Ultimate Justice (2017) Poster

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Low grade actioner
Leofwine_draca28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
ULTIMATE JUSTICE is a low grade action thriller from Germany, packed to the brim with martial arts battles and shoot-outs. How much you enjoy it really depends on how much you like this genre of movie; if it's not for you, then don't bother. The film's non-action scenes are entirely routine, with a crew of tough guys called into action to avenge an unpleasant crime. The English version has been badly dubbed, particularly noticeable when any supporting character is speaking. Mark Dacascos stars and kicks ass like he always does, and he's given strong support from man-mountain Matthias Hues, who I was delighted to see still proves an imposing presence some thirty years after his screen debut. Even Mike Leeder shows up, and you can't say fairer than that. The fight choreography is acceptable and for a B-movie this is fairly watchable, if not exactly great.
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Soccer Player Level Bad acting
armybear123 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off I watched the english dubbed version of this movie and boy was the dubbing the cringiest thing ever. The actions scene were usual fair of terrible. Bad choegraphy where guys with guns randomly decide to enter hand to hand combat for no reason, elite expert mercenaries can't hit the broad side of a barn, horrible special effects for the guns.

The entire story was terrible. There is only 2 things you need to know about the story. In beginning of the movie we see VME a private security company try to pull a hostage rescue. Something goes wrong in their operation and a couple of their agents are killed in the operation. Their lead field agent and cofounder of the company Gus is upset by this and tells the operations manger and other cofounder of the company Sturm that he is quitting because of how distraught he is from losing a couple of their agents in operation. They don't talk for a while and meet up at some party. Sturm tells Gus that he sold VME because it didn't feel the same without him. Shortly afterwards some young crazy gold digger chick comes over and flirts with Sturm and wants to hook up with him. He rejects her and tells her she is too young and leaves the party afterwards. Sometime later Gus goes to visit Sturm with his girlfriend. It is then shown that Sturm ended up marrying the young gold digger girl and has a daughter with her, since he reached out to her after the party. After Gus leaves a team thugs break into Sturm's house assaults him and forces him to watch them rape and kills his wife, and kidnaps his daughter. They leave him a live and he contacts Gus to go save his daughter. The rest of the movie is nonsense and is not worth mentioning. Fast forward to the last 5 minutes of the movie. Its revealed that Sturm had staged the whole thing from the start because he was mad how Gus had essentially forced him to sell VME and cucked him. He reveals that he had some kind of genetic disease and was going to die soon, he did a DNA test on his daughter to see if she had inherited the disease also found out he wasn't the father of his daughter. It was Gus who had hooked up and had a one night stand with the young gold digger girl at the party after Sturm had initially rejected her. So essentially Sturm planned a elaborate hoax to have himself beat up, have his wife raped and murdered, and his own daughter kidnap so that he could send Gus his previous best friend / partner on a wild goose chase to save his (actually Gus's) daughter to have Gus killed. In the process of going through this entire hoax, Sturm unintentionally causes the death of all the ex-VME agents who volunteered to help Gus track down who was behind Sturm's attacks, all because Sturm wanted to kill Gus because Gus had knocked up the gold digger that he had rejected and eventually married.
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Sloppy Seconds
refinedsugar3 June 2024
'Ultimate Justice' is bittersweet. I didn't expect the world from it, but Mark Dacascos had some fun dtv titles in his past. It also allowed me to see Landwehr, Hues and Möller together after the recent lackluster 'Last Kumite'. Obviously a low budget affair this still manages to produce some decent action sequences including at the beginning. It's rather unfortunate the downward spiral the story goes into that sinks the whole thing. I can't overstate how bad the ending is here guys.

A leading private military firm operating in Europe lead by Gus (Dacascos) are sent in to rescue a hostage, but lose team members in the process. Disillusioned Gus sells the firm he co-founded with Hans (Wolfgang Riehm). At a party the two enjoy drinks and company of some attractive females particularly Michaela (Sandra Tauro). Eight years pass and Hans ended up marrying her and having a kid. Then his house is broken into and she's murdered, daughter kidnapped. Now Hans reenlists his friend for help getting her back and finding out who attacked him and why.

Most of the members are given little character moments when they're sought out to reform the team. The hand to hand fights are nicely choreographed, but the same can't be said for a lone car chase which lacks skill. The shooting is also mired by obvious CGI and poor dubbing of it's foreign cast does the flick no favors. You can see for every good element there's one that lets it down. I enjoyed the majority of 'Ultimate Justice' even with a few missteps along the way. However a ridiculous reveal at the end comes really close to unraveling any fun that came before it.
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No Payment.
nogodnomasters14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
VME is a private German security firm that rescues people who are kidnapped and I imagine do other things. After a mission where they lose personnel, Gus (Mark Dacascos) apparently forces the hand of Hans (Wolfgang Riehm) to sell the company. The team breaks up and tend bar, make fries, and enter the priesthood. When Hans' wife is raped and killed and his daughter kidnapped, Hans asks Gus to find the culprits.

