the suit. The new batwoman story also has many parallels with Batman Beyond. If they green light that series, they should definitely do crossovers.

It will still be interesting to see what happens with Alice and Jacob now, but they will need to phase them out quickly. This series is not going to follow the comics series very close from now on. But the world where this exists is flexible and will handle the changes.

I gave this only 6 of 10 for now, I think it could have been better scripted. But with the pandemic going on I'm sure this is pretty much all we could expect for now.

I still will watch, as I need to know if the kryptonite wound is just a bad thing that needs cured fast, or if it will bring on some powers ala Spiderman. Will Batwoman be bulletproof and see in the dark? If they go there it would be wrong, the Bat family must always just be humans, fighting against inhuman things.
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If You Watched Batwoman You May Be Entitled To a Large Cash Settlement
xclbr20 January 2021
BATWOMAN is so awful I feel like there ought to be a lawsuit seeking damages for the pain and suffering that Ruby Rose brought us. But the pain and suffering that Javicia Leslie brings is like Ruby to the 100th power. Her acting calls for United Nations Sanctions for the permanent cranial damage it creates. I guess we'll be seeing AquaWoman and Lexi Luther soon. I decry our species.
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The title of this episode should be "What happened to DC to allow this?"
MoistMovies18 January 2021
Hahahahaha, well my original review still stands for the entire series which many people found helpful titled: "Want to know how a pile of money vanishes?" This series will teach you in the most in your face, virtue signalling type of way imaginable. So many great series never even got the chance at a second season, Firefly sticks out the most to many people... But there have been a ton more. Especially in the science fiction realm.. Just like watching the new star trek being given multiple seasons despite being more about big explosions now that any type of sci-fi with philosophical context.. And The expanse is getting canceled after seasons 6. Maybe the fluoride people thinking its making us all stupid were onto something... Or the chem trail people.. or the flat earthers.. They have to be making these decisions based off the audience right? We must all be getting very dumb. Thankfully I dont drink water, only filtered coke. So no fluoride for me, suckas. I dont go outside ever, so no chems or flat earth to deal with.. I've got my safe space.. in a tent.. in my living room.

But kidding aside.. i guess..? Hard not to with this dumpster fire of 10's of millions burning infront of me.

Arrow was great for a couple seasons, the flash got off to a great start but became very derivative romance half the time like arrow did in later seasons. They became soap operas with super heroes.. yawn.. And well Batwoman is the accumulation of all the bad part of all the DC shows, combined into one. With a recast. Which, man oh man... Just terrible.

