"Castle" Crossfire (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Premature Ending
Harun_Karali17 May 2016
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They have been building the Locksat story line for over a year and for what? Locksat turns out to be one guy. They could have made it much more complex and gave us at least one more season, But thanks to the producers the writers were forced to squeeze it all into one episode. Castle has been one of my favorite shows for such a long time and I'm aware that it hasn't had the strongest ratings, But isn't that normal when the show is on it's eighth season? On one hand I'm glad they ended it before Stana left because I wouldn't have watched without her. On the other hand, I would have loved to see the show go on for ten seasons. Honestly I just loved the chemistry between the actors. Castle and Beckett will always be my favorite couple on TV. Special thanks to the cast and crew for an amazing journey.
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Castle's Final Story
oztvaddict29 May 2016
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I have been a fan of the show since the beginning and I have watched every episode. This episode in itself was everything you'd expect from an episode of Castle. There was drama, suspense, comedy and some Caskett love. The only disappointment was the tacked on ending. This ending was made necessary by the sudden cancellation of the show. It was a last minute addition and it shows. Castle and Beckett are lying on the floor bleeding to death one minute and then playing happy families the next, with no explanation of how they survived in between. Surely the writers/editors/whoever could have taken out five minutes of the main story to give more substance to the ending. That would have given Castle fans are more satisfying chance to say farewell to the characters that they love, which includes the whole team- Ryan, Esposito, Lanie, Martha and Alexis. I will miss the Caskett chemistry, the Esposito/Ryan bromance and the way it all works together. Goodbye guys.
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A very badly written ending, of a very good series...
stathedimopoulos7 March 2021
A very badly written ending, of a very good series ... Unfortunately, the ending, which was written very quickly and casually, does injustice to this very good series. Someone from the abc channel should apologize for this bad result, which shows disrespect to the viewers ... A very big thank you to the actors and the rest of the staff of the series who tried their best, in very bad conditions. ..
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What the hell was that?
James09878 February 2022
Seriously? You call this an ending? This doesn't even feel like an ending to a season finale let alone an entire series.

I love this show so damn much and you go and butcher the ending.
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Cancelled, Why?
PartialMovieViewer17 May 2016
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So Stana is leaving...so what...she really hasn't been part of the team for a while. There is no need to quit on her account. The show will do fine without her. Bump her off at the end of this season, (or even during the summer,) give her a gold watch and move on to next season. Unlike 'Bones', the very talented supporting cast is an outstanding group, capable of seamlessly continuing the story-line. Additionally, I think Huertas and Dever don't suffer from the same kind of hubris that haunts the 'Bones' crew. On that note, I doubt they will be crippled by silly PC-garbage sideshows as well. 'Castle', is bolstered by very strong writing, excellent direction, immaculate scripting and one Mr. Fillion, who has always...and I mean always...been the main character, never shirking responsibility. I hope ABC changes its mind and resuscitates 'Castle' - at least for one more season. Compared to the other garbage my eyes and ears are assailed with, I think 'Castle' is one of the best...even without Beckett. I am not saying I won't miss her...I will...but they have been working separately for so long, I won't miss her that much. She effectively left last season.
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The bitter end
tenshi_ippikiookami18 May 2016
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"Castle" was a very funny TV series, with a long and healthy life. Not many series make it to eight seasons, and "Castle", especially in the firsts seasons, was lots of fun, even if later became a little bit bloated.

This last episode kind of represents those last seasons, where the focus was more on action and less on the fun and mysteries.

Castle and Beckett are trying to find LokSat, and they believe they have a good lead, but it is actually a trap. A shootout ensures but they are rescued by a "friend".

This is not much of a classical "Castle" episode, more an action, shoot-em-up kind of, with the reveal of who LokSat is and people jumping, punching, etc. It is OK, but not especially exciting. What made "Castle" was not the action, but the banter between characters, the weird cases and humor. It is not really a good episode in that respect.

