eCupid (2011) Poster


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I Dream of Genie, iPhone version
Suradit26 September 2012
I assumed this was going to be a fluffy, fun, feel-good movie that would bring some smiles, if not actual laughs. So I wasn't expecting anything too deep or thought-provoking.

I guess that pretty well sums it up, although in the fun & feel-good department, it fell pretty flat. The two main characters lacked any real chemistry, so their break-up and all that followed didn't inspire much empathy/sympathy. The on-line service that took control of events quite often was more annoying & intrusive than mystically omniscient or whatever their presence was supposed to suggest. The anticipated, happily-ever-after denouement seemed pretty bland and contrived … even assuming you'd accept the dubious deus ex machina aspect of eCupid.

The cautionary tale regarding the dangers of reacting irrationally to the 7-year-itch and the warning that familiarity breeds ennui, which may prevent us from recognizing the value of what we could end up losing, are worthy but this may not be the most convincing vehicle for carrying that message.
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Me: Siri, Why has eCupid won so many GLBT Festival recognition?
VikenMekhtarian17 June 2012
Siri: Sorry Vye-ken, I can't find a reason "why eCupid has won so many GLBT Festival recognitions" may I suggest you look at the poster.

I honestly don't understand why this movie has so many laurel wreaths cradling "Best Picture", "Official Selection" awards from tiny American Queer Film Festivals on its poster. A crown made from laurel leaves used to mean that the recipient was an outstanding specimen of its kind and were raised to Olympian status. In movie terms it was an emblem of having made it to the Cannes movie festival. Instead, it appears people figured out that laurel wreaths can easily be made by stringing together a few bay leaves, who are the least popular and versatile members of our spice rack, and mislead many to mistake the movie for a good one.

eCupid is not a great movie, it's not even a good movie.

It is a cutesy little magical reality (the kind of stories your grandmother told you) flick that never should have made it out of the spell book. At least not without a lot more chanting and agonizing magic making - and maybe an eye of newt thrown in - to make the movie magic work. As it stands, eCupid doesn't really take off and left this reviewer feeling a little bruised. The story is predictable, with mediocre acting and such sad sets that make you want to make a donation to the filmmakers. It has all the essential - read predictable - ingredients: a cute male model type lead with a hug-able boyfriend, care-bearable friends and hot tamale one-night-stands. What it lacks is any reason to remember the movie once the credits start rolling...that is IF you end up staying till the end - because you don't need to at all, instead you may be able to catch another festival movie playing in the theater next door.

However, if you do tough it to the end, you will get to see Morgan Fairchild play a - wait for it - a country diner waitress. Shocking right?! All I remember from that scene is thinking how much more plastic can that women get before she starts melting under the movie lights!
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Laakbaar16 February 2013
Words to describe this movie: light, superficial, mindless, adolescent, artificial, unreal.

In several ways, this movie reminded me of lightweight television sitcom programming or a brainless romantic comedy. Even the values here are sitcom values, despite the gay theme. And not intelligent sitcoms, but the lame kind. The characters' problems are phony and trivial television problems that can, and will, be easily resolved.

There are lots of gay men kissing and showing affection in the film, but there's no real passion, no T&A, not even open-mouth kissing. This is an anodyne homo heaven free of ugliness and suitable for all viewers.

I'm not against the concept of gay fluff and I realise there must be a market for this out there; however, it's just not for me. It surprises me that gay men would want to watch this kind of thing. Who is this movie meant to appeal to?

This movie shows the moviegoer a California subculture of gay people in their 20s who have perfect gay lives, perfect jobs, perfect teeth, perfect homes, perfect boyfriends, perfect friends, perfect bodies. The biggest problems they have to deal with are turning 30 and getting turned down a few times by a tired partner.

Needless to say, this movie didn't really appeal to me at all. (And I enjoy light movies now and again.) It just wasn't that entertaining or funny. It certainly didn't enlighten me about being gay or human relationships. It didn't challenge me intellectually in any way whatsoever. It also didn't move me at all, despite the various clear attempts to elicit that kind of response. It's not really a movie for adults.
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itsvivek4u17 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
These brainless dead "comedies" are the kind of films that sometimes makes me wonder why do I come to these film festivals. This is an excellent example of a wannabe film. Except a few laughs here and there on some dialogues, this film is a pretty bad attempt at making something illogical and ridiculously absurd. Just putting in hot men, some hot scenes and a real life full on plastic surgery commercial actress in the end will not bring the audience. But at the same time I think that many gay men have not really branched out to see all the beautiful wonderful gay films out there that the expectation they have is very low and they enjoy these mindless , so called entertainers.