The plot twist was totally idiotic as explained by Gus, himself. The dubbing wasn't much better than most Japanese karate films. There was a lot of hand to hand fighting by gun owners, most looked rather faked. The scenes and dialogue were extremely cliché and groan worthy.

Guide: No swearing. Rape. Butt nudity.
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Really badly done
latinfineart17 May 2020
This movie feels low budget from start to finish. Had a lot of very bad acting. Poor direction, decent choreography. And way too many fight scenes. Very, very little plot hollow cardboard characters. And a thoroughly unconvincing movie. Watch this movie if you have absolutely nothing else to do with the hours of your life.
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What a waste of production money...
I know the director/producer (Martin Christopher Bode) is trying hard to become the next Michael Bay but geez... people are homeless and starving everywhere and you spent money making this garbage? Couldn't get past the the 00:30:00 mark...
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waste of time...
silviu_silver2 May 2018
Boring,bad acting...well,we see that before.iff u cant sleep turn down the volume and watch it.
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Terrible film
functional-crossfit-trai13 February 2019
So terrible it's almost good. No seriously it's just terrible
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Dacascos still has it
andaxeman16 December 2018
Starts as a low-budget Expendables, the fight sequences are very well choreographed, and there are plenty of them. Good to see familiar faces like Dacascos and Hues proving they can still do their thing. German martial arts star Mike Moller was a scene stealer, hoping to see more of him in the future. Also have to note Mike Leeder, who has become a legend in the martial arts world behind the scenes, has an enjoyable character on screne in this one. Some shocking character deaths with a WTF kind of twist at the end that put this low budget actioner above average for me. I tend to take negative reviews with a grain of salt, if you are a fan of anyone in the film, you won't go away disappointed.
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A dumpster fire of a movie...
paul_haakonsen15 September 2022
Needless to say that I sat down here in 2022 to watch the 2017 action thriller "Ultimate Justice" on the account of it having Mark Dacascos in the leading role.

Had I ever heard about this movie from writers Marco Theiss and Mike Leeder? No, not even a single thing. But I figured that an action thriller with Mark Dacascos couldn't possibly be all that bad.

Boy was I wrong.

Writers Marco Theiss and Mike Leeder couldn't even concoct a storyline that made any logical sense. There was no apparent red thread throughout the course of the movie. And that made for a chaotic and disjointed movie experience. And I have to say that I gave up on "Ultimate Justice" one hour into the ordeal. The storyline was just utter rubbish.

Sure, there were a couple of nicely enough choreographed and executed action and fight scenes throughout the ordeal, but it was nowhere enough to lift up the rubbish that passed for a storyline here.

The acting performances in "Ultimate Justice" were stilted, wooden and rigid. And not even Mark Dacascos himself seemed to buy into director Martin Christopher Bode's 2017 action thriller. And to make matters worse, then the majority of the cast ensemble were German performers, not that there is anything wrong with that, but they were apparently dubbed into English dialogue. And poorly dubbed as well, I might add.

Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Ultimate Justice", even if you are a fan of Mark Dacascos. Some of us suffered through this ordeal in smaller or greater extend so you don't have to.

My rating of "Ultimate Justice" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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Loved seeing dodgy haired Germans fighting
jonodanmatt17 July 2020
Cheesy but fights were good Not wanting to watch a cryptic logical film This is designed for knuckle draggers but was really good The little blonde dude is a ninja 💯
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Ultimate Justice delivers the goods for action fans in this modern era of DTV.
tarbosh2200030 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Gustav-Ferdinand Von Behren (Dacascos) - his friends call him Gus - is the leader of VME, a team of highly-skilled A-Team types who execute dangerous missions and fight the baddies. After a mission goes wrong, the team splits up and they all go their separate ways. However, the owner of VME, Hans (Riehm) has his own problems.

When his wife is attacked and his daughter kidnapped, that's enough impetus for Gus to get the old team back together. Kicking into high gear, Gus re-teams with Andreas (Rhea), Radowsky (Hues), Benny (Moller), and other members. After some twists and turns, we finally find out who is on the receiving end of the ULTIMATE JUSTICE.

We really liked Ultimate Justice. First-time director Martin Christopher Bode really seems to know what fans want and he delivers it. We couldn't be happier that there are still people out there making "Assemble a Team" movies, and the inclusion of fan favorites Dacascos and Hues only sweetens the deal. We enjoyed all the really cool fights and the German backdrop provides a nice setting. You can tell they really cared and that was infectious.

Yes, unfortunately there is some CGI as it relates to the bullet hits, muzzle flashes and such, and if that wasn't there, it would rank even higher in our eyes. It just wasn't needed in this tribute to old-school action. That's really our only complaint - although some people may find the unintentionally humorous dubbing off-putting. We thought it just added to the throwback feel that we're used to. Plus it provides a couple of laffs.

Bode opts to let us get to know the characters a bit more than what we usually see, so that was appreciated. But, of course, there's plenty of gun-shooting and Martial Arts action. Naturally, the Prerequisite Torture is here too (and, unrelated to that, we get to see the world's fastest neck snap). Mike Moller - not to be confused with Matt Mullins - stands out as an impressive fighter and we look forward to seeing what he does in the future.