The end of the episode feels terribly rushed, and shows that the show was still on the fence on its chances of renewal. It has a rushed way to go through all the major characters, before Castle and Beckett head home, where the surprising appearance of a supposedly dead character destroys their happiness and leaves both of them on the floor, dying of their wounds. It is just lazy writing. And the may-be-true-may-be- not ending is just lame.

Even with all its faults, it is still "Castle"'s last episode, and the nostalgia of knowing this is the end helps in carrying it till the end line.
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It is a very good episode
OurGeneration12 June 2016
It could be better? you are right. But in any case this episode was not the best in terms of action but it was an episode to solidify the love of Beckett and Castle and Solidify a high point to Ryan and Esposito to that I think should have their own series The last minutes of the episode were a roulette wheel of emotions ranging from mourn to be happy. "Crossfire" is a very good ending to this wonderful police procedural In this episode Mr. Flynn the best quotes of the episode took As the One "Kate Beckett be dead by the end of the night and there's nothing you can do" Or the iconic "Everything ends in tragedy even an epic love story like yours" Always Caskett
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The Laugh Season
estathena214 September 2022
Castle & Company rediscovered their funny bone just in time to send viewers and fans off with a laugh rather than tears, regret, and anger at all things left unsaid.

Having marathoned the series in its entirety thanks to Hulu, the show had its strength as it did weaknesses but all in all maintained consistent storyline and character development, both of which found satisfying end - A tad rushed I'll admit but one without regret or cries of foul as the final credits rolled.

The last thirty seconds were poignant, an epilogue that gifts us with a glimpse of Castle and Becket's future. I do wish it included a glimpse into the supporting casts future as well but we can't always get what we want.
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Great end
Aries_Primal9 November 2017
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At first I was afraid the end is just alternative what should happened and they both are actually dead, but then I read Wiki plot and I calm down. I have to say since the first episode I used to love this show, characters, actors, it's rarely good show. Well previous season was too slow and boring I have to say, with repeating scenes, phrases, cases... I was expecting this season to be the same but it actually was great. Of course there were a lot of made up moments that in real life would happen different, but after all we all love happy ending. I actually own a book from the series and I didn't wanted to start reading it before I finish the seasons. It was well invented, well created, well played and nice to watch show. Thanx for giving me opportunity to watch it.
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Messy finale for a dynamic show and characters
Kinoj_Peter27 December 2017
First of all season 7 finale was a better ending for Castle and gave good conclusion for all the major characters. The problem started with the last season's Castle disappearance and found in CIA covert mission plot. The choice made by the writers of the season was very strange for Castle and exploiting that plot line and extending to season 8 gave some moments but overall disappointed with the writing. Due to this major downfall finale of the Series is rushed and incomplete. Sad to see such intelligent and charming characters had such unjustified ending. Except the last 30 seconds of jammed conclusion of Caskett nothing of this hot mess of last episode offered anything to die hard fans of this show . The creators must have stopped with the Season 7 finale which is more fitting farewell to Castle cast and appropriate conclusion to the Caskett fans.
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Great show with a terrible final season and worse finale
Redbird38219 May 2020
Although others will tell you otherwise, this show only has 7 seasons. Season 8 is fake. At least, that is what I tell myself after watching the disaster that is the series finale.

It was just...confusing and illogical. The pacing was awful. The new characters were random. The humor was gone. Ryan and Esposito were completely out of sync with all of the other characters.

For a show about a bestselling author, the final season was seriously poorly written.
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A rushed finale
timothylyes17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After 8 seasons Castle finally wraps up. I'd be lying if I said I didn't welcome the final, I feel like the series had been going stale for several seasons now. I am normally not a fan of procedurals in general but I just loved Nathan and Stana as the two leads and they were really what kept me interested in the series. Finding out they had axed Stana for Season 9 was the final nail in the coffin for me - from an artistic perspective, you don't just build up a great relationship over 8 seasons and then get to toss it away to simply "cut costs". The show would not have been the same and I am glad they decided not to proceed with Season 9.