Marshall and Gabriel have been together for 7 years and now their relationship is getting stale. Marshal is cocky and very physical but Gabe always pretends tp be tied and busy and has to work. He is also turning 30 and needs some thrill and something new in life. He starts looking online and finds an app called ecupid which promises to help him find true love. The app suddenly takes over his phone, his computer and in fact his whole life. Marshall tells Gabe that he's bored via a text he didn't send; a surprise hustler arrives at the door; and a party planner plans spontaneously. He is also getting a lot of attention from a new trainee at work. Things go downhill when Gabe walks out hurt by everything that Marshall is doing. Series of incidents happen back and forth where they both justify their acts. Marshall is getting attention from all hot guys but still he doesn't find them half as stimulating. End is happy as always when they realize that true love has always been there and you just have to look and work for it.

Pretty lame if you ask me. The message from the director is good that it's easy to get distracted from the love that's right in front of us, especially in an age of texts, apps and technology but the presentation is not even half as good. The acting from the lead characters is good but that chemistry is missing that you would expect form a couple of 7 years. There is enough sex appeal from all male characters. The constant phone buzzer and ecupid voice was becoming so annoying after one point that I just could not take it anymore. I think i would have liked the film if I saw it is isolation and had not much to compare to but there is so much good gay cinema out there that in comparison this film falls so behind and thats why I said this is more a wannabe film.

It depends on what cinema you like. My opinion as pretty bad of the film but I can bet, I can find you people from the same screening who absolutely loved the film and enjoyed it. Its all relative.
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Dextrousleftie30 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I sincerely hated this wretched movie. It was as bad as some of the straight rom-coms that have come out in the last ten years or so, films so horrendous that you wonder if the writers weren't brain dead or smoking crack. It tried to be 'cute', but failed miserably. That is partly because I could not stand Marshall. Maybe it's the fact that he's a poor actor, but the guy playing him could not convey any real emotion. The guy playing his boyfriend did a fine job, but i didn't buy Marshall's so-called 'heartfelt' emotions at the end for even one second. Because when Gabe originally walks out in tears, Marshall shows no emotion whatsoever. Not only does he continue to show no emotion, he pals around with a douchebag from work. I seriously agree with the guy who wanted to date Gabe, Marshall and this ass were perfect for each other. I didn't want Marshall and Gabe to get back together, and seriously ended up yelling at my screen in frustration and disgust: "Gabe, get together with the other guy! Tell Marshall to go screw himself!" The whole movie was so contrived, moving from one scene to the next in such a forced way, that it felt stilted and not natural at all. And it portrayed gay guys as stupid, obnoxious, irritating, and often amoral. So, a typical rom-com only with two male leads instead of a male and a female. And that is exactly why I hated it, because i hate most rom-coms. They are, for the most part, so clichéd, so trite, and so formulaic that they tend to leave me feeling faintly nauseous rather than happy and uplifted.
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Redundant Rom-Com Clichés
Franco-LA22 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As someone else pointed out, this plot is a very predictable collection of romantic comedy clichés - with the minimal distinction that the leads are two men. It's equality in the sense that even lousy movies can be made for us, so that we as homosexuals can think of ourselves as more than clever or stylish, but as trite, boring, simplistic, absurd and illogical as "Who's That Girl," "My Bosses Daughter" or "All About Steve" - just think, that last movie, which got nominated as Worst Picture of 2009, with Bullock and Cooper as Worse Screen Couple (

Of course, this movie would never been recognized for a Razzie due to a lack of mass appeal. That it was picked as a selection at three gay film festivals (all three of which have some 4 or so dozen features selected) OR that it won some "awards" at three random festivals, awards which do not even get listed on a site such as IMDb (or any other similar sites) speak volumes at how minimal standards are today - when a truly interesting gay relationship story such as say DESERT HEARTS would have been the official selection and something like this would have been ignored by the selection committee.
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Scrubbed & bleached
cekadah7 July 2014
This isn't such a bad movie but it looks like a Hallmark production. Very sweet and well scrubbed & bleached plot line and characters. That's not a bad thing but it makes for a shallow story

Simple story - two guys in love - relationship excitement has stalled - one looks on internet for a thrill - and a cupid takes over his life to fix their partnership/relationship.

It's silly and sentimental with predictable results. If you want an unchallenging story this flick is your ticket.