And to all you touchy probably straight people calling people homophobes for not liking that choice in this series that does define the character quite a bit, but does not need to define the show.. You're the ones making it define the series the most.. by yelling homophobes at people that for the majority are probably not...... The people that throw these words around, like fascist for example with hardly any understanding of the words they say... Makes the impact of these words when they are necessary in the public space to make real stands against injustice... much less meaningful because you've called half the planet 'this, or that'. I could say im a super gay guy right now and I'd still be called a homophobe by half of you dim wits.
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"If you don't like it, you're homophobic"
thefoochie22 January 2021
According to the positive reviews, the people who don't like this show are homophobic. I guess more than half of the world is homophobic.
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An Interesting Start
KookShanty18 January 2021
The season begins with a soft reboot of sorts with a new lead, who seems a lot more like able than Kate. Fake Bruce Wayne was pretty cool and I liked seeing everyone's reactions to Kate's disappearance. Interested to see where the story with Alice is headed. Obviously this could be much better but I found it endearing enough to look forward to next week's episode.
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i tried to watch tis show
jerry6-118 January 2021
The acting the filming and the pace of the show was all over the place . if this last more than 3 episodes something is wrong with this world . I would be embarrassed to have my name associated with this show Sorry but that is what i think
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Whatever Happened to Honest Ratings?
junaidbadar-1625318 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nice start of Season 2. The very start of Episode was just alright but then it gain momentum and by the end of the episode, it was on track with full emotions. Ryan Wilder story is set in pretty good direction, Javicia is Ok so far, hope her performance improves over time. Rachel(Alice), Christina(Julia), Nicole(Mary), Dougray(Col. JACOB), Camrus(Luke) and Megan(Sophie) were all good. Also Warren(as fake Bruce Wayne/ Tommy Elliot) was really entertaining. Would love to see more of him. Definitely rooting for him to play Batman in Arrowverse. Jacob Kane turning on Bat-Signal, and his encounter with Alice were the Best moments of the episode(Feeling really sorry for him he lost his 2 Daughters). All Scenes of Fake Bruce Wayne were really cool. Great music. Good Cinematography. Felt a bit problem with the Screenplay, some moments were rushed. Alice should've been saddened by her sister's death, which would had ultimately lead to a fight with Safiyah. Or she should have expressed a complex emotion over his sister's death but she was kinda cold(which I don't like). Or maybe they have so far failed to fully convey Alice's (according to their POV) feelings to us. Looking forward to the next Episode.
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Pure garbage.
RussHog18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What did any of us just watch? Complete nonsense. Cancel this show immediately.
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Doing something impossible and not killing the show
kelvin-4932122 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen alot of shows which try to replace a main cast member and fail. Thats 70's show and Scrubs to name 2 examples, Batwoman already needed to do it in its second season which is a huge downer. But the way they killed of a superhero or did they? in a place crash is believable and realistic. It also explains in universe why its sudden and why it wasnt hinted at before. Seing a new bat woman rise up so fast its a bit of a hard pill to swallow. But the new actor feels more alive and vibrant. The new gang feels like a fresh start to what we had. The show still isnt perfect and in some places it still feels alot weaker compaired to Arrow or the Flash. But the visuals are on par with the rest of the cw, the music is good, the setting is still really cool. Also the upgraded intro is a +1. Lets just hope the acting and character building improves as it did in season1 even more in season 2.
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Okay, it was bad. But, like, was it *all* bad?
demigodshmurda25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the episode and thought it was a major step up from season 1, but there were still a few things I had problems with.

Starting with some positives about the episode, I liked Warren Christie's version of Tommy Elliot/Fake Bruce Wayne. Christie brings a natural charisma to the role that the show was lacking, even if I wasn't sold on him at the end of season 1. He was able to do the playboy role as well as the obvious threatening villain role, which was nice to see. Considering that I wasn't even expecting him to be in the season, this was a nice surprise, though I do wish he'd stuck around for a few more episodes. Maybe we could've gotten little hints seeded at him not being the real Bruce Wayne throughout the first few episodes, leading up to a big battle in the fourth or fifth episode. Regardless, Christie sold it nearly flawlessly.

I also liked seeing Ryan struggle to use the suit. Kate more or less felt like a "Mary Sue" during the first season, so it was nice seeing Ryan having trouble using the gadgets that the suit has to offer. I definitely smiled when she accidentally turned on the voice modifier. Javicia Leslie brings a better sense of fun to the role, which I did enjoy, and I thought was a nice change of pace from Ruby Rose's more wooden acting style in season 1. Also, I thought that Ryan wanting to give up the suit at the end was well handled. The writers definitely think that Kate left some big shoes to fill, so not having Ryan step into them yet was a great decision.

The scene at the end of Jacob Kane turning on the Batsignal, hoping for Kate to show up was also really good. Though I also thought his acting was more wooden, if you strip the scene down to its bare bones, it's about a father waiting to see his daughter again, and the daughter never shows up. It's hearbreaking when you think about it like that.

The final notable good thing about the episode was seeing Luke blame himself for Kate's death. I mean, don't get me wrong, they only knew each other for a month or two, but that's still a person he feels responsible for. Yeah, the trope is mostly played out in superhero stories, but I think it worked in their favor here, especially considering that Luke really doesn't have a personality. Usually, the main character blames themselves for the death of a side character, but here we see the writers turn that situation on its head in a really solid fashion, and I'd say it worked out in their favor.

However, the episode isn't without its faults. Despite Ryan struggling to use the suit, I did still get a bit of a "Mary Sue" vibe from her during parts of the episode. They didn't really give her any negative traits until half way into the episode when she begins doubting herself. Now, self doubt is a good character flaw, and one that could definitely be explored, but I don't really trust the writers to explore it. I have seen season 1, and I do know what show I'm watching, so it's gonna take a few good episodes for them to earn my trust back. If Ryan continues to doubt herself throughout the season, it could actually lead to a well done storyline, but it could also lead to absolutely nothing, and at the moment it feels like the result will be the latter.