So we all knew going in to this episode that, due to the cancellation, there was an "alternate ending" filmed to give fans some sort of "closure". I guess I can be grateful for this, despite how poorly it was done. The episode itself concludes the LOKSAT storyline, in typical procedural fashion where we've all actually forgotten the LOKSAT storyline because the last designated episode with an actual story arc was several months ago. I would've thought it warranted a double-episode at least, but alas, the finale is tightly packed into one which makes it feel very rushed.

Now, as for the "closure"...I'm just gonna come out and say it, it sucked. SPOILERS INCOMING, but they're really not spoilers at all. Martha and Alexis get a hug. Ryan and Esposito go to a bar. Hayley gets a silent thank you. Lanie isn't even there. I don't know about you but these are characters we've come to love over 8 seasons and THIS is how we say goodbye to them? It just felt really lazy. Finally we have a pointless cliffhanger scene with Castle and Beckett which was CLEARLY meant as the lead-in to Season 9 and I guess they just left it in for some reason...and then we have the "alternate ending", a 30-second happily ever after clip which was just tacked on at the end. Really?

I dunno maybe I should just look at it from a business decision standpoint, I guess it makes sense. I just like well-crafted stories and characters and this really was a let down. Nevertheless the last 8 seasons have been largely enjoyable to watch and I will remember Castle for its strengths rather than its flaws. A great series that will be missed.
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The rushed ending
aj_skinner22 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Did anyone else think the ending showed the possible life that Beckett and Castle could have had together if they had not pursued Loksat and bled to death after being shot?
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Lame ending to a great series
catherineboeckmann21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, that ending was really lame. Locksat was one man? Ridiculous. And did they die or not die? What was that weird futuristic scene tacked on? Castle was such a great show with two strong characters. I really enjoyed the female lead who was equal to the male. Strong and sexy like old Hollywood stars. Great banter with the male lead who was charming. However, I thought the last season or two went downhill as they kept the male and female leads apart so much. That was the best thing going on that show. The banter and the relationship as they solve crimes together.
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Yet another Show ruined by Hollywood...
tobe_199117 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I want to share this so you can understand me better: I've been using this site for almost 6 years now. 1143 current titles on my Watchlist. 4003 ratings until today (1462 feature films and 2180 episodes, I only rate episodes above 9 or all of my favorite Series). I have watched 63 complete TV Series, stopped watching 7 (I counted them because they add 440 episodes to the list), and currently I'm watching 36. And then there's Castle...

For no reason I consider Castle in the Olympus of the TV Series, not even close. But this show had some spark it made me watched it all along the way.

Yes, typical Cop Show, resolving a murder every episode. But since the beginning they had charisma, they had 2 great lead actors: The always funny and charming Nathan Fillion and the beautiful and always sexy Stana Katic. They were everything on this show. Their chemistry as a couple is the best I have seen on screen.

It's a shame how in the last years that relationship ended (Stana wasn't returning for a possible 9th Season, yet they wanted to go on... dead mistake), and we viewers got to see every time less and less Caskett. For me it was when Beckett left to the FBI. After that it just wasn't the same.

Anyway, I want to thanks Andrew W. Marlowe for creating this Series. And the same time I want to cursed him for doing what Hollywood does best: Prolonging something until is complete garbage, and then canceling at the last minute without a proper ending.

If they had finished this show a couple of years ago, that chemistry would have been intact through the entire show. Way to go Hollywood! Just don't remake this in 20 years, please...

There's nothing left but to add this Finale to the worst I've watched, Castle to my guilty Series pleasures, and Richard Castle and Kate Beckett as the best foreplay/relationship always.
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Save Yourself - Just Watch the Last 30 Seconds.
Beckstle3 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The finale of Castle is a sad ending to what was once a well-done procedural romance. "Crossfire" is on par with much of the show's final season - so yes, it's pretty awful. The actors do the best they can with the material, but the solid acting can't save the dismal writing. As a series wrap the only thing of note in "Crossfire" happens in the last thirty seconds. Even that's not a "must see."