My question - why did the bedsheets make so much noise? Weird plastic sound!
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Good Movie
jakesimsjakesims6 February 2020
This is a good movie. It reminded me a bit of Prescience aka Intuitions. Great work. I enjoyed it.
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tatararabuga19 May 2012
I'd urge that you watch it only if 1) you're not paying for it 2) you have absolutely nothing else to do 3) You're so jonsing for a new gay-themed movie that you don't care how bad it is.

Swap the second lead with a lady and without any change in the storyline, you have yourself an equally awful chickflic. And by that I don't mean something like 27 dresses. This one would be much worse.

The main lead is easy on the eyes, so are a few other people. Not all of them are equally bad actors, some more, some less. That's the only good thing I can think of this movie.

Okay, may be the original idea had a point - roadbump in a long-term relationship. It's supposed to be a story of how they realize again how much they love each other. Everything else, as I mentioned earlier, could might well be a story about a guy and a very emotional girl, and not even a good one at that.
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An entertaining love story
Alvin3310 March 2013
I enjoyed this film a lot more than I thought I would. "eCupid" is a story about an unhappy boyfriend who downloads what I would consider a magical virus to his phone. The virus – or phone app, I guess – sabotages his relationship with his boyfriend and takes him on a crazy whirlwind of gay adventures.

This is a fun film that will get a smile out of you. What is great about this film is that is that it's not as ridiculous as the premise sounds. This is not crack humour. "eCupid" is a fun and relatable story that will have you laughing with it at every step of the way.

I thought the actors were very attractive and their romantic chemistry was undeniable but their performances were a bit stiff. None of the scenes were too deep or thought-provoking but overall it is a very sweet and romantic story.
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Not really worth the watch
fthurston-2942429 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK so if you are up for a film showing how to deal with getting someone back that you have just broken up with, this film is for you. Otherwise don't even bother.

Marshall has a loving relationship of 7 years with his partner Gabe and even though things are looking good, Gabe doesn't seem to want to have sex as much as his boyfriend. So what does his boyfriend do? He clicks on an app called ecupid answering questions that he is not happy in his relationship and looking for something new.

Well, stupidly the app sends his boyfriend a text effectively breaking up the relationship and we spent the rest of the time watching Marshall regret this and try to win him back whilst constantly being bombarded with text-suggestions from the app that he, for whatever reason, simply can not ignore.

Even for a gay film, this film sucks (and I love my gay films so thats saying something).

The only saving grace is the final 2 scenes where Morgan Fairchild comes in and we are 'lead to believe' (and believe me even thats a stretch) that shes behind the app and so-to-say helps Marshall say everything he needed to say after he 'somehow' ass-dials Gabe, who hears it and comes in to the cafe (where he is with her) and they end up back together.

OK so the big hole here is that Venus (Fairchild) never actually comes out and says "Im ecupid". we just have to assume that the more she talks with Marshall.

All in all a crap film, however the 2nd last scene (cafe- Marshall & Venus, then Marshall & Gabe) and the last scene (Marshall & Gabe coffee shop) were actually good.

As with other films, this one disappointed because it again has the potential to be great, but didn't go there. If Marshall had cheated or something. Or gone out on several dates and then realized they weren't the right guys for him then OK. But this is simply a sad/depressing film that makes you want to jump into the screen when he's trying to push the 'college guy' off him and say "Why not? Enjoy yourself for once!"

In saying that Housten Rhines (Marshall) and Noah Schuffman (Gabe) and even Matt Lewis (Keith) are all good actors and I'm sure in another film they'd be awesome to watch. It's not the actors fault they had such a lame storyline to deal with.

2/10 for the final 2 scenes. But seriously... don't bother.
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Enjoyable, funny, and accessible!
scoobdoonla22 March 2012
I really enjoyed Ecupid, because I found it was a very universal story that any man or woman has gone through and that is what made it so enjoyable and accessible, especially being a gay romantic comedy.

I think what JC does with his films is break down stereotypes or even takes typical in your face stereotypes and turns them on their heads. You could have plugged in Jennifer Aniston into one half of the leading couple and you would have had a mainstream romantic comedy. I think that is what America needs to be able to start having access to. Movies don't have to be all about sex or violence or tragedy. This is escapist entertainment at it's best.

That, to me, is what JC is setting out to do, and he does it really well! You can call me bias, but I know for a fact that you could sit and watch this film with your own family and not have to worry about anything inappropriate coming up. And you can count on them having a good time, and maybe opening their own minds up a little. I thought the film as a whole was cute and funny and had a great lesson at the end. It's nice to see stories about love, whether they're between a man and man, a man and a woman, or a woman and a woman.