Additionally, this episode is up to the usual Batwoman standard of nitpicks. For example, why doesn't Ryan put the cowl on when she grappling hooks her way out of that subway tunnel? People could see her face, and then it would be over for her. The point of wearing a mask or a cowl is to protect your identity, so it did upset me a bit more than it should when she grappled away without putting the cowl back on. Also, how can a van outspeed the Batmobile? It's the Batmobile. It just doesn't make a lot of sense is all. And why does the tracer in the batsuit need to be activated for Luke to find its location? And the way the writers had it activate didn't even make a lot of sense. Oh yeah, and why does Ryan get kryptonite poisoning from getting shot? Isn't that something that only happens to kryptonians? Still definitely a lot to nitpick in the episode, but these were some of the bigger ones that stood out.

Also, the fight scenes are still middling at best. This is the show that's supposed to be the "new Arrow", so to see that the fights don't live up to Arrow's legacy is just heartbreaking. I'm not saying there needs to be any crazy fights that are done in one take or anything, since that's not practical for Javicia Leslie in that suit, but maybe try and make the punches look a bit more realistic at least? You can even do some wirework if you really want to. I mean, it worked for the fights in Stargirl, so there's no reason it shouldn't work here, right?

And one final con about the episode, I'm so over Alice. Like, I am tired of her rhyme schemes and her ridiculous overacting. I'm sure Rachel Skarsten is great in other things, but I think her character should've been killed off in season 1. The only reason that the writers chose to have Alice kill Ryan's adopted mom, when it could've just as easily been Scarecrow, or another new character. As far as I'm concerned, if there's one character that should die this season, it's definitely Alice, and I won't miss her either. Her character's far overstayed her welcome.