Overall, this episode is another illogical turn by the season eight showrunners: Alexi Hawley and Terence Paul Winter. They truly ran the show into the ground. If by chance you are just checking out the series, I would suggest you stop watching after season seven. That season finale serves as a far better ending to the series than "Crossfire."

Part of the problem with "Crossfire" is what's plagued all of the show's final season: poor writing. Season eight doesn't involve the show's creator, and it's fair to say it doesn't remotely reflect the vision or style of the prior seasons. Worse, what's introduced in season 8 as a plot is full of holes and the plot idea itself lacks some basic logic.

"Crossfire" continues trying to justify and make sense of this new season 8 plot - and it continues to not remotely add up. Not only does "Crossfire" not make sense in terms of the series, but even within the frame of the season and the episode itself there are logic problems. As such, "Crossfire" is the crowning achievement of a cumulatively bad season.

However, "Crossfire" does have one saving grace. That last 30 seconds is the best part of the entire episode. Granted, it has nothing to do with what occurs in the episode. That's because it was a badly tacked on alternative ending that had been made in case the show was canceled.

Had they integrated this new ending better by cutting out the part just prior to the new 30 seconds they would have created a smoother transition. All they had to do was just bring the characters home and transition from there. This change would have fixed one of the logic problems in the script and created a better overall story. Doing so would have bumped my rating up to a five - but that's not what happens.

Despite the lack of integration, the last 30 seconds gives the main characters an ending worthy of what's occurred in the first seven seasons. It does so by going back to the creator's original ideas and bringing them full circle. If you can pretend the rest of the episode (and the season) didn't happen, it's a nice 30 seconds.
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There is nothing good in this episode
Jackbv1238 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fantasy. Pure fantasy.

This episode is full of holes. I won't even try to list them. And I could especially the last 10 minutes or so.

This episode raises Deep State conspiracy to the maximum level. The depth of conspiracy is beyond belief. And what was the purpose of it?

The twist just before the end makes no sense.

Some would consider the very final scene worthwhile, but it was a cheap trick by the writers just to give viewers what they wanted.
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Some things are so unbelievable, they are simply laughable...
stsorrell16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 8 has indeed been a hot mess to an otherwise charming show. Thank God it got canceled...I'd hate to see what a Season 9 would have looked like.

About Season 8 overall...

Why did they take Castle, a rather intelligent man, and make him look so silly in so many episodes by believing in (and totally committing to) fantasy or supernatural themes? Believing a man is a superhero? Believing in the anti-Christ? Come on...it just made him look stupid.

Most of the season showed Beckett and Castle separated...and for what? Yeah, I know what she told him and she had her reasons, but again...it was so freakin' illogical. They were supposedly separated because she was "protecting" him, but publicly it was told that she just "needed time" to process what had happened. But then in follow episodes, they fake fight with each other? What was the point of that?

This episode...I have two big questions...

The biggest, and silliest of all...an electromagnet so strong that it pulls the gun right out of your hand? Get real. Talk about lazy writing...the writers needed Kate to become disarmed...hey, I've got it! Let's have an electromagnet in the ceiling! Yeah, that's the ticket!

When Castle was in his apartment, promising to stay put, he decides to leave to go to the precinct. He walks outside and hails a cab...one that just so happens to be driven by Loksat's right hand man. How did this man know that Castle was going to leave the apartment at that exact time and that he was going to need a cab??? LAZY writing that makes ZERO sense.

So...this Loksat guy...how and why did he become such a big bad villain? He had senators and the CIA in his pocket. How? We've endured years of this storyline, only to have it butchered in the end, with very little backstory to help us understand what we've witnessed for 8 seasons. I know the show was unexpectedly canceled, but this ongoing (and seemingly endless at times) plot should have started wrapping up long before the final episode...or did they fully intend on carrying it through into a Season 9?

And the final scene from 7 years later...how? Castle surely would have bled out and died from his gunshot wound to the chest. Kate was hit in the abdomen, so she may indeed have survived, but Castle? No way. Then suddenly, 7 years later they have 3 kids and are living happily ever after? Maybe this is one of those times when Richard was fantasizing...