In the end, you're hoping for the guys to stay together. It's not for cynical, snooty, bitter people. It's a simple, beautiful story for people who still believe in the notion of true love. I highly recommend it!
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The surreal overcome by the bland
RES5521 January 2016
It's difficult to evaluate this film. A relaxed romantic comedy, if well-executed, is welcome amongst LGBT films, which are often as angst-ridden as queer people's real lives too often are. 'ECupid' is light and qualifies as a 'rom-com' because of its basic 'boy-loses-boy, boy-finds-boy-again' trope. But that's where it ends. Generally, these films, whether gay or straight, have appealing characters in the leads, with whom the audience can identify, or at least like. This film has a curiously cold, dispassionate lead in the character of Marshall. As a couple, Marshall and Gabe are dreary and mismatched, already peculiar after their relationship's seven-year duration. The narrative into which they're plunged makes them props for a set of surreal circumstances. Triggered by Marshall's download of a dating app in an attempt to relieve his relationship's sagging sexual component, he finds himself in a low-level Buñuel-like situation, where inexplicable things happen and people turn up with seemingly no rhyme or reason. Any real person in a normal 'rom-com' would be alarmed, a certain hilarity ensuing from his reactions; but Marshall just walks through these bizarre turns of events nearly without reaction, almost as we see in 'The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie'--to which, I assure the reader, I am *not* comparing this trifle. If the film had stayed with a surreal premise, it might have succeeded better. But the film maker tried to conflate the surreal with the tediously ordinary. Despite his sexual frustration, and without even giving the alternatives provided by the dating app a chance, Marshall dismisses potentially exciting flings with the 'young skaters, bad boys, boy-next-door types, and naughty frat boys' we are told he craves. He suddenly only wants his boring, unsatisfying primary relationship, and the surreal dating app serves to reunite the dull couple. The juxtaposition of styles makes for an uneven tone, leaving one to wonder what Marshall was thinking.

Marshall and Gabe's problem, as we see instantly, is that they don't communicate and make entirely inaccurate assumptions about each other's motivations, itself implausible after seven years together. It all ends blandly, except for the annoyed viewer, who has been tantalized with the possibility of a more complex narrative texture and outcome. The film also seems to reiterate a narrow 'monogamy or nothing' credo, making the possibility of seeking to satisfy unmet needs immoral and forbidden. It wags a prudish, insulting finger at its intended audience, despite the semi-clad hunks who appear from time to time (there is no sex or nudity in the film). It also hints that on-line dating is fraught with unimaginably odd perils. But 'eCupid' has its moments.
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An even gayer version of the Wizard of Oz
Coralknight20 September 2016
From the brain of someone who was far too influenced by the Wizard of Oz as a child comes this disappointing schlock. Behind all the attempts at relevance (i.e. talk of "apps" and conversations over a computer screen) lies that old familiar nugget of wisdom; there's no place like home...even if that happens to be a sex-less relationship where neither side talks or seems to care what or how the other is doing. We're supposed to believe that after 7 years, this fictitious couple can't seem to see the slightest of warning signs in their relationship or careers. But no, wait-- there's even more suspension of disbelief we need to invest in, which entails a magical app that conjures up fantasy guys who do everything except what an actual fantasy would entail. I get that the "Steam Room Stories" guys wanted to try their hand at feature-length film (and how they managed to get Morgan Fairchild is beyond me...maybe she babysat one of them during her hiatus in the 90s?) But this just isn't cute, funny, witty, relevant or unique. What it IS however, is not worth watching.
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"Look how cute I am!"
jm1070127 July 2012
This is a boring, shallow, tiresome, "Look how cute I am!" movie about boring, shallow, tiresome, "Look how cute I am!" West Hollywood types.

Someday somebody is going to make a movie about real gay people. Real gay people are not obsessed with their gym bodies and other guys' gym bodies. Real gay people don't look like fashion models. Real gay people get older than 23, eventually. Real gay people do not have blinding white teeth. Real gay people do not have perfect tans 365 days of the year, or even ONE day of the year. Real gay people have no idea what an "app" is, don't care what an "app" is, and got tired of the word the third time they heard it.