I overall thought the episode was solid. It was fun when it needed to be, and serious when it needed to be. Sure, there were some clunky things here and there, but it wasn't terrible. Would I watch the rest of the season based on *just this episode*? I'd say "yes", but I'm still leaning towards quitting if the quality goes back down to season 1 level. Still, I think a 6/10 is a fair score for the episode.
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Poorly written, staged and acted
stephen74019 January 2021
I really wanted to like this show, but its just awful. The plot is terrible; the dialog endlessly clumsily, nose-on, and many times, close to a voice-over; and may of the action sequences are embarrassing. I just can't imagine what they think they are doing. Is there no quality control by the folks in charge? It desperately needs a lead who can maintain a vigilante's edge and at least in the S2E1, Javicia Leslie was not up to the task. But then again with the current the plot, dialog and directing, I'm not sure anyone could. I still love the show's premise, but my advice is to do a complete reboot and start over with a new team of writers and directors.
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Amazingly bad
hmkunzmann18 January 2021
Incredibly poor writing and acting. It could be worse.
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Wash, Rinse, Repeat!!
bthomas1000320 January 2021
The problem with the show is the writing, no creativity at all. It appears as though the producers wanted a show to feature a lesbian super hero, which is great! The one thing they forgot was to write great stories. The first season featured an actress in the title roll who, quite frankly can't act, she was about as interesting as a glass of water. Please don't think I don't like Rose, she simply in not a good actress, that doesn't mean that at sometime the future she won't become accomplished like Streep, Kidman, Bullock, King, etc. I believe that casting Rose was the first mistake, as bad as she was, and most of the rest of the cast for that matter, Skarsten & Scott seemed over the top in their scenes. Season 2 is no better, writing, writing ,writing, this is what drives a show,most people can overlook mediocre acting, as long as the stories are compelling, this show, however has none of that. Can this show recover?! Quite honestly it's doubtful.
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What Happened to Kate Kane? A Better Question Would Be Why Was This Approved?
Darwinskid20 January 2021
I didn't think they could sink any lower than the first season, but lo and behold...They found a way. Was this really the best they could do? The bar wasn't exactly high to begin with as the first season of Batwoman was not good and had some of the worst television writing on display in recent memory, even by The CW standards. So instead of striving to raise the bar, they continued to sink it even lower here, amazing. First they lost Ruby Rose which is in all honesty not necessarily a big loss as they are not that talented or charismatic an actress to begin with. They could have probably recast the role with a better actress, but instead wrote them out of the show and instead created a new character to take over for Kate Kane. Not the worst case scenario to go about the situation and they cast a better actress as well, but my goodness they didn't even try. This script doesn't even feel like a first draft, it feels like a bunch of script notes pasted together into a sloppy copy and does it show time and again throughout. Gotham on FOX on its worst day was still tenfold as good as this. In fact, the worst episode of Birds of Prey from the early 00's is better than this. Sadly this show despite its poor ratings trends well with Twitter loners who The CW somehow thinks make up with majority of the TV viewing audience, hint = they don't, and they don't really care for your show beyond an episode or two. It will probably be renewed for another season. BEWARE.
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You all seem to be intent on finding flaws when really it's not that bad.
j-m-gemerts9 March 2021
The new Batwoman is definitely 100x better than the old. I saw a comment saying that the new Batwoman doesn't even look like she could take on a big guy and so she shouldn't be the new Batwoman.... Javicia is LITERALLY a black belt martial artist. Some of your perceptions of what Batwoman should look like are outdated. Secondly, the acting is WAY better. The script writing is WAYYYY better. The storyline makes sense to me and I am loving this new Batwoman. Each member of the cast seems to be getting more chances to show off their acting chops and I'm here for it. I'm not saying that the show has suddenly become amazing, but it REALLY is not as bad as some of you haters are putting it out to be...
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Seriously ..
troll-3619 January 2021
.. how was this even released? It looks and sounds like it was made by ten year olds. I guess you have to hire people with no skills to afford them. Only positive aspect is the laughs from the ridiculous identity politics.
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Great start to season two
cara99-325-25346419 January 2021
Strong start to season two I loved it was a great episode Jevicia Leslie acting was great the episode introduced the new batwoman Ryan Wilder real well the episode was very emotional had great action and it handled Ruby leaving very well
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Barely Serviceable
jhuebel19 January 2021
I gave season 1 a single star. It was that bad. This is only a very minor improvement. The new Batwoman is not a good actor. And given that she's the main character, that doesn't bode well for the second season. I won't be watching this season. It's a waste of time.
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crystalrb-9426121 January 2021
Just....... No. I cannot even watch season 2. Its just too ridiculous to switch from Ruby Rose to this garbage. Sorry
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"I get it. Her mom died in her arms. She wants justice."
Ed-Shullivan19 January 2021
If you can get past the over the top self pity, reflection, and melodrama of Kate Kane apparently dying in a plane crash so that season 2's backdrop story can be explained and can open with a new politically correct Batwoman, who is an impoverished, recently released from prison black woman named Ryan Wilder, who is fatherless then watching her mother get beaten to death by the Alice In Wonderland gang while being homeless, maybe the future episodes can get back to showing their audience a kick a$$ bad a$$ super hero named Batwoman.

So writers and producers, I will stick with it for a few more episodes but please do not dwell on being another Woke TV series, and just give us some real crime fighting good girl versus bad girl/guys action.

I give this season two (2), episode (1) a just passing 5 out of 10 IMDB rating.
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Just wow
sakini19 January 2021
After the controversial first season, everyone was nervously waiting what comes - and it did not disappoint. We got a far better actress which can emote. We also got much less money for production, and it shows. The main focus is emotions all around, acting is crippled, writing horrendous (and don´t come at me with "try it yourself to write a show", or I will - and it will better than this), we have the most pathetic/cheap Batmobile in history, and the most interesting and useful person (fake Bruce) which would be interesting to see through the show, was unceremoniously eliminated in round one. This is sadly one of the most miserable shows in today television, and a stain on DC history. If this gets a third season, it will be the final sign that armageddon is coming.
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How is this is show still running ?
skyven-7950625 January 2021
I can't believe this show is succesfull enough to worth continue. A lot of good showes got canceled because there wasn't enough people watching it, but after it got canceled, thousands of people complained. Now here is this trash, nobody wanted this to happen, but it's the second season, each episode is lower than the other. When is it enough ? There is a billionair who financing this even when nobody is watching it ?
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