Striking a nice balance between the more serious-minded and the silly, Ultimate Justice delivers the goods for action fans in this modern era of DTV.
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A action packed mess of a movie.
tylerrosin28 September 2021
This was a mess of a movie. I was surprised by the amount of great action stars. The only positive part of this movie was the action scenes as they were very well done and a blast to watch. Everything else is awful. Even the dubbing was off the whole film and the plot was non existent. Also a big issue I had was the fact the characters had good chemistry but watching them all get knocked off one by one felt very cheap. The acting was terrible as well but expected in this type of b movie.
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The end or so-called revealtion was dumb beyond belief.
jordondave-280855 April 2023
(2017) Ultimate Justice ACTION

Gus (Mark Dacascos) working as a leader of a special forces team of about five or six, i forget going on a saving missions until the so-called daughter of one of the members is kidnapped, recalling the members back in a save situation. Except that each member from Gus's special unit are killed one by one, motivating Gus to figure out whether there's a mole more something that is much more sinister. You know, I hate action movies that make you think that it's black and white and then it turns grey, very very grey. The ending was so dumb beyond belief, I left with hating the movie even more.
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Time to get the band back together
dworldeater12 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An elite mercenary group is brought back together by a tragedy that they immediately investigate. Ultimate Justice is an action thriller with surprising plot twists. Mark Dacoscos is great as always and the leader of the minor league Expendables like team. The story is not great and the motivation for this is revealed at the film's conclusion. However, if you can overlook that, Ultimate Justice delivers the goods for action with a lot of it with some really well choreographed fights and shootouts. Ultimate Justice probably won't be anyone's favorite movie of all time, but for a B action flick, it gets the job done and if you are a Mark Dacoscos fan you should enjoy this,as I have.
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Great movie.
luissantiago-9196216 May 2020
Love the movie. Has great effects and nice visuals.
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"I think I'm being watched"
hwg1957-102-26570416 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A man's daughter is abducted and his old security firm friends seek to get her back. I enjoyed this. The martial arts and gunplay were good, the characters were interesting and likeable and the cinematography was excellent. It also has the capable Mark Dacascos, who always has been under rated in my opinion, as the leader of the team and mountainous Matthias Hues as one of the team. Two actors always engaging to see and although both are ageing they can still make some good moves.

The plot is not original but it moves along at a compelling pace. Most of the team get killed which is sad as you do get invested in their characters. The last twist in the story however doesn't make sense. Still, a better film than its IMDb rating would suggest.
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Remake of a bad movie
danielr-4571925 July 2020
Basically a remake of 1982 "Kill Squad" with a couple of changes here and there
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Amazing independent action movie!
jessicagaletti26 May 2020
What a fantastic action movie. This movie is filled with plot twists and will keep you on the edge of your seat! It's a must see for all action movie fans. Excellent fight choreography, and clean fight sequences.
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welambert0115 September 2023
2:00am, can't sleep, looking for a movie to kill time. Mark Dacascos appears in the thumbnail for the movie. I recognized him from his performance in John Wick 3. Easy sell. I'm immediately drawn into the plot. The first thing you notice, if you are the slightest fan of the action genre? The clock has not been set. One of the review referred to as a knockoff of The Expendable. A fair assessment. I would add a mixture of The Gladiator. The action pieces are executed very well, exposition, action pieces etc. The clock has not been set. It becomes clear what the director substituted for the clock. I will not reveal any of the plot defects other than for an elite group dumb mistake to advanced the movie. The other drawback, paying half bit of attention and you are part of the red-pilled community it will tickle your fancy. This is an action movie for the set pieces alone worth viewing, at least one time at 2:00 in the morning.
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It's Not THAT Bad, But...
carchero15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie listed while looking for something else. I clicked on the trailer and the action had me hooked! These people are not great actors, but they sure make up for it with great fight scenes! Professional soldiers perform a rescue but lose team members and decide to quit. They're working regular jobs until something terrible happens to a member and their help is needed to get his little daughter back. Some of the dialogue is really cheesy and the voice over work is bad, but most of the action kept me watching! I've never seen some of their moves before! They were fantastic! Even though a bit of the action was cheesy, too, it was still a great action movie for me!
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jaslynkohrp27 May 2020
Stunts were cool! Love the plot and action, would Highly recommend it to family/friends to watch it too.
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This might be just what you're looking for
jujutsuweasel24 June 2020
This movie was so incredibly awful. It harkened back to the days of '80s martial arts movies, full of unrealistic and anatomically impossible combat movements that defy logic. Hardenned warriors with pistols fight heavily armed and armored enemies through superior skill and something that would never pass for tactics. This is like Steven Seagal and Jean-Claude of old.

In short, it was so terrible that it is a thing of beauty. If you believed that the American Ninja was a real ninja, this movie's for you.
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Awesome action movie
boda-szilard6 June 2020
This is a very well written and directed action movie, with some twists.

It is not as well advertised as the blockbusters, but storywise and actionwise it is better. The action scenes coreografy is amazing.
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