Whoever made this tiresome movie, and whomever they made it for - those are people I hope I never have to meet.
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Two gay male adorable; the other despicable.
ohlabtechguy13 February 2021
The whole premise for this movie doesn't work because the writer had an epic character development failure. The only way the audience can root for this couple to get back together is if BOTH characters are likable. Yet, from the very first argument that led to a split between these two, I had ZERO desire to ever see the character who voluntarily moved out for some stupid BS reason. As the movie progressed, I kept hoping there would be no reconciliation. The precious, masculine, adorable, wholesome blond lead was totally wasted in this movie. He was worthy of screen attention; his partner was not.
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Fry-TheMovieReviewer28 August 2020
Just horrible. I won't state anything that hasn't already been said... I'm just curious as to what is considered poor for these people when they have a cabin, a house, and a business - oh yeah, they are 'super poor' and 'in the doghouse'! *my eyes rolled so much that my contacts came out*
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its good for a lonely night at home ;)
Fred_Walker1 February 2021
Not exactly the best story, but who watches for that anyway?! LOL..
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Way Better Than Many Gay Flicks
CityguyUSA27 March 2022
Yes, the jokes are typical sexual innuendo but the movie does seem to flow pretty well.

2 gaymen struggle in a relationship that's being tested by time and lack of access between partners on different schedules failing to connect.

Can they find their way back to each other or has the relationship run it's course?
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It's how you look at it!
goodguycleveland14 May 2020
I recently watched this movie again, and now I understand it. Morgan Fairchild is God! Keith, Richard, and the other guys are angels working for her. It warms my heart to think that if there is a God, that he/she loves us all and wants the best for us, even us queers! So watch this movie and learn to love what you have!!
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I'm not gay… And I thought it was great!
avatar200526 March 2012
I work in the film business…and I got dragged to see this film at a film festival. I had zero expectations of liking it...but by the end of the film I simply loved it! In general…romantic comedies are almost impossible to get right. Between having a script that works…chemistry between the actors…and a strong enough director with a clear vision…it is easy to see why most studio romantic comedies just don't work! It is by far the hardest of any film genre. Like Edward Norton said during the last Oscars broadcast (I'm going on memory here folks so give me a break): I am always amazed when the lights come up at the end of a movie that actually works… I'm always wondering... just how did they manage to do that? Well believe it or not…that is exactly how I felt after seeing eCupid! Congratulations Mr. Calciano… you manage somehow... despite an obviously low budget…to make a movie with characters I cared about and a story I liked! I'm looking forward to your next movie just to see if this was beginners luck!
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I highly recommend eCupid
Meido9722 March 2012
I really enjoyed eCupid for its realistic take on the complications of a relationship. There is a broad range of characters that all drive this story forward.

I found the characters (Marshall and Gabe) very likable and easy to relate to and it was nice to see them grow in the end.

eCupid really is for everyone.

As in life its hard to find what your looking for, and in a relationship you don't know what you have until its gone.

After seeing the movie you really appreciate the love you have in your own life even more.
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Wonderful movie with heart
dmb1187924 March 2012
I loved it. It was sweet and told a universal story of how it can take a long crazy journey to find the love that is right in front of you. All of that with a modern tech twist (an app that throws Marshall's wilting relationship with his boyfriend Gabe into turmoil in order to help him understand that his true love for Gabe was there all the time). It made a classic story seem fresh and interesting.

The performances of the leads were subtle and the chemistry was unmistakable. The supporting "cupids" were cute, funny, and witty, and Morgan was wonderful as Venus herself. And it was great to have a movie that showed that gay relationships have the same problems as straight ones. Share this movie with someone you love!
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Breezy and Charming!
RootieK22 March 2012
Writer/Director JC Calciano's previous film, Is It Just Me, is one of my favorites, so this film had a high bar to meet. I'm happy to say that it does. eCupid is a romantic fantasy in the style of 80s flicks like Splash and Big. It's a breezy and charming story brought to life by a talented and good-looking cast. The fantastical element that runs through eCupid is clever and smart. I really like the way the film explores the evolving role that technology plays in our a force for both good and bad.

Blaine (adorable Houston Rhines) is turning 30 and his life is stuck in a rut. He's in a stale relationship and a dead-end job (soap star John Callahan plays his boss). Looking for help, Blaine downloads an app to help him find love...and it turns his life completely upside down. Morgan Fairchild makes a great cameo as a mysterious and wise waitress. High marks across the board for this funny, sweet comedy. A must see!
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Finally, a romantic comedy that works
dude3244624 March 2012
I absolutely LOVED this movie! This was one of the best romantic comedies I've seen in years and I'm pretty critical of them. Not Corny. Solid Acting. Fun cultural references. It's entertaining and funny and very relatable in a day and age where technology is everywhere. The details are well-defined, well-written, interesting, and delivered with conviction and credibility by a top notch cast. I was completely engaged from start to finish. I even teared up right on cue. Damn them for manipulating my emotions so well. Excellent cast . Highly recommended. If you enjoy romantic comedies, but have high standards for them, this won't disappoint you.
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