I loved this show for 7 seasons...it's bittersweet to witness its ending, but I'm not sure I could endure another season, even if Stana and the entire cast returned. The show just isn't what it once was.
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JTSnowcone5615 October 2016
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I really fell in love with this show back in the early days. The first few seasons were good, and I loved all of the interweaving story lines involved with the search for Beckett's mother's killer. However, the last couple seasons have really fallen off. The Locksat storyline was interesting, but not as good as their original underlying series storyline. And the ending to this episode (and ultimately the series overall) was way too hammy. They both get shot (assumed fatally) by an otherwise to be known dead character, which was a nice twist, but then they magically survive and have babies. It's way too cutesy of an ending for a show that had real promise in the beginning. I'm glad they ended it when they did, because the writers were obviously running on fumes.
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That was really dumb
barodabulldog1 September 2023
Wow, that was truly as bad as every negative review says. Illogical, poorly thought out, poorly written , which leads to poor performances. They fired the wrong lead at the end of the season.

I decided to watch this after some channel did a bunch of season 8 episodes in a row. This awfulness of this episode pretty well sums up what is saw of the final season.

The castle character was fast becoming useless. He seemed like an add on in most episodes. Arabia Katic's work with the team was solid. Castle just seemed out of place, he continually made stupid decisions, and was generally just a drag on the stories.

Also that last minute or so, wow. Who thought the last two scenes were a good idea. Somebody needs to go back to film school, then be expelled.
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confused ?????
Honesticedragon6924 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of off this is my first review on hare, HI. Just to let you know. O.K. Review time. Final of CASTLE was a great show now I wasn't there when it aired it's Pilot, but I did watch it later on, you may ask your self, how is this relevant? Well I'll tell you how. Even thou my first CASTLE Episod was not the Pilot and yes I did get the chance to watch the Pilot my first CASTLE Episod was Actually the Vampire Episod (I Can't recall the name of that episode sorry). Any ways Even though I started right in the middle of the First Season right away I fell in love with the Characters Spectually CASTLE, and not only that I got the Plot of the show right away, other shows if started at the middle of a season I would be asking Huh? and maybe not watch it again, but CASTLE is different some how.I thought the final Episod was much different Episod than the rest of the show, now I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thin,but I know this.CROSSFIRE: WHAT WHERE THEY THINK ?????? AT THE END WITH BOT CASTLE AND KAT GETTING SHOT AND WE FAST Forward TO SEVEN YEARS WITH NOTHING BUT WITH A HAY LOOK THE CASTLES HAVE A BOUNCH OF KIDS HUH?????? Assuming that Kat is not with the NYPD anymore nor has she gone back to the FBI I don't think it is realistic that they gave the Castles A Dozen kinds and what looks like one more on the way. So I was forced to imagine Spoiler ALERT: That after the Castles have been shoot the little scene at the end is a 'WHAT CULD HAVE BEEN' type of deal. And as for the rest of the Final it stunk, you could totally see it coming it is too predictable, in addition you could totally see how LokScpt really is. Even a blind person could see that and the things that could happen in that Final Episode it is that predictable. I'm sorry if it had gone to Season Nine I probably would stop being a fan of CASTLE just like I was with the first two CSI shows way before they where canceled (CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION and CSI:Miami) THE SHOWS GOT TOO PERDECTABLE!!!!!!! that is why I could only give this Final CASTLE Episod a 4 stars
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lor_1 September 2023
"Crossfire" is an exceptionally well-produced episode of the hit series, projecting a scale, including very fine location photography, that resembles a motion picture rather than a standard tv show segment.

Going up against a major internatonal crime organization, LokSat, the story makes good use of a team effort, not juts the leas solving evrything themselves. And there's plenty of suspense along the way, whipping up convincing danger for our heroes even though they must certainly come back intact next week -the show must go on.

Of special note is the balance between solid action scenes and the dialog/investigation material.
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